
Visuals Quotes

There are 641 quotes

"Presentation wise, the game looks pretty good; character models here are downright stunning."
"Basics of editing: You always start with the audio because you want to match your visuals to the audio, not the other way around."
"It has a good story, a good amount of romance, and amazing visuals, making it a hidden masterpiece."
"The more FPS the benefit, just it involves smoother looking visuals."
"You mostly just hear the rainfall, the lighting and reflections are stunning. This is a gorgeous opening segment."
"It's wonderful when you feel like you can take control of your own visuals. It's very empowering."
"The visuals were great, the music's great, it's fun, like it's very clean."
"Oh, that's great. Not just a stationary skybox, that is sweet."
"Nick and Judy are wearing the opposite colors that they usually wear."
"It's a beautiful story with beautiful visuals and songs."
"A unique, fascinating origin story with outstanding visuals and a powerful message about life and purpose."
"The new doom is spectacularly colorful and exuberant."
"I'd also love to see Lionheart on there. I don't know if you guys have seen that but if you have not played Lionheart go check it out, the visuals are quite mind-blowing for the platform."
"I love games that are not too dark, you can see, it's pleasant."
"I just like how it's very saturated, cheerful, vibrant."
"The Prince of Egypt really used the visuals to its advantage."
"Just like the visuals and then always the music, like I, yeah."
"Minecraft looks amazing in whatever they used to make this trailer."
"Well isn't that a beautiful starting screen, holy shit."
"Brad Bird is a great director and just I mean the visuals in this film Tomorrowland..."
"The game doesn't need to be special, it doesn't have to have really cool visuals for it to be a good game."
"Stirring Abyss managed to capture by sending you into the depths using an unnerving blend of 2d and 3d graphics."
"I think a game, even if this game doesn't look, it looks really rough, I think it's good."
"Wow, this is very much like a painting come to life. Indies can come up with something that looks like this."
"You're not gonna be disappointed with the visual splendor of this game."
"Unreal's fluid system is one of its defining features."
"Tangle Tower delivers incredible writing, amazing visuals, and fully voiced and animated characters."
"Definitely cool carnage but since we're already comparing them I want to show you what this other carnage looks like."
"The visuals were incredible, the voice acting was way better than I thought it was going to be."
"It's a decent free MMO, it's got nice visuals when they're not clipping through cutscenes..."
"It's really unique especially with the visual side of it."
"Visually, Final Fantasy VI is stunning even after 20 years."
"Wow dude, holy [__], I mean, a ton of bright color right?"
"F-Zero: iconic title combining insane visuals and high speeds."
"The Northmen constantly accentuates its storytelling through visuals."
"This game holds up; it looks like a modern-day game."
"Tropic Thunder is a visual and comedic treat."
"The visuals are great even six years after they've debuted."
"I'm really impressed with the style, watching gameplay of this game is better than the trailer of the game."
"I love the artwork in this game, it's amazing."
"In terms of visuals, feels like we're really inside its mini virtual world."
"It's a gorgeous spell effect... really striking."
"The visuals are much improved which is another big point."
"Black Forest Games has taken a beloved cult classic and completely revitalized it with some gorgeous new visuals."
"Why exactly do so many of these games look very very similar to stuff we could have seen last generation?"
"There's lots of maps and they actually look really, really good."
"They actually do kind of look like that so it's really impressive."
"Starfield is definitely not the same visuals as Fallout 4 or Skyrim."
"At the right viewing distance, it's a nice mix of pixel density and size."
"It's all about getting this screenshot, this screensaver."
"The combat fluidity, the visual effects... improved immensely."
"Music alone can make you cry. So music on top of some really solid visuals, that's gonna knock it home."
"OutRun 2 on Xbox set the bar for arcade racing with blazing speed, stunning visuals, and impressive variety."
"While it may not have the deepest storyline, this movie stands out thanks to its stunning visuals and fresh upbeat soundtrack."
"And we got these little shards that are kind of like lasers and watch actually when we move around it bobs like a gun."
"Everything they're showing here looks fantastic."
"These are really nice visuals, but they are not making me, you know, jettison my knob in delighted amusement."
"That's true. Creepy or not, almost all of the narrative is done through visuals, and I'd really give an animation credit for that."
"This game is astonishing when it comes to graphics."
"The Mandalorian is pulling off visuals that impress me. Movie quality, insane."
"It is one of the most gorgeous games to ever be released."
"We weren't worried about damage per second, we were worried about damage per screenshot."
"It's constantly surprising and constantly delighted awesome visuals, a creative story, and memorable characters."
"The world of New World is probably one of the main things that even the people that didn't really like the game can probably agree looks pretty good."
"I loved the visual, like every Marvel movie has to have like a big laser in the sky."
"The cinematic was nice, it's a nice cinematic."
"I think it symbolizes this game as a whole, where some of the visuals are some of the best I think I've ever seen from a lighting standpoint."
"Can we just take a minute to appreciate how good these puppets look?"
"It's captivating to watch with amazing visuals and smooth animation."
"I think you want to make it easy for them to follow along; adding visuals really helps."
"The action is fast and smooth, the visuals ridiculously detailed, and the control is simply perfect."
"Oh this looks so epic, look at that, they're holding a wall."
"We wanted combat that was visually really interesting where you could look at a skill and kind of know what the skill was doing by the visuals of the skill."
"This water update is the biggest visual improvement for the game."
"Dice absolutely nailed everything with this map on a visual level."
"The storytelling, the visuals, the lore... it was just top-notch Star Wars fare." - Unknown
"This is hopefully going to be the high bar of you know what we can look for visually in terms of gameplay and the experience with it."
"The vistas in this game are everywhere... just a really beautiful look out into the world."
"The visuals alone in this are gonna blow you away."
"Storm assault kind of just stun locks, it looks very cool while doing so."
"The graphics and visuals are genuinely gorgeous."
"Tons of trippy visuals and colors... jammed together into one memorable and quite out there experience."
"Palm Trees, can't you not be happy when you look at palm trees?"
"It's one of the most detailed and gorgeous looking games I've ever seen."
"That initial reveal when you come to this huge ravine and just see all these pterodactyls flying past and these Brachiosaurus is off in the distance still looks really awesome."
"There's a lot of new locations here and it looks gorgeous."
"The visuals are great at doing what they're trying to do."
"Character models are top-notch, from the model detail to the beautifully acted cutscenes."
"The visuals and atmosphere of this game look absolutely phenomenal all around."
"I want to take Christopher Nolan's awesome storytelling ability with Michael Bay's incredible graphics."
"Always a great idea to add an image to your tweets."
"Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart gameplay looks absolutely phenomenal."
"It's not bad at all it's creative, the visuals are honestly really cool at times"
"These pages are gonna be looking so spicy, bro, look at that!"
"There's a lot of shots in Chicago that are just filled with pinatas."
"It's amazing what some pretty graphics and fancy animation can do."
"When have cool and unique visuals ever been bad? It feels like a new class but with a fraction of the work."
"I packed it full of visuals and good graphs and good animations."
"You've got yourself an infinite background."
"I'm a sucker for that chorus and visually it was just cool too."
"Man, the visuals in this show is something else."
"The visuals are great, the lighting is dramatic, and the pacing is constantly moving."
"Adding a full screen camera scene... can make a huge difference."
"The visuals seen throughout are actually admirably bold."
"It's full of astonishing visuals, there are some great scenes, and you've got Michael Fassbender stealing the whole thing."
"The visuals also still remain to be very impressive 13 years later."
"Visually I think the movie is stunning and its action scenes are really amazing."
"The music combined with his visuals just meshed together in amazing ways."
"When you're watching a Fincher movie, you know it's a David Fincher movie just from the visuals alone."
"Everybody loves the whiteboard video."
"Smart narrative visuals will change as you interact with your other visuals."
"Imagine him with a custom title belt all melted and disfigured, that would be actually pretty cool."
"This is going to get stuck in my head, yeah the music's good, the visuals are intriguing."
"The visuals are great, I mean it's you fodable, you know what to expect."
"The visuals look really good, the characters all look quite interesting."
"A film layered in complex characters, a gripping story, visuals that make it one of the best looking films I have ever seen."
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a trailer must be at least 1500."
"Tombs of the Blind Dead has become a cult favorite over the years because the visuals are striking and the idea of undead knight's Templar is awesome."
"Visually stunning and creative, like nothing else we've seen before."
"The visuals during this show were breathtaking. It was incredible to look at."
"Each time the music would change so would the castle and the projection that lit it up."
"The music, the visuals, it was awesome."
"It couldn't be more visually stunning, and it lasts a while. It's like its own little mini-movie within the movie."
"The visuals are just so good. They weren't afraid to not have dialogue in some parts and just let the mood and the setting and the music set the tone."
"Visuals do help communicate risks a lot better than just lists."
"It's still praised for its crazy visuals and really cool stop motion effects work."
"The light flares that are coming through here, these extra touches of realism, lend a more atmospheric feel to the video."
"The flight through the eye is visually stunning."
"It's one of the best looking games ever made."
"I love the music as always, love the visuals as always."
"I love the visuals in this, amazing like I mean I'm just always so impressed of the team involved in Elden Ring."
"The visuals and the music, Hans Zimmer, thank you, were great."
"What they did with the roster though was great, and it is a visually Superior game."
"Tugs really was a grand show that stood way above the competition at the time with its exceptional visuals, immersing music, and compelling story."
"The visuals are so spectacular at times that I understand why people are eating this movie up."
"The visuals should be complementary, not the primary reason the film exists."
"The fight scene is creatively engaging and visually satisfying, blending styles and conveying character depth without dialogue."
"The visuals for this film are insane."
"Terrific film, incredible visuals."
"Blade Runner 2049 is visually upstanding is an understatement... this might be the best-looking movie ever made."
"Right off the bat, I thought this battle was a visual Marvel."
"The visuals were great the 3d animation for 2010 was beautiful still holds up by far today even though it's 12 years old it still looks absolutely amazing."
"What's cool is there's a whole story just in pictures."
"I'm sorry if it's not your vibe, give me the visuals."
"This movie was a lot of fun to watch. The visual is really cool."
"The finale was legendary, with the best animation and visuals."
"visually striking artistic outputs"
"They are telling this story not only through great characters but through great visual direction."
"Narration was created as a crutch for those who could not tell their stories through visuals."
"The sheer amount of environments, the disgusting unique looking monsters, I couldn't take my eyes off this movie."
"There's just so much visual variety."
"I love the visuals. Look at this, now the visuals are really cool."
"The CGI and the Flash isn't nearly as atrocious as people make it out to be. I think it looks pretty good for the most part."
"The colors in the movie pop so distinctly and the textures really help everything and everyone stand out."
"Visually the action looks great... and surprisingly it doesn't look out of place."
"Stunning visuals and brilliant through lines."
"Visually, they are very over the top, like the things that happen and like, weapons, you know, they made it all cool."
"The goal of this one was to make the audience feel a certain way, to make them feel totally creeped out with visuals, its goal was to make the spookiest atmosphere they possibly could and I think they totally achieved that."
"Absolutely love the visuals on that one, the actual base runs which is ridiculous."
"Prepare yourself for some dynamic, visually stunning battles that bring some iconic Marvel characters to life."
"All the whole battle in the small little town, I thought was great. It's visually action-packed, it was great."
"GIFs are an interesting way to add a fun visual representation of what you're talking about."
"Videos can showcase your product from a variety of angles, convey scale, and highlight unique aspects."
"The visuals are just and not only that but the music in this movie is good so goddamn good."
"The importance of them visuals is massive because that's what the end consumer sees, that's what everybody looks at, that's what everybody understands a brand as."
"The visuals were the best part of the movie in my opinion."
"A fantastic addition to the series, an absolute thrill with astounding VFX and beautifully crafted characters."
"The visuals in this movie are amazing."
"...make the visual content like images and video. It works better than bodies of text."
"This game is beautiful. There is a day-night system as you can see, rain as well. It just looks really good."
"If you were to show me just any single still shot of this movie, I wouldn't even have to hear any lines or anything."
"The demon effects... just looked so cool."
"These openings are fun, the songs are good the visuals are amazing."
"She's stunning, she's stunning. The visuals here are awesome. I love the yellow color."
"These instructions always have pictures never words we are book people we need words."
"The visuals in this movie were fantastic."
"I hope this movie won awards for just the visuals alone."
"A great way to talk about your brand is using the image with text section."
"The visuals of this movie were incredible."
"Visuals create a lot of impact. Visuals have a lot more power."
"Dazzles with its visuals and strikes a chord with its themes."
"The visuals man it's like they've tried to think of every cool way you could depict something and then they did it."
"The visuals I experienced were absolutely foreign to me, never seen anything like it before."
"Wow, I mean look at that for a visual. I absolutely love it."
"I remember seeing the visuals of Metropolis and being like, this is incredible, this is like unlike anything else I've ever seen before."
"The visuals show that massive improvement over the original putting that to shame with scenes that manage to stand out especially they use that sweet technique during the fight scenes to slow down the frames to show you exactly what is going on during the heat of a battle."
"The visuals in this movie are amazing, like hands down. My eyes came multiple times in the past two minutes."
"I think my favorite scene or like favorite visual is the in the cage fighting scene."
"It's just important for me to make visuals that can tell the story of what I'm trying to express in the song, and just creating in general is so cathartic for me, so I love it all, I love creating in any, you know, art form."
"Awesomely creepy visuals and hilarious lampooning of every cheesy monster-movie trope make this special easy to fall for."
"The visuals, off the chain. Like, it looks so good, and again, the deaths, the violence, all of it was just top-tier."
"Your brand is important. We help you to craft visuals to help you grow your brand."
"Stage Fright offers up a cool killer, a creepy locale, and stylish visuals."
"This movie absolutely Nails the aesthetic."
"The different scenery seems like they've used every color in this movie."
"I loved the original Sleeping Beauty, but I really enjoyed it. I thought the visuals were literally some of the best I've ever seen in a Disney movie."
"The story maybe was not perfect, but the visuals were handled perfectly."
"The visuals of the film are amazing."
"Having a great webcam is a big step towards a polished live stream but don't sleep on updating your visuals too."
"...easy to tell apart in pictures even from a distance."