
Learning Curve Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"Combat takes a lot of getting used to, but once you get it down, it feels really, really good."
"A game that’s so deep, you’ll still be learning the ropes a hundred hours in?"
"Recursion is great, but it really kicks a lot of students out of programming to try to have to learn recursion too early."
"It's really difficult learning curve, but anything that you want, so if you want to be successful, it really takes time."
"The power law of practice or the power law of learning: you improve a tremendous amount in those early few hours."
"Nen is not the world's most beginner-friendly power system to grasp."
"Once you start to learn the basics, it becomes addicting real quick, and you'll be fully immersed in this masterpiece of a world."
"Consistency and no one is good in front of a camera for the first time. You've got to keep doing it and keep doing it."
"A good personal trainer can absolutely help a ton and might take years off of your learning curve."
"Valve took the main focus of the game, the portal gun, and gradually introduced the players to its functionalities."
"This is not an easy monster, but he is a learnable monster with unique mechanics that you really need to understand to have a fair chance at beating him."
"It's been a massive learning curve, and I appreciate how religiously defended freedom of speech is in the United States."
"It takes one to three years to become a good trader. If you don't have one to three years, don't start."
"The control panel may seem a little bit hard at first, but it's actually very useful and pretty easy to master."
"Vue.js, in my opinion, has less of a learning curve than something like React or Angular."
"It's a ton of fun to play once you get it really set up and you kind of understand the mechanics of overpower a bit more."
"Learning the intricacies of the course is a years-long effort for many drivers."
"The more you do this the more you'll kind of begin to intuitively feel shapes, is the best way I can really put it."
"We're really trying to get up to speed so that we're not just driving the car, but we're really learning, how do you take the corners the best? How do we, how do we optimize what we're doing here?"
"Noobs always think they are smart when they are dumb."
"The conceptual weight is more important than the bulk."
"Speedrunning can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be."
"These companies back then just had no idea what they were doing."
"Cruelty Squad is still generally pretty good and addictive once you push through that initial period of sheer confusion."
"Puzzles that seemed completely incoherent at first are now posited purely through gained knowledge from the other puzzles... it's a pretty brilliant kind of interlocking system for a puzzle game."
"Plague is great and I think is simple to get the hang of once you understand how the vomit works as a projectile."
"Intimidating... overwhelming... but there's just nice little patterns you follow."
"I'm starting to get it, y'all. It's all a process."
"There's no getting used to it. Like the first run that we took down the mountain, I was shaky because it had been almost a year since I've snowboarded and like, you know, you gotta get your mojo back."
"It was kind of intimidating to get into as a beginner with just a couple years of programming experience."
"Super enjoyed my time playing it. It's just a shame I just didn't understand a few of those kind of core concepts a bit earlier."
"If you're learning this weapon and you're learning guard points perhaps start out without this, then work up to it."
"Horizon's ultimate is a little harder to get good with but once you do learn how to use it to its full potential, it's really quite valuable."
"Bayonetta is the perfect example of the easy to learn difficult to master type of game design."
"But his IQ is Drew. Came in with that. Drew came in with that. That's what you don't learn how to play, that kind of defense. It's so hard during your NBA career."
"One of my favorite things about Highfleet is how it doesn't hold your hand."
"Understanding how to play out the game on a macro level is pretty hard and it takes a lot of games to develop a strong understanding."
"Spells and spell casting can be one of the most difficult things to learn as a new player in D&D."
"Don't get discouraged; Total War is a massive franchise that has evolved quite a bit over the years. If it feels overwhelming, that's okay."
"There's definitely a bit of a learning curve but life is just the anxiety level reduces the focus level goes up the results you know become the there's less clutter between where you are where you want to get to that's fantastic."
"The game can feel overwhelming and really hard to begin with but it clicks way faster than say Crusader Kings 3 which takes years to click but it is a very rewarding experience."
"You're not gonna be born with some god-like ability to do sad thing. You have to be willing to embarrass yourself and be crap at the thing you want for quite a while."
"Playing on full manual is incomparably more difficult and has a much steeper learning curve."
"As you gain experience with interfaces, you get faster, building mental models of how to do things efficiently."
"Sombra is going to be the hero that people take the longest to try to relearn because, well, even in Overwatch one people are still trying to figure out Sombra."
"It's like golf in the sense that it is easy to describe just put the pellet through the hole yeah but hard to master there's a lot going on and I liked your analogy of Formula One."
"The goal of this video is to ultimately carry you a significant way up the learning curve and across the skill gap."
"Tekken 7 is easily the most difficult fighting game to get into but because of that, the learning process is super fun."
"This is a really key part of the game, and it can be quite overwhelming at first."
"If it seems overwhelming, it gets much easier. Safety becomes second nature."
"A well-designed game will teach you its processes and mechanics through emergent gameplay."
"This is one of the few RPGs that you actually have to like learn to be a part of the world."
"Tracer needs to learn when to be patient versus when to be proactive."
"Learning fights in MMORPGs, at least for me, is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the games."
"Learning a new DAW is never ever going to go smoothly."
"It took me four years to learn how to build a website, and it took me one day to actually learn."
"It's okay though guys, it's okay to be a noob, as long as you don't give up."
"Once you got the basics down, you started doing damn good."
"The level always increases as human beings learn more about it."
"At the point that I'm at, sometimes I get a little... for a lot of beginner players it's not very obvious."
"I'm getting bricked; I don't even have Electric Furnace learned."
"It's such a good fight. It's such a frustrating fight but so good because it takes everything you've learned across the game."
"How long did it take Regina to get accustomed to being a spy ninja?"
"Just remember if you're new to this camera, it's an extremely fast camera. You have to be very conservative with it."
"Learning the mechanics of the camera is a very small part of photography."
"Prey is a game where every system has a lot of depth beneath the surface... There's always something new to learn."
"If you feel like you're struggling just know that this is kind of more of an intermediate thing... it's usually the last stage of the pipeline and if you can get used to this stuff early on you'll really start to speed up your workflow."
"Make your level designs purposeful and allow the player to learn about an enemy, item, or obstacle before throwing them into the fray."
"Once you've learned that you can pretty much make anything in a 3D space."
"Beast mastery may be a bit below marksman or raw damage but it makes up for it with its easy learning curve."
"Trading can be one of the most frustrating things to learn to do properly in League of Legends."
"There's a meta to this game, the more you play, the more you learn."
"Games of emergence as games that are simple to learn and difficult to master."
"The lesson here is that when you're first starting out, it's easy to fall into the trap of drafting the units and items whose powers are easier to understand."
"The grind feels real, the gameplay, it's fun learning the new gameplay."
"Easy to learn, difficult to master is the expression that I think you could very much apply to Crusader Kings 3's modding systems."
"It's the very definition of easy to learn, hard to master."
"I feel like that's kind of the sign of a great strategy game, you're not gonna be a master of it straight away in your first playthrough."
"Each run is a dense experience packed with learning opportunities and hidden secrets for those willing to venture off the beaten path."
"Sekiro: you either learn how to Parry or Embrace defeat."
"It's like kind of learning a brand new game cuz you have these two new mechanics."
"This stuff does seem really overwhelming at first, it can seem really complicated."
"It's really easy to get into and it's really hard to master."
"It feels like a diamond in the rough rather than a game made by a team that doesn't understand the genre."
"I did it for a split second there, once you get a hang of it, it is [__] insane."
"It's one of those easy to learn difficult to master games."
"Book of Travels is such a weird game in its core gameplay design that I feel like it'll take a while to get used to."
"He strikes a perfect balance of being easy to play and then hard to master."
"The slow movements seem so easy, but they are not as easy as they seem. Most people will need a few months to get used to the rhythm and the feel of tai chi, so please be patient."
"The first thing you learn about video games is how hard they are to play."
"Comparing Kai to say Zato, Kai, you're learning how to swim, Zato, you're learning how to swim at the deep end of the pool."
"You're gonna suck at everything you start doing. I'm gonna tell you guys right now no matter what you do no matter how many star wipes or fade the blacks or weird [ __ ] you're gonna have, you're gonna suck ass ahead."
"Once you figure it out it's really, really fun."
"I may be a rookie at your little sport but I'm a fast learner."
"Crypto's technology so it was easy for me to learn."
"Heroes does get a little better toward the end, it never stops holding your hand but it does at least loosen its grip."
"Learning both directional air rolls is a mistake."
"Once you get the hang of it, guys, it's so easy."
"You have to get the shitty videos out of the way in order to get to the good ones."
"Mastering the various enemies and their quirks can take a few battles."
"Charles's story quite fascinating several things stuck out while he had very little experience investing in the stock market he has compensated for it by using his research and presentation skills to quickly learn and analyze companies."
"Mordhau is a game with a pretty steep learning curve and a lot to get used to when coming into combat. It's not just a mindless medieval slasher that many seem to take it for as using some intelligence and tactics definitely pays off."
"At the beginning, you're going to suck a lot." - Evan Carmichael
"This thing is extremely easy and has a very small learning curve."
"It's really important to get the feel of the controls."
"Once the unfamiliar becomes familiar, you'll realize that it really isn't that hard per se."
"Learning burst-oriented assassins is actually the hardest out of any other champion in the game."
"Once you find the best practices that stuff kind of all goes away and you know it's fine but that does add to the learning curve and that's what we're talking about here."
"It's easier for a technology company to learn how to make cars than for a car company to learn how to make technology."
"First 100 videos will be terrible, and that's okay." - Embrace growth mindset in content creation.
"Think about this as not 'cause it's gonna take you years. Okay, that doesn't matter. Even if you're really, really good and really, really talented, it's still gonna take you years to get very good."
"Wolf is the easiest to pick up today and become decent tomorrow."
"Some people are just more naturally talented than others, but when you first start out, you've got to assume that people have to go back and go through these things."
"Once you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy."
"Brainless champions allow said new players an easy way into understanding the intricacies of the game."
"Those are my 10 big mistakes that I see beginners making in their Notion workspace."
"The most interesting thing about the boss fights in Lords of Fall, there's a pattern. There's a way to learn all of that."
"Unlocks are also good at easing a new player into the depth of a game."
"Raina has like 140 moves, so I didn't study her move list or anything."
"It's pretty easy to pick up a controller and understand the gameplay right away."
"Rust is a great programming language, relatively easy to learn."
"Getting to orbit is the trickiest thing for a new player, but once you've done it, it becomes routine."
"The start can be a little hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's the same as any other civ."
"Gradient descent in particular has a slower rate. It's one over k."
"The amount of side easter eggs that are just easy to do, you learn through the course of playing, so sick."
"If you are a newer player or a returning player, Octane will definitely allow you to focus more on gun skill and positioning."
"Python, within a couple of days, you can be doing something."
"Here are the three biggest mistakes consultants make by far: underpricing themselves especially at the beginning, selling too soon, and staying inside the box and not taking on projects that require a learning curve or stretch."
"Henry of Monmouth - skillfully blocked Welsh and Percy forces from uniting with one another and then played a decisive role in the royalist victory at Shrewsbury."
"Easy to learn, difficult to master" - Sakurai's guiding philosophy for Melee's gameplay.
"Many times people go out and they spend a lot of money on a camera and they spend a lot of time trying to read the manual and understand it, and then they get done, the pictures look exactly like they were before."
"Experience matters... beginners don't need as much training to improve."
"As a long time Sony shooter this new menu in the beginning seemed a little confusing because I got so used to the other menu and I know it inside out really well but you get used to this very easy and you can find whatever you like very easily."
"Baby wearing is an absolute must. I feel like anybody who hasn't gotten used to it yet, if you just get past the learning curve, you find what wrap works best for you, you will be in love with it."
"TypeScript is a long term investment. It takes some time to learn it... but after you do both of those things you're gonna start getting some really nice rewards from it."
"Please don't be scared of the technology. Sometimes it takes time, patience, repetition, just making something a habit and it will become a system and a way of life."
"Understand that this game has a natural combo progression... light to medium heavy."
"Honestly, if you sit down and learn the levels, you can beat this game and it's not that bad."
"You will eventually get that flawless and if you do die on the boss himself just the more you practice it the better you're gonna get."
"Tifa's combat is a bit tricky to pick up at first, there is a lot to learn."
"It's hard being a trader, but one of the things that I find interesting is that it's really, really hard until it gets really, really easy."
"None of them are perfect, none of them are going to solve every single problem and do it in an absolutely perfect way. All of them have a learning curve."
"The learning curve in a fighting game is actually not much more steep... than any other genres of games."
"A lot of y'all probably still learning, not in the know."
"It feels very Noob friendly if you've never done any of this before."
"Newer players might struggle due to a lack of onboarding."
"I think I could learn to be very, very fast with these pedals."
"It's so overwhelming at first and then it becomes so fun."
"The precision-guided firearms reduced learning curve is drawing the attention of everyone."
"Everyday things become a little easier even if you're not good at something but that's not the hard part."
"She's going to see a city for the first time and it's going to become very apparent how much she has to learn over the next several weeks."
"The resistance to following a simple set of rules melts away after 10 to 15 trades."
"Learning curves are expressed or characterized by cost declines so they're very deflationary but it's a good deflation."
"I love the power curve of this game, going from barely competent to learning things both as a character and as a player that you can exploit, leading to your character just being a murder machine towards the end of the game."
"The J-20 is easy to learn, but hard to master."
"It's such a unique game once you get a handle on what it wants you to do."
"A true beginner, when you look at the way they are, they have a very high trainability..."
"The ease of entry in Jaws of the Lion is incredibly well done."
"My first time I last probably two seconds but now like I get to five minutes easy."
"Once you get the hang of it and you get over that boilerplate and all the terms, it's very beneficial for large applications."
"In the beginning, it's gonna take you a little bit to get your personality out to the camera."
"This is a fight that you can learn, but even when you learn it perfectly, it is still a massive challenge to overcome, even with the knowledge, and that is something very special."
"It's much like 'Sunless Sea' where you'll likely start off the game confused, but you'll learn more as it goes on."
"You're not starting in Xcode which is huge and does all these things from scratch, you're starting with your knowledge of Swift and Swift UI and a project that's already working under your belt."
"Manual mode seems scary, but it's actually pretty easy."
"Diablo 4 needs to be easy to learn and difficult to master."
"The impenetrable part of WoW PVP is the insane amount of knowledge, cooldowns, spells, all the add-ons to track, all of that."
"We have to be willing to have kind of a learning curve in how we use these machine learning algorithms in these fields, you can't expect these to immediately beat the state of the art."
"Do you have any tips for learning how to code? It takes time to grasp the basics."
"The Quest for El Dorado: simple to learn, hard to master."
"Every lap he's getting used to this track more again."
"It's OK to not want to do something because you're not good at it yet, because it really does get a lot better once you know how to do certain fundamentals, especially if it's within."
"Why is it worth learning such a complicated game? It's way deeper and more under the hood with more rewarding systems."
"I think he's going to become more and more dangerous as he learns what kind of prey he's facing."
"There is never a time where I've seen somebody that's jumped into cars that have done everything perfect right out of the gate."
"I feel like coming in with this knowledge is really great. It's better than coming in blind and having to learn everything and being set way back as a result."
"The hero realizes he cannot fully control his new skills yet."
"There is no substitute for practice, and it is going to take a while to get accustomed to some of the techniques."
"Income can be really really difficult to understand but if you play the game pretty consistently it'll just become natural to you."
"It's incredibly powerful but difficult to wrap your head around."
"But it really does, after a little bit of initial period of time of getting used to where all the different switches are and just getting that button association down in your head, it's better."
"All art is difficult at first but with time it does get a lot easier."
"Once you master one language, then the rest will be fairly easy."
"Once you learn the basics, the game becomes super fun and you just want to play more and more of it."
"It's not easy, but it's also not very difficult. You can call it intermediate."
"Each fight you play is gonna be different... there are so many scenarios that is why you'll never master her."
"I feel like I know nothing or very little about the game, but I feel so excited and increasingly excited."
"Manipulating Firestore data becomes easier as you work with it."
"If you suck at editing, this is the trick. This is what you need to do to become faster editing."
"Fun abilities that are easy to learn but hard to master lay the foundation of a good traversal system."
"The learning curve has been massive, and the challenge equally massive. But the potential of the team is just rising, so can't wait to get on track and see where we are."
"Every gun now has a unique recoil pattern that's predictable to a certain extent and can be learned and mastered."
"And in my opinion if you're going into this solo sarah doman is by far the easiest one to learn and pretty profitable so why not."
"God, I'm getting the hang of things here, this is big plays."
"Buckle your seatbelt, Python gets crazy awesome."
"Every time you go back the curve gets shallower and shallower of what you're forgetting y um it's pretty interesting."
"Pick who you like. Just because the character's hard doesn't mean you shouldn't main them. They can be learned; they just take more time."
"This game is fun, it's easy to pick up and learn, but the competitive scene and everything, it's going to be tough to master."
"Once you get the hang of it, the build is actually like really, really easy."
"Yes, it does get easier and less scary as you play it."