
Darwinism Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The Darwinian explanation so beautifully does away with the need for any kind of top-down design."
"There are four key Darwinian modules: survival, reproduction, kin selection, and reciprocal altruism."
"Darwinism has indeed passed beyond a scientific argument as far as they are concerned. You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually."
"Survival of the fittest, in other words, Charles Darwin's theory of human evolution was merely a way to elevate and escalate the implementation of white supremacy."
"Darwin's idea that unifies everything from physics and quarks all the way to ethics and art and morality and love."
"The broad outlook on human nature implied by Darwinian ideas contradicts the notion of human exceptionalism."
"Many leading Darwinists did and still do today believe that Darwinism does have strong ethical implications."
"And it sort of underlines exactly what is happening today because the Darwinian paradigm has been embraced by the academic community, the scientific community."
"Humans evolved and now we have all of this evidence that Darwin didn't have."
"But wouldn't it be a good idea, okay instead of pointing to misperceptions of Darwinism which have been hideously misused politically if you try to understand Darwinism then you'll be in a position to counteract these horrible misunderstandings?"
"The church supports theistic evolution, where evolution is guided by God, but it condemns Darwinism."
"The very simplicity of the Darwinian idea makes it a very powerful educational tool."
"Darwin was right about the features that make us human."
"Darwin's theory is unique for five reasons: it's turned into a secular religion, influenced politics, created an ethical system, led to propaganda, and has sociological aspects."
"We have an opposing Theory to Darwin and this is it."
"It's a real mystery why the achievement of Darwin, which seems so simple, took so much longer."
"I'm a staunch Darwinist when it comes to explaining why we're the way we are, but I'm a passionate anti-Darwinian when it comes to prescribing how to organize our society."
"...Darwinism is not about following the evidence but making the evidence fit an existing theory."
"This is just an idea to see, you know, could it be that Darwin was right?"
"Darwin didn't say it's survival of the fittest. He said it's survival of the most adaptable."
"Evolutionary theory undermined Christianity and the moral tradition which had grown up around it, and which had dominated most of Western discourse about politics and society."
"Darwin's theory not only challenged the Christian sense of man as a distinct creation, it naturalized man."
"No one until the 19th century was dealing with the world that Darwin created. You need to understand the watershed that Darwin was."
"Survival of the fittest right here."
"It's survival of the fittest at this point, I suppose."
"The Bible knew always that Darwin was wrong, and now science knows that."
"It's Darwin's idea that ties the world of science to the world of art and culture and Humanity."
"What Darwin's idea of natural selection showed is how a series of 'how come' answers can eventually support a 'what for' answer to the question of why."
"...Darwin believed that we all share these characteristics because we've all commonly branched off from a similar ancestor."
"The most ingenious and powerful explanation is Darwinian evolution by natural selection."
"Darwinism has erupted into the public discussion in a way that should be heartening to us as evolutionary biologists."
"Darwin taught us... it looks like somehow they're related by descent with variation."
"Among senior British scientists, the word Darwinism is just a synonym for biological evolution."
"Once we get to Darwin, all we find out is that the world's a big blind arbitrary mechanism."
"Darwin said these relationships arose not by God causing them to be so, but by natural processes over millions of years."
"Evolution can be defined by Darwin's phrase descent with modification."
"The Darwinian theory is rubbish. I don't believe we only live one life."
"Darwinism isn't survival of the fittest, it's survival of those that can adapt."
"I'm Johnny Carson, a firm believer in Darwin's theory of comedy."
"That's buckets right there, boys, and that's third one's away, that's Darwin, this man's crazy."
"Darwin replaced that whole top-down view of the cosmos with a bottom-up designer, the process of natural selection."
"Charles Darwin's categorization of the finches led to a revolution in the way we think about life."
"Darwin was later to regret that adoption of survival of the fittest for a lot of reasons; it doesn't capture really the Darwinian evolution is variational change dependent on variants."
"Darwinism is the observation of what has happened."
"Darwin considered this the strongest class of facts in favor of his theory."
"This is Darwinism, man. This is Darwinism. You don't listen to people who don't have your business's best interest in mind."
"This preservation of favourable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural Selection."
"The term Darwinism... refers to the idea that natural selection is the primary driving force of evolution."