
Programming Languages Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"If all the C code were rewritten in Rust, the world would be a better place."
"There will always be a place for C, even if it's ten times more Rust code because there will always be people that can make C shine."
"I hope Swift is successful because the goal with Swift, the way Chris Lattner describes it, is to be infinitely hackable."
"Python is certainly easier to use than Basic was for me when I was that age."
"Learning a second programming language gives you that perspective. It's sort of like traveling to a different country just to see how things are different there and you learn things about your own country that you just sort of took for granted and thought was normal everywhere."
"Python is very important because R... is not as scalable compared to Python, especially when you're working with dev teams."
"TypeScript is a beautiful language and it's basically a superset of JavaScript."
"High-level programming languages like Python and C++ provide instructions to computers in a way that both computers and people can understand."
"Python and a lot of more modern languages just get rid of a lot of that overhead so that you can just get down to work more quickly right away."
"So just as human languages evolve, so do actual programming languages."
"The many languages of the developer are a mystery to modern science."
"C++ is like 'I'm like C but I'm a little bit better.' It's one of the most popular programming languages." - Chris Peach
"Programming languages have different syntaxes. They also have different rules, but at the end of the day, you're simply trying to communicate something to the computer because you want the computer to do something for you."
"Python was developed by Guido as a middle system language between shell scripting and system programming."
"First human is the new programming language."
"JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world right now."
"Node is very popular and it's got a massive massive community around it... so there's always help if you need it."
"Dart is very similar to JavaScript in a lot of ways but maybe a little smoother around the edges."
"Amazon and Microsoft most certainly are committed to Rust."
"JavaScript is one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages out there."
"Indeed, it's this week that's really meant to be the pedagogical climax of all of these various languages we've been looking at-- all of these various techniques, all of this syntax."
"The language is designed to guide you naturally towards reliable code that is efficient in terms of speed and memory usage."
"Here's the top three languages for beginners who want to eventually get into a big tech company doing a tech job: Number one, Python."
"Java is making sure they are, 'You okay sweetie, let me stand right here in case you fall?' C++ is, 'Yeah, I'm over here with my friends.'"
"C++ is a statically typed language, meaning when declaring a variable we need to specify its type."
"C++ is a general-purpose language, not specialized for only one domain."
"C++ is closer to hardware, allowing efficient resource management."
"Learning C++ isn't easy, but it's worth it for competitive programming or specific interests."
"Creating variables in C++ is straightforward; they hold data of specific types."
"Understanding conditions and selections in C++ is essential for control flow."
"At the end of the day, language is just a tool. I choose Fortran."
"HTML is classified as a declarative language. Declarative languages describe a desired result without explicitly listing steps."
"There's no general and clear answer for everyone, and to say that PHP is better or Python is better with no context behind it, it's just foolish."
"Python makes a lot of sense. It's a really good language, high adoption, high movement in that space."
"Java is a very good language for corporate development environments."
"If you learn PHP, you're always going to have a job."
"I would feel fine putting my whole life savings just into the S&P 500. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's exactly what Warren Buffett recommends."
"I'm definitely gonna have to give Flutter a try. I'm from a React background."
"You kind of get the best of both worlds, and I think that's what makes rust an excellent language."
"So TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and is built on top of that."
"Lisp is one of the oldest languages being that it was first created in 1958... it keeps getting better and better."
"JavaScript is the best first language you can absolutely wrap your head around."
"Rust is a systems programming language which is kind of filling this niche that hasn't been filled by many of the languages today."
"We weren't trying to design a better C++ or even a better C; it was to be a better language."
"TypeScript aims to solve that issue by being its own programming language that compiles down to JavaScript."
"Rust has a lot of potential to be a very powerful language in the future, especially as it gets more and more widely adopted."
"Go has a lot of potential, it's one of the fastest growing languages out there right now, it's a systems-level language built with concurrency in mind."
"That's the thing about Line-ux, Shayne, that's just like syntax for English."
"If python can be faster than JavaScript and typescript, why would I ever use JS and TS?"
"Learning Python is important, whether you're going to be learning MicroPython or CircuitPython."
"People love C# and I think they're going to love C# 9."
"Go was designed to be boring, minimal, repetitive, and consistent."
"JavaScript, Java, Python, they're not going to go anywhere anytime soon."
"Fortran: A language that stood the test of time."
"React is basically JavaScript with superpowers."
"The beginning of the end of the Java programming language."
"Rust is by far the most performing option on this list."
"Rust is an awesome programming language I've really been enjoying it over the past few days."
"TypeScript is just going to bring a type system as well as future capabilities of JavaScript to you today."
"JavaScript was originally introduced just to be done inside a browser... eventually people realize it's a scripting language... used for backend stuff as well."
"If you're doing FPGAs these days, you should be using VHDL or Verilog. They're not going to go anywhere."
"Functional languages apply functions to data rather than focus on state changes like most object-oriented languages."
"Blazor is a client-side web UI framework where you get to write .NET and C# instead of JavaScript."
"Meta languages exist to fill the gap in original languages... they are by their nature impermanent and flexible."
"So I don't exactly know what Rust 2024 is going to be like, but I know that whatever it is, it's going to come from the people who are using Rust and the people who are developing Rust driving their ideas."
"I'm interested in shifting away where we can, shifting away from fancier type system integration and towards more like this Rosalind approach."
"WebAssembly is essentially promising that... we could be writing our web-based applications in languages like C#, Python, or Rust."
"Carbon language: An experimental successor to C++."
"Webassembly is another input language for the same JavaScript VM."
"With garbage collection, wasm makes it thinkable for the first time to do DOM programming in languages other than JS."
"Rust is every bit as important revolution as C."
"Rust promotes side effect free patterns and functional and reactive programming."
"Programming languages are like different programs, each suitable for specific tasks."
"Typescript is something that you definitely want to add to your resume."
"Typescript... adds types to JavaScript... makes writing larger scale applications much easier."
"Swift is quite different from objective-c while retaining some similar Styles."
"I just tend to focus more on front and back-end JavaScript because that's really my personal first choice when it comes to web development."
"VEX is C-like, and understanding languages like C can be helpful in learning VEX for Houdini."
"C++ is so big in competitive programming because it's done unwelcoming for beginners."
"Can we please stop programming everything with React?"
"What's wrong with object-oriented languages? I mean if you'd like writing ten times as much code with lower reliability..."
"JavaScript is the undisputed heavyweight king of the web."
"Language choice has an effect on developer experience when working on a project."
"The world hasn't seen the last freaking language from Anders yet."
"In the follow-up video, I'll walk through deploying this sample app to App Engine, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Run in both Python and Node.js."
"JavaScript for reasons that I don't understand but maybe due to the fact that it originates in the 90s uses UTF-16 as its default string encoding, rust like most other languages uses UTF-8."
"Multi-paradigm languages are on the rise and are here to stay."
"JavaScript wasn't just better than we thought it was it's better than all of the other languages for having that particular combination of features."
"Learn at least one of these backend service-side programming languages."
"What is people's favorite programming language."
"Python is by far the most popular."
"I wouldn't build something that looked anyway like Java... it totally overemphasizes object-oriented programming."
"Esoteric programming languages break and ban programming paradigms."
"It has the highest quality coding interview practice questions with over 140 practice questions and detailed solutions in nine of the most popular programming languages."
"PHP was never intended to be a new programming language. It grew organically and out of control until it became the Behemoth that it is today."
"If you start with a status quo language like JavaScript or C++, the typical way we evolve is the '10 plan'."
"JavaScript, if you want to learn JavaScript or you're a JavaScript developer, it's a great language."
"Good programming languages should teach you."
"I think that the vast majority of code written in the coming decades will be in general-purpose languages."
"In modern programming languages, this stuff just works."
"And C++ 26 uh is it expected it's going to get even better so this is a paper that didn't quite make the feature cutoff deadline for C++ 23 where expected is also going to get um kind of these monadic functions and then or else etc which stood optional already has."
"To become a blockchain developer, you need to understand programming languages like Java, C++, JavaScript, Solidity, and more."
"If everything was the same, we'd have a lot of problems. We want that diversity, we want those differences, and the same thing with programming languages."
"So something like Rust makes a more compelling argument or something like Go. Go is the 99% case, it's still really fast but it's really easy to write."
"We build our front ends, our back ends, our CLI apps, our AI eats all the JavaScript at this point."
"I want everyone to be able to do web development in whatever language they like."
"One of the big reasons being if you just want to learn one language JavaScript you can build the front end and the back end of applications which can save you time and effort to maintain and build applications."
"Lua is like python meets JavaScript meets C."
"I genuinely love NixOS, I wouldn't say that I love it as much as I love the Nix programming language."
"This is the thing that makes JavaScript one of the world's brilliant programming languages."
"JavaScript demonstrates it really well."
"It turns out that everything in the book can be written in JavaScript."
"So up until this point, all programming languages were assembly languages. And this is also an assembly-based language, but it's the first list processing language. And so this is one that McCarthy himself claimed sited as a big influence on Lisp."
"C++ projects tend to be less tested compared to projects in other languages."
"If you like ultra-new, bleeding-edge programming languages, definitely check out this other video on the V programming language, which actually has a huge following but has managed to generate quite a bit of controversy."
"The goal for today is to talk about Rust, Zig, and Caron as candidate alternative options when you discuss what options you have to replace C and also C++."
"At the end of this talk, all of you should understand and be curious about these languages, try out more, and get more familiar with them to make better decisions."
"The slope is like very different depending on if you have one person saying no a lot or like in the case of Elm you can even like add some stuff and take other stuff away."
"So kind of part of our hope here is that like another benefit of rock will be that we can attract people who are like actually I just really like the ergonomics of like an Elm like or like you know rock-like language which are very similar."
"One of the things that's really cool about lisps and it's also cool about closure is you can define most of them in terms of themselves."
"The most secure is Java, the least secure is C, and the mid-level is C++."
"Go is a really popular language at the moment and for good reason. It's a really great language to learn."
"Zig seems to be targeting more modern C like language replacements."
"There's a lot that can be learned from Cockroach DB, Rust, Go, and Deno, focusing on the ecosystem and toolchain side of things and understanding that they don't need to be perfect and satisfying every use case."
"The world went through a very challenging migration from Python 2 to Python 3."
"It lets you simplify a lot. I don't need a make file, I don't need batch files, I don't need msbuild configs or visual studio props files or anything. The entire recipe for doing anything of arbitrary sophistication is in one programming language."
"Stan is its own high-level language for expressing models using statistics."
"Playwright supports Java, C#, Python, Python Async IO, JavaScript, and TypeScript."
"I'm definitely team C++ and then team C#; those are just two of my favorite languages ever."
"We're going back to the basics of web development with these two awesome languages."
"E is the language that demonstrates the object capability model, which turns out to be the savior of secure systems going forward."
"You have selected Python, C++, Java."
"Some languages as they get higher level, it's easier to encode more of your knowledge about the theory that underlies a program into the program itself."
"Software languages are human-to-human communication, not human to computer."
"Developed major team projects using C, Python, JavaScript, and more."
"We want to make Java very approachable."
"Rust offers much of what I like about C++: you get low-level control, high-level abstractions, performance on par with C and C++, and precise timing."
"Learn JavaScript first and then see the beauty of what TypeScript provides for you."
"Start with shell scripting, Python scripting, and then go with Go."
"The higher level your language, the more powerful the programmer is."
"All in all, to me, these are two excellent programming languages."
"Python is both an interpreted language and a compiled language."
"C++ is a language that is all about types more so than basically anything else."
"If I really want to get the most out of this machine when it arrives, I'm going to have to learn Assembly Language."
"In a nutshell, I design and analyze domain-specific languages, or DSLs, with high performance in mind."
"Building an API with Fastify and Prisma is fairly different to building your API with Express and MongoDB."
"I built three projects, went through hell and back with Flutter, learned Python, and even wrote machine learning code with JavaScript."
"Android used to be written entirely in Java, but recently we've been given the freedom to use Kotlin, which I think is a big improvement over Java."
"Learning a new programming language every year or so... you always learn something new about the language you work in."
"Working with statically compiled languages creates a different sort of perspective around software design and testing."
"As I understand, Julia has evolved a lot, and now I want to take this time to see what that evolution has brought."
"The lambda calculus is actually now present in most major programming languages."
"Julia is really an amazing language for machine learning."
"Even though SQL is from 1974, it's certainly not a dead language. There's updates for it all the time."
"Programming, I think this is pretty good, everyone wants to see Python and R."
"You might think of TypeScript, if you've never used it before, and think, 'Okay, I have to type everything in order for TypeScript to understand what I'm doing,' but that's actually not true."
"Hopefully, you now have the information you need to start building your own Java desktop UI applications using Swing and JavaFX."
"We'd be better off just having a commonly used dynamic language as the standard shell language."
"If your project requires speed and memory requirements, then C and C plus will always win."
"The higher level of programming languages, the more it resembles human language."
"There are some things that Python just does better, and there's some things that R just does better."
"The most tragic design error in Java was that it couldn't make up its mind if it wanted to be an application language or a system language."
"JavaScript is a functional language in the way that Lisp and Scheme are functional languages, which puts JavaScript in a completely different class."
"Absolutely no framework, just JavaScript, HTML, and CSS."
"TypeScript is super cool, it gives a lot of structure to your JavaScript."
"A web developer should be familiar with markup languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript libraries, and frameworks like React and Angular."
"Some people cry about TypeScript, some people cry about JavaScript. We don't cry, we build."
"The language you're going to be using is Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and also use Bootstrap for the styling."
"These languages are ever-evolving, and we got kind of a really big update which people call ES6 plus."
"HTML is all the content that we see, CSS is how we style it to make it look good, and then if we ever have behavior, interaction... that is all JavaScript."
"Python is portable which means we can run Python programs on various different operating systems without any changes."
"I actually like compiled languages better, and I like type languages better."
"C++ has flaws, but what does that matter when it comes to matters of the heart? We love what we love, and reason does not enter into it."
"I think C++ really has an edge over other programming languages here because we have these facilities for zero cost abstractions that allows to combine type safety without any performance loss."
"Compilers and programming languages and all the technology that goes into this including formal methods... would really benefit this whole space."
"Plugins are written exclusively in JavaScript and TypeScript."
"Chrome extensions are built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, so it's all the same stuff that you use to build websites and front-end web applications."
"The definition of a programming language is normally done using a formal system known as a context-free grammar."
"Elm is a language that compiles to JavaScript."
"I like to evaluate a programming language based on its goals."
"Closure allows wrapper-free interaction with Java."
"Python is one of those languages that I suggest you learn if you're interested in becoming an ethical hacker."
"June has a real opportunity to be a good complement to Rust."
"Ownership and borrowing goes to the heart of why Rust is Rust and fundamentally different than other languages."
"PC Lint is a static code analysis command-line tool that focuses on C and C++."
"Humans have developed programming languages that are in between human language and machine language."
"We need a translator that can understand that language but also understands machine language."
"All programming languages do the same thing; they tell the machine what to do."
"If this is your first programming language... learning the first one is going to be the hardest part."
"Different programming languages are good for different things."
"The beauty of being able to define your own class is you can now extend the language."
"You can do loads of stuff in software, Python, C, C++, Java, Golang, Rust, whatever it is that you want to do."
"Go is explicitly a reaction to the complexity of C++."
"The key thing about building and writing micro-services in Go is it doesn't matter what system you're using."
"The history of regular expression is that it came from a number of other languages, primarily Perl."
"Python's cool but I miss working in Haskell."
"The lasting power of C and C++ is pretty amazing."
"The adoption of Java and Go languages will increase, mainly in large companies."
"JavaScript is not necessarily the greatest language on Earth, but it is the most accessible language on Earth."
"It's amazing how far programming languages have come in the 40 years that I've been doing it, but also amazing how much they're the same."