
Substance Quotes

There are 580 quotes

"I feel like to keep my videos genuinely interesting and full of substance, I have to keep my standards high."
"Views are one thing, but if you're making work with substance and meaning, that's what really matters."
"My genuine intent in having this conversation with you, and pretty much every conversation that I have on the Internet or even off the Internet for that matter, especially on topical subjects, is to stay as close to the substance as possible."
"The problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least."
"At the end of the day, it's the substance that matters."
"The campaign is going to come down to entertainment versus substance."
"Focus on the substance and let's have an actual policy debate."
"He nearly got everything right, the cadences, the sense of showmanship, but at the same time, this amazing ability to combine the showmanship, the memorable phrase, with deep substance."
"Richness is about substance, not just money."
"The entire argument for intelligent design lacks both meaning and substance."
"Substance matters. Truth and substance matters. Facts matter. The Constitution matters."
"We want substance, we want things that mean something, that challenge us to be more than we are called to be."
"He was a celebrity, but there was more to him than many celebrities today. He had real substance."
"All I really want is for there to be substance in the music."
"Religion should offer something different, something substantive."
"Resumes, internships... go for substance over resume."
"Do something of substance please, I'm begging you."
"Adding some fluff, adding some substance to the conversation."
"I think sometimes they just leave out the meat. They just leave out the stuff that matters and handle the outside, the garnish."
"The infection is caused directly by contact exposure to any of the substances."
"Women overseas tend to have a lot more substance."
"Why couldn't he just say it was like flour or something? You're in the kitchen, he should have just said it was cocaine."
"Leadership needs to be decentralized, institutionalized, and have substance to go with the flash."
"I never said that it was going to be bad. I just said this is a lot of nonsense, this is a lot of hand-waving without any substance."
"I appreciate the invitation to come on and talk a little bit more about it because I do think that the substance of some of what we were discussing is really important."
"It's a testament to substance over theater and the appeal of a universal message."
"Royal jelly, the royalist jellies of them all."
"We're talking about substance, not just procedure."
"I wanted to show growth, I always want to show maturation, and I want to have some kind of substance."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake has more than enough substance for it to stand apart from the original."
"There are worse things but what about the substance? That's right, the marketplace of ideas."
"I genuinely enjoyed it, it sets up this movie to have substance."
"Living a life of substance can fill up your life."
"We've allowed form to overtake substance in discussing elections and where we are going."
"The Exorcist holds real substance and cultural importance."
"Faith involves substance, tied to substance that is not yet seen or experienced."
"Why even say anything, Eve? You've offered nothing of substance."
"Quality man has more depth, more substance, and passionate interests."
"It has so much nuance to it and so much substance."
"Be good people, man, and don't focus on people's appearance, focus on their substance."
"Isn't what's on the inside what's edible?"
"Being on that platform is an opportunity for anyone. I could see why she wanted to be there, but if you're going to come there, come with something substantial."
"It wasn't what you wore on the outside but what you had up here that made the difference."
"I wanted something of substance to hold in my arms."
"Sometimes in order to please people, you have to be substantive. You have to be in the world. You have to have a want."
"It's got some depth to it, some real depth to it."
"Space is not just this background thing, space is actually made of stuff."
"It's more than just a pretty face."
"The bones are there, the dynamics are there. It's more than just a pretty face."
"It's not about memes, it's not about hype, it's only about craft."
"Despite the fact that most of this just folds inside out for the robot mode... it really doesn't feel hollow."
"The loudest voice is usually the emptiest barrel."
"They were able to execute it in a way that just felt so natural... It adds a lot of substance to the show in my opinion."
"I had something to bring to the table, not just a pretty face."
"They want us to talk about booty shaking and ass clapping... then they let us run as soon as we talking about some real stuff."
"An empty barrel makes the most noise."
"He smoked this stuff and it transports you and it shows you your whole life, all your traumas that you've experienced, and it really releases you from it all, it's real."
"The Subaru Crosstrek rewards you for your spending, not in redeemable points for overpriced hotels, but instead substance."
"It provided enough for them to sink their teeth into."
"All the excitement of the first movie without the fluff."
"It's what's behind the skin that makes it important."
"It's not what you have, it's what you show."
"I don't know, Doug. I want to give some back but with substance."
"Older Pixar connects with adults, sequels lack substance."
"It's not all about the rhyme, it's about the content."
"They've been consistent with being creative. They've been consistent with being feeders of substance to this world."
"there's nobody who has more substance than you do"
"Whether you're on one side or the other, the fact remains the music, it's music of substance."
"You have these people fighting each other over political territory and the right to basically make decisions versus the actual substance and the validity of the decision."
"I'm more than just a pretty face. I'm more than just a bang."
"It's not all about the sauce. It's all about the meat, and it always has been, and it always will be."
"It's like magic. That's why in the 70s in Colombia they called these new people that sold this chalky white substance 'magicians.' So that was a fascinating thing to me. It's pure capitalism. It's immediate demand meeting Supply."
"There's genuinely something to it. It's not just all folklore and smoke and mirrors."
"...when the bird tells you find a swan and make this substance I suppose we know that is truly the priority and the dreamer seems to orient to that the right way."
"Faith is a substance of things hoped for."
"Imagery without substance is worthless. Substance without imagery is still substance."
"This discovery may lead to further findings and understandings of the nature of the enigmatic substance."
"There was real substance to their music."
"Mind and matter are one substance, one God."
"It's not about how things look, it's about what's underneath that counts."
"Style without substance. It can mimic me; it can't think."
"This is one of the most impressive combinations of style and substance I've seen all year."
"This game is the definition of style over substance."
"You find beauty, you find substance, you require deeper meaning."
"It's not just fluff and it's actually real like there's real substance and life teaches you that"
"I really like that film and was quite surprised that it actually had some substance in the story."
"We need a faith that believes there's substance to it."
"What they find attractive about you is your... you seem to be this sounds really silly a person of substance."
"It just seems cutting something with more meat in it seems more substantial"
"One thing that I will say about you is you're one of those people that has a lot of substance to you, you're one of those people that has a lot of goals."
"This movie really did accomplish what no other remake did after changing the story to be better rather than removing what Rd worked it added more substance to the film."
"I love the book it's so fun and funny but also incredibly substantive just like you cara thank you."
"Spice, also called melange, is a hallucinogenic drug known for extending human life and causing intense vision transes."
"Something that is spiritual does not mean it's not substance."
"For all things with substance, you're going to have matter and form together."
"Most people think that heaven is ethereal, lacking material substance."
"When you don't have the crutch of spectacle, you have to rely on story and theme, and you usually get a better product."
"It's always about substance over style."
"Uses the trends of modern poetry but the work and the content of the poems themselves are very substantial and beautiful and breathtaking and are a good representation for what poetry can be."
"I love a man with substance. So, I underestimated him."
"I don't need to sniff cocaine to be funny."
"If you're going to get involved in the conversation, you need to actually bring something of substance."
"You ain't gotta talk the most, but when you talk, talk with substance, you get me?"
"It's sweet, but there's more to life than beauty."
"Even when I'm blackout drunk or on the verge of blacking out, I still feel like I'm in control, even if I'm saying messed up [ __ ] or doing stupid [ __ ]. I still feel like I'm in control. Weed, it hits you and you're like, you know that you're not in control."
"It's not the length of something that matters, it's the content."
"Some love and hip-hop stuff, it's time for us to be about substance."
"But how it looked outside mattered less than how it looked on the inside."
"Maybe because I'm a smoker and like this like it's the high last longer. So I'm like no it's not my drug of choice like I'd rather just do weed. I just didn't like it."
"The real quality is on the inside."
"The reason why Doe Or Die is still relevant today, 20 years later is because the revolution not be televised. So, I don't care how much internet you have. When you have real true substance, it's the actual content that pierces you."
"You want to see our young people not get in trouble for something such as smoking when we have alcohol that's legal that will affect you way worse than marijuana."
"This substance that is illegal in most states and decriminalized in some that is obviously helping people, you have to break the law in order to seek clarity or help."
"The most important things in your life are not the pretty things."
"Black Panther, that's where it comes from."
"Looking cute is not always the way."
"...he was a man of real substance."
"Faith is the substance of things desired."
"I want to make sure that when I meet my wife, that I've built something of substance."
"Hope is important. But faith is the substance of things hoped for."
"This [ __ ], he can't rap better than me. Just because you rap a bunch of words with no point and no meaning and has no substance and a scatter, that doesn't mean better."
"God doesn't mind our celebration. It's a problem when we have celebration isolated from substance."
"Some of the writing that people consider good has no content."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. Looks very stock on the exterior, but some people don't care and they just focus on what's underneath that hood."
"Style is more important than the tricks."
"If a girl matches a guy with a perfect head of hair, but then finds he's just so boring, nothing, no substance, then the hair is irrelevant."
"when you inherently design all of your output to feed the belly of negativity and delusion while offering up nothing of substance or value to your listeners to make their own lives better you are doing the biggest disservice to anybody who decides to give you a listen"
"It's dangerous, and I do believe that every substance is here with its purpose, a medicinal purpose. But when we abuse it, you find yourself in dark places."
"Some theories have a little bit of substance."
"It's not about the cover of the book, it's all about what is underneath."
"It's not about the packaging, it's about the gift that's in the package."
"I think talking a lot is cool, but I think it's quite unattractive when you meet someone and they just ain't even got substance."
"Looking at somebody's social media feed and concluding they have no substance because they pay attention to the color palette is incredibly reductive and condescending."
"It all lies in the plant. Our peculiar restlessness, which in modern circumstances has evolved into a rapacious appetite for indicitive substances of all sorts."
"People can't stand eating chicken strips and french fries gospel. They need something substantial."
"We as Muslims need to criticize ourselves first. We should look at more substantive issues rather than looking at the superficial issues."
"Good heart's law has fully kicked in, which is the process has become the substance as opposed to the substance driving the process."
"I'm more interested honestly in the story more than the glory."
"No one ever committed suicide on marijuana."
"...there happens to be real engineering substance behind the Lamborghini stuff... and same thing here, there's all kinds of capability in here."
"If people are given enough substance, it's difficult for them to take advantage of equal opportunities."
"German breads are just not wimpy white bread. They're full of structure, heavy, good substance. Heart and soul, that's right."
"We use this stuff because it's kind of like it's really just like thinners isn't it and it evaporates and dries up really quick."
"What we really care about is what's inside."
"He was a heartthrob to many, but he was also an actor with substance."
"There's more to life than just being good looking."
"This movie is just a mood, it's a sort of style overload which is a slight detriment too because it does feel a bit empty at times and care more about the look than anything else."
"Sometimes you can get something that might not look good on the outside but might be the best thing you've ever had."
"The artist Anish Kapoor holds an exclusive artistic license to use what was until 2019 the world's blackest black substance called Vantablack."
"It's God really caught up in your sexiness or is he looking for your substance?"
"This is the PCP. If you just want to get lost in the [__] couch, yeah. You gotta get him on the kratom grind."
"I value things that are of more substance."
"Aristotle's forms are embedded in substances, guiding from seed form to actualized state."
"Good, don't watch me. It means you're watching how I look, not what I was saying. Don't watch me."
"I think this gives a substantial amount of validity to his responses."
"There's a lot more to it than just the glitz and the glamor."
"Faith is not words, it's substance."
"So anybody who can do it I'm I love it but it should never be a substitute for substance but the celebratory part is one of the things that makes black preaching unique and one of the things that has helped black people get through some of the darkest."
"There's so much substance there, and 'Subdivisions' is a great example of that."
"Go for substance and depth. Don't go for the quick one-hit thing."
"...they're gonna have to do something with a little bit more substance."
"It is about the depth, not the breadth."
"When you enter into faith, now you have entered into the substance of the thing."
"Trees (Godly) have great substance."
"Now is the time to lean into substance and thoughtful, well-crafted content."
"Noise is not the evidence of power, some of you are too noisy in the name of power but you're empty."
"If you have art and no heart, it's just empty."
"What matters is what you're saying in it, yes, the reality of the people or the world you create in it, not how you're doing it."
"You dims are usable in Substance with this workflow."
"Be an instrument not an ornament, don't just look a certain way, be someone who can do things as well."
"Christian worship today is more about style than it is about substance."
"once once people get their the substance out of the way it's it's amazing to see how people how talented people are"
"Metal Skin has a unique feeling as it chooses style over substance."
"Faith is always present tense. If it's not now, it's not faith. Faith is now. Faith is substance, the materiality of things hoped for."
"Hope by itself has no substance. But add faith to hope, and you give it tangibility, materiality. Faith is the evidence of things not perceived by your senses."
"It's a little ugly, but it's what's inside that matters."
"Nobody is going to believe in something that has such a light amount of substance to it. A true ethnic, you know, comes from something deeper."
"Ain't what you got in your pocket that counts it's what you got in."
"Pretty is not always the right answer."
"I just think the mistake that they're making is they want everything to be flashy."
"You have to make your music worth something too. Ownership of something that ain't worth is, it's something."
"Every lyric, every song can't just be party turn up. You need something that gives you some substance, some balance."
"Faith has a substance, it has spiritual weight."
"At the end of the day, you know, I still want to see if there is substance within the story."
"The fancy packaging means absolutely nothing if the contents inside are absolutely terrible."
"Everything that shines is not glitter."
"I love that it was all like quality. I've dated for looks and it didn't work out well."
"What's unique about this debate is that they exchanged opening statements, so it's clear there's a lot going on here, a lot of content, a lot of substance, and it's because they were working together so that the ideas king here."
"It's not gimmicky, it's not something that they put in just to brag."
"The actual underlying stuff is much better than the noise you read about."
"...noah has substance and that's intimidating for some people, especially someone like bennett who values himself as being so substantive."
"A woman's value is not in her beauty... it's not what's on the outside. It should be what's inside that matters, the substance, the very core of that individual."
"The only thing that matters is what's underneath."
"Because there's substance, because it's not just smoking mirrors and marketing, because there's real substance, you can put your hands on, you can use it."
"that's why I said all the time like they say just being legendary instead of temporary man like I just want to make sure the things I'm doing are substantial enough to move things instead of just being temporary infatuations that people have"
"You should still feel something. So if you take something and you don't feel it, either your dose is too low or, more likely, it's garbage. It's not the real deal."
"The more substance you bring, the higher likelihood of getting this person's attention."
"This movie to me is just fluffy, cotton candy popcorn. No real substance to it whatsoever, it's lazy."
"The substance wasn't dangerous. They claimed that the river and the lake didn't intersect at all with the community's drinking water."
"Yes, I did find it of substance and if you do happen to wander into this wild labyrinthine house, be open to the idea that maybe it's not all nihilistic and there's something beyond all of the intellectual games."