
Cultural Exploration Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"This trip had two purposes: one, to see this new Russia in wintertime, and two, to explore the cultural significance of New Year's and Orthodox Christmas in Russia."
"This exhibit explores both the reality and the myth of the American West, and both are important."
"It's heartwarming, it's full of flavor. If you're somebody who wants to expand your food-eating horizon, start with frog legs."
"Chef Dev celebrates these food traditions by cooking and exploring the stories behind these cuisines."
"You got to try things; different cultures have different flavor profiles than we're used to, but you still got to try it."
"Kendrick Lamar is hip-hop's anthropologist, using his music and poetry to explore African-American culture as ever-changing and fluid."
"I always enjoy these crawls, and it's a fun way to explore these festivals and try something new."
"It's incredible to create to share, to connect to people, to understand worlds and lives and cultures and individuals and just stories."
"If you combine the mixtape that introduces you soundtrack with the evokes an entire time and place kind you can end up with a collection that introduces you to entire new corners of the world through its music."
"Ethnicity can sometimes be a touchy subject online, but now with social media, it's way easier to discover and share cultures with each other."
"Explore 11 different cultures in one day at World Showcase."
"Poland would be really cool... what do you guys think would be one of the first Scandinavian factions?"
"There's a kind of thrill in deciphering foreign languages and finding mutuality."
"Wow what an incredible journey we've been on today delving into the mesmerizing world of ancient Cyprus and unraveling the mythical threads of Aphrodite and Adonis."
"It's about two girls and Deon and Pfizer who are sent to live with their grandmother hyacinth in Barbados from New York essentially a coming-of-age story is it's a quiet novel it doesn't try to do too much."
"So excited to see what the Pakistan trains are all about."
"I cannot teach you, but I can help you explore yourself. And I think that's going to be the beginning of people breaking more culture out there."
"I always love coming to McDonald's in different countries to see what they've got."
"I would much rather be on my way out doing ayahuasca because if there was ever ever a mother of all drugs she's not even a drug the mother an ayahuasca is the medicine."
"To understand this fascinating land, we must start from the very beginning."
"The question of blackness is being our search for meaning."
"Let's hear it for British culture, let's find out what it is, what's it all about."
"Photography for me was the best visa I've ever had in my life."
"Come to Africa, come to Ghana, you will love it. Don't believe what others say about Africa, come experience it for yourself."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"George Harrison fascinated by the music of Ravi Shankar embarked on the culture and traditions of India."
"The dating school that we saw in Gerudo Town in Breath of The Wild was a really cool insight to Gerudo culture and life in this day and age."
"Food is one of the best ways to get to know a country."
"Passage Verdo is filled with antiques, art galleries, old books, and other treasures. Don't forget to look up and admire the glass roof."
"Chicago should be the first city you want to visit when you come to the U.S. because of the culture."
"For any anthropological explorer who wants to take a dive into the deepest depths of the Canadian cultural iceberg... the 20th century is definitely an experience I would recommend."
"I want people to discover the wonders of South Korean drama, or rather East Asian drama in general."
"Discovering music for the first time, discovering things for the first time, entertainment from other parts of the world, most specifically music. Now with these movies."
"Thanks for coming along on this Zen Pop journey."
"You've got to go to Queens and you've got to eat in Jackson Heights."
"I'm trying different things in Karachi, one thing is very famous, that is called Biryani."
"No New York hot-dog tour would be complete without a trip to Nathan's Famous over in Coney Island."
"Look for accurate sources and talk to people who have actually been to the country."
"Introducing the smoky nightclubs of Harlem, Kerouac finally found the music that stirred his soul."
"Literature from around the world just really works for me. I love learning new things, I love experiencing different countries' writing."
"Learning another language is another world, another mindset, different sentence structure, different cultures, two ideas—this is a big deal."
"American Rachel Chu's journey to her wealthy boyfriend's home in Singapore marries the best parts of the rom-com genre with some genuine cultural insight."
"The Bhagavad Gita as It Is is a great book and a great read for you if you're looking into different cultures, especially Eastern culture."
"This journey I'll get to experience the history, the culture, the food, the parties."
"One of my great dreams, of course, is to one day be able to go visit Cuba."
"This whole adventure, to San Francisco's Chinatown, has been enlightening for me."
"I wouldn't go there for the weebs stuff, I would honestly go there for the food."
"Let's go find them around the world. Take away with me before I leave just having a good time enjoying ourselves man. This is all about travel exploring learning from one another I feel alive."
"You want me to go to another country just comment down below what country I need to go to where are the afro people where they at we found them in Mexico let's go find them."
"Our time in Porto (Oporto) was spent sipping on Port wine, soaking in the views across the Douro River, wandering through the hilly streets, and marvelling at buildings covered in blue tiles."
"In this travel guide, we’re going to share a little bit of Porto’s magic with you."
"The US is often overlooked as a place to see amazing things and I'm on a mission to change that."
"Computer science: god-tier degree, gateway to financial independence."
"India was like number one on my list of places I wanted to travel."
"To understand the beginnings, etymology of these things is very important... because that's what you travel for, authentic experiences."
"I wish I was home. I'm here from an Eat Pray Love themed kitchen recording a show about the removal of Bob Chapek."
"What keeps us going more now is the people... It's the culture of these new countries and these new villages."
"The hero archetype has two basic elements. One is the confrontation of the terrible aspect of nature, chaos in its most brutal form, and the other is the confrontation with the archaic aspect of culture."
"Sumire learns about sharing love at night and says that it sounds fun, she is a vampire so she is not equipped to produce or create, but she would love to try sharing love."
"The movie itself is everything that you want in a film. It is a beautiful exploration of a culture that a lot of western audiences may not be familiar with while showing it in an eastern setting."
"I like to bring in... music, art, learning about different people, travel."
"They soon arrive at the first location that Hercule wanted to show Little Miss Manipulator: an art museum dedicated to the greatest works of Lamuan culture."
"You've got to be listening all over the place, you've got to be listening to the mainstream, you've got to be listening to the underground, you've got to be listening in the middle."
"If you're ever in Greece, make sure you visit this magical place."
"Indian food just makes me so happy and I know I've had a lot of requests to do other foods as well."
"I think the Barbarian is one of the greatest potential areas for story development, for narrative, for culture, for ritual, for all that kind of wonderful stuff."
"Art can take you all kinds of places and you can take art all kinds of places."
"Try out a different flavor, watch or read news from a particular country or region."
"The beauty of anime is that within the confines of anime we get to watch a lot of things that would never happen in the real world."
"I'm on a bit of a mission to learn why this country is so obsessed with food."
"Coming to China and visiting it, it's a Once in a Lifetime experience."
"Our journey into seeking the spirits of the South both begins and ends here."
"Join us on this journey of exploring truth and tradition through honest journalism."
"The moment outside the veil of culture lies an unmapped Terra incognito, as vast as the new world was to the old."
"When you come to Japan, you have to 100% check out all these convenience stores."
"It's a race to be the first Brits in the 51st state!"
"You owe it to yourself, you owe it to yourself, you've read so many other books, read the Quran."
"Took us too long to get to this, but we want to learn more about European football."
"Honestly, this is a great museum to explore."
"You never really get the feel of a culture until you experience its cuisine."
"Why do we travel? The reason I do, and I don't think I'm alone here, is to experience something different."
"Get ready to explore a world inspired by Southeast Asian culture."
"Egypt after going this summer like I suggest that's one place like Egypt is crazy like the vibe everybody's out having a great time the music riding camels sitting the pyramids is unbelievable."
"Join me as I embark on a journey to this magical and misunderstood region."
"It feels like this gourmet journey of Japan every month."
"I choose Central Europe and Romania because that seems like fun. A vampire rises, how appropriate."
"I would really like to go to Japan, I think Japan would be really, really cool to go to. Japan, New Zealand, I think New Zealand would be fantastic."
"In Tripoli, you can see it more authentic. I'm on a quest to discover what sets food here apart from anywhere else in the world."
"Yo dude what's up everybody here we are IRL stream in Japan!"
"I'm stepping out across Britain to discover 100 remarkable places that have shaped you, me, and the whole world."
"The best part has been just kind of learning more about each sides of my culture and trying to just kind of educate myself more on like the history of things."
"If you've never had Filipino food, we urge you to try it."
"I don't know about you, but I really enjoy studying about different cultures, and in many of them, there are depictions of mythological creatures."
"Don't think Morocco is something you could do in one visit—it's a huge country with diverse regions."
"We hiked all the way down and found the perfect spot to just hang out and lay out."
"Beyond theme parks: exploring the cultural corridors of Orlando."
"I've always been really interested in going farther away just to get a new experience or a new culture."
"Wichita people are a little bit more, we like to say we have grit."
"Discovering new events... in Native American history."
"I love Mississippi, there's so much cool cultural stuff to experience."
"It's going to be an amazing day of Vietnamese food and I cannot wait to share all of the pho action coming up for you right now in this video."
"Empaths are free spirits. They love trying new things and seeing the world."
"Cool stuff's always been out there if you're looking for it."
"I can't believe I only played this on a whim for a totally unrelated video. I hope you can take away from this video how much groundbreaking art exists at the fringes of public awareness..."
"What a great opportunity there from to learn about United States culture."
"Food is a part of that history, and I want to taste that history."
"These remarkable roots are our oldest roads and have been traveled for more than 5,000 years."
"The Ridgeway will take me to a world-famous stone circle at the heart of a prehistoric landscape."
"The show pays a lot of attention to different types of geekdom and the different ways young people interact with popular culture."
"Every month a new religion and we become very Pious men Ludwig and slime light the menorah."
"We're here to capture Nigerian life, food, and culture few have seen before."
"Every nation on earth it seems has some form of tribe or indigenous people, and now we're headed over to Russia to meet their indigenous people, the Chukchi."
"To get a fair look at any country, you need to venture beyond its dominant city."
"It's an honor to hang out with these gentlemen here in Texas to learn a little bit more about Texas and how things work here and to get to try even more of their food."
"We know nothing of this in Monster Hunter and so an exploration of this and what different monsters could mean to different cultures and the impacts of hunting or guild interference also seems like a ripe fruit to pick to me."
"Occult references in Death Grips' music could honestly just be its own standalone video."
"Exploring London's museum mecca, a historian's paradise."
"If Chappelle moved to Ghana to find this peace and I'm rolling where the service always roaming, I'm packing my bags and going."
"I like genuinely, non-ironically, let me see all the stuff I possibly can."
"Random Access Memories explores what it means to be human and fit in."
"I've seen parts of the UK that I never knew existed and I've seen history of beautiful landscapes and met some really lovely people."
"Grab your cowboy hat and your leather boots as in today's video we're touching down on the dry and expansive land of Texas."
"In Illusion of Gaia, the tone of the game was much darker, covering topics like slave trades and cannibalism."
"To me, the new dawn of Tourism is beyond wildlife and dunes."
"The most Mexican adventure you will ever have."
"Welcome to Chopstick Travel! I'm Luke Martin and today I'm in the Sultanate of Oman. I am super excited to be here."
"Ain't nothing bad about them. What's going on fire team, welcome to Shift Fire, the exploration and appreciation of all things military culture."
"I went to Egypt last month and Peru 12 years ago; have you checked out the pyramids outside of Mexico City?"
"We will definitely be back to be trying some of the restaurants here in the Japan pavilion but with that being said we are off we'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Exploring complex culture, history, language, and biology."
"Encounter some ancient languages in the context of liturgy for a transcendental experience."
"Traveling around Morocco, visiting the Berbers, sleeping in the Sahara has been one of the best travel experiences of my life."
"I want to visit New Orleans and I want to do like Voodoo [ __ ]. My favorite Disney movie is Princess and the Frog."
"That was a fantastic way to start this Tashkent food tour."
"Don't forget to hit up the Kidcot Fun Stops and pick up an activity baggie in each country as well."
"I love trying different things especially foods from different cultures."
"I'm excited to see this come as part of sort of my mission of wanting to see all the different types of comics there are out there."
"Remote work presents an opportunity to explore new cultures and meet fascinating people."
"Mineko's memoir is a moving and fascinating account of her life as a Geisha."
"This Triple Decker challenge will take you across the Pacific to a country with some of the most beautiful cuisine in the world: Japan."
"Join us next time, as we conclude our analysis of the death rituals of the Lands Between, and reveal Queen Marika's role in this story."
"It would be great if Believers in the Lost Civilization could come here."
"Meals bring people together, not only does it offer us an opportunity to widen our palate but also our awareness."
"Welcome to Chopstick Travel! I'm Luke Martin."
"Let's dive in and hopefully by the end of this video and the 12 reasons your dreams of living in Japan will firmly be intact."
"It's a window into the rituals and beliefs of the lost world of Inovia."
"Exploring this tiny little market in the village...everyone's curious why we're walking around here."
"I think it's about time we crack open this cask of culture and see how deep the barrel is."
"Follow me in this series as we hunt down hidden classics all across America."
"North Japan is certainly a mysterious place, and I hope if 'Journey Across Japan' has done one good thing, it's to convince you to come and see it for yourself."
"What really brought me to China and what I've discovered over the past few years that has given me kind of a unique perspective about food and culture."
"The catacombs embody a dark but nonetheless unique part of human history."
"This season is gonna really focus on Sabine and the Mandalorian culture."
"The sounds of Sanskrit resonate with me. They make me feel at ease, they give me strength, and I hope to further explore more of the magic power and wonder that is Sanskrit."
"Understanding the mythologies and cosmogonies is core to my work."
"Minecraft is perfect for exploring historical periods and other cultures."
"If you want something easy yet rare, impressive and foreign, I highly recommend Bulgarian for 2024."
"I'd love to see more about the religious undertones of the villagers and Mother Miranda."
"And thus ends our Whistle Stop Tour of Rome. It's been an incredible experience and I definitely recommend a visit. Ciao!"
"Thanks for going on a date with me. We should do one like night of just Filipino food and see how far we get."
"Sword and Fairy Together Forever is my first ever Chinese RPG that takes place in a high fantasy sort of setting."
"But every time they go to the surface they see how humans live and they want to be like normal high schoolers."
"There is perhaps no variety of folklore on earth which purports to explain more mysterious eventi attending other folkloric traditions than the various myths and legends regarding the ‘little people’."
"Hope that was helpful for any of you guys who are planning to go to Seoul in the future or who wanted to just hear more information about Seoul in general."
"It's definitely a challenge, but we're making it!"
"This is amazing this is like a tiny little village huh."
"Thanks for joining us. Mehlı and I hope you've enjoyed our look at eastern Turkey."
"Basically, we're gonna go to Brazil for a whole month! And if you just happened to randomly click on this video, yeah, I'm from Brazil, so Eileen is coming with me."
"If you want the weird stuff, you gotta find somebody who's been eating this weird stuff since she was a little girl."
"Yes, you are welcome Damon Petrova, I'm trying my Italian accent."
"It's more than just a documentary, it's a gateway to understanding our complex past."
"I'm enormously encouraged as I go around the country, and I tend to make a point of going to places not like New York. I tend to go to places which are the so-called Bible Belt."
"Okay, let me take you guys over to Mongolia."
"The Cults here in humans are one of the most interesting new human cultures."
"Welcome to the Amagi! In today's video, we're going over the history of the Northern Water Tribe."
"A whole new world will begin if you try and speak a new language with people."
"I see this as an exciting opportunity to learn deeply about a culture."
"The purpose of this trip was to explore the places where foreigners don't often visit, to interact and learn from the local people, and to showcase all that Java has to offer the world."
"Boxu offers a journey through Japan, delivering to your door each month."
"I get the privilege of opening up to you a brand new world of culture and language."
"I love so much just like seeing an actual documentary on like the Karen people."
"Both countries are fantastic...comparison between the UK and Canada...stay tuned."
"Getting into the fertile crescent and seeing quite how deeply people have been very comfortably exploiting their environment was a massive learning curve for us."
"They've traveled and are well-cultured, stepping out of their comfort zone to explore the world."
"Passport Bros are deciding to leave Western society and go find traditional women and nice and pleasant women elsewhere. It's actually a very reasonable decision."
"Part of my journey to Orania, selfishly, is learning."
"It was just a wild ride reading and re-reading the series over the course of the last few months, it peaked my interest in religion and cultures that aren't my own."
"This case is the strangest and toughest in my life. We are trying to enter into another civilization's world."
"I travel there to hear what Modi has to say as I continue to discover the true story of the great Italian football."
"I show up and I'm just being a sponge man... just seeing what was going on in the city like L.A in the early mid 70s late 70s."
"...it definitely reminds me that I I do want to explore uh both British and Irish TV shows and movies more than I have in the past."
"I think I'm learning so far is that almost all Indian food is good."
"So we've been walking around we've seen the shops there's so many different things antiques but this shop focuses on you know the flag of Albania sweater shirt it's gonna let me try one on here also."
"...just traveling alone and exploring other cultures gives you a broader View and perspective of the world."
"This has been a very great immersive experience not only in the food but in the culture."
"Guys, I am so hyped because today for the first time in my life I am trying dim sum."
"Food and snacks in particular are a wonderful way to delve into a culture and learn something while doing something that you're very familiar with, which is eating."
"I think I've got to spend Halloween in America at least once in my life."
"Sometimes it takes traveling and discovering other cultures that you vibe with more."
"What is Italian-American food? It's something I've always been intrigued about, and I can't wait to discover it."