
Pirates Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"Something about the devil-may-care attitude of the main character and swashbuckling nature of pirates in general was very infectious."
"What's a pirate's favorite letter? You would think it would be 'R', but my first love be the sea."
"If you like pirates, there should be something in Sea of Thieves for you."
"You think it'd be R, but it really be the sea."
"Although they were pirates, they were not uncivilized."
"It was a never-ending party, thrown by pirates and enjoyed by pirates."
"The Prince of pirates... dressed in fancy clothes and exhibited polite manners."
"Welcome to Skull and Hearts, pirate Paradise, time to make a name for ourselves."
"The era of dreams, the era of pirates will never die."
"Monkey D. Garp, the legendary Hero of the Marines, having fought many times against the Pirate King himself."
"Was the ancient kingdom actually a kingdom of pirates? And would the king of this kingdom be called the pirate king?"
"The only organization on this planet that could actually defeat the world government in all-out war is pirates."
"Every pirate that they capture has about a 50/50 or better shot at making the world a slightly better place."
"The world was very nearly conquered by pirates."
"There's another theory that pirates could have come from inside the ship."
"Pirates are not just about murder and plunder, it's about the adventure and having fun."
"Let me know how you would survive Blackbeard's crew."
"I'd also love to spend a day with uh, Robin Captain Robin because I love the idea of pirates."
"The Straw Hat Alliance is my favorite pirate crew."
"Pirates vs. dinosaurs, the island is filled with dinos, pirates trying to dig up some treasure."
"Being the king of pirates is the one person in the world with the most freedom on all of the seas."
"Pirates want absolute freedom and change, while Marines want control and stability."
"If there's one thing that all great pirates have in common, it's their appreciation for dreams."
"Fortunately, me and the pirate crew have got a cannon, our swords, and our guile."
"The Pirates, the coolest thing about the Pirates, we had a father's trip every year. Oh, so badass."
"Many of the most famous pirates in One Piece have real world inspirations."
"The Pirates decide that to reach Ace, they need to climb over ORS Jr."
"Now bring me that Horizon, drink up me hearties yo ho."
"The original attraction showed a gang of pirates that ransacked a town and had their way with pretty much everyone there."
"It's a pirate medallion. This is Aztec gold. The greed of Cortez was insatiable."
"We know the Pirates like to shadow vulnerable ships and then attack in the half-light of dawn or dusk."
"They have the upper hand at the moment, lately they've been lying in wait and just wait for warships to be somewhere else, wait for the right match and is thought to come along."
"...Blackbeard's Bounty was actually the lowest of the yonko at 2.2476 billion berries today things have changed though he now has a bounty of 3.996 billion."
"the Yonko are largely considered to be the captains of the four strongest pirate crews in the world"
"It's one of the best adventure movies you can think of. No one has done it better than pirates in the last 20 years."
"The pirate lords Henry Morgan and Bartholomew establish the Pirates code in the Pirata codex."
"This is the history of the real pirates of the Caribbean."
"The legacy of the pirates lives on in our modern-day media depictions."
"Perhaps we should best remember the pirates for their behavior with one another, enshrined in their codes of conduct."
"It is this egalitarian spirit that should be the legacy of the real pirates of the Caribbean."
"One Piece values good and bad actions, especially with how the systems in this world use their power. There are no good or bad pirates; there are just Pirates Who sometimes do good things and Pirates Who sometimes do bad things."
"The world government tries to cover up the very existence of the Rocks Pirates."
"Yo ho, ho ho, pirates life for me! ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ"
"I really love Pirates... This made me want to keep watching it."
"This is a world of pirates, villains, and misanthropes."
"They sometimes were basically just naval units of some country operating unofficially or as a proxy in some combat, privateering - where they act as pirates but hold a commission from a government, preying on an enemy’s shipping."
"Writing about pirates overthrowing governments every week: 12 million fans on Earth."
"This is a day that you will always remember as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow."
"I guess Pirates don't have to be all bad."
"Freedom and inherited will the major forces that have driven this adventure these legendary pirates are written to provide a model for luffy to live up to and the further we get into the story the closer the resemblance becomes."
"Space travel in general does clash with anything to do with classical Pirates."
"Rocks might have raided the vaults with his crew and then brought it back on the ship."
"We're not Sailors, we're Pirates. We haven't sailed together for very long, but we have already defeated an evil clown. I knew we're just getting started."
"The beginning of the 'Great Pirate Era'."
"What is really more piratey than a treasure chest?"
"I bet pirates didn't even have anchors, they just told the boat not to move"
"A non-lethal match between Pirates."
"The ancient kingdom was a kingdom of pirates boom done."
"A rainbow is a pirate's best friend."
"This is the story of two of the most famous pirates to ever sail the seas."
"Who says pirates have to be scary?"
"I feel like pirates were just going from town to town, stealing some supplies and hooking up with women, drinking."
"Buggy, right? Binky sounds cooler. I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are."
"The pirates were in the moonlight, going from normal composition to these like skeletons."
"And uh what got you interested? Well uh, it's a dream I mean, it's a fantasy of every kid, yeah, that's what got me interested back in grade school in high school I spent half of my study periods reading about Blackbeard and pirates and treasure and Treasure Island."
"Why would some of the strongest Pirates and Marines in the world willingly give up their ability to swim?"
"We could do a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon."
"I feel like this right here i'm having a conversation with like a faction leader of these like really badass pirates rum ahoy apparently has a song called harambe the pirate gorilla i'm on board with it."
"Treasure was not the only important thing in a pirate's life."
"Holy crap this was a pirate crew that fought against the Marines and they won holy crap we're awesome."
"The death of Ace and Whitebeard broke the world so much that the new era of pirates have begun"
"Blackbeard was able to consume two devil fruits and harness both respective abilities without his body exploding."
"It's got robot pirate ships, but no robot pirate monsters yet."
"I'm going Pirates. You are without doubt the worst coffee I've ever heard of, but you have heard of me."
"For his success, Captain Ogle was awarded a Knighthood, the only British naval officer to be honored specifically for his actions against Pirates."
"Heroes are beholden to always doing the right thing they have to act whereas Pirates are free to do what they want."
"Giving him this idea that pirates were not just something to be feared they could be heroic and brave and fun and a family."
"It's important to note here that when the world government hears that the Rocks Pirates are heading to God Valley, they don't send any Admirals."
"Pirates are cool didn't always do good stuff but always cool you know."
"Pirates were coming, the villagers got agitated."
"It's just like the poem in Lee's book, 'Of marauding men at sea many books have told the tale but of all the pirates in all the world the most fearsome were female.'"
"Pirates have played a significant role in history, and there are pirates to this day, so it should come as no surprise that people find the stories of pirates to be interesting."
"Phoebe makes some reference like Oh pirates like hot Johnny Depp pirates."
"I've never felt so much like I'm on a pirate adventure that I have in this."
"The Pirates have kind of taken a little bit of the headlines because they're off to another hot start."
"The entire function of pirates as a concept used in this series of films should have changed."
"Now I get why all pirates fear him. Okay, I'm scared now."
"Pirates! What kind of pirate are you?"
"There may have been a couple of cases of pirates hiding their valuables but most times their gains were invested in what really mattered to them: booze, tobacco, gambling, and women."
"If you like pirate adventures, this is gonna be your place."
"They're gonna party because they're pirates."
"A storied land of pirates and contraband, outlaws and lawlessness, that bred a culture of fierce independence and self-reliance."
"Shanks is the top of the top when it comes to Pirates, the peak."
"He swung his sword bravely and threw over the pirates who tried to stop him."
"Some Pirates of renown operating in the Ston Spine Archipelago include Ziren Bay, this Kessi pirate commands The Galley Undertow."
"Charleston had a pirate problem... but not all were bad."
"This summer, I was at the beach. But then, I saw... no... yes, pirates are even cooler than sharks! Yarrrr!"
"Everything's better with pirates, except maybe Somalia."
"Pirates occupy every system and reduce... I just met him, but he's the best."
"What compelled us to be this again? I have a thing for pirates and I was talking about pirates recently with you in deep great detail."
"The Whitebeard Pirates were out there, not like Whitebeard himself."
"What's cool about this whole idea of pirates going on adventures is that we get to see so many sceneries."
"They bring a human and comedic element to the pirate Mythos that connects to the rebellious Misfit inside all of us."
"The blood saell Buccaneers are just one of the numerous pirate factions navigating the vast Seas of Azeroth."
"The Pirates swinging from the ropes was really cool. I loved the set, the displays, I loved walking through there. I don't know why, I was just kind of mesmerized."
"Literacy rates among pirates were substantially higher than the rest of the population."
"We're going to become stronger and we're going to be the greatest pirates in the Grand Line and we're going to find One Piece."
"Pirates like to sing, right? Well, you got me there."
"The pirates are better than the world government themselves."
"There's a deep love for the mythology of pirates, let alone combining that with Disney and Johnny Depp and a great script."
"The Pirates weren't really the bad guys."
"All good stories involved Pirates."
"Don't all good stories involve pirates?"
"We're here now, Shanks versus Kid, or Redhead Pirates versus the Kid Pirates."
"Because after all, don't all good stories involve pirates?"
"He's fit to be the King of the Pirates."
"Pirate should still dream and that the new age of pirates will never die because dreams will always live."
"Pirates can't do anything in the ordinary while they love their following their dreams, their passions."
"One Piece, the manga about pirates, has so much to say."
"The dreams of pirates will never end."
"But when we were calling for help, it wasn't the Navy who came to save us, it was those pirates."
"This pirate isn't afraid of anything, not even sharks."
"For an entire decade, the narrative was building towards the inevitable collision between this ferocious emperor of the sea and our favorite band of wacky pirates."
"We're going to kick some ass, get the girl back, get the devil fruit back, and become badass pirates."
"This play is gonna be about pirates, and I'm gonna be Captain Buster Beard. Yar!"
"Shout out to the Pirates who are 5-0 for the first time since 1983."
"Don't all great stories involve pirates?"
"All good stories involve pirates, those dangerous rogues who plied their evil trade across the seven seas."
"We probably do what we want to do as well, rebellious like pirates."
"Are you ready for a glimpse into the real world of pirates?"
"Seeing Captain Barbosa on the float... it's a whole pirate ship."
"What is a pirate's favorite letter? You think it's 'R' but it be the 'C'."
"The pirates picked up the castle and took it with him on their ship."
"We can stand and fight and show these pirates we're not afraid."
"I love fictional pirates as well, good job."
"Pirates laugh in the face of danger."
"We're stuck on Pirate Island; we're castaways!"
"Life lesson: never trust a pirate."
"A pirate has two favorite letters: 'R' and the 'sea'."
"Why couldn't the pirates play cards? Because the captain was standing on the deck."
"The original El Dorado Fortress was one of the most memorable pirate sets Lego ever released."
"I'm a big fan of fictional pirates."
"We're off to Loguetown, a very important place where the literal King of Pirates was born and died."
"It's like ginger beer with mango green tea and rum. This is refreshing. Wow, who knew that pirates liked the finer things in life?"
"Get off me ship, you scurvy dogs!"
"Prepare to be boarded, you yellow-livered hammock monkeys!"
"You're talking with the future king of the Pirates."
"I'm going to find it and become king of the Pirates."
"Morally ambiguous pirates, a shady government organization, secret scripts written on indestructible stone."
"It's their home, especially as pirates."
"It comes down to pirates achieving their dreams, achieving their goals."
"And don't all great stories involve pirates?"
"Pirates... both the stuff of legend and of history."
"With lives as fascinating as their legends, these men will be remembered for centuries to come."
"Pirates cool and hidden treasure awesome."
"Why can't pirates remember the alphabet? They get lost at C."
"Pirates are freer than anyone else in the world."
"That's what pirates are known to do, go to island to island and help in reconstruction efforts."
"The pirates are coming, the pirates are coming!"
"I'm the man who will be king of the pirates!" he yells.
"Where do pirates buy their hooks? At a second hand store."
"We're like the coolest pirates ever, look at us right now, look at us, we're fashionable."
"Pirates are seen a little bit differently in the Grand Line, I see."
"It also used to be home to over 5,000 Pirates, so you could imagine there was plenty of booty over there."
"It's how you look at pirates that makes them bad or good, and I see us as members of a noble brotherhood."
"Welcome to Pirate Talk, one of my favorite talks."
"I'm someone who's done my fair share of independent pirate research because I just find them fascinating."
"I personally really enjoy learning about true pirate history and knowing about what they were truly like."
"Great teamwork, you finally learned something from us pirates."
"They decide that they are going to be called the Riptide Pirates."
"If you or a little pirate in your group has ever wanted to sleep in a full-on pirate ship, now's your chance to do so over at Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort."
"Yargh! We fixed it! Great job pirates!"
"I'm Luffy, I'm gonna be king of the Pirates."
"I'm gonna be King of the Pirates, I'm gonna be King."
"The pirate genre is fascinating; it's awesome."
"Come on, ye pirates, gather 'round, there's pirate treasure to be found!"
"It's not Talk Like a Pirate Day, but this model will make you talk like a pirate."
"I've always been in love with the whole pirate concept."
"We're going to be pupils at the Sunny Sand School for Pirates."
"What's a pirate's favorite letter? Some say it's 'R', others the 'sea', but to me, it's 'you', Debbie."
"One Piece... a pirate crew that comes together to be family... they come together to support each other's goals because of what they see in each other."
"What's a pirate's favorite letter? You think it's 'R' but it be the 'C'."
"Buried treasure, the very word seemed to conjure up images of swashbuckling pirates, Spanish doubloons, and roll-top chests buried deep in the earth."
"Pirates are well known for wearing stripes."
"Not all pirates are bad guys; some people just want to be free and not tied with anything."
"Batten down the hatches, mateys—this is how you might be able to beat the weird and wacky pirates of One Piece."
"What is a pirate's favorite letter? Everyone thinks it's 'AR', but it's not; most pirates love the 'C'."
"When you have an old, wealthy city that's on the port, that's on the ocean, what does that attract? Pirates."
"Come seeking a good dinner and salty old pirates, eh? Well, you've come to the proper place."
"This city was a haven for pirates and privateers."
"Pirates flocked to Port Royal, constituting a large percentage of its rapid population and economic growth."
"You come seek an adventure in salty old pirates, eh?"
"I want to be the King of the Pirates!"
"Being the Pirate King is simply the one who is the most free."
"The Pirate King is the person that has the most freedom in the seas."
"I'm going to become a great pirate and show them all. I won't run away from anyone, I won't lose to anyone."
"I'll make the whole world know my name."
"Come seek an adventure in salty old pirates."
"Pirates are the focus of the story, so having a strong antagonistic force makes for great tension and moments."
"The clash between Roger and White Beard was nothing short of majestic."