
Intention Setting Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"When you put your toothbrush down, take a minute to look at yourself, set an intention, and then high-five your reflection. It might feel weird and awkward, but it is neurologically and scientifically impossible to raise your hand, high five your reflection, and think negative thoughts at the same time."
"Prayer is... just an opportunity to manifest, to express gratitude, and to really firmly set your intentions of what you want."
"Manifestation and creation are multi-layered. It's always good for us to be setting new intentions, not that we hold them with a tight grip, but to allow our souls into the picture of our humanity."
"A solar eclipse is a super big New Moon, a fantastic time to set a new intention."
"Setting intentions is huge... intend the way that you want things to go."
"Take a moment to set an intention for your practice."
"Remember, cleanse your energy, get your head right, cut those cycles, and plant the seeds of intention and watch it flourish. For real, no cap."
"I don't even create or like, um, I literally just hold a couple intentions."
"Now is a very powerful time to plant those seeds of intention for a vision of the future of your life."
"If we can come together in the community, they can't beat us. It's not possible."
"You're in control of your own thoughts, and they create your reality."
"Know that the universe has heard you. You have put your plan and your intentions into effect."
"Set clear and specific intentions for what you are trying to manifest."
"Prayers are being answered, keep writing down the outcome you want to see."
"Set the intention of how you want it to be, and that alone will help you to create the success you desire."
"Make sure you check out mysticmommy.com to get you some beautiful crystals and gemstones for whatever intention you are seeking."
"You need to declare what it is that you want, it's a declaration."
"Let the universe and other people know what you want."
"Set the intention to bring balance back into your life."
"When moments are bad, that means what happens next is only going to be better."
"It's about structure, planning, and setting intentions."
"This solar eclipse is illumination that really creates incredibly fertile soil for starting something new, setting intentions..."
"Make a wish, set an affirmation, declare your will, declare your intention."
"The moment you set an intention in the universe, it has to come back to you."
"You should always set an intention before you begin a reading."
"This is a perfect time to plant a new seed, set a new intention for what you want to manifest in your life."
"Really starting to your point about kind of small promises starting with setting the intentions."
"Set that intention now and claim it into your life."
"An eclipse is a new moon when we plant seeds effectively. Focus on how you want your life to feel, not just what you want it to look like."
"I will let this candle burn all the way out to really release that intention to the universe of more money and abundance for you."
"Take a moment to set an intention for your practice today."
"Your intention is being set, sent out into the universe."
"Set your intentions for the year ahead. There is magic in the air."
"It's time to program how you want your life to be, what you want to manifest."
"Set intentions for any spiritual awakening that you want to happen now."
"Set the intention to awaken the light codes inside of your body."
"New moons are all about sowing new seeds, setting intentions, and then following through."
"Speaking intentions are really important. Speak it like a spell, an incantation, or literally a mantra."
"Your power strictly lies in your words as well, pile one. You'll learn how to even bind someone or something with your words and intentions."
"Choose an idea adequate for your need, the divine plan accepts only your success conviction."
"Set intentions every morning, visualize the outcome, and fuel your energy into manifestation."
"It's time to plant seeds of intention right now if something's broken... decide what's next."
"Meditating is probably the most important part of my morning routine because I get to relax my mind focus on what I want in my day and then to create it when you set intentions you begin to create your reality and how it's going to go."
"We need to set our intention to bring our shadow down."
"Set positive intentions each day to attract what you desire."
"That day is going to be the day that you're going to set the intentions to do those things that you feel have been holding you back."
"Set an intention today and then be patient and fan the flames of that sort of intention."
"Just get very, very focused on what I do want in life."
"Write down what you want and release it back into energy."
"Set your intention, what you put your energy into will grow, it will flow."
"Set the intention to focus on something joyful that's going to expand your world."
"I knew what I wanted and I knew what my soul wanted, that's why I wrote the list."
"Prayer is the art of yielding to the wish and not the forcing of the wish."
"Setting your intentions for the next 10 to 15 minutes to release any past conditioning."
"It's almost like the new year. Set your intentions."
"It's time to set your intention for a new adventure in your career, whatever that means for you."
"Quartz is easily programmable, allowing you to set your intention."
"Setting intentions, putting action into what we're wanting."
"The deeper level truth here is the reason that you've been guided to so many of these different intentions is actually because they are mutually reinforcing to each other."
"Set your intentions to move more quickly on opportunities."
"Set a new intention for what you want to manifest in your life."
"Setting the intention that whatever this is that you're going to be sharing gift wrapping and sharing with the world that it's going to be remarkable that it's going to be brilliant that's going to be magnificent."
"Exhale hands towards your heart, let's find that Center intention as we inhale chair utkatasana."
"When you let the universe know what you want, you create space for the universe to deliver it to you."
"Set the intention that you connect to your higher self in a deeper way than you have ever before."
"Set your intentions. Engage your imagination. What life do you want to create for yourself?"
"The journey starts when you set the intention. As soon as you set the intention that I want to grow and I am sick of my current self, the path will unfold."
"Be really, really certain about your intentions right now because whatever you set forth over this six-month period is going to come true."
"Set the intention and detach, and know that it's coming to you because it's in alignment with your life's purpose."
"Set the intention that the energies play out for our highest good."
"Set your intention about what it is that you want."
"Create a statement of intention; claim your power and divine purpose."
"It's a new beginning, it's a new moon, perfect time to set a new intention for whatever you want to manifest in your life."
"Place the left hand on your heart, your right on top of that, and seal the intention that we just made."
"Manifesting can be as simple as saying, 'This is what I'm going to do, this is my intent, it's going to happen, it's done.'"
"Set intention, ask for a blatant sign that your angels are by your side."
"Now is an extremely powerful time for setting intentions, co-creating your reality, and manifesting your dreams."
"Every single day you have an opportunity to get up and say it's a great day because that's the intention you set."
"Meditate on those things and set your intentions for how you want to evolve later on."
"We can change our reality in leaps in jumps. We set a clear intention, we focus, we're in a higher energy state, and we release it to the universe, and the universe delivers much more quickly than that."
"The real purpose of visualization is to channel your intention."
"Visualize, desire, believe, accept, intend, act, and then allow - the seven steps of manifesting."
"Cleanse your energy, magnify your intentions... for your highest and greatest good."
"Cancer season is all about planting the seeds of intention that set the tone for the next six months."
"Somebody's coming towards you, they've already set an intention."
"The contrast shows us what we don't want, so we can set our intentions to focus on what we do want, manifest that."
"Tell the universe what you want and make it happen."
"Victory will be yours set your intention and watch it come back to you."
"Make sure that your intentions are clear, that things are really thought out."
"You're putting your feelers out there, you're broadcasting signals, Universe I think I want to move."
"Write them down, speak them, think them. Put all of your positive intentions out there."
"Believe that your intentions have been communicated on a deeper subconscious level."
"Intention is the vehicle that fuels my desire into being. I trust that my confidence in believing will call forth the reality that I would like to see."
"You just have to keep sending the universe signals of what you want."
"Your intention is what you truly desire and what you truly want... it's the why behind the why." - Nate
"Every day can be a different intention... create habits and rituals and daily routines that align with what you are trying to get to." - Nate
"It is time to set your intention that you're leaving your single life behind, you're gonna go out there and you're going to mix mingle do your thing and call in a love relationship."
"Everything you set your intention and focus on will be manifesting in your life."
"It's all about letting go of things that no longer serve and setting intentions."
"November the 11th, it's the perfect date to set an intention, light a candle, and manifest."
"I'm setting the intention that this week be awesome for you."
"It's really just about setting your intentions clear and making sure that you're not forcing the situation."
"Confirm your intention with a big breath in."
"It's all about deciding what you want and planting those seeds of intention."
"Don't wait for January 1st, start planting those seeds of intention right now during Capricorn season."
"You set the intention but then you let go you just let freaking go."
"Manifest your desires with detailed intention. Know what you want, know what you deserve."
"Scorpio's death card, that's a solid way to set your intentions."
"Think about your intent, be pretty creative."
"When you begin to set intentions, things begin to change."
"This is one of the best new Moons for setting intentions around relationships."
"You're going to be planting a lot of new intentions... this is really building your world."
"This is a time where you would want to set intention for that stability to come through."
"Anything in alignment with your deepest truth, set intentions for it."
"Set intentions to draw in what you deeply desire."
"Do your meditations this week, set your intentions, because intention setting manifesting also ties into the crown chakra."
"It's okay to not be so about intended, intended, intended, like vision boards and creating all these things. It's okay to just let things flow to you."
"Every time we've done an intention, we've seen some amazing results."
"Set your intention today to live your best life."
"Tell your brain what you want, take responsibility for the words and pictures you use."
"Set the intention that you are ready and willing to receive the messages that you need the most."
"Utilize the portal energies to bring that balance, set an intention to ask spirit, and to visualize the balance in your life."
"We're setting intentions to support your connection to you your worthiness your self-esteem your value your effort and energies as well that you put into yourself."
"You see the things that you don't want so that you know how to use your wishes and your intention setting to create the things you do want."
"Reflecting on the past month helps set intentions for the month ahead."
"In yoga we call this Senculpa it's like a little seed that we plant right here and now as we set the intention and then it flowers and grows throughout breath and movement the whole practice."
"Take a second here to just deepen the breath and set an intention for your practice."
"Writing your intention down or saying it out loud helps because it kind of solidifies your intention."
"Release the tension of that and you set the intention for what's next."
"Now is the time to really set the intention."
"Setting intentions is one of the best ways that we can really make our practices more meaningful for us."
"Add whatever intention you would like."
"These morning Yoga practices are a great way to help us set an intention for the day ahead."
"It invites you to make space by cleansing the old so that you may set new intentions and new belief systems to empower you in the days to come."
"...morning Pages where we're sitting down first thing in the morning and using this to write out the intentions for the day."
"This is a month where our energies are most importantly needed to ask ourselves the questions what light, what energy, what intention does my world need."
"Let the universe know what you want, let others know, and basically set your intentions."
"I'm going to light a candle and set an intention. This is a perfect time to set intentions everyone."
"Take this moment to set an intention for yourself for the class."
"Setting your intention for your practice today."
"Setting your intentions helps you go into your day already feeling accomplished and gives you clarity."
"Set your intention, set your stall, and then make sure that you have lightness and positivity and a sense of playfulness in what you do."
"Set our intention for our practice."
"Be open but specific in your vision board, focusing on what resonates with your soul and energy."
"What's the most important part of my morning routine? It's remembering the intention."
"Just drink the tea right before bed and set the intention that this time is for dream work."
"It's setting the intention that while you are sleeping, you are going to allow the subconscious to surface as it will."
"Be very specific as to what you want to manifest."
"You're very powerful at manifesting and you may really want to set intentions around a new moon."
"The mornings are really important for us especially to set good intentions."
"Light that candle, spiritual candle; set intentions."
"Set an intention for your practice today, a word, a quality that you would like to strengthen, to reinforce."
"Take a moment to set an intention for your class today, for your practice."
"Bring your hands to your forehead to remind us to have clear and loving thoughts."
"Set your intention right now, take 10 seconds."
"Let's take our hands together in front of the hearts and take a moment to set an intention for our practice today."
"Set a little intention, feel the energy you've cultivated."
"Use the power of the force to set your intention for the day."
"Bring your hands together in front of the heart, taking a moment here to set your intention for your practice today."
"Let this also be an opportunity to set an intention."
"Let's take the hands together, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and set an intention for your practice."
"Can you just take this moment to set an intention, whether it's personal or physical, you choose."
"It helps us to establish our intention as we move forward into pregnancy as well as begin the preparation for labor and delivery."
"I plan on doing a quote... it just kind of helps me have intentions for the planner that I'm working in."
"It's a time where I can strengthen my relationship with God, remember what's important in my life, be grateful for what I have, but also organize my thoughts for the day and set an intention for the day."
"Set your intention for your practice today, allow yourself to find bravery to move beyond the things that scare you."
"With that information, perhaps setting an intention for what you would like to get out of this time that we have together."
"Take a quiet moment to set an intention to enjoy the entire journey, starting with the airport experience."
"Everything is about intention; your intention to ask for a message from the primal sea."
"We're creating very quickly, so think about what you want to manifest."
"Setting intention for what it is that you want in a relationship is very important."
"Let's just take a moment, close our eyes, check out our shoulders, create an intention for this practice."
"Remind yourself of your intention, why is it that you practice."
"Create an intention for your practice today, so why are you showing up?"
"Set an intention, something that you want, something that you're working toward."
"Bring to mind your intention, repeating it to yourself three times in the present tense."
"Set that intention, take a nice deep breath here, and try to be more connected to your body in the movement."
"You shouldn't be looking around seeing what other people are doing; this is the time to really set your intention."
"You can have exactly your heart's desire if you order from the catalog."
"Bring your hands into prayer, set an intention for your evening, and whenever you're ready, let go with a gentle sigh, letting the energy spread."
"Just take a moment here to set your intention for your practice."
"Giving yourself this opportunity to set the tone for your day."
"This is where you are at your most powerful, where you set the intention for the following year."
"Set an intention for your on-the-mat practice and for how you'll behave when you step off this mat and into your day."
"Set your highest intention daily."
"Maybe setting a nice intention or a positive affirmation before we begin our practice."
"The new moon is an invitation to set intentions that reach for your highest possibility in every area of your life."
"Linking breath and movement, and when the hands land at heart center, set an intention for yourself here."
"Forge forward as we get clear on our intentions for our whole new world."
"Set yourself a crystal clear intention for today, based in how you want to grow just a little bit out of your comfort zone, just a baby step, just to move a little bit beyond."
"Manifest financial abundance, set new intentions when it comes to money."
"Set up an intention for this practice."
"Set your intention now; what's your goal, what are you working for?"
"Set any solid intention for this practice, you can just set the simple intention of self-discovery or slowing down."
"Set an intention for your practice today; an intention is just a positive, simple statement."
"Set an intention for how you want to spend the rest of your day."
"Use this time to set an intention for your practice."
"Set an intention for your day. How do you want to show up? What matters most?"
"This Capricorn new moon is an invitation to set our intentions before the year begins, to really understand the direction we want to move in."
"New moon in the sign of Capricorn is an energy of setting intentions, but long-term intentions."