
Classification Quotes

There are 962 quotes

"Steven Hassan classifies cults not by size, enthusiasm, or level of social acceptance but by the level of unethical manipulation they use on their adherents."
"Autism is not split into Asperger's, autism, PDD-NOS; it is all just referred to as autism spectrum disorder."
"If you think about it, it's like fantasy. Someone at some point looked at the stars and was like, 'It'll be really fun, a classification system that equally divides the world population into 12 groups.'"
"Mental disorders are classifications we see in places like the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the DSM, but they don't necessarily relate to traits like psychopathy or narcissism."
"We don't care about fitting the training data, we really care about how our classifier, or how our method, will perform on unseen data."
"Classification means predicting discrete classes."
"The confusion matrix is a table that describes the performance of a classification model."
"The Magnificent Bastard is a difficult trope to classify, because so much of what makes it work is raw charisma."
"The reason why scientists recognize hierarchies of things is because we classify things based on usage... classifying people by race just doesn't really get you much information."
"There are five classes of American Bullies: the Pocket, the Classic, the Standard, the Extreme, and the XL."
"What exactly are these black holes, and why are they so special? Well, they're basically in between the really small, really common types known as stellar-sized black holes and the really massive black holes in the middle of various galaxies known as supermassive black holes."
"The classification of information exists to protect national security, not to try to hide the truth."
"Sedna and Biden would go back to being regular Kuiper belt objects."
"Classification is a step. Much more is understanding something else that's going on."
"Science is about understanding phenomena. It is not about classification."
"Backrooms level 22 is classified as a class 5e wow which means that the environment is the most dangerous part of the level."
"Apollyon is another very rare class that you will almost never see going back to the whole box metaphor apollyon is often the description that there is no box or we have no understanding of how a box could exist to contain this."
"Classification: identifying which category an object belongs to."
"Embarrassment also falls into the category of social emotion."
"I Declassified everything. Now, I declassify things. And we were having a lot of problems with NARA."
"Items contained by SCP are classified as one of the following: safe, euclid, and keter."
"SCP objects are classified into 3 main categories of safety."
"Our second step is we need to categorize different types of mass shootings."
"You have two types: you have alpha mutants and you have omega-level mutants. The Omega level ones are the ones we have to worry about."
"She didn't delete anything, she just deleted the classified materials or wanted to and filtered it out, no malfeasance at all."
"Viruses occupy a hazy region between life and non-life."
"Identity has become the check mark you have to fit a certain box in order to be."
"The President of the United States has plenary power to declassify anything he wants."
"Tell me the difference between a great album and a classic album."
"Now then, if we really wanted to stretch it, you could argue that MOST grass type Pokemon are NOT grass at all."
"Changing the way that we classify drugs and how we criminalize all of that would probably be the second thing."
"Gambling disorder was moved into the substance abuse chapter."
"Nobody else knows about it...completely classified, top secret."
"There's only two kinds of music, good music and bad music."
"Vining varieties of philodendron such as the philodendron scandins are typically less likely to have been hybridized and are instead usually just classified as variegated forms of the same species."
"Wang explains that zombies adapt differently and have five sections: Wanderer, Mutated Rank, Terror Rank, Disaster Rank, and Catastrophe Rank."
"It was savage. That's the only way that you can classify it."
"I quite like Japan's system which goes even simpler with just ascending letters: A, B, C, D, and Z."
"All machetes are knives, not all knives are machetes. What makes a sword a sword? The instant when a machete is wielded like a weapon."
"This is the rect OPFOR which is clearly some sort of AR-15 styled kind of variant from the rekt people."
"Heroic society was divided into four main social groups."
"Rome should be classified as another multi-ethnic civilization."
"It's not a sequel, it's not a reboot, so I give it Total points for that."
"This is the best class card for good reason."
"Many real businesses who were identified in our social network were erroneously classified as spam."
"In an arithmetic sequence, the pattern is based on addition and subtraction. In a geometric sequence, the pattern is based on multiplication and division."
"The goal of a neural network is to reliably classify inputs, even when they're not in the training set."
"I would say that there are three different types of people in the world."
"Pluto met the first two of these criteria but the last one proved thorny."
"Moon is not like a moon in astronomy; it's a planetoid."
"Monocots have parts in multiples of three, eudicots in multiples of four or five."
"The beings encountered in this story have prompted me to create a new system of classifying the more obscure unknown cryptids."
"The things that we are applying to it, the way that we delineate is not real, it's not there is no actual hard line."
"Coronavirus is actually not one virus but rather a family of at least 23 related viruses that are subdivided into four groups."
"These moons would actually have been considered to be planets if they were not orbiting around another larger planet."
"With this method, most species on the planet can be named using only two words."
"They are neither plant nor animal; they are entirely different beings. They are fungi."
"Pick the hypothesis. So pick the K that is the most probable so that we minimize the probability of misclassification."
"The take home is that convolutional neural networks are great at finding patterns and using them to classify images."
"Cucumbers are Michelle's favorite vegetable, which I think is actually technically a fruit."
"I've always loved the organization of plants, not only structurally and physically but also the classification and evolution in that corner of life, the plant kingdom."
"Essential tremor is considered an action and postural tremor."
"Bipolar disorder type 1 is characterized by episodes of mania alternating with episodes of depression."
"I consider something vintage if it's 20 years or older."
"The Yonko come in all shapes and sizes really: you got medium, you got large, you got extra-large, and then you got Giga."
"Discovery was classified as the flagship, and thus the vehicle of record."
"I had an argument with a friend of mine about whether tomatoes are a fruit or a vegetable. Who cares?"
"The severity being determined by a potential cause to harm, a class started out as benign, harmless except under extreme circumstances."
"He's world class, he is double world class."
"More vulnerable, who do you classify as emo rap?"
"We are calling this a class Zeta."
"To think of these dinosaurs as another branch of tyrannosauroids is honestly pretty exciting."
"We've successfully gone and built a deep neural network that performs classification."
"Should you define a strain by its genomic makeup, which is the traditional way we define things, or should you define it based on what it's doing and its actions?"
"The American Medical Association... classified obesity as a disease."
"We've got a few different metrics we'll use for classification: precision, recall, and accuracy."
"Many fans have called these convergent Pokemon despite Pokemon never giving them a proper term."
"Sarcus imperator was named and described in 1966 by Dr. France dearon de."
"There are big weapons, there are small weapons, there are weapons for smart people, and there are weapons for stupid people."
"According to an article by National Geographic, some scientists estimate that 86 percent of living organisms on Earth still haven't been classified by humankind."
"Class is probably... the more important... classification."
"Technically this could be classed as a Christmas movie."
"Dying Wish's 'Symptoms of Survival' is vicious, classifying it as deathcore, metalcore, hardcore, a combination."
"Humans are animals. Are we animals? Yeah, we're mammals, breathe air. Isn't that good?"
"A cell is classified by having three different things: a cell membrane, a nucleus, and cytoplasm."
"A good rule of thumb is that if it moves slower than 20 knots, has an air group of less than about 35 aircraft and doesn't have all that much in the way of self-protection whether it be in the form of guns or armor, it's probably an escort carrier."
"It's almost weird even calling this a punk record."
"...classification process of all the different connective tissue types."
"Is a hot dog a sandwich: no it's a hot dog."
"This is the granddaddy of all Class B's."
"Phylogenetic classification arranges groups according to evolutionary origins."
"This is arguably the best ever base C-Class."
"It's kind of hard to say whether or not to classify it as a comedy."
"A-tier villain. Holy [ __ ]. I wouldn't put him as S tier, but I'd put him A tier."
"The classification is the unintended result of my experiments in no-budget filmmaking."
"It's kind of surprising to see that the only R-rated film with the Wolverine in was Logan."
"This is not a fully evolved starter or an elusive pseudo legendary. This is the best of the best."
"Understanding just what we refer to when we call something Gnostic is an incredibly important part of academic scholarship."
"Viruses come in two major flavors: enveloped and non-enveloped."
"I think it's cake, technically it's a cake."
"If your labels are one hot encoded, use categorical cross entropy. If your labels are in integer form, use sparse categorical cross entropy."
"Makes it a mammal, huh? Is that what makes it a mammal?"
"It's kind of a tweener vehicle, between the average midsize SUV and the average full-size SUV."
"There's no such thing as judeo-christian, that's kind of a false hybrid."
"...most planets we have found so far are actually in between these two brackets that we have in our solar system we call them super Earths if they're rocks but more massive than the earth and many Neptunes if they're gas balls but less massive than Neptune."
"Die Hard is a Christmas movie, yes it is. I'm not going to argue with anybody about it."
"...it truly was a middleweight sport tourer unlike anything before it."
"I mean, if you're going to go with like the vintage definition of sports car, it's that it had some purpose for the activity of sport."
"Torosaurus is not just Triceratops 2.0; for now, it's its own creature and should be treated that way."
"Anything growing from anything else like wood or soil isn't a liberty cap."
"It was actually callled a Dire Wolf."
"And any finite dimensional real algebra without nilpotent is copies of R, C, and H."
"We have around 50 tags available at our disposal, most of them coming from the lanthanide family."
"The physiology does not care about the cut points that medicine comes up with. We just create them for classification."
"They're Christmas movies, totally they are. Oh yeah, definitely they are."
"Whether it is users or whether it is resources, we will call all of them as identities."
"Accuracy refers to the degree of correspondence between classification and reality."
"The Stick of Truth was released with an M rating from the ESRB."
"It's a type of society which I would call egalitarian."
"As far as class 25s go, it's quite a colorful selection."
"The Rockwell class was not the only one to do this, but it was the one that did it at the most scale."
"...and it's a separate entity and that's why these classifications if they have EBV or any of these organs we call those past plus they're not actually passed because like you said Dr. Brady, I mean they the association between having covid and then having these symptoms."
"From simple nouveau wine to ageworthy expressions from its 10 Crus villages."
"Compromise and just say he's a D, okay? No, that's not a compromise at all."
"Musically speaking, you couldn't just call this album pop punk or post hardcore or even just emo and call it a day."
"Classification is really the bottom starting point or the baseline for a lot of machine learning."
"If you're trying to use regression to predict the return of the market, typically the accuracy of predicting the signs suffers. So I would prefer classification."
"That kind of solidifies its place in the upper end of the light cruisers."
"Encounters refer to visits to hospitals or clinics, categorized into different classes like ambulatory, emergency, inpatient, etc."
"The Joe Jr is the sports car of the lineup, if you will."
"Humans have this deep desire to classify, to apply labels to everything because that way we claim to what we name."
"For our purposes, all theology that accords with this creed will be counted as Christian theology."
"Is Parkinson's disease one disease with many faces or many diseases that share some elements with one another?"
"This is arguably one of the best looking cars in its class."
"What rank is Doomer? Doomer's rank is that he's the hobo, okay? He's a hobo outside the base that everyone beats up on their way into things. You know it's true."
"In my mind, this is no longer a hot hatch; this is a sports car in the body of a hatchback."
"That's how a lot of people treat guns that are in this class the super fancy high-end 2011 class."
"Kido spells are categorized into three types: bakudo, hado, and kaido. They are graded on a scale from 1 to 99, the higher the grade, the more powerful it is."
"Lasers are classified based on their output power level, and with IR lasers because the near IR laser isn't visible to the naked eye, and therefore won't trigger a blink reflex, IR lasers in the near IR range are actually technically classified as medical devices."
"That's a two center, yeah so that was one of them."
"...a proper cash cow-class compact crossover."
"You're either an independent contractor or you're not."
"You're not a vegetable, you're a fruit?"
"Sampling law has created two classes."
"In the real world of quantitative geology, igneous rocks are actually defined and described and identified based on the mineral compositions they contain."
"We are aware of the many species of information. We name their types sardonically, as though to reassure ourselves that we understand urban myths and zombie lies."
"Most people do not know there's nine classifications of double dies."
"I'm labeling Die Hard a Christmas movie."
"Taper, plug, and bottoming: our three different classifications of taps."
"There are levels of classification for hadith, including sahih (authentic), hasan (good), weak, and fabricated."
"Monkeys have tails, and apes don't, right? That's chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, orangutans, and do you know we're apes, too."
"Pokemon types span a fairly large range of ideas and concepts."
"Dinosaur is just an animal if you think about it. It's not some monster."
"Grass type Pokemon are plant-based."
"Classifying behavior in complex systems is both fascinating and amusing."
"The last method that I'm going to talk about today is probably the first method that you would want to use to help you to determine what type of Steel you have."
"When we classify and identify sedimentary rocks, we review the textures and compositions, which are the clues we use to recognize the original surface formation setting."
"As you can see with this identification table, sedimentary rocks are broken up into two types: chemical and clastic."
"Egypt of course is in North Africa and at the same time is a part of the near East, the Middle East."
"It’s not entirely inaccurate to classify it as an Evil-type,"
"Felonate, the second branch of feliday, is the most widespread group of cats alive today."
"The cheetah and puma are more closely related to each other than to the jaguarundi."
"The central muscle cars aren't just a club, they are a premier category."
"It fits firmly in the full-size class."
"So for this example, this company called Miami computers, we're gonna hit yes and 1099 subcontractors... and we're not gonna hit yes on W-2 employees."
"We've learned that there are at least four different classes of antibodies based on their mechanisms of action."
"Remember when he said that Hereditary was a family drama and I don't even think that he really clarified if he believes Midsommar is a horror movie. We're leaving the boxes behind. We're doing some genre bending."
"It's the last of a stream of P2 cars."
"We couldn't classify it nor make sense of its various parts. The thing was just too [ __ ] huge to be any kind of pathogen."
"... whether you find the classifications useful or not it is interesting that there are certain patterns of behavior and thought and personality that maybe we all somewhat relate to."
"Vonm is still incarcerated and has since been classified as a dangerous offender never to be released."
"Strength is in a separate category from all other similar powered superheroes so he's like he's in literally in a class of his own."
"Linnaeus sought to separate us as a species for our mental prowess and here he chose a male designation Homo sapiens."
"Pizza is a vegetable in the states."
"Likely the most well understood clade of arachnids would be the Tetrapulmonata."
"Grass is very short. Herbs are taller. Trees are taller, yes. So what is the closest thing to the dry land? Grass."
"This one's the SC, this one's supercharged."
"These mysterious entities often called rogue planets are on the boundary between the largest planets and the smallest stars."
"Tornadoes are measured using the F scale, F for Dr. Theodore Fujita who classified tornado strength by estimating wind speed based on devastation."
"The most likely extraterrestrial civilizations to discover would fall between Type 1.5 and Type 2.5, advanced enough to be intriguing but not so advanced as to be incomprehensible."
"So now it's on a motorized bicycle. Now it's considered a moped or an emo ped."
"It's not justifiable to call it its own genus."
"Diphenhydramine is a deliriant, not a psychedelic."
"In the world of Blade Runner, it is imperative that replicants are defined as less than human."
"This is a crayfish or a lobster... fresh water prawn."
"SCP-3060's object class has subsequently been updated to Keter."
"Computers, microcontrollers are small computers essentially."
"I love horror movies regardless of what people want you know want to classify as a horror movie so I mean silence of the lambs silence of the lambs it's a horror movie."
"Each civilization bears their own eccentricities and unique qualities, but we can at least begin to classify them along broad lines."
"Vacuum pumps basically break down into two categories: High vacuum pumps and roughing pumps."
"Dudes are horrible at classifying themselves. People in general are horrible at classifying themselves."
"Now, we can make a unique identifier for each term by just concatenating the exponents into a four-digit number, called the multidegree of that term."
"There's three different types of RVs."
"The whole wheat bread that has fiber and other nutrients should not be in the same group as Froot Loops and potato chips and ice cream."
"Mammals have always been mammals."
"But class A's are going to be more of like a bus style motor home and super C's are going to look more like a truck here."
"All of them are technically whole wheat bread."
"An S corp is not an entity type, it is a tax election."
"The Arsenatoria really sits in a category all by itself. I would like to have been able to put it in a box, but I can't."
"So sorting fandom characters into Pokemon types."