
Generation Z Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Gen Z has developed a breed of humor all its own, with jokes no other era of people have even had the opportunity to create."
"This matchup makes Generation Z look good because both these guys are at the peak of their powers and they're getting it on."
"Gen Z is incredibly anxious compared to other generations for many very valid reasons."
"They've pulled through a lot, they have a lot to learn, but they have a heck of a lot more potential I think than any other generation on this planet."
"Gen Z is both nihilistic and deeply empathetic towards the world and their fellow people, envisioning a bleak future seems to make people fight even harder for something better."
"The kids are not all right. You know what Gen Z is worried about? Not being able to enjoy the fruits of a successful society on the same time frame that maybe the rest of us have."
"Retail investing has sort of become a thing, and this is the Robinhood Wall Street Bets generation."
"Gen Z is the most politically active generation in the history of our country."
"Social media platforms and the influence of gen Z users like him have democratized political messaging."
"It's actually the new form of relationships for Generation Z, they're doing this more than they're doing Tinder and Bumble."
"Wow, dude, Gen Z is so brave. We're gonna be remembered for the rest of history because of the way we posted TikToks."
"Generation Z is the one that is completely plugged into technology."
"Gen Z is too afraid to ask a waiter for extra ketchup but will body slam a cop."
"Generation Z is driving the entire country to the left."
"Generation Z is the most accepting, whatever it might be."
"Gen Z was shaped by the fact that they were the first people in human history to get onto social media middle school."
"Finally, I'm like a real gen Z parent. I have an iPad baby."
"Gen Z really is that girl. We're changing the workplace, the culture, socially, politically, technologically."
"Generation Z humor: where the punchline doesn't inherently make any sense, it's funny."
"It's turned Generation Z into metal heads literally overnight."
"Overall, my opinion is that Gen Z's might be having a little bit of fun and I admit these investments could supplement a diversified portfolio."
"I appreciate Gen Z so much because I feel like they just have a better grasp on these things."
"Gen Z is investing younger than any past generation, with crypto acting as the gateway drug."
"Shout out to Gen Z out there who is still going to school and still getting A's while TikTok is a thing."
"I think it is very cool that Generation Z is now old enough to be nostalgic about the lives of their younger selves."
"What does it mean for Gen Z to have been raised by a bunch of Pluto in Libras?"
"The Zoomers are more self-starters, they're more independent, they've seen operations like this, they've seen people make great careers going the independent route."
"...gen zers are a generation is very curious."
"I'm excited that we get to be a part of this because there's a lot of things coming against gen Z, and there's a lot of people with opinions about this next Generation."
"Some of us Gen Z kids are dumber than our smartphones."
"I find the gen z guys and girls to be much more eloquent and confident on this topic than we were, and I applaud you for that."
"Gen Z is the most mentally ill generation."
"The Gen Z's nowadays are very impatient."
"They're surrounded by gen Zers and they're like, 'This is what the gen Zers have told me, like, these emojis mean.'"
"Gen Z literally anything is this racism?"
"We are Generation Z. We won't let TikTok fall, bet your bottom dollar we won't. We will rise above it all."
"When we look at messaging for Gen Z, what we find them very, very engaged with right now is purpose, social purpose, having an impact in the world."
"...they have a very specific consumer in mind, and that was gen Z specifically and also gen Z's who were very econscious."
"I want Gen Z to be in those power positions where they don't give two f's if your boobs have been posted online."
"60% of Gen Zers in the U.S. use Instagram to discover new brands and products."
"We are going to talk about Gen Z fashion trends."
"Everything is awesome because Gen Z is, for the most part, raised on the internet."
"Gen Z, we need you guys banded together; you gotta be that change."
"One thing they got right is how to represent Generation Z and Generation Z humor."
"Well played, Zoomers. Well played, K-pop stans."
"The Creator is already becoming a profession of the future, especially among Gen Z."
"I do think that Gen Z is smart, I just think that we are misguided in a lot of ways."
"What you do will make a difference in the life of the Generation Z's because Jesus died for them to be saved."
"I'm not that worried about Gen Z; they seem real creative."
"YouTube isn't going away... Gen Z consume YouTube like air."
"Generation Z, defined as those born between 1997 and 2012, began entering the workforce in 2019."
"It's not that Gen Z can't be retained; it's that employment experiences are falling short of what Gen Z needs to want to stick around."
"Gen Z doesn't understand shame anymore."
"I don't take a critical negative view of Gen Z; I am hopeful about this generation and see a lot of promise in them."
"Don't write off the Boomers; we have a big contribution to make to the Zuma generation."
"Generation Z might be the most empowered generation in terms of technology, AI, social media norms."
"Gen Z are really really bloody good at talking about how they feel and accepting others who feel different."
"Welcome to the ultimate Gen Z nostalgia iceberg."
"I am a firm believer in Gen Z and their right to protest, their right to their First Amendment."
"Early gen Z starter pack: Minecraft parody songs, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Xbox 360, silly bands, Minecraft, Bakugan."
"There's a balanced, realistic humanity that's very Gen Z on this album, especially in its most vulnerable moments."
"I am a Gen Z content creator skilled in creating engaging content while maintaining brand aesthetics."
"Gen Z kids are so funny. They're gonna save the world."
"Gen Z'ers are more likely to be dating a friend."
"Let's talk about some Gen Z nostalgia."
"You may be right, but I'm encouraged because whenever I speak to Gen Z audiences... they're not in denial; they see the phones are messing them up."
"I think that Gen Z is like a beautiful thing because they have access to the internet, and I think it's changed their mindsets completely."
"Being Gen Z and liking school doesn't make you uncool."
"This generation Z, they play together, they spend time together."