
Statehood Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"It has to be something approaching genuine statehood for the situation to be resolved."
"Ideally, I would like to see eventually moving towards a one state, but I don't think that's viable right now."
"The occupation is wrong, there probably should be a state."
"Wyoming doesn't exist... because of this 'Great Compromise'."
"DC obviously should be a state... Puerto Rico should be a state."
"The establishment of an independent and contiguous Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital remains amongst our primary objectives."
"I think if Ukraine can exist as a state inside a larger Europe, I think integration wins."
"Puerto Ricans are already Americans. Just admit them as a state and get it over with."
"Already Europe would find itself significantly enriched by the state's existence."
"Israel's goals in the '48 war was essentially to defend itself... the survival of the new state which had just been created."
"The vote in the U.S Congress to allow statehood ran along party lines, but the formation of West Virginia was approved."
"The Greek people have existed for Millennia yet there has never been a truly Greek State ever come into existence."
"If the Palestinians want a state and they want to thrive, they now have an offer on the table."
"Netanyahu said that he doesn't believe that there should be a Palestinian state."
"We need to add Supreme Court Justices or make DC a state. That's part of the conversation."
"There is but one way to change it and that is to become the 51st state."
"Statehood is an imperative of basic Democratic Values."
"This ruler called Scorpion was a prominent figure in the phase of the birth of the first territorial state in the history of the world."
"A thriving Jewish state is essential to my Jewish identity."
"You can't have a state unless you have a fairly large open area in which you can essentially move armies and coerce people."
"Unless of course the modern state is entirely reinvented, in which case we must call it something else."
"For the first time in more than a millennium, the state is on the way out."
"One of the defining traits of the late Middle Ages is that it was a period where we have some fairly sophisticated and large states which can field equally sophisticated and large armies."
"If this territory is to take its place as a great state we first got to demonstrate that we can preserve the law."
"The importance of maintaining permanent armies loyal to their state and leader rather than relying on foreign mercenaries or complicated alliances became evident."
"Nationalist actors were ready to take advantage of the opportunity to claim independent statehood."
"In the midst of this disaster, they still say the state lives, the state exists."
"East Jerusalem will be the capital of their independent state."
"The United States has 50 States today I would argue that it should have 52 with Washington DC and Puerto Rico made into a full state."
"With 23% of registered voters casting ballots, 97% voted for statehood."
"The Constitution says, 'But no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed...'"
"The state has jurisdiction unless the ACT admitting the state into the Union gave jurisdiction to another party."
"The curtain falls on a rapturous celebration as Britain declares that after the war Palestine will be the Jewish state."
"The same day November 11th in 1889 uh Washington is admitted as the 42nd state of the United States of America auh."
"The Arabs want the Jews not to have a state."
"The Jews want a state. So they always make decisions that work in order to get a state."
"He was heavily involved in creating the state government of Kentucky."
"It pushed Confederates away from Wheeling and it established a good ground for West Virginia statehood."
"The Congress had done their best to create the government that the states wanted."
"After all of it, they were able to make their own state, a country called Tunisia."
"Everybody should be in favor of DC statehood. I don't care who they vote for, they need to be a state."
"A state cannot be created by decree but by the forces of a people and in the course of generations."
"If the Jewish people will go build Palestine, the Jewish state will become a reality, a fact."
"Nebraska got its statehood in 1867."
"Culture of a state is born before the state is born."
"When the Palestinian leadership wants a Palestinian state more than it wants to see the destruction of Israel, that will finally be a two-state solution."
"Let the Palestinians have their own state, let them take care of their own problems."
"The future of Ukraine is not just as a territorial entity, but as a state and what it means."
"The Jewish state ceased to exist until its revival in our own time 1948."
"Wyoming's path to statehood stands out as particularly unique within American history."
"We need a long-term security for Israel that does not happen without a Palestinian State."
"The newly created United Nations created two states: Israel for the Jewish people and Palestine as an Arab country."
"Missouri gained its statehood in 1821, becoming the 24th state of the United States."
"When DC becomes a state, it will have the highest proportion of black residents of any state."
"Admitting DC into the Union will right this wrong."
"We believe in the establishment of an independent Palestinian State on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital."
"Statehood is an imperative of basic democratic values but also of governmental efficiency."
"Kentucky was the 15th state to join the union."
"110 years ago, the idea of a Jewish state was nearly inconceivable, but today I'm standing here."
"Jerusalem has to be a capital of two states."
"Colorado is known as the Centennial state because it became a State 100 years after the United States became a thing."
"California is admitted as a free state."
"Hawaii is really the first state that is admitted to the union that is not admitted under the logic of white rule."
"The final solution to the protracted conflict lies in the creation of a secure, viable, contiguous, and sovereign state."
"The very idea that history should not matter, if we were to apply that rule across the board and not just to reparations, it'd be tough to have a state at all."
"The people of Washington are an independent, self-governing community who want their statehood."
"The more than 700,000 U.S citizens living in Washington DC pay more taxes per capita than the people of each of the 50 states."
"The people of DC deserve better; they are Americans, they deserve statehood."
"By the end of 1801, Ohio's population had swelled to 45,000 and it prepared for a path to statehood."
"The history of this period is incredibly difficult, causing people to lose lives and for some people to lose faith in the states that they have been put in."
"A state is any independent area with a defined and populated territory with sovereignty or control over its internal and external affairs."
"The 19th century was a pivotal period for Afghanistan as a political state."
"It's very important for us to request to become a state, but it's also important for the United States to say that they want us to be a state."
"A hundred percent of the times that a territory has asked to become a state, it has become a state."
"When you become a state, I think you have more permanency about investment."
"If Puerto Rico were to become a state, Congress could not take away our right to have Spanish as one of our two official languages."
"If your culture requires an ethn state in order for it to continue, what is the alternative? The alternative is that your culture is absorbed into the multicultural world that we are all a part of."
"The new constitution was ratified in 1956, and in January 1959, President Eisenhower signed a proclamation that created the state of Alaska."
"We're going to do more than just wish to be a state; I've got to prove to those fellows in Washington that we're fit to be a state."
"In 1967, Dominica became an Associated State of the United Kingdom, allowing Dominica de facto independence in all but foreign relations."
"86 percent of D.C. residents said yes, we would like to become a state."
"The house will vote that D.C. statehood should become reality."
"On the 21st of August 1959, which island group became the 50th American state? Hawaii."
"Golda Meir dedicated her life to serving the Jewish state she helped establish."
"If there isn't some compromise, there isn't some way to give Palestinians a path to a state in some hopeful future, this is just an endless conflict."
"Palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for a fully independent viable and sovereign state realized."
"The right to self-determination includes the right of a people to form a sovereign and independent state."
"More than 140 states have recognized Palestine as a state with a population, with a defined territory, with a government, being a party to multiple treaties, a state with rights and with obligations."
"The Palestinians feeling that they can live in dignity and security in the Palestinian territories with a state of their own."
"The first major Thai state was the Sukhothai Kingdom, founded in 1238."
"Recognizing the state of Palestine is a step forward."
"Miami was a university before Florida was a state."
"New South Wales is actually the oldest state in Australia."
"Israel was an independent state, that was the first time in centuries that Israel had actually been independent."
"The vast majority of Somalis want a Somali State; this notion of a caliphate means nothing to them."
"Outbreaks of violence will inevitably recur until the Palestinian people, having suffered for decades from injustice, exercises its right to establish an independent state."
"The state of Israel was created in 1948. Before that, it had been called Palestine."
"The United Nations also voted in favor of the creation of an independent Jewish state of Israel."
"We cannot wait for the day when the Palestinian people finally have their own state, not just a seat behind a nameplate at the UN."
"Israel's right to exist is beyond debate; we can never forget the horrors of the Holocaust which led to the creation of the state of Israel."
"We've got to be clear with the Israelis about the importance of finding this balance and getting them back on track to recognize the importance of Palestinian statehood as an objective for them as well as for the Palestinians."
"The nation-state is connecting a national identity with statehood."
"At the heart of this lasting peace is a viable Palestinian state in accordance with UN resolutions and international law."
"Egypt stresses that Palestinian rights are inalienable, including the right to free Palestinian territories and the establishment of a Palestinian statehood."
"As a matter of practicality, as a matter of principle, I do think the establishment of a Palestinian State in the occupied territories remains realistic."
"States are very different creatures; they exist for very different reasons."
"The necessity to immediately have a sustainable ceasefire, Palestine's full membership in the UN, statehood."
"People are of equal moral worth, and the rights to life, liberty, and private property precede the creation of the state."
"I absolutely recognize fully the right of the state of Israel to exist."
"One state means submerging the national identity; the only answer is to create two states for two peoples."
"The traditional chief emerged as a natural leader, the founder and therefore the father of the traditional state over which he presided."
"The outcome must be the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with a capital in East Jerusalem, living side by side in peace and security with Israel."
"The United States and some other countries are assisting the Afghan people in obtaining the much wanted statehood, and restore the basis of the functioning of an effective state; restore their civil society and their economy."
"If the institutional design problem can be solved within states, why not at higher levels, including the global level?"
"The political and the national unit should be congruent."
"The Northwest Territories would be surveyed, divided up into a reasonable number of chunks, and when those chunks hit 60,000 residents, they could apply for statehood."
"The whole planet wants a Palestinian sovereign state."
"The earliest echoes of a Bosnian state go back to the 10th century."
"Nevada becomes the 36th state in the Union on Halloween, 1864."
"I believe in the state of Israel. I believe that there should be a Jewish homeland."
"It's totally incompatible with the continued existence of a coherent nation-state."
"It is time to welcome the 194th State, the state of Palestine, in accordance with our founding principles."
"We make an urgent appeal for full immediate compliance with the relevant resolutions supporting the right of the Palestinian people to build a sovereign state."
"We look forward to seeing the state of Palestine and its patient people becoming full members of the United Nations."
"After talking about it for years, the push is on in North Queensland to split and become a separate state."
"The history of the Russian state began from a new start."
"Nationalism in the sense of believing that there are peoples with a clear cultural identity and that these people should have independent states."