
Family History Quotes

There are 555 quotes

"I remember those humble beginnings as a family of simple peasants, little did we know that we'd soon create our own kingdom."
"Genetics is the study of families, and sex, and history, and everyone, without question, is part of that story."
"That's what it's about when you walk in the room and like, who's that? Oh, that's your great-grandfather. That picture over the fireplace, that legacy."
"You're looking at somebody who's getting stories from his parents about their grandparents who predated the Napoleon era of France. Like, insane, this person's on camera."
"Didn't your parents leave another country to come to America? Are your parents not brave?"
"It's gonna be quite a big project. I didn't even realize that it was gonna take this long to do, but we're gonna get it done."
"It for my parents, they are just overjoyed. They can suddenly access footage of their own grandparents they haven't seen for probably 40 years."
"My grandfather was a Light Horseman... They were fearless. My grandfather went to war with a total disregard for his safety to fight for my freedoms."
"My mother was the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica who came to Portland, Maine, in 1912. My grandfather was a janitor, my grandmother was a maid; they had no education, and they scraped and saved... and they sent all five of their kids to college."
"I have loved and continued to love going on my family history adventure."
"A lot of us, myself included, have stories in our family history about a great-grandparent or a great-great-grandparent who was supposedly a full-blooded Native American."
"Genealogy isn't just about climbing a family tree; it's about coming to know my ancestors and who they were and why they made the choices that they made."
"It's a matter of finding the right pieces and putting them in the right places so that you can make the picture that is your family tree more complete with every piece that you add to it."
"I'm taking benzos right now to cope... Addiction runs through my family."
"Wow, my grandmother's still alive, 95, living in Ukraine, she remembers her little brother starving to death on the way."
"We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams."
"I saw that equality of opportunity that my dad had, and I loved it, and I saw that in America. And that's why we chose to be American."
"Mom was born and raised in Savannah Georgia... that's where I'm coming from."
"Adam was my 84th great-grandfather... Queen Elizabeth would be my forty second cousin... Jesus would be my hundred and thirty ninth cousin."
"The mere fact that I exist because they persevered has given me strength."
"You know, my father was thrown out in the military being a paranoid schizophrenic with homicidal tendencies. Now, was my dad maybe the homicidal tendencies? But he wasn't schizophrenic, uh, so listen..."
"In 1879, they welcomed their only child, Irving Noel."
"Every step is really important on this. It's a family tree."
"Imagine if this book talked about your dad growing up. How special would that be?"
"Magic, intrigue, family history, there's just so much here. I loved it."
"These stories I shared with you are what I believe to be entirely true as told by my father and uncle."
"The sins of the father will often follow you."
"So if it wasn't for the country, would your family be here?"
"Which family do you guys want us to cover next? Go ahead and vote, but it looks like Gambino is in the lead with 58 percent."
"Bruno's mother migrated from the Philippines to Hawaii and worked as a hula dancer, she met Bruno's musician father when they performed in the same show."
"It was so nice to like hear some stories that like my parents or grandparents have told me about about like the actual history and what was going on like actually unfold in this story as well."
"Supposedly Bill senior's father, Andre Cucha, had connections to the La Costa Nostra families..."
"It made me think a lot more about my history and a lot more about my family's history."
"Empty except for the spirits of dead family members who some say still walk its Halls."
"I know your parents came from Poland right okay my dad came from Poland my mother came from Norway you know god bless them but they didn't have these kinds of experiences you will have to believe in something called destiny."
"Families became fractured, and none embodied this split more than the Mitford sisters."
"Everyone knows the British royal family has a long and distinguished history, but their family resemblance is definitely going strong."
"I think I have a 114-year-old great-grandmother... The main thing is we should respect women to the utmost."
"My grandmother worked ten times harder than me but I'm balling."
"This car was owned by one family since new... So you're buying a piece of history that has been passed on to another generation."
"I hoped it would serve as a link to the past, a connection to my family that would otherwise be lost after my mother's death."
"He harbored resentment towards the Empire, but he was also curious to learn about what his father had been up to these past six years."
"The calm Blaine's never have served in the war."
"It was surreal... I've done something great, you want to mean something to tell our kids, something to tell our grandkids, and I loved it."
"The proof is there that, at least at one point in the family's history, they were involved in these secret societies."
"Lovely 60 years from now, grandpa. I found this in your old stuff. What is it, son? I'm going to tell you a beautiful story."
"Why not take this chance to become your family's historian?"
"The Kennedy family is known for two big things: their curse and their success."
"The Kennedys prayed that the curse had ended... but then it came back with a vengeance."
"Celebrating this family history would be a no-brainer."
"For a moment, the Admiral's lineage teetered on the brink of destitution at a time when few social structures protected the innocence left behind after death stole the family provider."
"Celebrating family history, not trapped by it."
"Join us today as we take a deep dive into their entire storied history."
"My kids will know their mother's past and my kids will know better than to be ashamed."
"Your grandchildren gonna talk about you, your great-great-grandchildren gonna talk about you."
"My grandma grew up on a farm in Alberta and was unbelievably tough."
"For eight decades, a southern Mississippi family has pondered the mystery of what happened to Private Andrew Ladner."
"Sit down tonight at the dinner table and talk about your memories of those that have passed so that your children can hear your memories."
"I filmed a bunch of my dad's stories and I put him up on a YouTube channel and these are the stories that I grew up with."
"Philip's passing marked the end of a life intertwined with the legacy of one of America's most iconic entertainment families."
"The road your father and I walk together is soaked deeply with the blood of both friends and enemies."
"My mother came to this country by herself at age 29."
"It is the most important story I've ever told."
"When I was little we lived in the apartment right above my grandfather's shop. He was a tailor who, according to Dad, used to do quite well back in the day before fines forced him to shut down."
"Adventure was the through line for my ancestral history."
"Igaro's name is also an anagram for 'gory,' which accurately describes his family history and relates to his physical appearance."
"So I let the family tell me the story as they know it. Oh, I didn't know that."
"I think it's incredibly sad that my great great grandfather died in a coal mine while trying to make a better life for his family."
"Literally her family was refugees and she could have very well ended up in these same cages that these people are."
"For nearly 40 years, the details of Harry and Estella's love affair were kept secret from his sons."
"Tracking family history through generations of Sims - it's like creating our own saga."
"Every adjustment, every change in the family tree - it's like a living legacy."
"It's just a reminder isn't it that the past is when it comes to their mother never that far away for them."
"Before 1921, the records of births and names of children were entered into family bibles... Since 1921 American people have been registering the births and names of their children with the state."
"When he was three, Michelangelo returned to live with his family in Florence."
"My mom got into a fist fight over Double Dutch in elementary out of a girl over a double dutch like I'm not gonna tell the story but I love that story."
"What is the male pattern baldness like in your family, Banff man? Everybody, nobody was bald. I think my mom's grandfather was bald, but everybody else has hair."
"Grandpa and Grandma often spoke in hushed tones about odd happenings in the area."
"He realized that he was about to uncover his grandparents' secrets..."
"But further back, Helen has uncovered a little dynasty who ran Buckmill for at least three generations from the 17th century, the Bengefields."
"Hip-hop means everything to me, man. It saved my life, my family's lineage."
"My mother's 80 years old she was - the last time Americans fought on American soil."
"How much money, be honest, on the dollar amount, what would you give, dollar wise, to get a hundred hours of content of your grandparents and great grandparents?"
"There's something there. It's kind of like the truth being revealed, logically having to think it out, and it's going to be involving your home, your family, your property, your family lineage, your ancestry even."
"This is so significant to me my family still comes out here and prays, we've been praying out here for generations, since they were enslaved, my family."
"I'm super excited that we're doing this trip and going to a lot of places that my grandparents, my dad, my uncle, my great-grandparents went."
"Exploring this comfort crisis idea really overlaps perfectly with this scarcity brain notion."
"Hitler never had the majority. Like it was a huge issue for my extended family especially in Germany."
"It's cool to see a family that is literally built upon itself and this family history that is truly interwoven."
"I gave myself... the desire to not have to preserve my memories and to consider that this is the Yi family, it's not the Cheung family." - Isaac Chung
"He worried that people would treat him like a freak - not because of his anomaly, but because of what had happened with his father."
"My father was a lot of things, few of them good, but he started out smuggling moonshine."
"Look back at what was going on in your family life around the 11th of February."
"There's a mystery there. Okay, I see. Right. So when did he die, where and where did he die, and did he die right or did he leave the family right when he went to California? So there's a lot of questions that need to be answered."
"Then I do a location-based search to see what other records might pop up for other family members in the area."
"This boy claims to be the reincarnation of his grandfather."
"There's nothing wrong with keeping a keepsake from a family member that's passed away."
"David Arnold's father was one of the original members of the OJ's."
"I've got my first clue about my family's Origins before they arrived in the Midwest."
"My dad bought it new August '71... He wasn't happy with the paintwork... so he had it sprayed gold."
"You gotta understand his mama came from the sharecroppers and his and then father he was a shuffle and follow somebody and then had an alcohol problem because of the burden of blackness."
"It's really worth coming to, especially if you have any family members that were lost in the war."
"I watched other people close to me develop these traits, and I thought to myself, 'Did my grandparents have panic attacks?'"
"It's all about walking in the steps of ancestors and family members, but also seeing how it's evolved."
"I was there at its start, my parents not so much."
"Sickle-cell disease affected us at a young age because my father carried the trait. I remember we took a blood test at five years old to see if we carried the trait as well, and it was a relief when we found out that we didn't." - Devin McCourty
"Everybody has a story of their grandfather, their great-grandfather coming to this country with $14 in their pockets."
"Post-slavery trauma went into my grandparents."
"It's good to know that my great grandma didn't sleep around, you know. Not that there would be anything wrong with that, of course."
"Sean's motive for saving this park just became even more personal."
"This was by far the most horrifying encounter that anybody in my family has ever had with a skinwalker."
"Runcorn recently investigated the Cattermole family tree."
"He pulls up the person himself looks very like interested and then Kirk's like 'oh looks like you've seen a ghost' and then he's like 'yes perhaps I have' and then the scene cuts."
"I just can't tell you how much my heart sings to say maybe maybe Larry's kidneys won't end up like my dad's."
"What I learned the most from this experience is how important it is to spend time with your family to ask questions and to learn about your history."
"Which the grandfather wishes to forget, the grandson wishes to remember."
"His grandfather is associated with the Zensei."
"How did your grandparents come to immigrate?"
"Tell us about where the family started"
"Let's start with that then," Dad took a deep breath. "We call her the angel. That's what our grandparents called her."
"This house has been in my husband's family since at least 1770."
"That was a sad foolish story of his great uncle Anthony Bascom, the pitiful story of a wasted fortune and a wasted life."
"This bed was also for Henry and Samuel and I'm so glad that I kept it because it just means a lot to us and the glider was also one that we used with the two of them and so I love that he has a little bit of that history here in this room."
"She was beside Whitney Houston when Whitney Houston was on Barbara Walters, Bobby Christina was 8 months old."
"I have the colon of my great aunt."
"They emigrated from Scotland to Australia in 1963."
"I don't really know my mum's parents because my mum's mum died when she was young, so my mum grew up in foster care."
"Sounds like the opening line of a southern gothic novel, but this story is about a real family, and a real house, this country’s history, and a man who found himself at the center of far more than he had bargained for."
"...had that high school teacher not had that conversation, my father would have never gotten a job for Aramco where he met my mother."
"We walked to the back room of this of this Museum and in this glass case in the back was a book like this big this thick on each side and it was open to a page of the resistance Fighters and my father's name was in the book."
"It was an unbelievable moment in my life and I you know it's it's um it it touches you even right now thinking about yeah I mean I can't even imagine what his youth was like."
"It's pretty cool to hear all the stories of my grandpa on that big old boat."
"Eastwood's family was financially sound, but did have to confront difficulties during the Great Depression."
"Years later, I discovered that my grandfather was an abusive alcoholic who eventually cleaned his mouth out with a double barrel shotgun."
"His mother's family had lived there for generations."
"I'm interested to know my mother had Alzheimer's and my father died from diabetes."
"It's fascinating to learn more about our family's history."
"Just to find out more about his paternal grandmother Alice, Ian's heading north to Cheshire where she lived with her husband William Mellem."
"In one way or another, it had always lurked in the back of my mind, lying dormant and hidden ever since I'd heard those tales from my grandfather."
"Being Black American, my dad came from sharecroppers, so my dad grew up picking cotton, his parents damn near was, you know, like they've been sharecroppers for a while."
"The Arison family's captivating story begins in the late 19th century when Mosha and Sarah Arison, Romanian immigrants, made the life-changing decision to leave their homeland."
"My dad was a street kid, oh wow. He was a gang kid. He was a boxer, he used to fight in the streets. He was like, 'Oh, when he f*ck you up, he'd f*ck you up, oh yeah. He was like the Kimbo Slice of Korea, really."
"So many of my patients now can't tell me what their mother's experiences were because they didn't talk about it."
"His father had fought in the Mexican War. His brothers had fought in the Civil War. But he had never been tested."
"Eventually, he moved and had to sell the land back to my grandfather at a fraction of what he bought it for."
"An impressive array of trophies you have here. Yes, yes, this fishing rod. It belongs to my grandfather. He caught a four and a half Pounder with it just above Trots Bridge in 1900. It's hung there above the mantle ever since."
"My dad first went into the field for the OI in 1933, 86 years ago."
"If we look for their significance purely within our own life, they will appear unimportant. It's only when we connect them to the resonances of our family history that the logic of these elective affinities, the grounds for their transmission, will become apparent."
"We found out that my grandmother was biracial she was abandoned shortly after birth at a church by an older white lady adopted by a white farmer."
"My dad Emery a Tate Jr was a young athlete learning wrestling in school and developing the early forms of Tate Shin Kai strikes as a youth which I guess is his own martial arts thing."
"The story of the Morgans is a fascinating odyssey."
"My dad was gay, he had a rough life, he was emotionally unavailable, he just started therapy a year ago."
"If you're 35, 45 and you have that in your family likely you might have that too."
"I believe it is my season to walk free, to make history in my family lineage, right now."
"And coincidentally, she moved to Canada in the 1960s, I think she said, just like her, for her great-great-grandfather, which is amazing how she has actually been to London, Ontario, yeah, to visit where he used to live and work."
"Those are the experiences that come down through generations. My father's father served in the German army during World War I; he was decorated. My father's mother was a nurse in the German army during World War I. Both of them were killed, they were murdered by the Nazis."
"I brought today, um, a bracelet that was my grandmother's."
"Some families have one picture from that period and most have none. To see actual film footages is incredible."
"My great grandmother collected vintage dolls from every state, and I was always petrified of that room but didn't have much of a choice."
"Well, I'm not a stoner, my great-grandfather on my mom's side, their last name was Stone."
"My grandfather on my Irish side of the family was a lighthouse keeper."
"My father's grandfather ended up being on a space show and a Hollywood actor inside a generation. It's kind of like, wow, right? That's nuts."
"By 1910, his great-grandfather William had left Port Maddock."
"My great-grandfather's expedition to the Amazon, seeking fortune in coffee, echoes the colonial exploitation of the era."
"Mama always said we was kin to General Forrest's family some ways."
"He never talked much about the war, but when I would ask him things, you know, he would tell me various things."
"This was my great grandfather Sheck Schneider's place in Wallace."
"I want to find the old-timey lawman who killed my grandfather."
"There's a whole piece of my father having to do with the war that is his alone."
"Finally, Ben was able to clear the name of his great-grandfather Thomas Gates."
"Besides being a multi-generational uh Seventh-day Adventist I think my uh great-grandmother started the Sabbath School movement uh for the Adventist Church in Oklahoma."
"Your great-grandmother's story is of legend. When you're ready, we have much to discuss."
"In school whenever and whenever teacher would ask any of you have a Holocaust Survivor in your family I'd raise my hand straight away and tell them the story."
"This is a family favorite picture, my paternal grandfather Private George Alexander Downey."
"My family told me to stop talking to them, and I disconnected from that part completely. Deep down, I really feel the need to know who at least my great-great-grandmother is."
"Three generations of this family had been executed for murder, for poisoning."
"The Dark Lord isn't resting. My father was a great man. Your father was a swine."
"Your father's name was Namikaze Minato, more generally known as the Yondaime Hokage."
"The family had a red currant farm."
"They were in a portfolio inherited by my grandfather in Northumberland."
"She's worried about what others would think, and by the way, the family tree includes her mother Maureen Brady who was an All-American pitcher at Fresno State."
"My father was arrested, 4 September 1941."
"My mom just out of the woodwork was like, 'Oh my family is English.'"
"We just came up and knocked on the door, it turns out the owner of this home actually bought it from my dad's parents."
"Do your family history. It's gonna be so much more."
"It all kind of comes to light, and you never really have a lot of information from the birth family."
"There's a curse of sabotage that can come down in the bloodline."
"That's right that's right that's right you can see my father migrated during the Great Migration to Kansas City and met my mother there."
"My father's father was not catholic but in those days just imagine that he there were five boys that he raised all of them catholic and they all remain good catholics it's just a mystery to me"
"My mom was actually told by the landlord that her mum hung herself here in the barn outside and that she actually haunts the place."
"I shall never forget that night when I found your grandfather down there on that path by the edge of the cliff after he'd met it so horribly mangled and that insane look on his face."
"For roughly 12 years the Day family and their various partners worked the claim as time and money allowed."
"History in my family is what happened to my grandfather."
"If you've got a parent or a sibling who made it to a hundred, your chances of doing it yourself are 10 times greater than people in the general population."
"If you or a family member has something like age-related macular degeneration or maybe that runs in your family then you probably want to check out that video."
"my grandfather, my father's side was the first or one of the first African black men to ever see and meet and have direct contact with a white person and this happened as recently as 1895"
"I instantly knew my grandfather had told me about this Alfred engine."
"I loved them and he was, he was hot or I guess great-grandfather."
"To know that you're going to find a piece of your history and a piece of your family, a piece of your legacy of all of the places that you've been, this is really Holy Ground for us."
"I pray that my trauma, my emotional damage, my mama's issues, my daddy's issues, my childhood trauma don't never start to affect my marriage."