
Animal Welfare Quotes

There are 2538 quotes

"One trend I wish people would not follow is to buy their pets, considering many Indie dogs are abandoned and need homes."
"It's great for the dogs, the team loves it, and it brings the community together."
"I started volunteering at animal shelters at 18 and have continued since."
"10 people going vegan half of the time helps more animals than one person going completely vegan."
"Once you get this, you're gonna have everything else, and that's how we create better humans and better dogs, one pack at a time."
"This year has been difficult, but the blessing is that so many people have opened their homes to dogs in need."
"The nuance of harm is the illusion that you tell yourself to feel better about the horrible treatment that animals go through on factory farms."
"Dream it. If enough of us dream a bare thousand, we can dream a world where no cat suffers, where no kittens die cold and alone, where all cats are queens and kings of creation."
"Delta Rescue, the largest no-kill, care-for-life animal sanctuary in the world."
"In my opinion, the public perception of horses definitely needs to change to a more empathetic view of them as family members and not just pieces of machinery that you can throw away when you get tired of them."
"We absolutely cannot allow food animal meat to be raised in this cheap and inhumane way, period, end of story."
"Veganism is a philosophy at the minimization of unnecessary suffering of sentient creatures."
"People say, 'Oh, you just, you don't even think it was an animal,' but a lot of farmers, they love their animals, and they do really build connections, and it is hard."
"These brushes are made of natural hair, they claim that they are cruelty-free; no animals were harmed in the collection of the hair for these brushes."
"I like animals and I want the environment to be good."
"Harlow wasn't just creating loads of depressed monkeys for no reason; the apparent plan was to try and rehabilitate his subjects."
"She actually owns a couple of animal sanctuaries."
"I told her I work at an animal sanctuary...she's like, 'You have a great job. You work really hard and do really good things.'"
"Aversive training methods have a damaging effect on both animal welfare and the human-animal bond."
"Cesar Millan has done some good, and I won't deny that. He advocates against puppy mills, tells owners that they are responsible for their dogs, says chaining dogs is awful, and insists dogs need structure in their lives."
"It was a very rewarding... going into these inner cities and... letting them see some of these animals up close."
"The land is already preserved, he insists, and to me that's kind of the same thing as saying you shouldn't donate to an animal rescue because animals are already being rescued."
"Let me show you how to treat an animal properly."
"Veganism isn't about living a perfect life devoid of any animal suffering, it is about making an effort to do one's best given the available options to reduce and minimize suffering wherever possible."
"We need to build the most epic custom enclosures for each animal inside this old abandoned zoo."
"We just donated it to, we essentially just fed the animals, which is such a nice, heartwarming feeling."
"As an owner of two pets that I love immensely, I'd love it if every single animal in the world was treated the same way that I treat my beautiful companion creatures."
"Why should we be contributing to pain, suffering, and death when it is completely unnecessary?"
"To be vegan is just to minimize animal suffering to the highest extent that we can."
"If you watch it or even if you don't, but you think the treatment of animals may be wrong or cruel, ask yourself: if it's not good enough for my eyes, why would it be good enough for my stomach?"
"I applaud you for trying to protect animal welfare and for educating people about this."
"Veganism is just the idea of reducing harm to animals."
"I love animals, don't get me wrong, but I want each one to have the care and attention that it deserves."
"Clearly harming animals causes suffering, which is unethical."
"Since we opened last year, we have found good homes for 250 surrendered reptiles and amphibians, which just blows me away."
"The goal is to bring about optimal behavior without compromising a dog's quality of life or having unintended consequences."
"Their welfare and their well-being is like a founding principle for what we do here at our farm."
"We should assign animals basic rights—the right not to be treated as property."
"We should have laws that protect animals from being killed like we do for human beings."
"You don't have to think that a pig has the same value as a human being in order to be against killing that pig because they taste nice."
"The animals, without exception, appeared to be in excellent condition and showed no adverse prolonged side effects."
"Publicly, the industry says it cares for the racehorses in its charge, but what you're about to see challenges that assurance and raises serious questions about the sport's integrity."
"We deserve better; the horses deserve better, and people who love the industry deserve better. So, the industry has let a lot of people down and a lot of horses down."
"In the wild, the average female can live up to 100 years... In captivity, though, many online resources state that the average age of death for an orca at SeaWorld is just 14 years."
"This is joy when she was bought at auction, and her coat has completely changed. She looks like a different horse."
"We just let the horses out of quarantine and into their new pasture. They were very excited."
"Her work has been instrumental in implementing animal welfare auditing programs now used by McDonald's, Wendy's, Whole Foods, and many other major corporations."
"Eating less animal products...just need to reduce our impact."
"He was perhaps one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived, the friend of humanity wishing for money only that he might give to the poor, a friend to animals, his heart was concerned only with the happiness of others."
"SeaWorld has done a lot in recent years to improve its image and put animal welfare first."
"Humans have the responsibility to take care of animals... if humanity is living rightly and in right relationship with each other, I think that flows into... taking care of the earth and its creation, and that includes animals."
"I think that there are ways that animals can be treated with a level of compassion with which we treat humans."
"In our 10 years of being undercover, we have never seen such consistent, constant abuse to a newborn baby animal."
"Fair life has a responsibility as the brand to make sure that the dairy farms that supply our milk uphold the highest and most humane standards."
"Hello, my name is Mike McCloskey, owner and founder of Fair Oaks Farms. Watching this video broke my heart."
"Anytime you run an operation where the welfare of your animals is the top priority, you better have cameras."
"He's the epitome of cute, but his life so far is far from it. His mother was killed, poached for her horn, which would sell for up to a quarter of a million dollars on the black market."
"You can tell Catwoman must be a good person because she still takes in all these little stray cats and looks after them."
"It breaks my heart how he's just hugging that wall instead of hugging me. It's going to be okay."
"Let's release them outside, those poor little critters. How nice!"
"It's heartbreaking to see a dog go through this, but it's the first time she's ever been told she's a good girl, the first time she's ever received a toy."
"Dogs don't always come to the shelter because they've been abused or you know, sometimes it's situational."
"The entire point of this channel is to villainize reptiles for views, which I think is disgusting."
"Rescues just take better care of the dogs. They have a better chance of survival and adoption."
"This is preventable. There's no reason in hell this dog should have died out here like this."
"The animal shelter has limited square footage, limited staffing, limited capacity, but when we open our homes, that shelter doesn't just become a building; it becomes a whole community."
"It is 86 degrees outside, you left your dog in the car."
"He's harassing me, yeah no, he's not harassing you, he's concerned about the dog."
"Our Cozy leggings are made of 100 percent vegan materials, making the animals happy."
"One of the main causes of climate change and of pollution in general is the meat and dairy industry, which in addition inflicts terrible suffering on billions of sentient beings."
"I'm going to do the responsible thing and try to find this animal a good home."
"The more successful this is, the more money I will give to animal charities."
"It may be high energy and vibrant, but something SeaWorld has not been is authentic."
"There's no tank that will ever be big enough or specialized enough for an orca to live a long, happy life."
"Eating without causing harm to others is better for the animals and it's better for the environment too."
"I absolutely adore animals, my own puppy, Casper is the sweetest, little love of my life. And I can't imagine for a minute, mistreating him, let alone standing by and saying nothing when others would."
"If the conditions you hear about in a zoo, aquarium or theme park aren't conditions you wouldn't want to put your beloved pet in, then maybe they shouldn't be conditions that any other animal is forced into either."
"Delaware became the first official non-kill State for animal shelters, which is a huge thing."
"The Best Friends Animal Society... working with shelters across the entire nation to actually make America a no-kill country by 2025."
"All right, we helped to give this dog a life. He now has friends."
"Adoptions are extremely important. Adoption fees and reputation gained from successful adoptions are how we stay afloat."
"I love animals and would never hurt an animal."
"Jumbo won the hearts of everyone around the world and really upgraded the image of gorillas on the whole."
"Watching them in captivity is truly heartbreaking for me."
"Germany wants to be the first country in the world to ban the practice [of culling male chicks]."
"Major Biden will not be euthanized as a result of this."
"Over 99.9% of animal products in this country come from factory farms. It's something to think about."
"Rabbits need space to hop and socialize; small cages just won't cut it."
"Guinea pigs need room to roam and a buddy for companionship."
"Research and provide proper care; pets deserve our best."
"Exploring the environment is essential for a dog's mental well-being."
"Being vegan is like trying to rescue drowning animals desperately pulling them out of the water one by one and having your family friends and everyone around you throwing them back in."
"The biggest thing that I could ask of all of you is to share this... and you never know when your share will be the share that helps save her."
"How people treat animals says a lot about who they are as a person."
"I can't go on in my life knowing what's going on in the animal world and not doing anything about it."
"Enrichment for an animal is a husbandry standard that attempts to enhance the quality of captive animals care by providing environmental stimulation for mental and physical well-being."
"Don't eat animals that have been tortured, trashed, fed crappy stuff because you are what you ate."
"Animal abuse is not right. I hope everyone agrees."
"Elephants are some of the most beautiful, graceful, and intelligent animals on the planet, but even elephants can find themselves in some pretty unfortunate situations now and then."
"You have to admire people who dedicate their lives to helping the most vulnerable animals in the world."
"Fortunately, the girl from the rescue animal project found the poor creature and brought her home."
"The rescue team went to Kangaroo Island to help koalas that suffered due to the wildfires."
"It means a lot to rescue animals, it makes a big change in the world."
"This heart-wrenching case sheds light on the crucial importance of responsible pet ownership."
"Once you've seen what happens and once you're educated on what happens to these animals, you 100% would not want to be a part of it."
"We don't need to keep testing them on animals to know these things."
"Why we gotta hurt the animals like that? You don't gotta hurt the animals like that, and that's the tea for today."
"If people are out there abusing dogs or abusing children and there's a bunch of activists who are speaking up against it, no one's gonna say you're forcing your opinion."
"How you treat animals says a lot about your character."
"I love the idea of doing the gala for good for pets and animal shelters and then making everyone show up as a furry. I think that's so funny."
"Veganism isn't about a diet, it's the kindest way to eat, the way that inflicts the least amount of pain on other beings."
"It's super fun for our animals to get out, see new things, and enjoy their new spaces."
"Veganism is simply about causing the least amount of harm to other animals as possible and practicable."
"While Busch Gardens has a history of great animal exhibits, Myombe Reserve might be my favorite because it's really well designed and quite immersive."
"Sharon writes a wrong by helping a neighborhood woman keep her 23 cats."
"There are entire bird sanctuaries devoted exclusively to surrendered cockatoos."
"It's not always bad. It depends on the animal too and the people of course but there's some really bad situations out there and just I mean these stories are going to blow you guys away."
"A lack of understanding about how to properly care for the wild animals often results in mistreatment and neglect."
"There is a really warm place in hell for people that will drop their old dogs off at the shelter."
"Take care of your animals, take care of the earth, be an agent of good."
"We are here to educate the world, entertain people, and take care of animals."
"This ain't about animals, this is about money. Understand this: if you raise money for animals at a particular non-profit facility, it better be spent for them animals."
"AW fans don't want somebody that kicks a cat, they want somebody that saves the dog."
"I appreciate you making that video, I appreciate you not throwing the animals completely under the bus with that video."
"The main point of veganism is to do less harm to animals."
"I wouldn't feel right about myself if I didn't at least do something to try to help animals."
"Having fun is actually an important part of an elephant's life."
"Don't hurt animals. Leave animals the [ __ ] alone."
"I've never had an opinion on save/kill the animals before, but I'm pretty into saving them right now."
"Creators of NFT project Doodle Dragons promise to donate all profits to charities protecting animals. After collecting money, our charity will now be my bank account."
"The way we treat animals is teaching this next generation how to treat those that are more powerless than them."
"Commodus killed 100 lions in a day, a spectacle that wasn't well-received by the audience."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, 95% of people would stop eating meat."
"A vegan is someone who does not in so much as they can eat or use animal products."
"It's about minimizing our contribution to the suffering of animals as much as it is possible for us to do so."
"A vegan bodybuilder achieves the exact same results without harming animals."
"Lab-grown meats could replace the global need to raise and kill animals."
"With every purchase Scout's Honor provides one day's worth of meals for a rescue animal—absolutely amazing cause to support."
"Spay your animals, you guys. Spay your animals."
"You're saving the mouse and thought nothing of buying a home with the wood of 50 trees."
"Just astonishing stuff by the way good news Shenzhen just became the first Chinese city to ban eating cats and dogs."
"So, this is to ask: Who runs the fastest, the horse in the freedom of the fields? Or the one being whipped?"
"My pets are my family, and I'm the type of believer that you should, if you can't financially take care of an animal to give them their best life, you shouldn't have an animal."
"People have this emotional problem with doing that because it means killing an animal but you're actually killing something with kindness."
"Approximately 98 percent of the meat, eggs, and dairy we eat comes from animals who were raised in factory farms."
"Speak with your estate planner because there are tax benefits too. You can grow your estate while letting your love for animals live well into the future."
"Dolly's premature aging and health problems raised questions about the safety and ethics of cloning."
"We have bred it to the point that the poor dog cannot breathe anymore. It's too much, you know? It's gotten too short of us now, and it can't even breathe."
"I sympathize with Ralph getting this nursery sloth. I think you're absolutely spot on."
"Many factors make a safe pet: genetics, health, socialization, kindness, and training."
"Love your family, love your love for animals."
"We cram thousands of animals in cramped, filthy sheds—arguably a perfect storm environment for the emergence and spread of super strains of influenza."
"Overcrowding pigs allows for large infectious loads to transfer, increasing the likelihood of extremely rare mutations."
"How we treat animals can have global public health implications."
"Seeing these animals in their native environment... makes all the difference for their well-being."
"I think having a pet in a classroom is good but why do you have to have one that's illegal?"
"If you have ever been in a situation where you or your horse was abused, it's never too late to speak up."
"Is it alright to boil a sentient creature alive just for our gustatory pleasure?"
"It is hard to deny in any meaningful way that this is a living creature experiencing pain."
"Gorillas are still in zoos for the same reason they were when they were kept in small metal cages, to be an exotic attraction."
"It's a real bad time to be wow a captive uh Manatee uh Hugh died unexpectedly on April 29th after showing changes in his behavior until he suddenly became unresponsive in his habitat."
"What veganism is, is to live in a way that excludes as far as possible and practicable the exploitation and use of animals."
"Things are getting worse animal suffering is increasing factory farming is increasing globally you know, clearly something needs to change and change quickly."
"Our task is to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all of nature and all living creatures."
"Nobody ever gives credit to this poor fucking horse."
"Veganism is a moral virtue if you're able to prevent causing harm to animals."
"To see any animals losing their habitat is heartbreaking."
"We should push for sustainable, well-pastured animals where it can be done."
"Killing cats is not effective; trap, neuter, release programs manage populations."
"I never permit declawing. It's a horrible, cruel procedure that should not be done by anyone with even a smidgen of personal ethics."
"We make better lives for animals and oceans and children's hospitals."
"Undercover videos educate the public on what's really happening behind closed doors."
"We all have that quintessential image of huskies pulling sleds through the snow and racing."
"I feel very bad because it's just like, even though I don't feel like I have an emotional attachment to them, it's a living creature."
"No-kill still does mean you have to put animals down sometimes."
"If these videos could cause just one person who sees an ant crawling by to not squish it for no reason, that to me, means the channel has done its job successfully."
"The best arguments for veganism to me are animal welfare, climate change, and inefficiency of resource usage."
"Anyone who would harm an animal is automatically a monster in my book."
"Thumbelina met an injured bird, decided to help him despite the risk of being caught by the mole."
"So he's using chickens to do, he's letting birds do what birds naturally do, he's letting cows do what cows naturally do, he's letting pigs do, he calls it respecting the pigness of the pig."
"We always use the low stress animal handling techniques."
"We're giving them some sunshine, Essential is an awesome company."
"Thank you guys so much for watching today I hope this shows you the importance of getting your dog to a groomer at the beginning of life and on a regular basis."
"Delve into Neuralink's commitment to Superior Animal Care, establishing itself as a leader in ethical considerations."
"The team is committed to making donations to Shiba Rescue which is insane."
"Additional profits made from the sale of Baby Sheba You Know merchandise is also donated to the Sheba rescue charities. Super cute, super real."
"Super dope, and supporting the Baby Shiba Inu rescues is a very, very nice charitable donation."
"The true heroes of this project are the supporters and ambassadors of the Baby Shiba Inu."
"I just value human life more than animals getting abused."
"I strongly encourage you to consider exercising one of the most powerful rights that you have as a consumer and that is to boycott this cruel and dysfunctional industry."
"Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be a fun reminder to be KIND to the animals we share our world with. Sheep, pigs, mice, and others on our islands have big personalities, just like animals in real life."
"Euthanizing animals isn't nearly as easy for us as it is for you. I just call him Dr. Death. Cut that out, it's not his name."
"In Genesis 9, the covenant God establishes was meant to include the animals, so they would need to be partakers of the covenant 'el stipulations."
"There is no happiness in the dairy industry".
"Support for Israel is an expression of American patriotism."
"We're affecting the earth with the way we're treating our animals."
"I've been actually appalled in the conditions these minks are kept in, just a recipe for disaster."
"From the age of nine years old all I wanted to do was help animals."
"Animals can't rely on themselves; we have friends and family and jobs and all they have is us."
"Planet Zoo... involves building habitats, managing the workings of the zoo, and dealing with animals that the developers described as thinking feeling individuals with personalities of their own."