
Family Appreciation Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Wow, this house is so cool. Dad, I love all the watermelon decorations."
"My mom was so happy how it went she actually cried too."
"Our mom's awesome, guys. She really is. How could you not be awesome? We turned out lit."
"Madison, Mason, and Mamie are lucky to have the best mother in the world, Casey DeSantis. Thank you for all that you do for our family. We love you very much."
"We need to correct something in this generation. There is a lack of gratitude and appreciation for fathers."
"I couldn't ask for more, thank you, grandson."
"It was the best set of parents that I ever could have had."
"If you have a parent, tell them you love you, uh, you appreciate them so much. I got to have my mom for 45 years. I really appreciate that time."
"Just think how proud your mum would be. Look at her, what a woman."
"What a great day to be alive, go hug your loved ones, tell them that you were here during history in the making. And subscribe."
"Big UPS to your wonderful parents, Stacy Abrams. Big Ups to you, my sister, and everybody check out the book."
"I like moms. You can't just hate on your mom."
"Every time I look at them... I'm like okay not doing that bad."
"God bless them all putting their lives on the line, god bless their families that support us"
"It's nice, like I really appreciate my dad telling me to rest."
"You guys are such a beautiful family. Great job."
"Every day is special with a beautiful mom like you."
"Life is short, cherish your mom while she's alive."
"Parenthood's a [__] man, it's intense but it's the best thing ever."
"I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day. I hope you had a great weekend."
"Stay healthy, stay safe, much love... oh and a big thank you to my wonderful wife for recording this, thank you astonishing Melanie, stay minty."
"Thank you so much for being part of my family."
"Salute to all the black fathers and their kids live y'all don't get enough credit, black families together is where it's at, black is beautiful."
"Hug your mother, she's not gonna be here forever."
"Heck yeah, let's do it. Me and my kiddo will thank you."
"Your children rise up and call you blessed, your husband also, and he praises you. Many women have done excellently, but you surpassed them all."
"Father’s Day is coming up, and our sponsor Manscaped is going to help you show your appreciation."
"My mother was the most wonderful person in the world, everybody says it, but their mother, no they don't." - Bill Shankly
"Since I got it right, Jen, you've always been an amazing sister to me."
"My family honestly has made me appreciate my family so much more."
"I never realized my parents were so awesome."
"Boss, queen, love, icon, glam, excess – Jared Leto."
"Thank you for adopting us. You're the best parents in the world."
"I cleaned everything for mom so she would be so happy."
"Happy Thanksgiving everybody and give thanks for the ones your loved ones."
"My stepfather was basically the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"I want to scream my brother Sean, my sister Colleen, and my mother Kristen's names from the rooftops because they lived and they were here."
"Kaylee couldn't have had a better granddad. I couldn't have had a better father."
"Thank you, family, for watching our video today. I love you guys with all of my person."
"It's a simple meal but they like it. They all finished all their plates and that's what matters."
"Remind myself on a daily basis of what a blessing it is to have my children around again."
"So if you still have your mother, you still have your father, you give them a hug. You give them a kiss."
"Get your father's day gifts, celebrate them."
"Cherish every [__]. They go by so fast, man. Appreciate that a lot more when you have kids."
"I love my guys, she deserves her me time, my big guy."
"He was a good dad, he was a good soldier, he was loved by his family."
"Maybe we ought to recognize father of the year and turn great fathers and mothers into Heroes."
"Allah blessed me with a set of parents that are unbelievable."
"Dad has done a fantastic job... let's move on to the next level."
"Thank you for being the parents I need no matter my current age, for being my protector and my helper."
"I think cran is a good Mama. She think her son is so cool and I think that is so cool."
"A huge thank you to my wife and my daughter."
"I’m really happy that I’m famous because I’m glad that people like it, I’m glad it makes people happy when they’re sad. I’m also really happy that I still have a dad."
"Life happens, guys, appreciate your loved ones."
"Let me begin by saying to the pair of you how proud you must be as parents."
"I've developed a deeper respect and appreciation for my in-laws."
"You've been a great dad and you've been the best grandfather."
"I'm lucky like how I have an incredible wife that's took by me for everything and I I realize why have got an incredible beautiful family I get to do what I love as a job there there's nothing to yeah things are perfect you know."
"I want to thank my mom, I want to thank my family, I love you guys so much."
"Okay, family, just know it's my birthday. I want to enjoy my day today. I appreciate y'all, I love y'all."
"Happy Father's Day to everybody, shout out to all the fathers out there."
"Mom if you're watching this I want you to know that I love you so much and without the strength and lessons you've given me all these years I wouldn't be here today."
"Thank you for being the best family I could ever ask for."
"I just want to help give you hope if you're in that place right now. If you're not, if you're just watching because you love our family, thank you guys for being here."
"You have a beautiful family, a very supportive husband."
"Dad, today is Father's Day, and before we go any further with encouraging those men, I want to recognize the fabulous job you have done in the lives of your five children and 13 grandchildren."
"You are amazing, your babies are amazing, your husband is amazing."
"Hug your loved ones tonight, because you can't take anything for granted."
"You're not useless. You've done so much for me, watched me grow up, raised me. How could you say that about yourself?"
"Taking a step back and getting to see it from afar just always makes me even more grateful for my family."
"Mother's Day is coming up in America. I love you mom."
"I like everything about my wife, sir. She's a good mother to my kids. She's a great wife. You know, she's a, she's a friend. Best friend. Uh, smart mouth."
"I'm grateful for my family, for the food I'm eating, literally a day of gratitude, that's what it is, literally what it is."
"I'm so thankful for my kids, I'm so blessed."
"My dad is probably cringing right now that is a beautiful piece right there I'll be love you guys."
"My mother is the cutest woman in the whole wide world."
"Shout out to my beautiful wife, shout out to my kids man, shout out to London and Scarlett."
"I have the best kids in the world and I have the best wife in the world."
"I have two amazing kiddos and a wonderful husband."
"Thank you for all the love and support, my beautiful family."
"Thank you Dad, thank you Mom... It led me here."
"This is definitely my family and I really appreciate everybody."
"Love your parents and treat them with loving care, for you will only know their value when you see their empty chair."
"Every day should be Mother's Day. You should love your parents every single day, every opportunity."
"You're a great dad, you're a great husband even on the hard days."
"Be kind to one another and parents just recognize how wonderful your children are."
"Don't take your parents for granted, people."
"Well done, buster, your mommy is going to love it!"
"We love you being in our family thank you so much for being a part of our lives."
"Thank you for being a part of our family, thank you for being here, supporting us and our kids, and loving us truly. We are so grateful."
"You're a great father, Ki, and Hanata is a great kid."
"Sure is nice to have folks of your own."
"I want to say thank you to my mommy, to my daddy, to my girlfriends, huh, my wife."
"Hey, Willow, that was cute. Oh, your dads are awesome."
"He's good [ __ ] yeah, our grandpa's the best."
"Thanks, Mom and Dad. That was fun. Good night."
"Don't forget to pray tonight before you go to bed and also don't forget to thank your parents for everything they've done."
"Thank you, darling. Thank you for being a great father to Theo and a good husband to me."
"Call your dad, you're taking for granted having a dad."
"You want to shock your family? Go back home and express gratitude to them and feel it this time."
"We owe everything to our mom and dad."
"I just love what you're doing. Listen, I am so blessed to have such warm, considerate daughters."
"I want to thank my children... I appreciate your loyalty and support."
"This is the best day ever and he is the best dad ever."
"Thank you too, for being my daughter. I love you so much."
"Parenting is such hard work that if we really do value our children, we simply must cherish our parents."
"Just throw some love at your parents and some appreciation and respect their way because they do remember these things."
"This situation really made me appreciate family and the bonds we have."
"Remember to love them every single day because you never know when you might lose a family member in your life."
"That's one good looking family, huh?"
"Appreciate your family, appreciate what's good in your life, don't compare it to others."
"This is more beautiful than you and our children."
"It was really special. I'm so thrilled you're here, Dad, and I love you."
"Mom, Dad, this is for you! Light of Sirenix!"
"They're just glad they have a family."
"I think I'm going to cry. Thanks, Mom."
"Thanks, family. You're the best one a guy could ever have."
"Parents at the end of the day who recognize how good their home life actually is."
"I'm so grateful to have my family, I'm so serious for real, I love my family, man, I love like man, I'm so blessed, you guys."
"We both love you so much, and I couldn't wish for anyone better to call Dad."
"I thought of the kindness of my father and mother; oh, I would have been better, but I knew that as I'd been carrying on, I never could expect shelter under my father's roof anymore."
"I love my face the most. Thanks, Mom and Dad."
"I'll never tell him, but we're very proud of him."
"Appreciate your family while you have them, don't waste your time picking on small things."
"We are so thankful for these kiddos and just the love and the joy that they've brought to our home."
"Thank you, and shout out to your family as well."
"I'm glad for my family, I'm glad that I'm with grandchildren whom I love."
"I have five beautiful girls, and I wouldn't trade any of you for a son. I won't."
"Thank you guys so much for making my mom's moment."
"I want to thank you, Mom and Dad, for all of the things that you did for me."
"I will never complain about my family again."
"Feeling pretty emotional but blessed that we're able to do this."
"I didn't fully appreciate my parents until I went off on my own."
"Peter was a true father to me; he was wonderful."
"I'm really glad that I have such a great sister-in-law like you that I can always count on."
"I want to thank my family, I couldn't do it without them."
"I love my kids, man, you guys are amazing."
"I'm very lucky to have a daughter like you."
"I've got a terrific dad. You'd like him."
"I feel so so so grateful to my family for just such a beautiful holiday break."
"I don't say it enough, but Nadia really is not only a wonderful wife, a fabulous mum."
"It just felt so good to see my mom be so proud of me."
"Thank you so much for being a part of the family."
"I am just so thankful for my beautiful kids."
"Thank you so much for raising me the last 18 years."
"Oh, you're the best daughter anyone could ask for."
"I do have a plan to give my beloved aunt and uncle a meal at a fancy restaurant as a wedding anniversary gift."
"You're the best biggest sister in the world, you know that you are."
"Mom, I love you. I appreciate everything you do for me."
"It's always fun to get away, but it's great to get home to your family."
"Shout out to all of my family out there, my sister, my brother, cousin, auntie, and R love all of us, all of you guys, peace and love."
"I'm nominating my brother Justin; he's always been there for me, and he's never let me down, and I love him."
"To her family, Marilyn was extraordinary and had a radiant personality."
"Respect women, love you moms, love you Mom."
"My dad just texted me and said, 'Thanks for spending the day with us, Nick, we love you very much.'"
"Seriously, your mother is just incredible."
"We're all very lucky to have our moms."
"We're playing on TV for our moms."
"Please cherish the moment you have with your family because you never know when's the last time you're going to see them."
"My dad is amazing, my mom is magical."
"We have such wonderful kids, great dog too."
"Thank you for another year," she said, "thank you for family."
"He's always just worked so hard for us and I appreciate that from him."
"For being the best mom in the world to our children and providing unconditional love for our family."
"We love and appreciate you and Happy Mother's Day once again."
"I got the best dad ever, like, that's my dog, okay."
"It's beautiful, thank you, beautiful mom and dad, you guys have done a great job."
"Thank you so much, mom and dad, it's exactly what I wanted."
"As first-generation immigrants, you have sacrificed so much just so I can have more opportunities and live a better life."
"I'm happy about all my family today, and made me smile."
"My father will be over the moon with that, so thank you very much."
"What an opportunity to go to work every day and think about my mom and my wife and my grandmothers, my daughter."
"The fam is pretty great, I say that all the time but it's very true."