
Fundamental Values Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Allow optimism and positivity into your heart in the most basic and fundamental ways."
"There is nothing more powerful than truth in the word; that's the fundamental source of power."
"The most important thing for the United States is to do the fundamental things right and also to come together."
"Taking care of our community is, I think, just as fundamental."
"Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans."
"Increased simplicity, we're going back to basics, we're going back to the earth."
"It's just about love yeah that's all that's it nothing outrageous just love."
"Fundamentals like the sovereignty of the country are at stake."
"It is foundational to this democracy. If we don't believe in that, if we don't come together around that single fundamental issue, we have nothing."
"More important than the color of your skin or your language or your culture or your religion even, is the fact we're all human beings."
"Love is the most important thing of all. Love is what we have to get rid of fear."
"Happiness is neither Joy nor entertainment... it is fundamental to our existence as humans."
"Compassion and love for people you disagree with is sort of fundamental."
"If you want to have a good relationship, embed it in the truth."
"Fundamental values must be guarded, equal treatment and opportunity for all individuals regardless of how they look or identify."
"It's the absolute fundamental building block upon which a small team is built."
"This is a issue of freedom, a basic fundamental value that we cherish here in the United States."
"Loving the people you lead is the most basic prerequisite of leadership."
"Allyship is nothing more than showing basic fundamentals of love with one another."
"Our commitment to truth is fundamental to our ability to govern ourselves."
"But the word love comes into play, it's central, it's at the core, it's at the very outset of everything."
"Ultimately, the answer is love anyway. That's what we should learn, that is it always ends up that equation."
"Fundamentally, it gets down to one thing, and it's one word. It's trust."
"Our values are old and true. They are universal because they're rooted in the fundamental belief that individual freedom enables both the greatest achievement and the gentlest kindness."
"It's gotta be fun right? I mean, fundamentally it actually needs to be enjoyable."
"Health is the most important thing. Without health, no amount of money, love, or privilege matters."
"Both the absolute and relative position of the United States will depend on whether it can take care of the fundamentals."
"It's about trust in that human element at the end of the day."
"Compassion and love are fundamental to the continued survival of our species."
"Human dignity is one of the fundamental right of a human being."
"Relationships, that's really what it comes down to."
"Love is really the answer, not all this other stuff."
"The real [expletive] is love and it sounds cheesy but it's really love thy brother, love thy sister."
"Values are everything, and that includes liberty."
"Safety isn't just a priority, it's THE priority."
"Truth is an important issue, and that's what we seek."
"Love is what needs to be there above and beyond everything. If you don't have love, none of the other stuff really matters."
"Can we not agree on basic fundamentals in humanity to create unity and harmony?"
"Love and compassion is the most important thing."
"Freedom of speech is the most important they gave us and that's why it's the first amendment."
"Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all parenting, all relationships."
"Connection, control, competence, and context are fundamental to a meaningful life."
"Kindness, loyalty, and optimism...those are to me just table stakes."
"Love your neighbor. It's so fundamental."
"I think the land is fundamental with me."
"It all comes down to trust and respect."
"I couldn't agree more, it boils down to basic human rights."