
Legal Action Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"Years later, Harris would sue the government for damages and received $380,000."
"I sued YouTube because so many people were impersonating me using Ripple's brand to scam people."
"The state is seeking dramatic remedies, including the discouragement of 250 million in Trump organization profits, the cancellation of business certificates for Trump's corporate entities, and a five-year ban on Trump and his company from entering into any New York commercial real estate transactions."
"Jack Smith is not hesitating and just filed a motion to compel the testimony of former Vice President Mike Pence."
"In a momentous turn of events, the Colossal Financial Behemoth, China's renowned real estate developer Evergrande Group, saddled with a staggering debt of 2.44 trillion Chinese yuan, has finally been officially ordered to liquidate by the Hong Kong High Court."
"Freedom eventually, information law. After a year of litigation, they sent us a letter which is posted on CHD's website and acknowledges that they are now not able to locate a single pre-licensing safety trial, placebo control, for any of the vaccines that are now mandated for children. These are zero liability vaccines."
"Mr. Galanakis gets a B for maintaining a calm demeanor throughout the encounter, sharing his experience with the public after his arrest, and taking swift and appropriate legal action against the officers involved."
"Unfortunately at this point, my only option is to pursue this to the fullest extent of the law and hope that one day justice will be served."
"Special Counsel Jack Smith may be on the verge of bringing a superseding indictment against Donald Trump in connection with Trump's theft of government records."
"The lawsuit is seeking a ton of damages... mostly, the DFEH is looking for Activision Blizzard to pay out damages to the people affected as well as relief, which can take the form of equal pay, incentive pay, benefits, and awards owed to the women who worked there."
"We are currently in contact with law enforcement and the Atlanta Bar Association to ensure justice is served."
"OSHA cited SeaWorld San Diego for improper training of whale workers, which came with a fine of almost $26,000."
"In 2007, there was a feeling of vindication in Appalachia when a court fined Purdue more than six hundred million dollars for deception."
"We are today serving notice: If your truck is being used in these illegal blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen."
"Black folks should be jamming up the courts. That's why I got court suits all over the place. It's telling black folks, wake up and smell the coffee."
"By this lawsuit, it's time that we stop talking and start acting."
"If this petition reaches over 50,000 signatures, in that case, one of the best class action lawsuit lawyers in the country is willing to take our case against EA."
"The president of the National Black Farmers Association, John Boyd, will be visiting with us, talking about the class action lawsuit announced today on behalf of black Farmers against the U.S. government."
"'Don't worry. I will fix this, and we will sue these butchers. I will not rest until their licenses are taken away, and they will pay us for all the damages, including psychological ones. I will get us the best lawyers.'"
"Regarding this... poker situation, his law firm and I have been engaged to bring a suit to address these wrongs on behalf of victimized players."
"The lights on the arrest of Donald J. Trump cannot come soon enough."
"We're going to change all that. We're going to go to court. We're going to prove it in court."
"In 2010, Iceland banned strip clubs, constituting the first such ban in a Western democratic country"
"People who are violent should be criminally charged and prosecuted."
"If Kyle Rittenhouse files a lawsuit, he absolutely should sue every single one of these outlets."
"Smartmatic vows to clear its name and hold Fox accountable."
"An indictment of Donald Trump for criminal election interference can come any day now."
"Kemp asked a judge to overturn Atlanta mayor, Keisha Lance Bottom's orders, that were more restrictive than his own."
"I'm proud to do it because I really believe we have a case where somebody majorcus has committed trees and has broken the rule of law and deserves not to be there anymore."
"Guys I don't know about you but I need a little Justice I need to see Jod Hildebrandt panicked and getting arrested. It's my gavl and my crucifix and I'm ready to go."
"Wallace should face criminal charges for this; you could kill someone."
"What's the big deal if they really think you did it and you're saying well here's some more evidence why don't you get it then let's do it let's get it exactly."
"Trump is suing to have his social media account reinstated."
"It's deeply polarizing for no reason because again we all agree this officer should go to jail based on the available evidence we all agree that he did something that is disgusting an egregious no one's defending it."
"Legal proceedings against Sony PlayStation will hold them accountable for excessive pricing."
"Collective proceedings like this are vital to hold large companies accountable."
"We've had five indictments... five arrests as a result of Operation Not Forgotten."
"We trust that the DOJ will initiate investigations and file lawsuits to protect Reproductive Rights."
"A judge officially put a stop to this vaccine mandate."
"This stuff's not conspiracy theory anymore; they prosecuted these people for these things."
"We believe that the evidence described by my colleagues today... warrant a criminal referral of former President Donald J. Trump."
"If Trump were to shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he would have to be impeached."
"67 of all voters think that the Justice Department should either definitely or probably bring legal action against elected officials who have attempted to overturn the results of an American election."
"If Apple wants to sue a [], oh you bet your ass and they will sue a []."
"Kitsch sues McDonald's to set the record straight."
"How spectacular is that going to be that Alvin Bragg... may actually be the guy who creates the first indictment against the former guy?"
"If these allegations are true, can the President be impeached?"
"Taking away Trump's business Empire would stand alone under New York fraud law... nearly every previous time that a company was taken away, victims and losses were key factors."
"It is recommended that Lori Vallow... be charged with conspiracy to commit murder."
"Hey, you sued us to try to end our business. Let's see how the cookie crumbles in court."
"In a class-action lawsuit, over 13,000 people are looking to hold China accountable for the pandemic... I want the truth and justice."
"It's clear that a charge should be laid and that charge should be murder."
"Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss can now initiate collection efforts right away."
"If we still have a semblance of a justice system, it's time to indict Anthony Fauci."
"I am very, very proud that the Manhattan DA's office is holding this man accountable."
"DoJ issues a subpoena... then they got the surveillance."
"Plaintiff respectfully seeks a preliminary injunction stopping defendants from using evermore trademark."
"We're going to sue for breach of contract and interference with economic relations. We are going to sue PayPal in Canada because the way they're conducting their business is just too high-handed. So wish us luck." - Ezra Levant
"Nintendo felt their case had clear and compelling evidence."
"Samantha Markle is suing her half-sister Meghan Markle for defamation injuris falsehood relating to statements made in the book Finding freedom."
"Epic has defied the app store monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices."
"Epic is suing Apple to establish Apple's app store as a monopoly."
"Apple unlawfully maintains its monopoly in the iOS app distribution market."
"Alvin Bragg suing Jim Jordan over his attack on the DA's investigation into Trump."
"Iceland pursued criminal charges against a lot of the bankers at the tops of these institutions, and they succeeded, and these people went to jail."
"These indictments are a good step in the right direction."
"Pressure bursts pipes... once we the American people see with our own eyes the evidence... doj will have no place to go but to indict them for their crimes."
"The responsible thing to do is to contact authorities. Jim Bob did not contact CPS or police."
"We have to bring down the Sackler family. They should be in jail next to El Chapo."
"It is time to make arrests. It is time to prosecute. It is time to lock criminals up."
"Twitter sues Elon Musk for breach of contract."
"That's exactly what the court has done temporarily."
"To reiterate if you have information or were involved in one of these rug pulls report it if you're a victim of this report it to the authorities it does work."
"Big news in special counsel Jack Smith's criminal case against Trump."
"Prosecutor Leticia James from New York is now demanding that Trump and his sons... be fined ten thousand dollars each."
"The committee will initiate contempt of congress proceedings if the form is not produced by May 30th, 2023."
"The mother needs to be charged. Her face needs to be out there."
"Trump's $100 million lawsuit: the former president suing his own niece and The New York Times after a bombshell report on his taxes."
"We didn't need to wait for a committee to do this for criminal charges to come forth."
"Mia was picked up by the FBI last night while she was at work."
"My motivation for coming forward today and filing this lawsuit is to stop Nick Carter from assaulting more teens and women."
"This is not a vanity exercise; we are bringing this litigation to ensure that an insurrection like January 6 never happens again."
"I believe in taking action. I believe in accountability. So I sued them."
"Information is power. The truth will set you free."
"If you fail to take down the YouTube video or spread further content in relation thereto or take adverse actions against our client on the basis of your receipt of this letter we will advise our client to report your misconduct."
"Actions speak louder than words when it comes to understanding how much Nintendo cares about protecting their properties."
"I hope she sues them but she probably won't or can't win."
"The Justice Department had material referred to them for prosecution."
"I am revved up and ready to go for post midterm election prosecutions of everyone including Donald Trump."
"He was unlawfully fired from this film so he filed a lawsuit against MTV, Paramount, Jeff Tremaine, Johnny Knoxville, and many others."
"Some of these Statewide government officials will be arrested over this."
"The state of Texas sued... most of Biden's orders don't have to be enforced."
"If abuse is happening, you need to be reported to a trusted friend, counsel, and the police."
"One of the only ways things change and policies are updated is through these lawsuits."
"The Justice Department is taking action to crack down on ghost guns and to hold those who illegally sell firearms to criminals accountable."
"They took Jessie into custody at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of June 3rd."
"A lawsuit was opened after Newton recovered from the incident."
"If you don't like that legal situation, I fully encourage you to take some proactive steps to change it."
"The church encourages youth leaders to report to authorities immediately."
"Confronting coded fascism with a new Nuremberg trial so this never happens again."
"Let's go to the police. Let's figure this out, you feel what I'm saying?"
"If you genuinely believe these people are a danger towards children, then you really would have gone to the police by now."
"Something has to be done about that legally because if not this could happen every time"
"Long story short, these people defrauded me so I would have to sue them for a fraud."
"There needs to be lawsuits in basically every circuit; this needs to be fought very broadly."
"I charged Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason."
"It's rough that a company in which the internal structure does not change did they get scared that the person they've been harassing as much because they thought she was just a young girl has now properly prepared a lawsuit and brought in a lawyer."
"Department of Justice must immediately explain the reason for its raid."
"The united states attorney for chicago announced alfonse capone was indicted on charges of income tax evasion."
"Five of the top US female soccer players are suing the soccer organization that they are paid by for discrimination."
"13 states are now suing to block Biden's vaccine mandate for health care workers."
"Disney has stopped playing around and decided to file a lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis."
"The ATF recently sent out a cease and desist letter to the company Rare Breed Firearms to stop selling and making their aftermarket triggers."
"We Sue everybody involved from the top down."
"This is big news folks, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has been subpoenaed by special counsel Jack Smith."
"We're gonna use eminent domain on both of these properties."
"It's a beautiful lawsuit and we're going to hold big tech very accountable."
"Once Donald Trump is charged based on the evidence, it will have the fringe benefit and the collateral consequences of beginning to shut down the big lie and helping the country move on."
"I genuinely believe Edelson PC is trying to get back the two million dollars."
"The state of Michigan will be charging its ex-governor Rick Snyder in the Flint water probe."
"A private person may arrest if the offense is committed in his presence."
"How awesome is that? We just really went ahead and built our empire up from the ground up."
"For the first time in our nation's history, a grand jury has charged a former president with committing crimes while in office."
"This is discrimination and must be stopped immediately."
"The online retailing behemoth filed a lawsuit in Seattle's King County Superior Court on Tuesday accusing the people in charge of these Facebook groups of brokering fake reviews for third-party Amazon sellers in exchange for money or free products."
"He is going to whack Donald Trump and the organization for hundreds of millions of dollars and do major maybe existential damage to their businesses."
"Our Republic is tottering and I'd like to think that Judicial Watch is standing there at the firmament, right at the wall, trying to hold the Republic up through our litigation and through our educational efforts."
"She's an excellent Attorney General. I believe what she has said is that there is more than enough evidence to bring criminal charges against Trump and the kids."
"Donald Trump absolutely should be prosecuted for a conspiracy to commit offenses."
"California expands lawsuit against Activision Blizzard."
"In April of 2018, 20 child advocacy groups filed a complaint."
"You've been very dismissive of Simon Dolan's court case, but he is actually doing something which badly needs to be done."
"We need to trust our election system by prosecuting election fraud."
"Erica's gonna get sued in this six ways to Saturday."
"So, along those lines, it's not just me talking. We do specific litigation to push these issues, to educate the American people, hold the government accountable, and protect the rule of law."
"When they do this stuff, you gotta sue them because that's one of the ways that they're eventually going to have to make a change."
"Anyway, so they're all escorted out. And following that, Lisa makes sure that James never returns and she makes sure to also get a restraining order against his ass."
"The answer to healing the nation is to prosecute the criminals to the fullest extent of the law."
"Pharma orders the medics to hand over the smugglers to the Empire once they recover for legal trial."
"Kerry Lake must file the lawsuit ASAP and I know she will because she's awesome."
"I want to see Donald Trump indicted, prosecuted, and potentially convicted for crimes that he committed."
"Elon Musk is threatening to sue Twitter employees who leak confidential information to the Press he's asking staffers to sign a pledge indicating they've understood the letter."
"It seems to me that either there are laws on the books that could have applied or there have to be we've got to enact some."
"It's definitely seems like a positive thing that with Myspace involved if it's a way that to get them the druze through fraud with Myspace that's fine with me, as long as they get charged something criminally."
"They look at the constitution, they see the actions of the fossil fuel companies and these teenagers are like, 'We're going to go ahead and sue.'"
"If this, you know, expands into something bigger, which I hope it does, they're fighting for future generations to come."
"You're going to Federal Court to demand that black children be subject to an open air free market Society."
"Thankfully, Leilani is finally charged with the murder."
"There is a formal request to authorities... for an investigation to be opened."
"There have been plenty of instances where real legal action was taken... Zack Sweers of Anxiety War."
"Filing a grievance, that's how you fight back against the system."
"Leah Remini's lawsuit is not about her being made whole. It's about preventing Scientology from fair gaming anyone ever again."
"Am I the jerk for threatening my sister with a restraining order?"
"I want to see those people indicted, prosecuted, and convicted because they broke the law."
"An Ontario man files a $35 million lawsuit against Pfizer over his son's vaccine death."
"Hit them with every lawsuit, every indictment, every protest, every public mockery, every embarrassment, every joke. Hit them with everything you have every day for the rest of their lives."
"If you're willing to deceive customers and attempt to hide your actions, we will be persistent in pursuing you and ensuring you are brought to justice."
"I expect now the DOJ is going to go full-court press on Epstein and whoever else they can get involved in this."
"By filing this lawsuit, Mr. Vyas becomes the first person to finally expose Wells Fargo's fraud victim account closure scandal to the public."
"I'm glad that they're going to be pursuing charges."
"He was looking forward to having his day in court and hoping it would force Boeing to change its culture."
"Let us bring the persons to Justice and we will."
"We need resolutions passed to insist on paper ballots, insistence on chain of custody."
"That's been the case for Chelsea Mitchell who, along with three other female athletes, is suing the Connecticut Intercollegiate Athletic Conference for allowing males to compete against them."
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander." - Coinbase flips the script and sues the SEC.
"Nothing makes a company more willing than a massive lawsuit, so who knows?"
"Well breaking tonight, an arrest has been made and the person who saw her last now behind bars."
"No one's gonna step in for you. You want to file a defamation suit, go for it."
"Democratic presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard announced Thursday she is suing Google for alleged election interference."
"Man, these people need to go to trial. It's crazy."
"Vladimir Putin is a guilty man and should be charged as soon as possible in The Hague."
"For a president who has gotten away with so much, E. Jean Carroll is someone who's not going to back down."
"Justice for Gabby is that we see justice for her homicide."
"Leah Remini, former celebrity Scientologist turned activist seeking to expose the church, is suing the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige, which is oh so brave."
"Our pursuit isn't solely for personal vindication though it is in part to remedy the incredible damage the defendants have caused me."
"The District in New York is going to start bringing suit on everything."
"This is criminal, I hope there's an investigation."
"Ex-senior advisor to Trump Stephen Miller's group America First Legal is taking aim at Kellogg's, claiming the company is engaging in illegal race-based discrimination."
"I am today announcing the suspension of State Attorney Monique Worrell from the ninth judicial circuit effective immediately."
"We're playing the leading role... attorneys general step it up and fighting against pandemic exploitation."
"Our lawsuit, which is being supported by you, is not about making money. It's actually about winning."
"She hit him right where she lived... that's part of the money that should be clawed back from Donald Trump."
"If Betsy wanted her daughters to have the money... she would have made them the insurance policy beneficiaries."
"Russ brought a civil suit against three police officers."
"Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelinski has appealed to the international criminal court to block attacks by the Russian military on Ukrainian cities."
"When you grow in grace, admitting your mistakes, reflecting, reforming, you can be as vibrant as in your youth if not more."
"It's time for our courts to stand up and bewilder his team like I did, for the sake of the country and the world."
"Armed with this new forensic evidence, Osmond Bell was arrested and charged by the West Midlands Police in connection with Nova's case."
"I need a special grand jury to investigate Donald Trump."
"Justice means that these individuals will be charged with murder."
"His family pleaded with police to reopen the case."
"What will it take for Americans to actually start throwing unelected public sector criminals in prison for crimes against the citizenry?"
"If you're feeling like your employer does not have your best interest at heart, you can file a charge against your employer."
"New York Attorney General Letitia James says she plans to launch sweeping investigations into President Donald Trump, his family, and anyone in his circle who may have violated the law."
"Police executed a search warrant on the laundry home."
"While no one had previously pressed any charges for his theft... the State of Arizona was more than happy to charge Mark for Sasha's murder."
"I'm going to go ahead and take the step that I think Harvey wouldn't have taken and say that I think these two deserve death."
"It's time. It is time the Department of Justice needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate Merrick Garland for obstruction of justice and perjury."
"I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president of the history of the United States of America."