
Markets Quotes

There are 568 quotes

"Markets create sustainability; charity is generally non-sustainable."
"I believe in the importance of markets, I believe in the primacy of free speech and individual rights."
"I think that there still is this amazing foundation of goodness in our markets."
"Early in his presidency, [Xi Jinping] was pro-reform, but when the markets fell, he became less so."
"Markets are irrational, but over time the cream floats to the top."
"There's a million ways to make money in the markets, unfortunately, they're all very difficult to find."
"I say democracy is much worse than most people imagine, and markets are much better."
"The anonymizing quality of markets where the status or identity of the person transacting with you does not matter, what matters is the transaction."
"You can't regulate financial institutions if you prevent the financial institutions from creating fictitious markets. That is where we're going, that is where we have been going over the last thirty years, and we're going to go there even more."
"We're going to rely on markets for information, because it's the wisdom of crowds that really gets us the information we need in order to make good financial decisions."
"This is probably the biggest lesson for all of us, you know, the world is as it is, not as you want it to be, especially when it comes to markets."
"A combination of technical factors is what creates a strategy and an edge in markets."
"A world in which people buy and sell stuff in markets capitalism is a very specific system."
"Innovation should outperform if we're toward the end of this bear market."
"As a trader, what I recommend to reinforce in your brain is that any sort of financial market is a representation of mass human psychology."
"Large sectors of the economy should be decommodified. I believe in worker co-ops, and I think that there is room for markets. That's my ideology."
"Backwardation is actually the more bullish signal, not contango."
"Markets are cyclical, they go up and they go down."
"The single greatest mechanism for calling forth the power of the people is not democracy, it's free markets."
"You have to understand markets. I think it's an important skillset, but shouldn't be too sympathetic to the market." - Raghuram Rajan
"Just be extremely patient and wait for those horrendous capitulation events to occur."
"I'm pro-constitution, pro-free markets, pro-liberty and freedoms."
"This could be a boost to overall economic growth potentially."
"Markets may actually rally fairly hard here in the short term."
"The more celebrities get into this, the wilder it's going to be, it's kind of like the crypto and NFT market where right now the speculative value bumps up even higher."
"I'm not smarter than a market, this action is telling me there's still more to go with just what we're seeing purely in the market."
"That's what people need to do. If they know nothing about trading or the markets, tinker."
"Markets take longer to adjust than you expect and then they move faster than you can imagine."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if you can accurately predict the key turning points in a market?"
"War is never good for the stock market or crypto."
"I do think that they have some timeless investing principles that can be applied whether you're talking about bitcoin, real estate, or any other market in the world."
"Is there any chance that these markets are going to recover?"
"No one can predict markets. But logics do work in the long run."
"I go to flea markets that are attached to vintage car shows...they're perfect."
"Bitcoin futures open interest surges to new all-time highs."
"I really am trying to put to rest this idea that markets are going to collapse."
"It's not easy, we will be the first to admit it, markets are very, very tempting places."
"As far as candles are concerned on the daily we have actually put in a lower low right here we had this low and here we actually have a lower low."
"The market works without anyone overall in charge."
"When everybody's on one side of the fence, eventually the market shifts to extract as much pain from the others as possible."
"A very tricky time in the markets, a lot of uncertainty out there."
"Markets don't tend to go in a straight line down forever, we tend to at least go back to retracement levels."
"The key point is transition phases mean maximum uncertainty. What are markets hate uncertainty."
"Kiss bull market expectations goodbye if you snap below that 200-week mark."
"There's always a bear market happening, it just depends on the asset class you're looking at."
"The tension between the communities is illustrated by a wire net that protects the Arab food and clothing market from the garbage of the Jewish residents above."
"I'm bullish that another round of stimulus is looking even more optimistic as I sit here today than it was before."
"Fear is the mind killer, but you know what's also driven by fear? Markets."
"Cryptocurrency: the only market open 24/7. If traditional players sneeze, we catch a cold."
"I believe in markets, free-market capitalism."
"Markets are supposed to be tools for human flourishing."
"I think that's going to increasingly lead to a lot of markets stocks bonds and countries uh really feeling a pinch here and facing some headwinds."
"The only thing that should give you confidence in markets is fundamental analysis because in the long term, fundamental analysis always wins."
"The markets are a weighing machine, but in the short run, they don't know what they're doing."
"Three key Chainlink price metrics signal LINK is gathering strength."
"It's giving the ability for people to access markets that they previously couldn't access."
"Hello and welcome to Wealthy On! I'm Wealthy On founder Adam Taggart, welcoming you back for another week of making sense of money and these markets."
"I just love markets, magical markets in books, best Trope."
"If you are a collector, we saw some really wonderful things that we've never come across before when we've been out flea market shopping."
"Every country has its own unique market experience."
"You don't want to be standing in the way while the market makes up its mind."
"When you push the buy or sell button, there is a high probability that your trades are being front run by high frequency trading algorithms."
"Robbery takes place everywhere: in the cryptocurrency market, the fiat market, real estate, stocks, precious metals, at your job, on the street—be aware."
"Understanding the market is the greatest meritocracy on the planet, and you should love that about the market."
"Time is the most important asset in the markets."
"Well, I'm wearing my NASA hat this week because hey, it's been good luck with the markets. We're on a moon mission."
"Markets are an organic thing that can't be controlled."
"It has just happened again, the CN10Y has broken above the DXY."
"Markets are beautiful self-correcting mechanisms."
"Contagion happens largely through the financial markets."
"If markets are efficient at one thing, it's making everyone look like fools at some point."
"Try to look at the markets probabilistically, not dogmatically."
"Now, for a long time, I've been hearing about these fake markets in Hong Kong."
"Markets appreciate the transparency."
"Markets reflect human behavior, human greed and fear, and since the core human behavior hasn't changed and most likely will not change, markets will continue to move in the same way and will continue to form the same patterns again and again."
"Markets are always changing, so don't get comfortable."
"Markets are not rational, in fact if anything, the markets are irrational and they don't make any sense."
"Just love the chaos of these markets in Africa; you can get absolutely anything."
"Okay, wait, these markets go up. They go down. This is very interesting."
"The widest, deepest, most transparent financial markets the world's ever seen."
"There's good interference and bad interference, and not all markets are the same."
"That cycle drives everything; it's why I've been able to do so well in predicting where markets are going."
"They believed markets left unfettered worked best of all."
"The Efficient Markets Hypothesis, which is, to me, a fascinating theory, which is not completely true, which makes it all the more interesting."
"Areas of interest, aka my supply and demand zones or key levels, give me my where I'm interested in trading at in the market."
"...the market's a storyteller. The markets get telling us a puzzle and us as traders have to be the storyteller and we got to put the pieces of the puzzle together to come up with a plan."
"...when you have networks of exchange and commerce and markets, that kind of pushes people toward cooperation."
"Markets are fractal, meaning the same patterns can be seen on different time frames."
"Speculation is a necessary and sufficient condition for any new market or industry to exist"
"Natural markets naturally tend towards someone at the top sucking up all the resources."
"we have about 15 minutes left I had so much fun today guys I hope you guys had as much fun as we did with these crazy markets"
"Money doesn't originate with governments. Money arises naturally as markets develop."
"The reason why I split it between the CPI and the rest is important because there are two markets right now."
"The sport once concentrated in Europe expanded its Horizons venturing into new territories and reaching out to diverse markets."
"Markets are designed to wreck your head. The sooner you have no emotion, the better off you will be."
"Markets are extremely humbling things."
"There's a famous quote by Mark Andreessen about 10-12-ish years ago: 'Markets that don't exist don't care how smart you are.'"
"I think you will agree that I have a certain expertise with the markets."
"The thought of learning: are markets efficient? Can they be beat? How does one go about doing that? Can I actually beat the market?"
"Bartering markets are already there."
"It's like the biggest puzzle in the world and the more you can fall in love with the challenge of figuring out small pieces of it here and there the better you'll do and the longer you'll be around in the markets."
"There's some merit to the simple efficient markets model."
"There are a million ways to make money in the markets; the irony is that they are all very difficult to find."
"Markets work, governments can impact markets in the near term but markets end up being bigger than governments."
"It's actually easier than ever to invest in both the stock market and the real estate market with whatever capital you currently have."
"The only path forward is adapting to the markets."
"Squeezes are coming across markets and that means opportunity for all of us whether you're a Trader or an investor."
"Markets are not rational, they are pre-rational. They're run by your hurting instincts and your mood."
"London has so many great markets too from flower markets and Food Markets antique markets."
"I think you should approach irrational things like markets with extreme levels of humility. And that's a good sign in somebody that you want to partner with and work with."
"That's the problem with using economic thinking and financial markets stuff that should happen just doesn't."
"In markets like Houston and Vegas luxury can still be bought."
"Markets tend to bottom when implied volatility peaks."
"I think the markets are so brutal that if you have these underlying fault lines in your character, they’re going to get exposed sooner or later."
"So, markets are going to do what they’re going to do as we said in the beginning, but in the end, superior businesses prevail."
"Markets may not repeat themselves but they certainly rhyme."
"What's capitalism? Just more or less reliance on markets, competition, wage labor, boss-worker relationships."
"Fear is more powerful than greed in markets."
"The premiums for factors like size, value, profitability, and investment have been historically positive across various markets and time periods."
"I think it's also a really invaluable hedge to have, given the positioning in the US from a regulatory standpoint where they need some way to play in these frontier markets."
"Making money in the markets becomes even easier because you are literally applying a profitable strategy. And a strategy that is foolproof and works."
"Economists have done harm in propagating the idea that markets solve all problems."
"Tough markets bring out that anger because it's emotional and nobody likes to lose money."
"Markets are there to process information and consider the implications of it, and it's critical that markets be liquid enough to do that."
"'Markets are never wrong, opinions often are.' - Jesse Livermore"
"Free markets do not exist, but relatively free markets."
"Markets take the stairs up and the elevator down."
"It takes a theory to beat a theory. The efficient markets theory is a great theory, but it's incomplete."
"I'm interested in what you think is happening in the markets right now."
"The markets can stay irrational for longer than you can stay solvent."
"...markets are very difficult. You have to be on top of your game. If you're not on top of your game, then you're just not going to succeed."
"The most important wisdom to be looking at and challenging is what's priced into the markets."
"Capitalism has no interest in either the health of markets or in competition."
"It's exciting to think about the future and where electronic communication is going to take markets going forward."
"The most important thing about the GameStop phenomenon is that we're in a new era in terms of communications."
"Economic growth starts with increasing the size of markets. Technology facilitates the movement of goods."
"Not all fundamentals move markets, but when they do, it's about understanding market positioning."
"Markets do not go in one direction forever, they change."
"Lots of people have come out of the US markets because they're properly pumped."
"Dresden's stunning selection... with seven main markets held throughout the city between November and December."
"Vienna: Over a dozen festive markets scattered around the city offering magical settings."
"The markets are kind of in limbo in the fact that we're right at the cusp or we're right at the end of the growing season in South America."
"The rise of markets played a role in freeing people from the proverbial shackles of status or community."
"Markets are an extremely good and efficient predictor of price and they tend to price in a lot of these events well in advance and well before they become a thought in your mind and a narrative that you begin to build."
"You don't have to be right to make money in the markets."
"Technical analysis is a language. Technical analysis is just simply not a specific term. It incorporates actually many different languages or dialogues."
"I love markets. Markets in any city is one of my absolute favorite things to do."
"Markets reward people who are better at out-thinking everybody else."
"Seasonality is everything, weather is everything when it comes to farmers markets."
"What have markets taught you as an investor? That the markets are bigger than any of us."
"...as I tell people look I can disagree with markets I can think they're wrong but I should always respect markets and I always do."
"Cape Town has amazing farmers markets."
"I think the invisible heart of markets is the measurement of impact and it will guide their invisible hand."
"Volatility is part and parcel of auction driven markets."
"A fat red bar has like an 82-83% follow-through rate. Do you know how wealthy you can become in the markets with something that has an 82% success rate? It's like being right almost nine times out of every 10."
"Options offer flexibility and opportunity in dynamic markets."
"Options provide opportunities in changing markets."
"This is the real deal fish market."
"Psychology moves the markets. The market fools the majority."
"Nothing makes sense in the financial industry except in light of adaptive markets."
"When markets are falling, you're getting a bargain."
"...AI can open up completely new markets."
"Fundamental valuation is so important. It gives us a guide as to what the price should actually be. It doesn't mean that markets will agree with us, but it does give you a fundamental idea of where value lies."
"The ultimate definition for a successful retirement is the ability to continue living your life and doing the things you really want to do, regardless of what's happening in the markets."
"Markets give us what we want, not necessarily what we need."
"Learn how to react, not predict the markets."
"React, do not predict the markets."
"Another way to think about this is that markets who benefited from QE get hurt by QT."
"It's not just for collectors, resellers can come to these shows and do well too."
"His story features folks like French Minister Colbert reviled today as a so-called mercantilist who becomes the critical builder of markets."
"Markets, by the way, there's no such thing as a market. There's only a bunch of people who trade."
"Efficiency is the result of ignorance... markets become more efficient over time."
"I think we ought to get beyond a false dichotomy between planning and markets."
"Markets are always looking for balance, and acceptance of fair value. This is what the consensus is that the product is worth today at this, not even today, at this precise moment."
"We're passionate about the markets if you can't tell."
"The important thing is one of the most transformative parts of markets today is participation of individual investors."
"I'm much more concerned about the future of democracy than the markets."
"The crisis provides clear evidence against the hypothesis of efficient markets as well as the apotheosis of rationality."
"Markets are not in general efficient even when all market participants are rational, have rational expectations, and all markets are competitive."
"Humans will do worse than random. Why? Because we've evolved to seek comfort, and the markets don't pay off for being comfortable."
"Markets aren't perfect but I trust millions of consumers more than I would a hundred very powerful people."
"Anytime a dictator takes over, it's one of the first things they do is shut down markets."
"There are four Eternal markets in business: health, wealth, relationships, and happiness."
"That's how in the same thing with markets There are rules and laws and to make them competitive so that the outcome is mutually beneficial for all participants."
"Whenever you hear the traders are benefiting from the high prices, it's not actually."
"Two things that I like in life markets and women and here I've come to the world's only all women's Market."
"Markets are only designed to allocate resources among competing private needs. They're not designed to take care of collective common needs, and that requires government."
"Who knew there should be a market just for flowers?"
"Prediction markets are like the stock exchange except generalized, and they transfer money from people who don't know things but think they do to people who do know things and think they do."
"...these are actually the exciting times... you've got to be able to entry and getting in at these projects that you do like when these markets are down and getting deflated these are second chances on these little buy the dip opportunities."
"There is a difference between price and value. Markets are set that way."
"No system in the markets will be perfect."
"Markets are always changing and volatility is the single constant."
"If you don't understand how the markets work, what makes the markets move, it's going to be very confusing and frustrating."
"And all those people think they're experts on valuing them. If that person can be miss valued by the market, who can't be. A story of women in the workplace? A story of Jackie Robinson. There was something universal about this. About the way people get misjudged."
"It's a story about the way markets miss value people."
"... the markets are not going to suddenly become efficient."
"Performing at your best requires ongoing development, always working to be better as markets evolve and change."
"We've seen money coming out of equity markets... going into US treasuries seeking that security, increased credit worthiness, and decreased risk."
"Dresden offers the perfect mix of Christmas Market magic with markets appealing to traditional, medieval, alternative, and even international sensibilities."