
Natural Process Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Birth is not a problem that needs solving. It's a natural process that just needs, you know, guides to help women on the journey."
"Aging, despite the anti-aging industry, is actually a natural, non-pathological process that affects all of us."
"Menopause is inevitable; it's not a bad thing. It is a natural process, but you don't have to suffer."
"Evolution is very slow... It takes millions and millions of years."
"This feeling of spiritual emptiness, being abandoned by God...this is all natural."
"You can't force things to evolve; that's not how evolution works."
"If you continue to grow, it's gonna happen naturally."
"It doesn't have to be a scary, fearful, painful experience. Death is a natural part of life."
"Time is everything. You can't rush the vibe, don't force it ever."
"You supposed to change, you supposed to grow, growth is natural."
"The body's way of saying, look, I gotta get rid of some bad stuff."
"What creates this kind of newness? Change is natural, it's a part of nature."
"The modern world doesn't respect sleep, but it's been a part of us since time immemorial, mysterious state where we recharge and touch our true selves."
"We are made from earth and we will return to earth, some of us sooner than others."
"If you're alive, you're a living person with some air and a bed of wood chips. If you're dead, you decompose and turn into soil. And those are sort of your only 2 options."
"You've got to let things happen at its own pace."
"Allow things to emerge, allow things to come in naturally."
"We as a species didn't come this far by accident, we came this far by letting things take their course."
"The growth of wisdom is like that of a plant, you only need to wait quietly for the flower to bloom."
"Creation is a very natural process and we are all very very powerful creators."
"You're needing to kind of feel your way through this naturally."
"Caterpillars become butterflies because they have to struggle in a cocoon."
"Failure is natural and the only way to learn."
"There's power in being passive, nature will run its course."
"When I started composing, it was part of my pallet. It was not negsal, I'm going to do a beat here or a -- it came naturally."
"Let it happen naturally, that's the best way."
"This creepy web then doubles up as a comfortable cocoon for the wasp babies to live in until they're ready to emerge, starting this vicious cycle all over again."
"You should simply let it be there, you know it will start blossoming."
"We are seasons, all of us, growing in the light, feeding in the dark."
"Evolution is a never-ending arms race that continues to this day."
"Wealth has grown the same way a seed grows into a tree."
"You don't have to program something that's already naturally within."
"You can master everything over a short weekend... it happens naturally, which is what you want."
"Bramblin, how do you think a tumbleweed evolves? It needs to tumble."
"Relationships that build you up, then you will gravitate towards that as naturally as water runs downhill when you have a true focus."
"Your loved one is not dying because they're not eating and drinking. They're not eating and drinking because they're dying."
"Nature wouldn't get 100% germination rate all in the same day, but under ideal conditions, just direct sowing can yield great results."
"Every single thing, practice letting go and you'll be pulled up naturally."
"Don't chase these women, what's meant for you will come naturally."
"Be patient, but don't push. Let things happen naturally."
"The experience of life that I want is more of the unfolding of things that feel effortless."
"Composting isn't difficult nor does it have to be complicated after all it's just a natural process."
"Trusting your own instincts, letting things happen naturally."
"The salmon dies when they enter the fresh water from the salt water, they lose their stomach, they don't eat anymore."
"Everything happens naturally and effortlessly."
"Like wine, the longer you let the honey stay in the hive, the better it is."
"You can have a baby without an epidural. Your body was made to do this."
"I want to be buried in the ground, no coffin, no casket, no embalming. Just put me on the ground."
"The climate's changing naturally... you adapt to the changing climate because it's going to change."
"Evolution is a process that naturally unfolds. It creates creatures with purpose."
"Don't try too hard, just let it flow naturally."
"Wood dries about one inch per year." - So in theory this timber when it's completely oiled could take as many as eight or ten years to fully dry.
"Everything that is alive on this earth today benefits and lives because of something that died."
"Metamorphosis: the transformation from an immature form to an adult form."
"Stop trying to manipulate things before giving them a chance to do it naturally."
"It's all very organic and sometimes it's just really, really continuous."
"Starter: the place where you let life breed on itself."
"Innovation emerges naturally through our creative impulse."
"If you have sex and get pregnant, it doesn't mean something went tragically wrong. It actually means something went beautifully right."
"Death is nothing to fear. Death is a very natural part of life."
"Then we have to be truthful and admit that the Grand Canyon evidently was carved by the Colorado River over a span of roughly 5 million years."
"I like this mental image of the land being eroded from the outside like someone eating an apple and it's gradually getting thinner, just digging away."
"Sweating is one of your primary detoxification channels."
"You can't force it to happen. You allow it to happen."
"Our ability to phase, to shift our Consciousness very quickly somewhere else, is very natural."
"Best thing here is get on with your life and things will naturally come together."
"Some stuff you just gotta let it go and let it unfold naturally."
"Love should be easy. It should be like breathing. Let me in, love out. Love in, love out."
"we shouldn't have this ridiculous fear of Aging it's gonna happen to everyone"
"Letting go of control issues, let the situation unfold naturally."
"I guess honey's partly involved in the process of making flowers. Kind of sad, but anyway."
"If you give it time, it'll go where it needs to."
"It's okay for you to experience that, but more importantly for you to know that it's okay and that it's natural for you to not fully grasp everything."
"Don't force it, let it come to you naturally."
"Manifesting is easy, natural, and it's coming to me effortlessly."
"I mean it's the most empowering experience I've ever felt in my life was to you know push a baby out the natural way and be like wow I did that like my body was designed to do that and I did it."
"Intuition should be natural; never force it."
"Let things come naturally let things flow because what happens is if you're forcing something all that's going to do is just stress you out."
"Your actual language just grows in your head."
"Trust their intuition and let it happen naturally."
"It's like when a woman's gonna give birth, she goes through contractions; it's not like something's going wrong, this is a part of the thing."
"Don't try to figure out the how or the why, let things unfold naturally."
"Your path will unfold to you naturally, you don't need to look for it, you don't need to force anything, it will just come naturally to you at the right time."
"Healing is not a chore; it's something that can happen naturally and something that can also happen when we assist it."
"You have to learn to adjust to think in a Japanese way, which will happen by itself naturally."
"Menopause is inevitable and it's a natural process, but suffering through it is not."
"I really think that certain things have to burn themselves out."
"...normal and natural birth works best when it's allowed to unfold in its own timing and way."
"Unfortunately, here in North America, we have been conditioned to think that labor needs to happen in a hospital setting with all the bells and whistles of an epidural, drugs, and c-sections."
"Once we stop trying to control things, the miracle is that things happen naturally."
"When you are planted in the right place and given what you need... you will naturally bloom without needing to force the process."
"The most natural and easy way to complete any job, is in a sense, to allow it to complete itself."
"The Zambezi is gradually eating away at the gorge."
"Birth is a perfectly natural thing, a glorious thing."
"Death is like eating a prune in the morning. It's a natural function."
"...I just think it's the most natural thing and even if you knew nothing your body just takes over like we've been doing it for centuries our body knows what it's doing and I just think it's just trusting that your body can absolutely um deal with childbirth."
"No matter what you call it, Silver Tsunami, Silver Surge, The Great Ripening, The Big Sag, aging is a natural part of life."
"Menstruation is a perfectly natural process that happens to a large percentage of the human population."
"I really like that system to gently and slowly and naturally settle where it wants to instead of trying to force it."
"Let things naturally reach their completion."
"I was so excited for this natural way where the baby can control the pace, the baby can control how it's going on."
"Let evolution take its course rather than just forcing it down."
"Actually, I didn't make the decision by touching a coin. I also didn't decide by sitting down and thinking about the pros and cons of both systems. What I did do was just let it evolve naturally."
"Genetic drift happens as a matter of fact."
"...that's because when carrots flower and go to seed the flowers attract enormous numbers of black swallowtail butterfly larvae."
"The truth is perimenopause and menopause are natural."
"If you have to force something, if you have to try really really and I'm not saying like you don't have to work for things but if in a way you have to force it, that means it's not time."
"If you don't put too much pressure on yourself it just kind of happens."
"With no living intervention, [the clay] achieves more in stereochemistry than human beings have done in hundreds of years."
"The more you can kind of get into that rhythm, you just don't even have to think about it. It's just so natural and it comes right to you."
"There really are just two explanations of how the world came to be... one of them is evolution... purely natural, purely physical process."
"Sleep is a very natural process and when something natural becomes difficult, that creates a lot of anxiety."
"Body heals itself just like we always knew it did when you get a cut it heals itself you get a bruise it heals itself you break a bone it heals itself."
"Menopause is not a sickness. You just stop making eggs. So your ovaries don't make eggs anymore."
"It forms like a crust on the rock and seals it in."
"Garlic is a natural; it's one of the oldest fermentation processes out there."
"Lava comes in and crusts around the tree; the tree burns up, the mold is left."
"Simply allow them to dissolve naturally."
"There's almost like a natural workflow through here."
"A pregnancy is natural, so no matter how you get there, that pregnancy is a natural process of an embryo sticking, attaching, and growing."
"Giving birth is a natural process, not a medical procedure."
"They follow the recipes written by nature and grow according to the season."
"You are falling asleep, fully naturally asleep, and you are beginning to dream."
"Nature intended it and this is what we want if we can pick how mom feeds baby."
"Do less and you'll notice that if it's meant to be, things will happen naturally."
"Gravity can help bring the baby down and out."
"Menopause itself actually just means cessation of the menstrual cycle; it's completely natural and healthy."
"Pregnancy, labor, and childbirth are natural parts of the human experience but bringing another person into the world is certainly no walk in the park."
"Whenever you cut the hay, you naturally can dry it with no chemicals added."
"The breakdown of wood is quite significant and quite unique to fungi, I personally believe that it's fungi that kickstart the breakdown of wood everywhere."
"If you grow fruits and vegetables in the areas it's supposed to grow... nature does all the work for you."
"Language is like a tide, constantly changing; it ebbs and flows, bringing in new words and taking out others in a natural and progressive way."
"Don't Force It, let it come to you."
"When the water evaporates, it all just works out nicely."
"But actually, if we can just let go and trust that whatever's supposed to unfold will do so naturally, that's part of your opportunity."
"Most healthy people, when you're thirsty, you drink, and your body kind of takes care of itself."
"Having an imaginary friend is a natural part of brain development."
"It is as natural to die as it is to be born."
"Allowing things to grow more organically in some ways allows things to unfold in a bit more of a meaningful way."
"Evolution is a gradual slow process where things slowly change."
"Queen rearing is often seen as a task best left to experts, but it really is leaving it to the bees because they're the experts."
"Your body is doing what it's supposed to do with the inputs that it has and with the way that it is designed to work."
"It wasn't anything I had to force; it just happened."
"It's better to be not perfect; it's better to kind of let it kind of happen naturally."
"They would germinate when the sunlight and the temperatures were what the seed needs."
"The freeze-thaw cycle is sort of the real enemy here."
"Growth is natural, and growth should be welcomed instead of feared or misjudged."
"The miracle of birth is a normal and natural process, and I go through it easily, effortlessly, and lovingly."
"Don't force things to happen, let things unfold naturally because there's more to be revealed to you."
"This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."
"Removing all existing fences and barriers could let animal migrations happen naturally, almost like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes."
"This is how it should be; this is going back to how it should be."
"However your baby comes into this world is how they're supposed to come to this world."
"It's going to settle down on its own."
"Time is your friend; you're going to be allowing things to happen naturally."
"They're all a little bit crooked, but they'll straighten themselves up over time."
"It's more of an organic natural process that just unfolds when you're in a state of service."
"I would prefer to let my water do the work, just like traditional colors."
"This is how you become fluent automatically."
"Our bodies are designed to heal and repair; our job is to get out of the way and let our bodies do what they're supposed to do."
"For 300,000 years we all went through puberty. I think you should just go through it, right, and then see what happens after."
"Just letting it gray naturally, just like this, is actually not a bad thing."
"It all happened naturally, and I think that the freestyles helped me build the emotion."
"Learning is not a thing that you do; it's more so a thing that just happens."
"Aging is certainly a natural process and it happens to everyone lucky enough to live long enough to go through the cycles of life."
"Radioactive decay, a natural change from one isotope to the next."
"It's interesting, the slowing down almost starts organically."
"The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear."
"I truly believe that we do pick up more languages if you're immersed in it and it feels natural."
"This is how Sir Isaac Newton would have shaped his loaves; let gravity do the work."
"Wine is made in the vineyard, not in the winery."
"I feel like just surrender, things are gonna happen naturally."
"Change is natural, like the seasons."
"If you're having to force anything, I promise you, you're doing it wrong."
"A baby takes nine months to make, no matter how many men you have."
"The natural tendency of all molecules in our universe is to undergo a process which we call diffusion."
"I love it, and I just let it be an organic process, I don't try to manipulate it."
"Do not be alarmed, this is a natural process, there is nothing supernatural or occult about it."
"It's learning to trust this awareness, letting things cease according to their nature."
"Sweating is the body's natural way of cooling itself down."
"This is just seeing life happen, and it's amazing because this is how it's been happening for millions and millions of years."
"Birth is a very physiological process and all that simply means is that your body is designed to give birth."
"Some really incredible wines can be made by natural fermentation."
"The bees can draw out the comb that they want; it's a much more natural system."
"Bees in nature draw out from the top down and they can only draw out from the top down with gravity."
"You should make it happen when it happens naturally."
"Every contraction is your womb shrinking a teeny bit, so every contraction, whether it's irregular or regular, has a really important part to play in the birth of your baby."
"Keep those lawn clippings there, as ugly as they may be sometimes, right? Keep them there because those are going to break down and that'll rejuvenate your lawn."
"Let the mushrooms do the work for you, they will grow."
"It's going to age some and put some natural dings and bumps and scratches and put some good age on it."
"White tea is raw, it does not get cooked and therefore it does not get fixed in a particular state of oxidation."
"Part of life is growth; you expect growth. It's normal, it's natural."
"We try to implement what the bees would do naturally, but then the bees just get to decide how much they want to do."
"This is the beauty of it; you cannot force anything."
"I feel like this is the way art should happen."
"The fruit falls suddenly, but the ripening takes time."
"Look at how beautiful as this gets older, it's just going to get more and more white and more and more beautiful."
"There has to be a gestation period for everything."
"It's better to let things happen naturally instead of trying to force it."
"When you follow these points, everything else comes in naturally."