
Testing Quotes

There are 5516 quotes

"No calamity stays forever, and no luxury or joy stays forever. We are here for a trial and a test."
"Remember everything is a trial and a test and you are in the right place and Allah knows."
"We are like Abraham, tested to see if we also will respond with hesed and be like God who is the source of all hesed and loving kindness."
"Pillow fight: important, very important test for a good pillow."
"Try me at this, test me, and see," says the Lord of hosts.
"We need more resources to make sure that people are not only getting the care they need but also getting the tests they need so that they are not infecting other people."
"Test, test, test. Testing is the foundation of breaking transmission chains."
"If you make it a crime to have this virus, people just won't get tested."
"The most important single thing that every Melburnian can do: if you've got any reason to be concerned, any symptoms, get tested."
"As steel is tested by steel, man is tested by man."
"All of father's tests were passed by the synth, who resembles the future of the Commonwealth."
"Let's jump into the game and see if Flumpf is finally a real modern guard."
"This has been the most fun drone I've had to test. I've taken it everywhere."
"We're gonna test out how the difficulty is so far."
"These tests are the most accurate way to measure a web hosting performance."
"The world would still be better if an awful lot more people got tested. The numbers of people walking around untested with HIV is frightening."
"I think culture gets tested when times are rough."
"Testing is super important. We talked about it in an earlier lesson, but I can't stress it enough."
"I wish I could get tested so that I could just be like, 'Mom, I'm coming over. I'm gonna party.'"
"In the spirit of true testing, we had to actually battle test these scopes."
"The massive amount of testing in South Korea has paid off; they can see their enemy."
"God tests us to show us where we stand in alignment to Him, but He does not design or set us up for failure."
"The Turing test was a test that was created to really try to figure out, how do you know when a computer is intelligent?"
"We've successfully created a new task on our to-do list, and we've done it inside the smart contract, on the client side, and we've written tests to make sure that this works."
"It's very hard what we're doing. Hundreds of tests per year across imaging, MRI, ultrasound, blood tests...it's insane."
"You have to make it back in three hours. When in reality, it was a moral test. Will he do the right thing when he doesn't believe anybody's watching?"
"This is the perfect test bench for pushing technology and developments." - Lewis Hamilton
"I feel like they really want this to last. I feel like they're kind of testing it out."
"If you're testing someone, there are already doubts."
"God will test you; you can't serve God and love God without being tested."
"We in actual fact are here to be tested. It is a testing ground."
"Every single one of us in this room, every single one of us on earth, is tested in one way or another."
"We should implement prioritized testing for three specific groups: nursing home workers, health care workers and first responders, and patients in hospitals with respiratory symptoms or fever."
"What we're really talking about here is fairness and consistency in testing."
"Launching the Beacon Chain allowed for creating a separate parallel PoS chain that could be tested in production without having any direct impact on the existing PoW network."
"If you miss more than ten, you gotta take it again."
"If you don't want to use a condom, get tested, your partner gets tested, and you guys are in a trusting, ideally monogamous relationship."
"We're always testing the model and the idea is that we retest it till it breaks and then we see what we have to change in the model to make it compatible again with observations."
"So much fun. It's always a great day when we get to do testing."
"It'd be great to hand that out to like focus group testers who can go and make like custom examples of celebrities or whatever I want to see what I would look like."
"Before we start upgrading it, let's test out its effectiveness at level one."
"Consumer Reports is independent; they buy their own cars and test them."
"Testing is the most critical tool in knowing who is COVID-19 positive."
"Writing API tests is a critical skill for ensuring that your applications function as intended."
"Automation in testing is not just a luxury; it's a necessity for scaling and maintaining quality."
"God is never going to test you in something He hasn't tutored you for."
"Continuous integration is basically code is always having tests run through."
"We want to blow past our goal of 60,000 to 80,000 tests a day, aiming for a more robust testing strategy that includes community surveillance."
"We've done the legwork with testing on those 10,000 guys to figure out what are the fundamentals that actually work."
"Every time I get back to testing, it feels so good to work in that room surrounded with all the white noise of computers and all the challenges and cool problems you have to solve."
"Extensive clay modeling to fine-tune the design, along with numerous rounds of wind tunnel testing, achieved the optimum form."
"All of it, Allah is testing them differently than He's testing you but it's, at the end of the day, a test."
"We had more testing than any nation in the world. We had more testing than all of those nations put together."
"Always best to test your fabric, your thread, and what you're going to be working on before you start."
"We've made great progress over the last week. A million tests are in the field; every state lab in America can do coronavirus tests."
"Before using any trading strategies in your real account, you should backtest those strategies for at least one year."
"That's why we have to bring testing to scale across the board because it's true for everyone."
"Our goal is to have every state and local health department online doing their own testing by the end of next week." - CDC representative
"America is now conducting close to 350,000 tests per day."
"I am very impressed. I've been testing and swatching these over the past week or so."
"Sometimes you're tested and you fail, but you can redeem yourself."
"Testing tells you where the stones are and when to pause."
"Restricting testing to only people with obvious symptoms is not a good idea."
"Any move right now to reduce levels of testing by changing guidelines is a step in the wrong direction."
"Staff need to know that they can be routinely tested."
"If Britain has one route out of this nightmare before a vaccine, it is a functioning test and trace system."
"Now we are ramping up the testing and that is a good thing."
"Our best counsel, the experts, is if you have a question, call your doctor, call your healthcare provider, ask whether or not you should be tested."
"Real life isn't pretty, and what's the point of testing these things if I'm gonna keep trying until I get the perfect responses?" - Joe Handy
"A big part of the reason was to test it to make sure that it's actually working."
"Road trips are the best way to test your car."
"We're testing everybody that we need to test."
"This lack of diagnostic testing has been the biggest mismanagement of this outbreak."
"The test is over from this moment on you are a raven out of 10."
"Congratulations, you got five of five questions correct. You passed."
"Remarkably, this test boasted a 70% accuracy rate when put to the scientific test in 1963, showing that ancient wisdom sometimes surpassed expectations."
"There's never been a time when you have been more tested than you are now."
"This can cut down on the time between tests, which reduces costs and also can really accelerate the speed of innovation."
"The whole point of mass testing is to stop that pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission."
"There's a progression of tests and exercises that, if you follow, will give you a full picture of who you are."
"If you only remember one thing, look into the Johnson O'Connor aptitudes test."
"A great allegorical story about proving a sword, putting it through a tough test, and proving that it works."
"It's just awesome to see how reliable and smooth this testing has become."
"Now that we have a helicopter, we can also test out a plane."
"Testing is the backbone to getting out of the pandemic."
"I think the fact that there are tests patients now being identified locally has to do with that increase testing capacity and the change in the definition for who can get tested."
"Virtual machines can be very handy if you want to test out new operating systems."
"We also need serological testing for healthcare workers because we need to know if they're immune."
"Create multiple ads to test different creatives. Aim for 3 to 5 ads initially."
"With Alonzo, we're incredibly open, so the entire testing process will actually bring into the journey our pioneers, our partners, our SPOs, and eventually our community."
"Functions without if statements are easier to test. One test will do because there really is only one execution through your code."
"If in doubt, get a test. That is the most important thing that you can do to help control this virus across the country. Get a test. But don't get a test if you don't need a test because other people need a test, unless they don't need a test."
"We're just going to have a look and if the test says no Then nothing has changed if the test says yes then also nothing has changed because that's how it works."
"You want to make sure you change... and then test one."
"Once the booster was ready, once the ship was ready, everything that was left to do was just to test again the whole stack."
"Testing is an important part of a multi-faceted way that we are going to control and ultimately end this outbreak."
"First test best test: the fresher the level, the higher the probability."
"We've done more testing than any country in the world by far."
"I still think the original idea of the Turing test is a good test for intelligence... a real Turing test that really goes into depth."
"She's testing you as a man, she's trying to try to see your reaction."
"Spirituality should and can be tested by science."
"Is she going to be as fast as she looks? I hope so but definitely there is a lot of excitement in putting the car finally on the road."
"Don't be a one-and-done err. It takes time, energy, and a lot of testing before you realize what is actually going to work."
"The only way anybody's going to go... is if there is a valid way to test and verify."
"Testing your opponent matters so much. Like, you push bot in and Ryze is at the turret, start drag and make them show. It's a test. If Hecarim shows up to kick you off, then you know it's just like a gentleman's agreement."
"Don't be too disheartened if you spend a bit of money and you don't get any sales because this is all part of the testing process."
"This is testing times, people. This is the time when you get tested."
"Test the spirit by the spirit, okay? You will."
"We're doing more testing than anybody else in the world so we have more cases because we're doing far more testing than anybody in the world."
"Creative testing is just pure testing to identify a winning creative."
"I got a lot more value out of this second focused test than the first one."
"God's promotion usually comes in the midst of or coming out of a test."
"When a woman puts you under pressure, remember women bluff to test your strength."
"That's the winner over all of our testing over a band we put a lot of rounds downrange a lot of shooters and a lot of time out here and in the hot Sun the winner and congratulations to Robinson arms for coming through on our test"
"Until there is an effective treatment, a vaccine, or herd immunity, perhaps the most important thing a healthcare system itself can do to minimize the number of cases and deaths is test."
"For this, Quest Diagnostics received the first emergency use authorization in the US from the FDA to implement a technique known as 'pooled testing.'"
"Innovation such this is vital and the testing phase now underway will help achieve that objective."
"Abbott has stated that they will begin delivering 50,000 tests each day starting this week."
"There's some almost high school level chemistry tests certainly college level no more that can quickly and easily determine whether something has been constructed on earth or not."
"Taking this test will save you a ton of time and energy, trust me, because I've seen so many guys waste time on girls who clearly had no intention of dating them."
"Nothing can be fully judged until the game is live."
"Fire in any direction and you shall hit an enemy. A test of our warriors' mettle."
"The test obviously can't be wrong. Plague mass guy, clearly not incorrect."
"This newly formed team was about to be put to the ultimate test."
"In three weeks we went from 300,000 tests total to 3 million tests total in three weeks."
"Last week we cleared 100 million tests all across the country."
"Gauge your deck's power level by testing it against others and asking players."
"Even though each part has been individually quality tested, they are again tested to make sure that they do not lose any of their quality characteristics when assembled with other components."
"U6 Light came out on top in every single one of these tests."
"You're going to be tested but in a good way."
"The gum jabbar was to determine Paul's potential."
"You should prove a man before you approve a man."
"From that testing, I can report that it's a very solid, a very stable update..."
"U.S. military conducted three successful tests of hypersonic weapon component prototypes."
"Allah's plan is that he will give you more than what you need in order to see what you do with the extra excess."
"Scaling is easy and testing until you find something that works is the difficult part."
"Keep testing until you find something that works and then scaling is easy."
"The best part of this being you know setup the way it is is I can try different rooms of the house that have Ethernet plugs inside the rooms and see which is giving me the best coverage."
"Eighty percent of you who are getting sick do get a test and recording the app."
"If you test them under some sort of bottleneck scenario or you don't look at those edge cases that Tim talked about then you don't have all the information you can't make an informed decision."
"The future of scum: plan to test out all features, adjust or remove if overpowered."
"Silhouette test: see if it's still interesting."
"As long as they're making progress, that's okay. This is still a test program so I don't to set expectations too high for such an early vehicle."
"For the rest of the games start Mason and see what he can do."
"Testing yourself strengthens neural connections, making memory a natural reflex."
"Testing is an important component but it's not the only component."
"Tests can't tell you who you are. You have to find out."
"I tested it on certain topics and had to stop because it simply got the questions right every single time."
"We really need to fix this, this is something that you can like snakes for the crude flight test these are things that have to be fixed and then proven before you put humans on the spacecraft um yeah I think I summarized everything well enough."
"We try to maintain what we're already working on but also try to test that against all the new things that are being played."
"Testing ourselves is the way to get better results in a very efficient fashion."
"You have to test the waters first to find out what works."
"Earth is a proving ground for spiritual energy."
"It's challenging but it is also the most thrilling part of what we do because that, I mean that's why we do so much play testing right, is this working, are we getting them in the right head space, are we getting the right reactions?"
"There you have it truth is truth right the shield was 100% reliable in our testing no jams no hiccups no stovepipes no misfeeds nothing hollow point FMJ it was a hundred percent reliable that is awesome."
"You don’t test out your biggest weapons on the US. You try them out on a smaller target first, to see if they work."
"I was tested negative for the virus, allowed to leave home, the city is completely empty."
"We have better testing than any country in the world."
"The cases are going up because we do so much testing."
"You will probably have to identify a lot of images throughout the test."
"If you want to get the best score possible then you have to say exactly what is in the image."
"There might be more than one correct answer."
"The new tractor has to pass more than a hundred tests before it is allowed to leave the factory."
"Allah tests the rich people with the poor people, the healthy people with the unhealthy people, the strong people with the poor people."
"Most other countries go for a high-stakes knowledge-based test at the end of secondary school."
"God would test your faith before he bless you."
"Testing is a double-edged sword. We've tested now 25 million people, it's probably 20 million people more than anybody else."
"I came through to test you, representing when I'm up in effect."
"Seven-eighths of the road test is forward motion."
"You're gonna be tested. If you want to see something different and experience something different, you have to do something differently this time."
"Test-driven development means that you write the test before you write the code."
"Testing your code is the most exciting thing to do."
"When you write good tests for your code, it gives you more confidence."
"We think these are vocalizations at the beginning of a recording, something like hello testing, is this thing on?"
"The more predictions you test, the more sure you can be of your conclusion."
"Take the SAT. If you can, you know what's the worst that could happen?"
"The ACT is a better test overall. It is a smart person test, and SAT is like, 'Can you escape the labyrinth in time?'"
"It's not complete yet, they are testing and improving it every day."
"When a shaft is complete, it is balanced and tested to make sure that the spine is set to a six o'clock angle on every Club."
"Simply a test: Does God have the solution already?"
"The exit strategy in terms of massive testing is not yet in place we need massive testing and much more targeted intervention to get out of this lockdown strategy."
"Knowing the answer means nothing, testing your knowledge means everything."
"If you're in a long test, it's because there's a big reason."
"I make sure this is empty and I slam this against the floor to try to get that to break."
"The testing information isn't public; it's owned by the company that does the test." - Peter Apps
"It's always good to have this validation, like if you're creating a checklist of test cases, this is something that you should do."
"You should always have a testing campaign for creatives and audiences."
"I'm typically shooting into that when I am test firing a blaster."
"A test is an invitation to draw close to Allah. I see it that way anyway. It's always an invitation, but it can knock someone's relationship with Allah badly."
"In terms of risks, what are the risks with this section that we need to tackle with new tests? Absolutely not actually, visual tests take care of all of the risks they are for us."
"Testing can really help you out and give you a more efficient way to check things and prevent future errors."
"When writing functions, don't assume that your function is working. Make sure to test it with all different kinds of values."
"I hope this gives you an idea for why you can't trust cooler testing just kind of out of the box."
"It is one of the best devices of any kind that we’ve ever had the pleasure of testing."
"If you reach certain values, we can run more advanced tests to try and see exactly where that blockage is."
"We need widespread ubiquitous testing contact tracing while we open society up."
"I tested on a platform that most of you wanted me to test with."
"The test is designed to elevate you, to upgrade you, to prepare you."
"A bond between you and another person is going to be tested, and y'all both will pass... Loyalty test is coming about between you and somebody else."
"People they want to check it out, they want to test the durability, they want to see what's really happening, they want to see what's really real."