
Ocean Quotes

There are 1813 quotes

"The ocean continually recurs in mythology, folklore, and literature as the ultimate metaphor for consciousness."
"We managed to survive 100 days in the contaminated ocean."
"Within the blackened ocean deep and dark as a moonless night, what may frighten some have fear themselves, a notion without proof."
"I wash my soul in the ocean, in the tears of God I let it go."
"The streets of Long Beach wind and twist their way, gliding along the ocean with Shoreline Drive."
"By 2050, scientists predict that the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish."
"For coastal indigenous peoples, the ocean has been vital to their culture and survival for thousands of years."
"Thor's Well is a sinkhole-like formation that appears to swallow the ocean's waters and then dramatically spew them back out."
"The majesty of the ocean can be appreciated in a small part by the things we see online."
"Staring out into the sea, waves come crashing up to me, my toes slip into the sand."
"The connection between the moon and the ocean is pretty special."
"Exploring the depths of the ocean is indeed a fascinating endeavor."
"I think she really cares about the ocean and its animals."
"It's not just climate change that’s affecting the ocean, right?"
"The ocean has always held a treasure trove of mysteries."
"And in the depths of the ocean, leviathans lurk."
"His love of the ocean was far greater than his fear of what could happen."
"More people are getting a chance to see up close this summer a local team ventured into the depths of the ocean to begin what will be a years-long process to document the wreckage of Titanic in Greater detail than ever before."
"The sandy ocean floor is not as benign as it seems."
"After Captain Octo took his last breath, I dove back into the ocean."
"The sea is beautiful and full of life, but it is just as deadly and unforgiving."
"The sea really does never give up her secrets."
"Great Pacific Garbage Patch: a vortex of circulating currents."
"Imagine this type of creature swimming right up to you deep down in the ocean." - Joe Rogan
"Secrets of the deep would I think we're gonna need help."
"It's honestly almost stupid and kind of ignorant to not believe that some type of creature that at least resembles a mermaid or is similar to a mermaid or is a mermaid exists in the ocean."
"There is so much of our ocean that is still unexplored, and that's where the truth lies."
"The forces of the ocean were fighting for him."
"Prehistoric microbes have survived in the ocean."
"This one is interesting, it's an unidentified sound that's existed at least since the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory began recording underwater."
"I took the job. Three and a half years in the ocean will teach you a lot."
"The ocean has always been a mysterious place to humans, and when foul weather or poor navigation is involved, it can be a very deadly place."
"Boundless mysteries that the deep oceans hold."
"75% of all volcanic activity on Earth happens deep under the ocean."
"More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped explored or even seen by humans."
"Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the ocean as we delve into the fascinating world of the giant Oceanic manta ray."
"The ocean is one of the most vulnerable and least understood places within the vast universe."
"Deeper? Yeah, it's one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world."
"Point Nemo is known as the spacecraft cemetery."
"Tokyo DisneySea is the only Park inspired by the sea ocean tales and legends."
"Whoever controls the Indian Ocean will dominate Asia, the destiny of the world will be decided on its Waters." - Alfred Thayer Mahan
"I know it's kind of cliche at this point, but if there's one thing that absolutely terrifies me, it's the ocean... most of all, for me, it's the fear of the unknown."
"Probably the most well-known ocean Cryptid... well alongside another one which will appear a little later on."
"Here we've got another legendary sea creature... just crazy to think that something like this actually existed."
"This is quite the infamous ocean mystery... for now, this one remains a creepy yet fascinating ocean mystery."
"Wow, look at the Whitecaps out there on the ocean, that looks absolutely amazing!"
"It's a testament to how much the ocean is liquid hate but it is also fascinating. It's a fascinating insight into the mentality of you squishies."
"The oceans surface absorbs solar radiation all day and that warms the surface to around 22 degrees Celsius."
"I'm the ocean, but I'm also confident that I'm very unlikely to get hit by a shark attack."
"I'm terrified of going in the sea... that's fear."
"I mean, they call me the Sonic of the ocean."
"Water terrifies me. This giant liquid that covers 70% of the Earth's mass."
"It's not something to be scared of next time you're out there in the ocean."
"Considering it was a sound that came from our ocean and at first no one could tell where it had come from, it really was quite frightening."
"Lurking below the waves are not only bizarre species known to science — but a vast multitude of imagined leviathans."
"Paradoxically, sometimes the best way to convey the power of the ocean is to reveal very little of it."
"These glaciers start calving off and they sink down and all the material flows to the bottom of the ocean..."
"The ocean is a mysterious, powerful, and dangerous place."
"Half a million items taken out of the ocean."
"Surfing isn't just a sport; it's a dance with the ocean, a thrilling art form."
"The sea is his domain. He can go anywhere on this planet and peek from water in minutes."
"Just go exploring the oceans of GTA 5 Online."
"There really is nothing more relaxing than floating in the ocean."
"Witnessing the majestic beauty and sheer size of the ocean, wouldn't you say it's sublime?"
"I guess in the ocean... I have some tapes with somebody that was with that person."
"The vast ocean, seems you'll primarily be exploring it with a vehicle."
"We know more about the moon in the sky above than we do about the deep blue sea below."
"Nature specifically the seas likes to throw mysterious things at us from time to time, a day doesn't go by where something new hasn't turned up."
"Shimmering Shores of Vaadhoo: Bioluminescent plankton creating a sea of stars."
"No matter what they are hiding in my oceans, it will not stay hidden."
"The ocean is deep and full of secrets, powerful enough to wipe out entire cities in a matter of hours."
"They build it on site. I could build a foundation myself. You wake up, you walk out the goddamn sliding door, and boom, the ocean's right there."
"It's also violent and dangerous. Throughout our entire existence, we've attempted to traverse and tame these oceans, but the ocean has a fierce temper."
"This photo of the Titanic encapsulates a lot of what thalassophobia sufferers are afraid of."
"We cannot dispute the fact that we're undergoing problems with our oceans, and pollution, at rates that are somewhere between appalling and terrifying."
"Salvador Alvarenga's incredible journey: 5,500 miles adrift in the Pacific."
"Thalassophobia is the fear of deep water, but more than that, it's the anxiety you feel when contemplating the vast emptiness of the sea."
"Being stranded in the open ocean with only your wits to keep you alive is quite honestly one of the most terrifying real-world situations you could find yourself in."
"The seafloor is full with the bodies of optimists."
"The mysteries of the Wida are still out there in the briny deep, and Bellamy's final resting place may even surface someday."
"Ocean is not your friend, ocean is life."
"One of the best moments on this trip was just cooling off in the ocean."
"I feel like the ocean is a part of outer space; it has to be."
"the ocean holds many secrets that can only be uncovered by diving into its depths"
"There's nothing more humbling than the ocean."
"Perhaps this is a reminder that the seas are still largely a mystery to us, and there are potentially thousands of undiscovered creatures hiding down there in the dark."
"Win or lose, there's always the simple joy of being in the ocean."
"The bloop... one of the loudest sounds on earth ever recorded."
"The ocean has its silent caves, deep, quiet, and alone; though there be fury in the waves, beneath them there is none."
"The ocean remains an enigmatic and spellbinding region, defying full comprehension and leaving scientists in perpetual awe."
"The earth is mostly water after all, so most of our own world is a stranger to us."
"If we give the ocean space, it can heal itself."
"Who knew the ocean could put on a show like this?"
"Who knew the ocean could hold such wonders?"
"Jaws... the first blockbuster movie that made people afraid to go into the ocean."
"I think related to the ocean is this overarching fear I have of the unknown and the infinite."
"Nothing can clear a portion of the ocean as quickly as orcas can."
"If you've got a child who is ocean obsessed, this is probably a place to stop by."
"Vast and lonely as the ocean, and even as all things came from it, so shall they return there too."
"The ocean covers 71% of the Earth's surface, more is known about the surface of the Moon and Mars than that of our own planet's sea floor."
"I love the ocean; it's so mysterious and could never hurt me ever."
"In the depths of the ocean, lies a world unexplored."
"Stories of the unexplainable things that happen in the middle of the ocean."
"And hauntings from those lost in the abyss. These are deep sea horror stories."
"The ocean floor is full of treasures just waiting to be found."
"Oceans have an unending cycle of predators turning prey and prey turning into predators."
"Desalinating ocean water is a life-saving exercise in chemistry."
"The world's largest mountain range is actually under the ocean."
"Sirius is a bespoke 85 ft all-ocean long-range Expedition trawler."
"I cannot wait to wake up in the morning, go jump in the ocean, go for a swim, go for a jog."
"In a strange way, the ocean's very beautiful, this beautiful pale blue and white wash, very pretty."
"This is honestly beautiful. My favorite part about this entire explore is the ocean."
"We could all agree that treya di Matteo is very hot especially when it gets hot in the ocean just gets hotter."
"There's something dictatorial about the ocean, this openness, infiniteness."
"The ocean is not always a warm place, especially for some animals like some Antarctic killer whales or belugas that live up in the high Arctic."
"I always have the best workout on a cruise overlooking the ocean in Miami."
"Most of the ocean is still shrouded in mystery, whether we're talking about dark corners or creatures that are hiding in the depth."
"Part of the ocean is a living fossil."
"Burning to death in that tube under the ocean is the most post-modern way to die."
"There is nothing but water on all sides, and not even a single organism lives there."
"The ocean is unexplored... 95% of the ocean is unexplored, which is crazy."
"It is estimated that only about five percent of the ocean's floor has been accurately mapped"
"There are almost certainly even deeper parts of the ocean that just haven't been discovered yet"
"Maybe only a matter of time before an even deeper part of our ocean is found and who knows what we may discover"
"The ocean is a dangerous place, respect it, honor it."
"This is our first ever beach house right on the ocean, so exciting!"
"The ocean... it's huge and never-ending. Look both ways and you see nothing but bluish-green water and swirling walls of sediment, a reminder of how incredibly small and inconsequential you are."
"The ocean is taking a lot of this temperature increase like a heat sink."
"Just really take your time and appreciate what you have in front of you and appreciate everything the ocean has to offer."
"It's hard to tell where the ocean starts and where the stars stop."
"The ocean sure has some magical powers over us humans."
"Life becomes like the ocean, it is effortless for life to be there."
"When you look at the sea, you know the ocean is not weak, emotions are powerful."
"Living so close to the water was a dream come true. I could take a short stroll down my sandy pathway and dive right into the ocean whenever I wanted."
"It's unforgiving environment, the ocean, isn't it?"
"I don't think about it. It doesn't really make me sad or traumatized. Like, I'm not scared of the ocean. Like, I'm happy to go back."
"Ocean exploration seems to be much more exciting and important than space exploration."
"It is a fact that more than 80 percent of the ocean is still undiscovered. It has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans."
"Instead of swimming, it walks along the ocean floor in search of food."
"Sharks, possibly the world's scariest predator."
"The ocean is [__] horrifying. It's an unforgiving frontier harboring some of the most harrowing life and environmental enigmas on the planet."
"This is what we wanted to see the most. So this is where the sand dunes meet the ocean. Unbelievable."
"There's a lot of things that seem to be happening around the world that are all ocean and shipping related."
"Guess what guys, I ended up going in the ocean. It felt so good."
"There's something really special about being by the ocean."
"Calm Ocean Shores and breathtaking views of the golf."
"Remember, the moon affects our tides and currents in the ocean."
"Listen, we're ocean improve, not ocean."
"If you can see the ocean, the ocean could see you."
"Africa I love her is she really beautiful sir Africa darkest meanest coolest on all the oceans yeah she's beautiful."
"Your heart is like a great ocean of love."
"He's unbelievably strong, even on the ocean."
"Everything's better under the sea, take it from me."
"The Ediacaran fauna lived exclusively in the ocean as the ozone layer was not yet thick enough to allow life on land."
"all simple reminders of just how unknown and terrifying the ocean is"
"The farther down they sank, the more magical the ocean seemed to become."
"I love the ocean, I have the anti of thalassophobia."
"The ocean can be turbulent and raging."
"I love the fact that we have a balcony so that we can eat out here if we choose to, but the view is literally the best part. We get to look at the ocean. It's just really, really pretty out here."
"The ocean produces 50 to 80 percent of all the oxygen on our planet."
"The ocean floor trembled sending rocks crashing and the shock wave reverberated through the water."
"We found that about three-quarters of the things that we were seeing in the ocean with our ROV in the water column were bioluminescent."
"You had to make out lose nothing and become Prince of the ocean As a treat."
"To be out there in the ocean on a sailboat is phenomenal."
"The fastest fish in the ocean, baby!"
"The vast waters of the Pacific Ocean have been the backdrop for numerous tales of mystery, adventure, and sometimes, the inexplicable."
"By harnessing the power of the geomantic web, the Slann split the single continent into many smaller ones and created the vast ocean that separated them, called the World Pond."
"Safety is everything when it comes to submerging yourself into the great unknown of the ocean."
"There's so much stuff in that ocean that can kill you, man, and we just, we be naive to the fact, that's all I'm saying."
"Humans have been driven to want to explore the ocean for thousands of years it's in our nature to be drawn to water and to want to know as much as possible about the world around us."
"Ocean views right in front of you."
"What makes a good waterman or waterwoman? To me, if I had to put like a type of word to it, I would say, like, gracious in the ocean and on land too."
"There's nothing quite like a refreshing plunge into the ocean."
"Having multiple simulations at once also allows us to model pretty much any state of the ocean we could want."
"Everyone surfs there, everyone enjoys the ocean, because after all, it's, you know, it's everyone's ocean."
"Such a beautiful wild world, you love ocean guys, I love it. I wish to go sometimes and stay by the ocean as well, thank you thank you."
"You are connected to the energies of the ocean, to Yamaya."
"The ocean is petrifying, so why not, you know?"
"But friends like these, who needs anemones?"
"The ocean is the beating heart of our planetary life support system."
"I love the ocean. I want to go swimming now."
"Besides whales, this is one of my biggest fears when it comes to the ocean."
"When it comes to our planetary life support system the ocean the physicality of the ocean is not just what makes life on Earth possible but it structures everything else."
"Just thinking that mapping the ocean is the only important thing to know misses a lot of the points."
"A majestic tiger shark emerged from the depths, known as one of the ocean's apex predators."
"It's a hobby. The peace of mind that comes along with being here, looking at the ocean, hearing the waves, is just phenomenal."
"Thereafter the ocean told me its secrets no more, and though many times since the moon has shown full and high in the heavens, the white ships from the South came never again."
"Nothing seemed more natural than spending hours in the waves."
"That ocean, what's it like? The Earth's 70% water, okay?"
"With so much of our planet's ocean still to explore, stories like the Kraken will endure for many years to come."
"A new ocean is a physical treasure. What Oda said specifically is that One Piece wouldn't be some sort of intangible concept like friendship or love or something like that. Thank god. But the creation of a giant is very much."
"It's perfect for anyone seeking a taste of the Sea's magic."
"Love would have to be bigger than an ocean liner."
"Beneath the ocean's surface, there's a whole world we hardly know anything about."
"The ocean covers over 70% of our planet's surface, but these immense bodies of water hold secrets and wonders far beyond what we've come to know."
"...that was the most beautifully haunting sound I've ever heard come from the sea."
"What an awesome day of sailing we've had today. It has luckily rejuvenated both of us for ocean sailing."
"Next time we enjoy calm conditions out on the open ocean, but there is no respite and we have to use this time for repairs and to prepare for more bad weather ahead."
"It tastes like I was really in Italy, with the ocean slapping against the shore."
"Crazy to think that you could be on the deck of a ship out in the middle of the ocean."