
Paris Quotes

There are 907 quotes

"Paris is the Mona Lisa of open-world cities."
"Come and join me in Paris and let's have fun in May and June with the Paris in spring."
"Referred to as the City of Love or the City of Lights, Paris does have a variety of most famous human artifacts to appreciate."
"What a remarkable idea, what a way to use the people of Paris and to serve the people of Paris."
"Bravo to the socialists and greens doing something very different in Paris from what we have in so many other parts of the world."
"Paris remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and continues to be a major hub for the arts, fashion, and culture."
"Between the finishing of the Eiffel Tower and World War I, Paris was widely considered to be the most beautiful city in Europe, if not the world."
"The Eiffel Tower is built for the 1889 World's Fair, and the beginnings of the metro were constructed."
"Paris' population doubled between 1800 and 1850 as a result of easier and more widespread train travel."
"Pokémon Legends: Arceus is super neat, even if we don't know exactly when it's based yet, but probably when Paris demolished and rebuilt its entire inner city."
"Joy de vivre is why Paris is the city of love and full of nightlife and parties and countless cafes to spend your lunch breaks in."
"Paris almost represents an ideal for this Hellenistic age of the successors."
"Paris is one of the world's most visited cities."
"Paris between the wars was the home of the avant-garde."
"Paris is a dream in the sense that it's everything you could wish for."
"Paris is like, it's like love or art or faith. It can't be explained, only felt."
"In Paris, Hemingway was to come under the guidance of celebrated author and playwright Gertrude Stein."
"The RER has reshaped Paris from a strong City into a strong region, completely reshaping its geography."
"The event has become a Parisian activity as crowds gather."
"Students of Boulanger who visited her in Paris included Aaron Copland, Elliot Carter, Walter Piston, Philip Glass, Quincy Jones, and many more."
"Aside from being called the city of love and the City of Lights, you might also call Paris the city of museums after all."
"Paris, please wear comfortable shoes. Highly recommend it because there's so much to walk and see."
"Get ready for a magical 48 hours in Paris... Let's explore this romantic City brimming with history and charm."
"And never get enough of what to me is the capital of Europe -- Paris."
"Even if it is Paris, you see the light from them. You see it. They're still TBD, though. To be determined. Paris, Paris, guys."
"Victor Hugo was also a major political influence in democratic France, espousing ideas of universal suffrage, free education for children, and the abolition of slavery and the death penalty."
"Marie Antoinette achieved her great wish entering Paris amidst much revelry."
"It was kind of unlike anything else we've done in Paris so far."
"He lived in squalor in the same tiny Paris studio, keeping wads of cash under his bed, frequenting prostitutes, and getting into scrapes with the underworld."
"I want this channel bigger than Fox News because I want to share the truth."
"Paris in color: stunning footage from over 110 years ago."
"This Paris Fashion Week was really the most incredible one I've ever had so far."
"The Eiffel Tower survived protests, war, and Adolf Hitler to become one of the world's most enduring icons."
"It's currently raining right now in Paris and I love Paris in the rain."
"Paris is home to the Eiffel Tower, one of the world's most famous landmarks."
"It's proven to be a magical night in the city of love."
"Paris was a place of contrasts and cultural vibrancy, known as a city of Lights, it was a har of artistic intellectual and technological innovation."
"For the first time in history, the Paris police were on the same side of the barricades as the rioters."
"My daddy came to Paris and he saw everything."
"Paris first time in Paris lived up to all expectations."
"I love the city. I think Paris is amazing. I wouldn't have moved here otherwise."
"I am going to live in Paris, the most romantic city in the world."
"Isn't this exciting? We have no money. We must figure out what to do now in Paris. This is an adventure."
"We do a lot of walking... in Paris, it would be very normal probably between 15 to 20,000 steps per day without noticing."
"Paris... the epicenter of high fashion."
"The inspiration is for this year's Olympic city which is Paris, specifically the fashion prints that you would see being worn throughout Paris."
"The heart of Paris will capitalize on the city's iconic landmarks to provide an unparalleled backdrop for the Olympic and Paralympic Games."
"Alan flew to one of his favorite destinations: Paris."
"Jim Morrison died in Paris under what can only be called mysterious circumstances."
"It's the best hot chocolate in Paris."
"It's really, really a beautiful spot, so if you ever come to Paris, I highly recommend you visit."
"Everything that happens in Paris is extra magical."
"I had a blast in Paris, in the thrift store, channeling my Paris energy."
"Paris is a massive place with a whole bunch of history."
"Boulevard du Temple captures a bustling street scene in Paris with buildings, carriages, and pedestrians."
"Paris is a builder, not just because of the reconstruction of the Bernabeu."
"Paris was the most avant-garde of all cities between the wars."
"The letter details the conditions in Paris during the siege, from the scarcity of meat to the resilience of the Parisians."
"The greater Journey... they know then that they are on a greater Journey which will be their experience, their spiritual, mental, professional journey in the city of Paris."
"That bridge... was the essence of Paris and it still is, it's one of the most magnificent spots anywhere in the world."
"Paris... was the greatest University in the World."
"Paris ranks at the bottom of their list of the top 49 cities to live in the world."
"I was convinced that the terrorists wanted to crash the plane over Paris"
"Against what had once seemed impossible odds, Paris had a new icon on its Skyline."
"Paris provided a rich and exciting intellectual atmosphere especially for the refugees and exiles from repressive states and churches."
"Honestly, I don't want to leave. I don't know if I can ever move to Paris, but if I knew that I was dying, like terminally ill, and I had a certain amount of time to live, I might buy a house in Paris just so I can be buried here."
"I am so enjoying my time in Paris, you guys."
"Paris lost its almost singular grip on deciding how the western world dressed."
"Paris lost its almost singular grip."
"Paris is a resting place and its own resting place is here, a still center where it's still okay to wear black in the daytime."
"This is the latest style in Paris."
"Did you know these interesting facts about Paris? Let's start with something heavy in the heart of France, towering above the cityscape stands the Eiffel Tower."
"Paris yells at Prince Escalus for letting her proceed with a very dangerous task. Someone is clearly protective."
"Museums in Paris are wonderful. Even if you don't love museums, you'll love these. They're in beautiful buildings, the architecture is great, and the art collections are staggering."
"Paris's beautiful new trams...add a beautiful touch to the city's historic streets."
"...how the intricate designs of Paris's boulevards changed the city forever and help make it what it is today."
"You can do a lot in one day in Paris, but more time allows for a richer experience."
"Shopping in Paris is unmatched, with incredible deals and variety."
"Look who's here straight off the plane from Paris you guys cherylyn Queen bonjour bonjour she's here she was literally at Paris Fashion Week how long 12 hours ago yeah and she came straight from the airport to do me and Sophie's hair."
"Paris is so so beautiful this time of year."
"My favorite way and I believe it the best way to get around Paris is by bicycle."
"Blending the old with the new contemporary classic Parisian style in the heart of Paris where the echos of the past meet the pulse of the present."
"This is the most original that you could get in Paris. I mean no one else was doing things like this in Paris ever."
"Parisians rebelled and rebelled only for their dreams of a republic to be always crushed."
"One of the best things you can do in Paris is make a picnic for yourself."
"He was known primarily as a graphic artist and his posters could be seen all over Paris."
"These paintings capture the remarkably mundane existence that lay behind the exotic public face of the Paris brothel."
"Their relationship is just starting but she wants their first time to be in Paris."
"It's good to go out there to Paris and smash this man and I get to have a reason to go see the Louvre and you know take my family to go see some good stuff too."
"A Seine river cruise is one of the best ways to enjoy Paris's most famous landmarks all in one go."
"It's like a cliche to come to Paris and get a baguette, but sometimes the cliche exists for a reason."
"you think about the man's hands of buildings digging underneath Paris with no Machinery just look at this"
"As tall as an 80-story building and built with 7,300 tons of wrought iron, you will see the Eiffel Tower from almost anywhere in Paris."
"But with so many things to see and do, it can be overwhelming to think about planning a visit to Paris."
"Paris: a stunning cityscape and architecture, renowned food scene, a Global Hub of fashion, travel, and history."
"Paris being the fashion capital of the world."
"When in Paris, diet starts Monday."
"The wonderful thing about Paris is you can get French champagne at domestic prices."
"Paris, the city that unexpectedly stole my heart."
"Navigating a city as rich in history, culture and attractions as Paris can be overwhelming."
"She proposed at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, bro."
"This beautiful white church here behind me is called Sacré-Cœur. It's one of the most visited monuments in Paris."
"Here we are at Ladurée, one of the best places in Paris to have macarons."
"We're now in the area which is a great place for going out at night. There's lots and lots of bars, it's also the most gay-friendly area of Paris."
"In case you're wondering, yes. Any video from Paris must include music like this."
"Parisians are actually really nice people."
"Following that are the Paris Challenges."
"There is never any ending to Paris, sadly there is for me now."
"Paris of the East, a wonderful day of exploring."
"It's always been one of my favorite spots to visit in Paris, both for the views of the cathedral and also over here on the Left Bank you've got all the little shops along the river."
"If I ever had to stay in Paris for a long time or got to live here or rent an apartment for a month or something I'd want it to be right over here."
"I sort of made up with Liam at the MTV Music Awards in Paris the other week."
"Paris, who doesn't love it, and who doesn't love love?"
"I don't consider myself an exile at all. I just prefer to live now in Paris."
"Paris prices for rent is enormous."
"The next crucial stepping stone on his path to greatness presented itself to Reinhardt soon afterward when he returned to Paris."
"My uncle lived-- I had a uncle who lived in Paris."
"Paris, was it worth it? Because you and Helen have ruined everything."
"Being in Paris with someone you love is like being in Paris for the first time."
"It offers the most hauntingly romantic walk in Paris."
"In the 21st century Peet cemetery is recognized as a major cooling center for the City of Paris during the summer months over 4,000 trees on the ground serve as a carbon dioxide storage sink."
"Your mother, you manage, you know about this because she can't be honest. What are you talking about? Wow, it's beautiful place. I loved Paris because you're here."
"We love our new life in Paris without my ex-brother and ex-sister-in-law."
"Self-control is so important that if Jesus wasn't operating in self-control, he would have messed up the plan of God."
"I am going to show you the most Charming environment areas of the city that will make your trip to Paris Unforgettable."
"I've always been obsessed with Paris and watching the world of Monster High combined with one of my biggest dreams was a dream."
"Paris has taken forward the legacy of romance"
"When those 10 do, you're like, I'm [__]."
"You're like, 'I'm in Paris, yeah, like what are you doing riding a toy?'"
"Paris has been my first love and only love as in a person."
"The 20s in Paris are sometimes referred to as 'Les Années Folles' or the crazy years."
"Paris quickly became the world capital of art."
"Paris was fairly tolerant towards black people, they actually had a session with African culture and even more so like I just said American black culture."
"They say it's a city of love and it is. Every place I went there were couples kissing."
"What better represents Paris than a depiction of that tower that they have there?"
"Paris is amazing and actually when I could go and like eat and enjoy and like have fun I was like what a great City."
"So going back to Paris I knew I wanted the Artois mm tote"
"Welcome to The Majestic City of Paris, where dreams come alive and romance lingers in the air."
"Paris is a city that effortlessly combines history and modernity."
"Paris has always been my dream country to visit. I don't know, there's something magical about it. It's like the city of love."
"Now this is the type of room I would imagine So Audrey Hepburn to have while she's filming in Paris."
"It's easy to see she thought her husband was dead, so she ran into a whirlwind relationship in Paris, and then her husband was alive. What do you do in that situation?"
"This is my last full day in Paris."
"Now I know why Paris is called the city of love. Lotsa love. Too much of love in fact."
"You will never be forgotten, Paris, Texas."
"Paris at the moment is probably the best place to buy luxury full stop they have range the collections like you are going to see more in stores there than you will see pretty much anywhere else"
"Armand's voice tells us Paris is an Awakening for Louis."
"'But the designs alone are not what makes this Paris so immersive, it's about how it's brought to life and how everything is so quick and busy...'"
"What makes the story so engaging is not the journey of Remy becoming a chef but instead it's what's all around Remy and how it perfectly captures Paris in the point of view of a gourmet-minded rat."
"A river cruise in Paris... I just need you to trust me."
"It's been amazing... it has been completely transformative to our Parisian experience."
"Imagine walking down a street in Paris."
"Paris really truly brings the best of me."
"I already know that I'm gonna love Paris forever."
"Arriving in Paris with your own boat was just something that we dreamed of doing."
"Paris the Invisible City inspects the city with just such a lens, zooming down to the level of street signs and traffic lights to uncover, as Latour puts it, the Parises within Paris."
"Anything I touched in my mouth, anything I drank in Paris was the best thing."
"Café culture in Paris isn't just about your first caffeine hit of the day, great though that is. It's about having time to discuss new exciting ideas and kind of dream up new ways of being."
"Paris is a city of art, culture, and fabulous food."
"Parisian cafes are an institution."
"He arrived in Paris with a lot of hype and it's safe to say he stepped up."
"Paris is known as the 'City of Light' due to a high number of intellectuals."
"Paris is however, the city in the world the best calculated to spend the whole year in."
"It feels like a city, like the architecture is similar to Paris."
"This is a little piece of Paris that Jack bought and burned our name into, just kidding."
"This is called the city of love, I feel love here, I feel lots of love here."
"Step into a world where superheroes come to life, right here in Paris."
"Beulah's was undaunted and alongside his siblings managed to convince his father to let him move to Paris and pursue private study there."
"Paris has been Europe's major Center of Finance, diplomacy, fashion, and the Arts."
"He enjoyed the Parisian underworld where he soon became something of a legend."
"This is exactly what you want when you come to jazz in Paris."
"The emblem of Paris and of France."
"If I get to Paris, I won't need any more. And if I don't get to Paris, I won't need any more either."
"My first foreign holiday? My aunt took me and my sister to Paris when I was about 14."
"The most visited site in Paris is free."
"Paris the most magical place on Earth."
"That's the Arc of Triumph, a really, really important and cool monument in Paris."
"Between the architecture, the food, the fashion, and everything else in between, it's no wonder Paris is on the top of the travel destination list."
"A world-renowned artist out of Paris, France has just unveiled his latest painting."
"Paris, world capital, Paris, City of Light, world capital of fashion, art, literature, food, and all things fine that civilization has to offer."
"The subway in Paris works logically, it's easy to figure out, and honestly gets you everywhere you want to go."
"The latest rage in Paris today is biking."
"Wandering up then to this hill town here, that until 1870 was not Paris, but its own city."
"Paris is as romantic and sexy as people say it is."
"It all seems like a dream, Paris, doesn't it? It really does."
"Well, everybody fell in love in Paris, except Isaac."
"Paris to me is one of the nicest places you have history you have food you have culture you have just about anything that you could ever want."
"I love watching parisians arguing with each other it's just the best it's just the most entertaining thing."
"France on top as we head into an Olympic year in Paris."
"Paris is probably the greatest City for watching films that I know of."
"I feel like Paris is very romanticized. I don't know like very romantic that's the only way I can really describe it that you really see Paris."
"...the salaries in Paris are a lot lower than that of the United States."
"...my very first year of working in Paris, I was allowed five weeks of vacation."
"Paris is so nice, oh my gosh, y'all like I didn't even think she could be that nice."
"10 things that I wish I knew before moving to Paris."
"I mean, I was just in Paris. It truly is a romantic, beautiful city. Walking around for a day is, I would think, the best date you could have on The Bachelor."
"The streets of Paris are bustling tonight, honey."
"Where else could I be but the Louvre in Paris?"
"The City of Death, it is an absolute classic."
"If you ask me of all the sites in Paris, what is my one favorite, it would have to be the Church of Holy Heart."