
Protest Quotes

There are 1628 quotes

"The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable."
"Our answer doesn't lie in going into the streets and burning up all the buildings and things we need."
"The riot is the voice of the unheard, especially for people who lack real political power."
"Patriotism sometimes requires protest and dissent."
"The right to protest, that's the only part of that that is freedom."
"People can protest, but people can't indiscriminately burn property for no reason of innocent people."
"The overall sentiment about cryptocurrency, the overall positive nature of it being a hedge against inflation... it's a protest against the system to some degree but at the same time it's a protest that actually has backing behind it and deserves to be higher."
"Most protests demand that the government exert more power. The truckers demanded the government exert less. That's why it was a threat."
"The only point of protest is to raise awareness... there's a lot of things that go unseen in this country."
"I would never try to stifle teammates who wanted to engage in protest, and I would support my teammates if they believe something was right to stand up for."
"This country was founded on protest; it is called the American Revolution."
"Protest is actually what creates the pressure so that the policy can get past."
"This protest wasn't actually just joined by Farmers but was a massive uprising of blue-collar workers, ordinary citizens, people who are just fed up."
"In the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard."
"King understood that the riot was the language of the unheard."
"Professors and students unite, we are going to win this fight!"
"Protesting, heckling, or booing anyone at a ceremony is simply unacceptable."
"This is the 27th time I have been arrested, and I ain't going to jail no more. The only way we gonna stop them is to take over."
"I'm absolutely free to burn a flag in protest, and I have zero desire to do it."
"We'll continue to protest until the point that the Glazers are gone."
"Those men refused life three times a day, week after week, for up to two months. I don't know many acts of heroism anywhere like that."
"Every one of you who came here today to do battle on government soil, this was, by any definition of the word, an act of terrorism. You are all under arrest."
"We've got to stay vigilant and we have to protest."
"To tell people how they should protest and what they should do and what's appropriate and what's not appropriate I think is out of line."
"Freedom loving protesters...fighting for free speech and resisting the Communist Party of China."
"We, as a community, must make this decision. I urge those protesting on the streets to remember this: Peaceful protests are your right as American citizens. Instigating violence and destruction are not."
"You've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, by all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop."
"To the women and young people of Iran protesting, you have our support and we're rooting for you, and don't let the bastards grind you down."
"Riots are the children of protest, and protest is the child of injustice."
"If somebody's coming to counter-protest you and they're being perfectly peaceful, that person also has free speech rights."
"Violence is never appropriate. Peaceful protest is."
"The vast vast vast majority of BLM isn't rioting; it's protesting."
"She emerged as an apparition from clouds of tear gas, a surreal image of human vulnerability in the face of an overwhelming force."
"Before it was over, she struck ballet poses and reclined on the street, altogether uninhibited, making a statement of resilience."
"Bitcoin is a peaceful protest, frankly, against this economic tyranny that we've come to see in government."
"This is a protest with bounce houses and Inflatables, and there's children and people are just demanding freedom, and it's like not violent."
"When you're trying to shut down someone's bank account because they're asking for freedom, that's a huge problem to me."
"Bravo to each and every one of these officers who have quit the department and won't be party to the corrupt system anymore."
"This global renaissance of mass non-violent protest... The young generation does not want to live under repression."
"Rioting, in particular, typically represents voices of the unheard."
"It's unconstitutional and we're here making some noise because it's unacceptable."
"Rioting is the language of the unheard. What do you think is going to happen if you arrest the leader of the Republican Party?"
"They peacefully exercised their First Amendment rights and expressed their rage in a way that said this must not stand."
"We are not against you. We are with you." - Bellevue Police Department officer to protesters
"Peaceful protest is the right of every American, but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
"Women at the forefront of protest movement for the first time in 40 years."
"You have a First Amendment right to peaceably assemble, and the Supreme Court has read that to mean that there can be reasonable restrictions on the place and time of your protest."
"They do have the right to not serve anybody that they want, but what people don't get is that people also have the right to protest against these assholes when they don't serve people that live lifestyles that they don't like."
"Riots are no good, protests are good. We need civil protests."
"People did not protest for the sake of protest, they protest to see change and we must deliver that change."
"Progress that was made through struggle... was the only way we could do that was through protest and through civil rights moves that were made."
"It's right to kneel during the national anthem if you feel like you're not getting treated as equal as everybody else."
"Protest, we're unhappy, I'm articulating it, I'm expressing it, second step is action, is change."
"Peaceful and patriotic protest is the very antithesis of a violent assault on the nation's capital."
"We are here to demand Justice and we are here to demand it right now."
"We should not see protest that takes the form of violence, that takes the form of vandalism."
"We have to do something called civil disobedience."
"In the earliest centuries, there was a lot of diversity within early Christianity."
"The government is actually criminalizing protest."
"If you have a problem, you demonstrate. That's the design of the system."
"Our right to protest and assemble is a human right."
"Rioting is bad, looting is bad, setting fires is not protesting."
"We all want justice alright, but this is not the way to get it."
"Not in my name, don't bomb Iraq, and no blood for oil."
"When people protest and you're going to criminalize... that's not um."
"When governments are closing down bank accounts of people that are donating to a protest that is a conspiracy theory."
"If they quash what's going on with GameStop, there's going to be another riot just like that."
"Let's send a strong message to the Olympic committee... that never again should they allow a country to host the Olympic games that's engaged in genocide."
"Shut the streets down and you can protest and burn the flag and do whatever you want to do and I will stand by you while you do it."
"None of them should have been there. The rioters shouldn't have been there, the mob shouldn't have been there, the police should have."
"If we had real democracy, we wouldn't have to protest. We want more control of our own destinies."
"It's our right to protest, and the fact that they're trying to stop us from doing that is crazy too."
"Academic freedom is a terribly important thing; the reason they're protesting at Sing Hwa is that academic freedom at that university has been stripped away."
"You guys are just citizens wearing a costume."
"This is a first amendment protected activity. You have no reasonable suspicion."
"Protesters across China have directly challenged the authority of the Chinese leader and the Communist party."
"There's a very fine line between a protest and a riot."
"At a certain point, a protest vote... it's defensible, a protest vote at that point."
"Enough is enough, and it's time for a change."
"There's nothing more American than protesting for your rights."
"The right of the people to protest and resist tyranny is paramount."
"Stop the riots, stop the protest, let's stop this, let's stop police brutality."
"Even the notion that the government can shut down your bank account for giving 50 bucks to a protest is absolutely crazy."
"Legacy Stand stopping the game with millions waiting to watch got to hurt, keeping these people where it matters. Enough is enough, this is just the start."
"We're standing up, we're here, and whatever happens, we're not laying down."
"Rage Against the discontinuation of the whammy... that'd be like a really good band name."
"Rioters chanting 'every city, every town, burn this precinct to the ground.'"
"Kyle's response, 'I love you too ma'am,' when a protester screamed insults at him, shows his demeanor even in tense situations."
"Being here is to commit an act of civil disobedience."
"Filling the streets to protest not being able to get a haircut that was pointlessly dangerous filling the streets to protest racist violence that threatens the lives of millions of Americans I'd say probably a bit more urgent."
"Resigning isn't an act of whining. It is a ultimate protest."
"Blizzard campus signs covered up by incensed employees."
"It's clear that if in fact the decision comes down the way it does and these states impose the limitations they're talking about it's going to cause a mini-revolution."
"The honking is upon us, the freedom convoy has reached Ottawa, Justin Trudeau has fled the city to an undisclosed location."
"This was a violent mob trying to overthrow American democracy."
"What do we do... take to the streets... even if lethal force met with non-violent protests."
"We continue to call for the swift release of those peaceful protesters... who have been unjustly."
"I think it shows a complete lack of understanding and why people are in the street there in the street fighting a system of domination and he doesn't understand that."
"Peaceful protest now also means the destruction of property."
"Protest to stand up, to say what you have to say, to be peaceful."
"A protest is okay but when you get to the point of essentially holding hundreds of thousands of people in a city hostage and demanding that the government change the rules because you want to."
"So I want everybody who can hear my voice right now to get up, go over to their windows, and I want you to yell, 'I'm fed up, Arnold! And I don't care who knows it! I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!'"
"When you have a problem with the system, you don't burn down your city, you go to the government."
"Rage Against the Machine was able to shut down American capitalism."
"Down with Travis, everybody! Down with Travis!"
"Portland protesters launch mortars at federal buildings, smash windows, and burn American flags."
"Who says protests need to be peaceful? Literally the First Amendment."
"I'm not gonna shut up and I'm not gonna sit down and I'm not gonna be quiet."
"Protest is healthy, however you choose to protest is helping."
"Protesting is not burning or looting. Violence has cannot be tolerated and it won't. But these protesters are a cry for justice."
"Protest is a constitutional right... I've never cared if people don't believe."
"When peacefulness intensifies, apparently that's when you set fire to a courthouse, damage a police station, and assault police officers. But it's mostly peaceful, guys."
"The wonderful Iranian protesters refused to step on or denigrate our great American flag."
"If we come out in mass, there's nothing they can do to stop us."
"In Hong Kong, officials banned an annual pro-democracy march for the first time, arresting dozens of unauthorized protesters under a controversial new security law."
"That's how you protest, people. That's how you do it. Come on, world, pay attention. Gosh darn it, love that. That's fantastic."
"It is a protest. This is a waffle protest and no one had to burn down a racetrack or throw a molotov cocktail into a buckle store."
"If you're gonna protest, you know what you're protesting or who you're protesting for."
"Well done, Man United fans. They've made their point."
"This isn't even about the money. The main focus is sending a message, telling Wall Street to [ __ ] off."
"Teachers stood solid on the picket line, though many of them were from the drama department being trees."
"50 maskless anti-lockdown protesters force their way into LA supermarket after California extends regional stay-at-home order indefinitely."
"I just love that awkward moment when someone at the protest is wearing the same outfit as you and you call them a fascist."
"I'll stand in front of a tank. You can run over me."
"Protesters heckle a Brooklyn taqueria after Chauvin verdict as white demonstrator leads chants telling white owners to get the F out of New York."
"But protest is meant to be hard it's meant to mean something if it then disappears as soon as it gets hard it's a yellow card or you won't be able to take that life-changing money then you're open to criticism."
"We have a right to be angry about it and we have a right to protest and to change the culture by taking our stand."
"Scientology by weaponizing the police force against the protesters... only makes sure that a very special breed of protester shows up."
"I'll just be singing Glazer out, you know I mean, I'll be doing that mate."
"It takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice, especially when you're 11."
"Political violence never appropriate however this riot or whatever you want to call it mob was never going to take control of the federal government."
"All right, the LA based rock band the Banzai Predicament protested the petroleum giant Shell today by giving away a tanker full of gasoline."
"Instead of being mad, just don't give them your money."
"Smash all my windows if it will be a step toward change."
"I withdraw my trust. I withdraw my cooperation. I withdraw my good faith."
"Protest is American solidly at the heart of any democratic society, many of our cherished institutions have a long history of protest."
"Those people have to be, many of them, I guess there's some by the way there was antifa and there was FBI there were a lot of other people there too leading the charge."
"We were watching the Capitol building get defaced over a lie."
"These protests soon became no different from a total Uprising against the Putin regime."
"A non-vote is a political action... it embarrasses the government."
"Nigeria is messed up. Nigeria is killing a youth. Nigeria is killing everybody clean up."
"Riots are always a morally dubious thing, but I tend to revert to Martin Luther King with 'a riot is the shout of the unheard.'"
"I'll stand in front of a tank, you can run over me, but I'll be back in one of the tracks."
"Unity among world leaders, unity in Europe, unity among people gathering around the world to protest President Putin's war of choice."
"We have to stand up to it and say like stop."
"We won't back down. We won't settle for any less."
"Have you seen my house I'ma barricade myself in the palace I'm not coming out for what I ain't this ain't gonna do [ __ ] and it's always gonna be [ __ ] the police I don't give a [ __ ] if I get personal opinion"
"That's the idea of freedom: we protect your right to protest the system."
"My message to you is no longer consent to listen without protest to the perversion of Truth."
"Watching members of the Ottawa Police Service seize fuel from peaceful protesters took away a long-held belief that I thought to be a lasting truth."
"It's not about 30 pesos; it's about 30 years."
"Protesting is not burning, it's not looting, it's not violence and must never be tolerated."
"These protesters are crying for justice from communities that have long, long had the knee of injustice on their neck."
"As Americans, we have the right to protest peacefully. Those who are violent are not protesters but instead terrorists."
"The protest that we're seeing around the world should inspire hope in all of you."
"I'm proud that people are still out protesting because this is the only way people can show that they do not want Russia there."
"Let's go Brandon is about let's get rid of this regime."
"People don't just decide to get up, go to the capital, smash stuff up for a laugh."
"It's murder. You can protest all you want but it's murder."
"I do find it completely insane that a state government could dictate what an individual citizen can and cannot protest or boycott on their own time and with their own money."
"Let's get to a million and just give a big fu for censorship."
"A successful protest isn't one that leaves the status quo in place."
"The Republican Party in general, it has been trying to make it more difficult for people to protest."
"Even if the risk were the same, like, the protesters are taking a risk to make the world safer for everyone, and the Trump people are taking a risk to make the world more dangerous, so these two things are not morally equivalent."
"Effie's fashion: a silent protest in a world of oppression."
"You have the right to assemble, you have the right to protest."
"We the people will not tolerate this tyranny, this abusive power ever again."
"It's been definitely one of the most peaceful, most festival-like protests that I've ever seen."
"It makes sense for him to urinate on a Grammy, a sign that he's alright, rejecting white exploitation."
"Shout out to those who still raise the fist and kneel."
"Anonymous vs. Church of Scientology protests."
"Ultimately they shouldn't have broken into the pitch, but they got the game cancelled and it sent a big statement."
"This is a protest against an unconstitutional and a black law."
"When we see truckers uprising in Canada and we see farmers uprise in the Netherlands, there are reasons that these things are happening."
"The boycott is still on. The only thing that brings this to an end is a groveling apology."
"Protest is the super super important part of this movement because people really need to understand just how urgent it is."
"If the senators do not respect people's vote, they will march to the street once again."
"There is no such thing about violence on both sides; this rally was violence, and any violence that's done in retaliation or against these people is, in my opinion, completely justified."
"Protesters poured into the streets of Berlin chanting 'Black Lives Matter' and 'I can't breathe'."
"Federal agents in unmarked cars detained protesters in Portland... It's a form of intimidation, it's absolutely horrifying."
"The trucker convoy was a legitimate expression of concern."
"Boycott became a last resort because they weren't able to have a voice."
"They despise people protesting or even rioting over the horrific conditions because they are contributing to those conditions in literally every way they can."
"It took protest it took people saying hey we don't want Scarlett Johansson playing Asian we don't want Emma Stone to play a Chinese Hawaiian we don't want that it's not okay anymore."
"The atmosphere is tense as tens of thousands of young Colombians are currently out on the street all across the nation to protest for their rights."
"Actually, this is a wonderful opportunity to discuss how vibrant that democracy is, a country where a group of women can wear hats with a certain kind and have protests after protests against the president."
"One of the biggest youth protest events since Vietnam."
"Truckers are apparently now chanting 'Meet with us, meet with us' at Trudeau because, well, that is how this gets solved."
"It was a thing of beauty: what message did you mostly hear? What were they actually chanting? For freedom."
"We have to have an outside strategy where we're applying pressure and if it's necessary to take it to the streets, take it to the streets."
"There's nothing more American than protesting injustices."
"A call for social change echoed through the streets."
"It wasn't burnt down because people were mad at the police, it was burned down because the police were mad at the people."
"The first two days, we were getting fired upon with our hands up, screaming 'hands up, don't shoot,' with no riots, nothing like that."
"Seattle Police Department is unleashing flashbangs, Mace, tear gas."
"Occupy Wall Street used language that PBS will not air; the Tea Party used language that you could use in church."
"This is not peaceful protesting. This is criminal activity."