
Gaming Philosophy Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Making a game hard doesn't necessarily make the game fun."
"It's the paradox of adversities...it's also what Blizzard was trying to get at when they said, 'You think you do, but you don't.'"
"It's not about the games you play; it's about how you play them."
"You'll never hit a clip if you don't go for it."
"Graphics do not matter nowadays, guys. It's about the concept."
"Miyazaki's made it pretty clear that he wants players to experience the joy of overcoming struggle."
"Difficulty done well emphasizes a perfect balance between challenge and reward."
"Gameplay is king. Everything besides gameplay is secondary. If gameplay is bad, the game is bad. If gameplay is good, the game is good. It's literally that simple."
"If you're having fun, you're playing the game right."
"But games are supposed to be fun, not frustrating!"
"One of the Forza team's philosophies is that physics comes first."
"For me, gaming is art, and that's what is often forgotten by executives who don't care about the artistry of game making."
"Never forget why we do what we do when we play, where we choose the platform we choose."
"Remember that you’re playing a game, and that games are meant to be fun!"
"Games aren't made, they're played... and that resonates with most of our studios."
"This is a game. If we're not having fun, why are we playing it?"
"It makes a lot of sense for a Sandbox game honestly."
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is forever bad."
"Seven days to die is a game that remembers that it's a game... gameplay comes first."
"The overarching philosophy is putting you in Ellie's shoes and giving you threats constantly."
"You have to stop trying to beat the game and stop trying to finish the game and you just should try to enjoy the experience of the game."
"I can't agree with the idea that games have to be social in order to be a quality experience."
"There is no score, no winner, and no way to predict the outcome. You play the game to play the game. There is only the experience."
"Games should be a force for good, not a force for ill."
"It's a thinking man's action game. The feedback really needs to be precise and amazing."
"Graphics don't make a game fun, systems make games fun."
"Anyone who plays a game with choice and consequence ironically has no choice but to assume their decisions will matter in the next game they play."
"A game should never shame you for playing it the way it's clearly designed to be played."
"Perfect balance in a game is always an ideal, but I feel like that it might not actually be a good thing."
"That's what it should all be about, what should be fun, that is the most important thing."
"A delayed game is temporary; a rushed game is bad forever."
"In all gaming endeavors henceforth, prioritize not just what you can do to a game but what a game can do to you."
"Satoru Iwata embodied what Nintendo was all about."
"His philosophy was best summed up when he stated, 'Above all, video games are meant to be just one thing: fun. Fun for everyone.'"
"3D should enhance an already great game, not be the entire point of its existence."
"Games should not waste your time. Games should make you want to waste your time."
"The overarching ethos of Aeon Trespass is maximum everything."
"Playing for fun results in more fun than just sweating and try harding."
"Sometimes games are about the journey, not the destination."
"Embracing uncomfortable challenges leads to meaningful gaming experiences."
"The challenge is crucial to it, and by removing that, well, you're destroying everything that makes this game special."
"Just whatever's fun for your game is what you should do."
"You very much want to make believe you're playing an infinite game that doesn't really have an end."
"Doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you're having fun. Is that fun or what, Duff?"
"Counter-Strike's lack of flashy gimmicks sets it apart in an industry of constant change."
"I'm having fun, and ultimately that's what it's all about."
"Not about beating the game as fast as possible, it's about being as wholesome as possible as quick as possible."
"Narrative is gameplay and gameplay is narrative."
"I guess it's about forcing players to play the game instead of having fun in the game."
"Sony is all about the art of games, not the exploitation of games."
"The only wrong way to play this game is to not play it at all."
"The important part is that you play and enjoy the games, don't ever let the method of play stop you from the reason to play."
"Linking the fire merely postpones the inevitable rather than preventing it."
"The rules are there to facilitate the narrative, not the other way around."
"When games are no longer about having fun, then it's no longer a game."
"Your fun is more important than your win." (repeated for emphasis)
"Games don't have to be grueling to be great."
"A game like this, it's not just the destination but it's the journey."
"Undertale made every action have weight and forces you to really think about what you’re doing before you carry it out, just like you would in real life."
"Play toward the fun rather than play toward the win."
"The game doesn't reprimand you or anything for doing anything wrong because there's pretty much no wrong way to do anything in the game."
"Play who you like, that's the true essence of the fighting game."
"Let the game respond to you rather than the other way around."
"Sunset Overdrive is a testament to the need for some games to just be video games."
"Remember, it's not just something is a game or isn't a game, but there are all these gray areas in between those two places."
"Dungeons and Dragons is a game where both the fans and the source material consistently say, 'Don't worry about the rules, just have fun.'"
"I don't see why you can't have the same philosophies that made games like EverQuest and World of Warcraft classic the greatest games of all time in my opinion while at the same time not having some more flashy and fun to play characters like that."
"I am a firm believer in this idea in games that the players should never be out of control of their character."
"I don't see the purpose in having your game doing stuff in places where the player isn't. I do respect the idea that there is a living world."
"It's a philosophy I use in all of my ranked matches."
"Don't be obsessed with things. You will also in no time as long as you enjoy the game."
"If we can accept that video games shouldn't always be defined by their playability alone and that story is just as important than the argument that the Last of Us is among the greatest games ever released holds a lot of water."
"At their core, video games should always be fun. If a game isn't fun, no one is gonna want to play it."
"For mango, melee isn't a game about matchups, it's a game about mix-ups."
"Our intent with any gaming experience is to provide accessible and joyful moments of meaningful play. That's the core of Atari and what binds our history with our future."
"It's not that we should catch them all. It is that we should love the ones we catch."
"No game is a job. If you're not enjoying it, move on, do something else, and come back later if you enjoy it again."
"Story is only ever important once. A good narrative on bad gameplay is a bad game, but a good game with a bad story is still a good game."
"I think that plot armor is not necessarily a bad thing."
"This is a back to basics game that understands what it means to be a video game."
"Video games were supposed to be fun, so whenever you have a chance to have a little fun, you should."
"Easy mode is not cheating; it's about what you get out of it and enjoying the experience."
"Gaming is not a game if you're not having fun."
"Minecraft is all about enjoying the process instead of just speeding through it."
"When in doubt, full throttle. It's the Kerbal way."
"Games need a foundation of fun gameplay, but equally, the more tried and tested design tricks they use, the more compromised the illusion of an indifferent world becomes."
"It's not about should you win every run, it's about like the game being fun."
"It's the difference between understanding I am playing for practice versus I'm playing like you said to win in a tournament setting."
"Focus on having fun... when you stop having fun, stop playing."
"Video games should be played with a balance."
"Games should be about entertainment, should be about escape and fun and relaxing."
"Velocity is more important than position. A fast game will become great, but a great slow game will very quickly fall behind."
"Number one rule: If you aren't having fun with a video game, they are meant to be fun. Do not stress yourself over some preconceived notion that ranks and video games matter because they don't."
"If you ain't havin fun, you ain't doing it right."
"Having fun is the best way to play, exactly."
"Let people play the game for what they want to play the game for. Don't try to make people do a bunch of [__] that doesn't matter."
"If your players aren't having a fun time because of the rules, what the fuck are you doing?"
"We want what's best for the game and we want it to be a success."
"You're literally a loser. It's not a rat. Rat is like a pride thing."
"You don't always have to be completely optimized when you multi-class."
"Play who you like, that's really what matters in this game."
"The Talos Principle... encourages you to look at a puzzle from a number of different angles."
"Overwatch was sold to us as a game about swapping heroes and having diverse strategies."
"The Metroid franchise truly is about the journey, not the destination."
"Remember, the main thing about playing video games is it's supposed to be fun."
"I see myself as a facilitator of the story that you all want to tell, not as much like a game master that you are looking to as the arbiter of truth always." - SPENSER
"No need to take this so seriously that it hurts."
"Our first pillar was every player story is unique." - Hayden Blackmon
"Rockstar knows that these are games, not movies. You are the character, not the viewer."
"I've always liked that philosophy where if something is really strong, it should also be hard to use or high risk."
"And sorry to break this to you, but video games should be fun."
"Games are about enjoyment, not instruction. Games are not about anything."
"Remember the Door Fortress motto: Losing is fun."
"Play Has No Limits... about speaking to innovation."
"Just don't forget Yu-Gi-Oh is all about fun."
"The experience should be the main form of content."
"Sometimes it's not about winning, it's about having fun. I play for fun and only fun!"
"Playing past your mistakes gets kicked around often where starting over is discouraged over enjoying challenge through emergent gameplay."
"Why play anything if you don't kind of want to win? I mean, you know, it's a waste of time."
"Video games need to be video games and how video games were intended to be."
"Nintendo's mantra at the moment is 'my way to play,' but their deeper and more long-standing mission statement has been to put smiles on the faces of everyone they touch."
"Gaming needs to be fun and that's what means the most."
"Sonic games don't need a combat focus."