
Heredity Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case, the melon doesn't grow far from the rind."
"If you, through the randomness of development, happen to have a particularly great liver, you're not going to pass that on to your children. That isn't in your germline."
"10 hereditary monarchies survive in Europe today."
"It turns out, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree."
"Let go of the idea you're a victim of heredity. Recognize that the mind is creating through the brain chemistry that complements the picture."
"Higher-level parents, the better can result in bloodline trait."
"Can parents pass on environmental responses to their offspring?"
"Of course heredity matters, of course mate selection matters, and of course these things are highly heritable."
"Genetics studies genes, heredity, and genetic variation."
"Caesar inherited the boosted brain juice from his mother and his intelligence rapidly evolves, far exceeding the brain age of human kids the same age."
"Your microbiome is to some degree the product of your grandmother's or grandfather's microbiome."
"What is the bearing of the laws of heredity upon human affairs?"
"We don't just give our children DNA, we give our kids recipes."
"Trauma is hereditable, it can actually be passed on."
"Genetics are deep stuff. Jumps around and it kicks over and lays down for a minute, it pops back up. That's how that kind of thing works."
"So if you are genetically lactose intolerant then whether your children are or not depends on the gene of your partner too because if you if your partner is lactose tolerant and they're lucky they'll get that Gene and not yours."
"The reliability of heredity is really deceiving... and that bio-prompting in this way is actually really powerful."
"If you have a guy who's lucky enough to have a dad and grandfather with a full head of hair probably he's going to have the same and vice versa."
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree."
"40 to 60 percent of the recurrence of certain personality traits across generations can be explained by heredity."
"Just because it ran in my family does not mean it has to run through me."
"Is there more to our heredity than just DNA?"
"My mom's just blessed with the gift and she passed it on to me."
"If there is something in your genetics that you feel like has been running in the family, you have the ability to turn up or turn down things in the genetics that you pass on to those babies."
"The apple does not fall too far from the tree."
"One of the first things that people are going to point to is genetics, right?"
"If you don't address your own health issues, your children may inherit them."
"Genes, which were sections of the chromosome that coded for a specific trait."
"Schizophrenia tends to run in families and if one twin has it there's something like a 70 or 80 chance that the other one will have it as well because it's not one inherited gene it's just like a cluster of genes."
"Heredity is such a profound thing to us in terms of how we define ourselves. And so to be tampering with heredity seems like one of the great transgressions."
"The idea that there's something inside us, some properties, some features that get passed down through the generations."
"So although they look different, they're different sizes and different attitudes, that's how genetics works."
"Our personalities are passed on through genetics. I believe so. Nature over nurture."
"Now we know it's not in my jeans."
"Mendel was accurately able to predict the patterns of heredity by studying the rules related to genetics."
"Genes, which are fundamental units of heredity, are responsible for passing down traits from one generation to the next."
"The children of overweight people tend to be overweight too."
"Cherry doesn't fall far from the tree."
"In the vast majority of cases, lymphedema is not hereditary."
"I do reassure most of my patients with lymphedema that it is really unlikely that they will pass it on to their children."
"Everybody in the Joestar family has definitely always had, including me."
"The children of parents that have suffered from any kind of addiction are eight times more likely to develop an addiction of their own."
"In this chapter, we will dive deeper into those units of heredity called genes."
"If a parent carries the mutated gene that causes HD, their children have a 50/50 chance of developing Huntington's as well."
"It's estimated that five to ten percent of breast cancers are linked to inherited genetic mutations."
"The best predictor of whether you'll be a professional baseball player is whether your father was a professional baseball player."
"Virtually all of the traits that we've discussed so far this semester are controlled or influenced in one way or another by genetics and heredity."
"There is definitely a genetic component to migraines."
"Women who have female family members who went through a natural menopause at an early age are also at increased risk of going through an early menopause."
"Hereditary information is encoded in DNA and reproduced in all cells of the body."
"Not all heritable characters are determined as simply as the traits in Mendelian studies."
"A patient who has a BRCA mutation may actually have that mutation in all the cells of their body."
"He literally bred thousands and thousands of different pea plants in order to learn the basics of heredity."
"This pattern turned out to be the basics of genetics and heredity."
"Nucleic acids are the molecules that store, transmit, and help express hereditary information."
"Genetics is the study of genes and their inheritance."
"Gentle natured much like our parents."
"The DNA inherited by an organism leads to specific traits by dictating the synthesis of particular proteins."
"The inheritance of DNA from one generation to the next is a fundamental aspect of life."
"You only need one parent to have blue eyes in order for the babies to have blue eyes as well."
"The secret code of life has to be stored in DNA and RNA and passed on from one generation to the next."
"Gregor Mendel is regarded as the father of heredity."
"Diarrhea is hereditary; it can run in your jeans."
"The definition of biological evolution is any change in the heritable characteristics of a population across the course of multiple generations."
"Every child of a parent that has Huntington's disease has a 50-50 shot of inheriting it."
"DNA carries all the hereditary material and it's found in cells."
"Most cases of Waardenburg syndrome are autosomal dominant and run in families."
"Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess."
"We all think of it as Shango's genome, Caleb's genome, Ryan's genome; really we have two different genomes, one genome that we inherited from the mother and one genome that we inherited from the father."
"Nucleic acids are able to store, transmit, and express your hereditary information."
"About 60% of Personality had been influenced by environment, 40% had been influenced by heredity."
"Variation in the heritable traits is a prerequisite for evolution."
"Trauma is hereditary, it stays in your genes."
"DNA carries our hereditary information... stored in the form of genes."
"The vast majority of corneal dystrophies are congenital and most of them are autosomal dominant."
"Organisms vary, some of that variation is heritable, and some of that variation is adaptive."
"Genetics is the scientific study of heredity and genetic codes."
"Sleep better, drink water. I have tried all of those things, but dark circles around my eyes are hereditary in my family."
"It's also not uncommon for a parent to have autism or for there to be autism in the family."
"DNA stores biological information and allows for the transmission of that information between generations."
"Genetic variation is about the inherited traits, the genes that you inherit from your parents."