
Software Development Quotes

There are 5403 quotes

"If all the C code were rewritten in Rust, the world would be a better place."
"There will always be a place for C, even if it's ten times more Rust code because there will always be people that can make C shine."
"This is just an incredible time...we're looking at a technology, deep learning, that has made it possible for software to write software."
"The speed of software delivery is improved when security is integrated into the pipeline."
"Jetpack Compose increases developer velocity by eliminating boilerplate code."
"This virtual DOM is a lightweight, in-memory representation of the UI."
"What's made software development so magical and allowed all this innovation over the last 25 years is permissionless innovation."
"It's cross-platform, which means we can build and run Python apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux."
"There is some fall in the debug time with date, and this may be due to learning effect."
"Professional code means something that's going to last the test of time because we have written it in such a way that it's going to be maintainable and easily updated."
"You don't write code for yourself or the client; you write it for the next person who has to maintain it."
"Your code needs to look like you cared; that's really what code readability means."
"Solid helps our code to be more understandable, easier to maintain, and allows it to be flexible."
"Code is read many more times than it is written."
"Clean architecture...is able to make it so that we can focus on the business logic and the problem we're trying to solve and not get hung up on all the plumbing and infrastructure concerns."
"With declarative programming, you simply tell it what you want instead of defining the details."
"You see that this is much concise, and right here you can see that I'm not creating a list and then adding to that list."
"The benefit of knowing the functional interfaces is when you start to use optionals and streams."
"ASP.NET Core is fast, open source, and cross-platform."
"We did not have to write a query like 'select star from category'; Entity Framework Core takes care of everything."
"We're creating abstractions so that when we're actually going through our main function here of our code, we don't have to think about what ask question does; we just know we call it."
"Testing is super important. We talked about it in an earlier lesson, but I can't stress it enough."
"Every feature we develop stays true to the pillars of OxygenOS: reliable, efficient, fast, and user-driven."
"A chat application is almost like a hello world of networking."
"Learn Linux really well. Learn Python really well."
"The software is there already, the Steam library... come ready to run with compatibility increasing on a weekly basis and that combined with the performance and that price point make this just one of the best devices I've used in a long time."
"And the code is readable, maintainable; when new persons join, if the code is readable, it helps."
"Tesla's software team is excellent, even when compared to the best software companies."
"Automating tedious tasks is the soul of software development."
"Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm or a style of programming that is centered around objects rather than functions."
"The four core concepts in object-oriented programming are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism."
"Instead of having to tell the browser how to go from the previous version of your app to the next version, you could just tell React what the next version should look like, and it would handle everything in between."
"In order to successfully develop software, there are three things that you have to get right: the architecture, the organizational structure, and the processes that you have to use."
"The beauty of WPF bindings adds more color to the MVVM architecture, thus leading to absolutely no behind code."
"Using event sourcing or application events...either one will work. Part of it is sort of what your preference is."
"Infrastructure as code is becoming a more important part of how people build and deliver applications."
"Building small, self-contained, ready to run applications can bring great flexibility and added resilience to your code."
"We've successfully created a new task on our to-do list, and we've done it inside the smart contract, on the client side, and we've written tests to make sure that this works."
"You've successfully created your own to-do list on Ethereum, powered by smart contracts, and created this client-side application to interact with it."
"Maybe someday we'll just train software like dogs, and we won't write code anymore at all."
"As developers, we all write code, submit that code into a code repository, and keep working away, writing our unit tests and hopefully running our unit tests."
"The data from the State of DevOps report is clear: trunk-based development predicts higher throughput, better stability, and even higher job satisfaction and lower rates of burnout."
"Continuous integration is one of the key characteristics of high-performing teams."
"As your application grows in complexity, that's when you need to start thinking about how to best keep things together in a way that's logical."
"Functional components are the future of React."
"TypeScript helps you make more robust, more reliable, easier to maintain applications."
"As long as you're generating the documentation with each build, there's no problem with outdated documentation or manual efforts anymore."
"The notion that software is this most malleable of resources... the notion that you can make things happen out of nothing by just writing a few lines of code was magical."
"Dependency injection itself is not a product; it is an architectural design pattern."
"Once you see the value of it, it just becomes so much easier to write apps, to extend apps, and expand them and modify them."
"Software development is all about solving problems, not writing code."
"The real goal in software development is learning. That's the expensive part, not the translation of that learning into code."
"Our job is to solve problems, not to write code. How can we tell that the problem is solved without checking to see if it is?"
"Redux Toolkit simplifies the developer experience by providing a standard way to set up stores, reducers, and actions."
"Redux DevTools are integrated right from the get-go, providing powerful tools for debugging and state management."
"Toxic consumers who pay nothing and are expecting everything are parasites to free software development."
"Learn how to computer and do not burden free software devs that are doing the Lord's work with your most likely self-inflicted digital ignorance."
"A keyboard is super super important for a software developer. You just don't want it to feel uncomfortable."
"The laptop doesn't get too hot under load, and that can be annoying for a software developer because you've got your hands on the keyboard deck the whole time."
"Designing quantum software is exciting; it merges two great revolutions, namely that of quantum and of computer science."
"Some people say using fully qualified names is too much typing; if you just hover over the mouse, you come to know from which namespace this class comes from."
"ECS is cool because it helps you to integrate many disparate systems with minimal coupling."
"Modularity...if all of your behavior is isolated to systems, if you want to completely rewrite that system, that's not hard to do at all."
"The open source philosophy is, everybody can program and everybody can check stuff in, and it's always positive to do that and help, and you're building the software along with everyone else."
"It is by far the highest velocity, most effective software development process in the history of computing."
"Anyone who thinks that random changes to computer code can't make better software has never talked to an actual programmer."
"Async await is just a more elegant way to handle promises."
"The boss decides to change from a WinForm application over to a Ruby powered website? That's just user interface work if you're using Web API."
"It's more important to have code that ships than code that's perfect but never reaches the market."
"Writing API tests is a critical skill for ensuring that your applications function as intended."
"Every test we write should serve a specific purpose and contribute to our understanding of the API's behavior."
"In the world of software development, the ability to automate and streamline testing can significantly impact the quality and reliability of your applications."
"For decades, Apple has been creating world-class hardware and world-class software."
"We now have the ability to write software that no humans can, and perform perception, sensing, reasoning, and activation software that is really quite magical."
"React...is the most popular and currently in the most demand."
"The Big Bang Theory tells us that the universe we live in started off as a teeny tiny speck and over time expanded to something much, much greater. Flutter, too, started off as simply an idea, the idea that you should be able to quickly create beautiful, fast, responsive applications with a best-in-class developer experience that you can just take with you everywhere."
"Now that you've seen where Flutter is today and where it is headed tomorrow, let's go over some of the highlights. Flutter is expanding into the desktop and web environments, unlocking the ultimate vision of an app and developer experience that just works everywhere."
"We're living in the Golden Age of JavaScript."
"Rails uses two main concepts that you need to grasp: 'Don't Repeat Yourself' and 'Convention Over Configuration'."
"Rails provides default ways of doing everything, which minimizes the amount of code you have to write."
"When I say completely functional, I don't just mean an application that runs and returns a value. I mean it must create a top-level Frame Window and it must have a caption or a title bar."
"As your code grows, becomes much easier because everything is in your JavaScript, you have type safety, you can share your code much easier."
"The real key here is even if it's not easier to write, it's much easier to read and maintain."
"We make each new version smarter than the previous one."
"We've seen just this influx of demand for developers and developers being the lifeblood of any project out there."
"We're going to try to build a program that we give a query to or some input to, and then it's going to give us a reasonable response back."
"I'm a bit of a perfectionist with separation of concerns and there is refactoring to be done."
"I'm going to rebuild this application in Android and I will definitely do a better job with separation of concerns."
"These three axes, so to speak—correctness, design, and style—are really the overarching goals when writing code."
"As long as the language is a good solution to problems that are faced by real programmers in real code, the language will live and grow to meet the needs of the programmers."
"It's nice to see that Open RGB is a publicly funded... project going because, to be honest, it does it, in my opinion, kind of better than a lot of those companies do it."
"Console applications are the only UI on this list that is cross-platform."
"Problems in code arise not because people are being bad or stupid or evil."
"Our developers are very poetic when they create these examples."
"And through all this we focus on the functionality. We're hiding the implementation details. It's kind of the ultimate promise of encapsulation from object-oriented programming but it's really taken to a higher level."
"So GeometryReader is just a View... It always accepts the space offered to it."
"So our CardView fits itself then in that nice aspect ratio space."
"CardView we built out of a ZStack with RoundedRectangle, Texts, we're building this thing. It takes all the space that's offered to it, and there's no reason it shouldn't, but it should really be adapting itself to whatever space was offered."
"This is not just about how fast is it today... it's all about you have to be very methodical, very safe, very secure, and very intentional about what you're building."
"Algo expert is the best platform to use for preparing for your software engineering coding interviews."
"Passing functions to other functions is the heart of functional programming."
"React on the front end, Spring and Kotlin microservices on the back end, all in AWS using Dockers. Let's go Dockers!"
"The only way we learn is either by listening to Joe Rogan or talking with each other."
"The average C++ program is a set of layers of abstraction."
"Declarative coding is so well-suited to user interface programming... it results in code that's easier to write, easier to read for sure, more reliable, and more provable."
"If it compiles it means something so when it runs it actually does something."
"Being able to extend methods in the system is the sort of thing that we'd really like to have."
"You can achieve a lot more instead of using imperative approach."
"You can simply chain all of these validations together."
"SRP forces you to think about what one thing a class does."
"It's really not hard to review what's going on in the entire class when you have small methods and classes."
"Copying and pasting the code one more time is an act of criminal negligence."
"You're going to have the skill to be able to build UIs even as complicated as all this."
"Let's get started here building our first app."
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil."
"The asynchronous pattern that seems to have won the most mindshare is something like deferreds or promises."
"Some things are really easy to do in SwiftUI."
"But I really think that compositional and modular software you know and being able to reason compositionally about software is the way to get us to you know programming sort of in the large."
"Functional programming is really susceptible to arity, and so what I mean is when you produce small functions, you can really quickly feel how they become very composable and very reusable."
"The old abstraction layer is still there... but going forward, new projects .NET Core is the new abstraction layer."
"We are going to do this by developing a real Python application, that is going to be very cool to write."
"Abstraction is the concept of object-oriented programming that only shows the necessary attributes and hides the unnecessary information."
"You only have to debug this one thing once, and then you can use it multiple times."
"The zero cost abstraction is that we can think at a higher level and not pay the price that's the other half of the problem."
"Passing a build feels amazing, thanks to our team's hard work."
"Front end is what humans interact with. Back end is doing important stuff behind the scenes." - Chris Peach
"C++ is like 'I'm like C but I'm a little bit better.' It's one of the most popular programming languages." - Chris Peach
"This extension adds support for linting debugging formatting unit testing and intellisense."
"This allows you to keep your code clean and avoid those print statements and log statements."
"Python was developed by Guido as a middle system language between shell scripting and system programming."
"We've introduced new Swift UI for iOS and we've introduced a Jetpack Compose module too."
"With plugins it's also possible to take over the entire properties panel and bring in other developer tools inside of figma."
"The greatest source of delays in your code-working is bugs."
"9.1 is soon TM honestly it's when it's ready."
"Written language is also code, so what is the cost to create software?"
"RISC-V is open and free, and there's no reason lots of people shouldn't use it."
"With Ethereum, it's just software. You can write applications to it."
"With all of our infrastructure defined as code and successfully provisioned, we can now move on to deploying the application."
"Continuous integration is a development practice which aims to make sure the correctness of a software after each commit."
"You won't write perfect code straight away, and you'll never write perfect code. And you shouldn't really even try to write perfect code because if you do that, you'll fail to make a game."
"Looking past aesthetic, past the surface level stuff, looking at the code, looking at the choices, looking at the ecosystem of value."
"Always goofing with the software, that Google company, right there."
"I decided to go after the source code for the handset."
"The Eclipse has been around a really long time, it's a really good IDE to start off with."
"An IDE gives you all of these really useful and helpful functions along the way so it actually makes developing programs much easier."
"DaVinci Resolve over the years has been continuously making major improvements in all areas of the program."
"React Native is the best tool to have in your toolbox if you have an idea you want to turn into a real app using your JavaScript skills."
"Our app is gonna refresh automatically with fast refresh, so we can see our changes as soon as we save."
"Aiming for more general and complete concepts actually improves code."
"Encouraging plug-and-play, high-level concepts is useful and important."
"Our very first solidity contract is now deployed. Congratulations!"
"This is the channel where we're going to show you how to become an amazing front-end, back-end, and blockchain developer."
"Rust allows you to compose truly, without worrying about ownership."
"Unity takes care of most of this. What's left to us is writing the shaders themselves."
"Perfect, so we got this token... Now this client that I've made and I've exported, I can actually use this client."
"Use PageView widget for swiping through pages."
"Utilize FutureBuilder for asynchronous data rendering."
"Transform anything into a button with GestureDetector."
"Campfire Blaze also receives new features every month."
"When it comes to official documentation, once you've spent any time using MSDN and the official samples you realize pretty quickly that it makes a huge difference."
"And what do I think? I think Microsoft should consider open sourcing the core Windows kernel, but under a hybrid model."
"Solid.js is just easier, it just makes me less hate my life."
"This algorithm is incredible because it uses none of that and it is just a joy to watch."
"Components are the basic building blocks of your Angular 5 application."
"That's how you use and share data between different components using a service file."
"What quality of developer are you getting behind these projects?"
"If you try to build software where you don't deeply understand the problem or you don't deeply understand the customer, you're never going to succeed because you'll always be one step behind a competitor that does."
"Open source contributions aren't valuable because they exist; they're valuable because they show that you've run into real problems with software."
"In the age of Catalina, Apple's lofty goal for macOS is to make the system as secure as iOS while maintaining all the traditional flexibility of the Mac."
"If Apple delivers on voice control, not only will it be the most impressive feature in Catalina, it'll be one of the most important in macOS history."
"Microservices are an extreme reaction to the experience with monolithic applications."
"Consider your client interface and how their interactions impact your app's structure."
"Developers need to recognize how client interactions impact the development process."
"If you're one of those people that are going to spend a lot of time, especially if you're a Linux tinker, you're going to spend a lot of time digging through config files and editing config files, maybe you want to investigate Vim."
"I appreciate your support as we hire more journalists, build out free software, and continue reporting the news."
"This is very important lesson that you should not skip because if you want to become a developer."
"An API should be as small as possible but no smaller."
"You want to be able to do a lot without learning a lot."
"The implementation shouldn't impact the API."
"You should avoid return values that demand exceptional processing."
"With C-Sharp and.NET, you can create cross-platform mobile applications using the.NET MAUI framework."
"We want to build a REST API from scratch using .NET 5."
"A function is basically a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value."
"The best way to learn about CDK is by using it."
"This is the proper way to assign a port to your node applications."
"That's the advantage of using abstract classes, it's preventing us from accidentally creating instances of the base employee class."
"Partial views are like small views that we can reuse on different views."
"JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world right now."
"CDK: Enabling developers to write infrastructure code for AWS in their favorite programming languages."
"Volition have always been known for pushing technology, beating the revolutionary quake to a full 3D engine."
"Prioritizing readability is a very good thing, making your code readable for someone else is a very good thing and very good for you too."
"One of the whole points of defining your own functions is to avoid having to repeat yourself again and again."
"Generics are a mechanism for writing parameterized code that applies generally."
"We can condense hundreds of lines of code into just a few lines of code by deferring update logic and rendering logic to each individual entity."
"MongoDB Atlas actually makes things a lot easier, even if you're just doing a local project."
"NodeMon makes development easier. It's a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes are detected."
"React is a declarative, efficient and flexible JavaScript library."
"In Mojang's eyes, it was a coding error, but in the communities, it was a downgrade."
"Beta tests are for testing. They should be for taking feedback and bug fixing and iterating your improvements up until release."
"The Legends of Zelda Ocarina of Time has been completely reverse-engineered, rebuilt from scratch, available to download now on PC."