
Victim Advocacy Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"As difficult as these cases are to hear, we always say the reason we talk about them is to not only give these families, these victims, these children a voice but also to educate and make people more aware."
"If you can get into the mind of a criminal and hear the voice of a victim, you can prevent other people from becoming victims."
"The investigations and the victims' families pursuit to uncover the truth through substantial litigation efforts did lead to several safety recommendations."
"I'm glad that the victims are also finally getting their voices heard."
"The voices that truly matter are those of the victims."
"The more certain stories get amplified that end up turning out to not be true, the less that people are going to believe the real victims that are actually speaking out."
"Truth should always win out, and truthful DV victims should have their day in court and should be justified in what they do and what they say, and they should be defended."
"After more than 50 years, they had identified Nancy's killer as Richard John Davis."
"It's concerning to me that your first instinct is to defend the rapist and not the victim."
"Maybe he's angry at the media or cops for discounting his victims." - Corey Bober
"It's a win in principle, yeah, it may not be a win in fact but it's a win in principle for the victims."
"She has passion and compassion for the victims, respect for the victims, a huge heart and zero time for BS."
"Issues of justice should always be looked at from the victim's perspective, not the oppressor's."
"Just because they aren't as well known doesn't mean that their victims' stories aren't as important or deserving of remembrance."
"Behind the glitz and glamour, there are countless victims who suffered at the hands of Epstein and his associates—many Brave survivors have come forward sharing their stories of manipulation, coercion, and abuse."
"Story still valid. Story still true. Story still has impact. Story still has meaning. Stop victim blaming."
"He hit every [ __ ] victim-shaming fallacy there is. I can't wait for the day that a vlog squad member says my name because it's like a spoken word."
"It makes no sense to examine injustices except from the perspective of the victim."
"Non-disclosure agreements or non-prosecutorial agreements, all these are paper prisons, prohibiting victims and survivors from coming forward." - Former Cosby Special Prosecutor
"We report the crimes they've committed against us by ourselves. We will no longer wait for the report of their media."
"Women and children should not have to answer for an abusive man's very worst acts."
"Stephen Griffiths sentenced: Justice for the victims of a depraved killer."
"It's both social and, you know, the #MeToo movement has done a lot for the unfairness of kind of putting the victim on trial."
"Stop using my shooting for clout. Since when is it cool to joke about woman getting shot?" - Megan Thee Stallion
"Melanie did not ask for what happened to her."
"It's about the people Ubisoft hurt, the women, the marginalized people, the people who have been bullied by executives, powerful men, and Ubisoft."
"To the victims in this case, your voices were heard, and justice was finally served."
"Reporting is all about the victims, the people, and their stories."
"It doesn't matter if anyone has made mistakes... their children were murdered period. They deserve all the support and respect we can give them."
"Stephanie Scott deserved so much more. That man will never walk our streets, he'll never get to harm another woman."
"The memory and the legacy of Sarah Payne will long outlive her sick killer."
"The media essentially took advantage of an abuse victim."
"The families of the victims are demanding answers."
"Grace: They were not just victims but family, friends, and loved ones."
"Remembering the victims, remembering the people that died will be something that I always work for, and I always want to be able to think about the people that died and not let their lives be lost to history."
"It was meant to be about victims and it shouldn't have been genderified."
"The victims of Bill Gothard said, 'We are not recanting our experiences.'"
"I hope that sexual assault victims will come forward, call an attorney, find out what your rights are."
"The underestimated the resilience and courage of the victims who refused to be silenced."
"In this country, it's the families of the victims that serve the life sentence."
"Our focus should be on the bravery and the courage of these 11 women and of the others who came forward."
"That's what the victims' families want to know at the end of the day."
"The victims... are unheard of, they're muzzled, they're silenced, and they're a nobody."
"When people come forward with the story, everyone should take that seriously. There has never been a career made from these kind of stories."
"But see here's the thing, the problem a lot of problems that I have is this is that they always well, what do you want us to do? You never ask the victim." - Cube
"Gone are the days when aggressors could intimidate their victims into silence."
"Just because there will be another homicide victim tomorrow doesn't mean that Princess Doe should be forgotten about."
"Telling Becky's story is important because this demon is eligible for parole."
"Please do not leave victim blaming comments in my comment section."
"Why are we protecting the rapists, the pedophiles, and the predators more than we protect the victims?"
"Governor DeSantis has always put the victims, has always put the law-abiding citizens ahead of the criminals always."
"If the state attorney is not being the voice for the victims, our efforts are wasted."
"In having that power taken away from me during the assault, me speaking, a faceless victim, is gaining my power back."
"Everybody just called me a liar. What's crazy about that situation is he admitted multiple times to assaulting me."
"Natalya proudly identified around 30 victims in these photos, naming them and linking their pictures from when they were alive to the other more gruesome pictures."
"The highest calling in this job is to give voice to the voiceless and to serve victims and their families, and it may take months, it may take years, this case, it's taken over four decades, but no one's stopping."
"For the families of his victims, seeing Milat's sentence was the justice they needed."
"I think is a great law. I think they need to hear exactly how their actions impacted the lives of so many people beyond the ones that he killed, so I'm really glad that this law was actually passed."
"They kept it very real and what I really liked about it is for the most part, I think almost all of it, they really let the victims' family members tell their story."
"The charges are essentially we're going after somebody for being the victim of a blackmail attempt instead of the blackmailer."
"Jesse's legacy can prevent this from ever happening to another set of victims."
"Who should the justice system prioritize: the woman who got beat half to death or the guy who did the beating? I mean, it's not even a question."
"She's over she's in her 60s her life was taken that night too Illinois state law did not protect her and we really do not protect victims of domestic violence."
"Monsters genuinely exist...we need to start listening to the victim and hold the perpetrators of abuse accountable."
"The crowd is listening to victims and believing them."
"These are victims; their stories are worth being told to the world."
"Thank you again for reading your story to us, Megan. I hope we can rally around you and the other victims as a community."
"I'm here to see justice for Johnny because he deserves it. He's a victim, and she's a wrongful victim."
"People argued for updates on the victims' condition, urging the government to speak up."
"There are no children out here saying you're being too harsh on that person that harmed me."
"To give back her name, it just ends a pledge that I had made to all my victims. I'm going to do my best to seek Justice for you and that's my service to my community."
"It's easy to get the true and original victim of this case."
"It's rough that a victim might have to prove that they're a victim."
"The rapist that was in the video is currently in police custody, and it was because of the video."
"What are we waiting for? What are we waiting for to really call these people out? It's like waiting for something bigger... to start trusting victims."
"She is absolutely a victim and we need to be supporting our women."
"If you think we've been harsh in any way, please put yourself in the position of the victims and ask yourself would I want people defending my life or not?"
"Amber Heard is a terrible poster child for protecting abuse victims."
"It's important to get Leanne's story out there."
"It's the period where the victims get to say they've been hurting me for a long time and I just ain't said nothing."
"I will always lay the blame at the feet of the perpetrator."
"Killers get fair trials but victims don't get fair justice."
"And at the end of the day, we're going to get justice for Samantha. I guarantee it."
"What do you want to say to the killer of your daughter? We'll find you. We will find you."
"Where is the justice for nursing home victims and their grieving families?"
"It's not about my comfort or yours. It's about bringing justice and awareness to these cases and these victims who no longer have a voice."
"There's nothing more powerful than the person who's being victimized telling their story. It's very powerful."
"Thank you for caring about these cases and thank you for caring about the victims."
"At the end of the day, you have a victim here who really has yet to receive justice, and what's been done to this family is horrendous."
"We have partial justice now for JJ and Tyler."
"I never do these videos with any intention of causing harm to anybody, any relatives, anybody who knew about the case. I truly just do it to spread awareness for the victims and share their stories."
"All of it is really a search for justice for the victims."
"It's important for other victims and survivors to tell their stories."
"What the TRPA wants more than catching bad guys is the safety of the victims."
"It is a never failing pattern that every time a victim speaks up their words are dissected and ripped apart by people who want to find any reason to believe that the Creator they love is not deeply flawed."
"It's Justice for Mallory Beach, Stephen Smith, and Gloria, yes, agreed."
"It's these victims that have aroused your sympathy and your concern."
"The believing of victims is very, very important."
"The law should not be used for silencing crimes and it shouldn't be used for silencing victims of crimes."
"I just try to keep it honest, genuine, and do the right thing here at Crime Circus because the victims deserve it, and we all deserve it."
"Why are we paying more attention to the killers who took those lives than the people who they're survived by?"
"As a victim, I needed to stand up."
"Social workers can work in criminal justice... in victim advocacy, making sure that the victim's voice is heard and all that's going on."
"It is my passion to tell these victims' stories."
"Anytime we can give victims a voice, it is a good thing for society."
"I'm a believer that we should never shame the victim when they come forward."