
Family Resemblance Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case, the melon doesn't grow far from the rind."
"You naturally find out you're a little more like your mama than you thought you was."
"It's interesting, but I mean, people can sometimes just look different than their dad."
"Is there a long-lost twin to the Hadid family out there?"
"They actually look like they could be their daughters."
"What a legendary racing Grandpa Yan's Giggles in his straightforward demeanor is so much like k-mag his enthusiasm to race with Kevin again puts a smile on my face."
"Parents don't look exactly like their kids and the kids don't look exactly like their parents, but it's just fun to do it with our lol families."
"My icy chain, I look like my mama with this hair. What do you guys think?"
"Her daughter suri cruise resembled her right from the get-go."
"I personally think she looks like me but you know sometimes you know she lives like it."
"That fry looks like my mom, are you my brother's bye bye, have a nice time. See ya, so now the cool thing is also has four attacks if Pogo just following this up, it's so good."
"She definitely looks like a perfect combination of Evie and Doug."
"I definitely see a lot more Carlos in him though."
"She is the spitting image of her mother."
"True love is seeing your offspring resemble you. You don't even find your own complexion worthy enough to pass it down."
"Chris has been adopting more and more traits that remind me of my grandmother."
"It just has a nice family resemblance, and I think overall it looks pretty darn handsome."
"His dad just came in with a rhino, was like, 'Okay, I'm just gonna...' They're so alike and I love that."
"Your mother was much like you, impulsive and stubborn, but she was also cheerful and very kind."
"It was always the case every time you moved between one another, between himself and his daughter, they were of the same breed."
"It's just like we share the same DNA and we think the same."
"He's got your eyes and that stubborn chin."
"I really am a lot like my mother."
"They have the same eyes, they're related, they're literally twins."
"I like my chin, it was my mother's."
"Yeah, you have your mother's eyes."
"You have the look of your father."
"He's strong and handsome just like his granddad."
"I look like my mom and I have her brain and her heart."
"She looks like a spitting image of my mom when my mom was a baby. Oh my gosh, man, that's beautiful."
"You look so like your father but you have your mother's eyes."
"It's crazy to think they grew up in separate homes but yet they still have the same mannerisms and they like the same stuff."
"Just as he said, you look so much like your father."
"I always thought I was different to my mom... until I had children of my own."
"Got your mother's kind eyes, trying to stop time."
"You remind me of your father; you always did enjoy a lively discussion."
"You definitely don't remember how your great great great great grandmother looks like, but her nose is sitting on your face right now."
"I do laugh like my dad, everything about me and my dad is very similar."
"Your mother reminded me of my grandmother, and I know I'd get a gibb slap from heck if she knew I didn't do the right thing and help those in need."
"Still, they're cousins, identical cousins and you'll find, they laugh alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike — you can lose your mind, when cousins are two of a kind."
"She looks just like her mom except for she's got my toes."
"Your daughter is adorable; she has her father's amazing eyes and your exquisite bone structure."
"It's wild seeing your child look like you."
"She has your eyes," she murmured, the reality still not sinking in.
"Like mother, like daughter," mumbled Bart, as he watched the affectionate reunion.
"You have your father's eyes. No, I don't even have his address."
"I finally have something in common with my Dad, I'm bad at golf. It's awesome."
"They're clearly brother and sister, except the sister is cheaper, and she looks prettier, honestly."
"You're just like your mom, I love you both so much."
"She's so cute, just like her mama."
"Well, kids tend to look like their parents, right?"
"Good morning, I swear he's your twin."
"You got the same eyes as your father, and you carry the same kind of temper too."
"It's amazing. I don't want to become my dad. Maybe I do because he's great."
"She is the apple of my eye, she has a full head of very dark hair, she looks identical to baby photos of her mother."
"They say that my son is starting to look like me and pick up my ways and certain little things that I say."
"You have beautiful hair, Ellen, just like your mama's."
"The fruit doesn't fall very far away from the tree."
"She looks just like her brother, we love you, and we couldn't be happier to have you in our family."
"It's amazing sometimes when you can see a resemblance of cats between mom and its daughter."
"How beautiful is that, like one day my parents are gonna be gone and I get to look at my face and still see them."
"I look like my dad, and I love it."
"Daddy, do I look like you? Do I look just like you?"
"The resemblance between father and daughter is unmistakable."
"They're adorable, the exact replicas of their parents."