
Unawareness Quotes

There are 597 quotes

"They didn't tell Hedy... No one told her. She had no idea that her technology helped save the world from nuclear disaster."
"The dangers of these chases, especially in surveillance mode, is that people don't realize there's a chase going on."
"The challenges with crisis or anything bad that happens to other people is we never think it'll happen to us."
"I spent my life denying that anything is wrong with me, oblivious to the harm I was doing to myself and to others."
"The left hand quite literally doesn't know what the right hand is doing."
"Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."
"He is not aware that he is currently carrying one of the USA’s most vile creatures."
"Birth was a gift; you didn't know there were rules."
"We're playing with matches in an environment in which we really don't understand how much fuel is in the warehouse with us."
"It's time for us to repent, get right with the Most High because over 50 of the earth have already entered the dark side without even knowing it."
"Harry is just utterly clueless to be quite honest, he is utterly clueless, floundering, doesn't know what's going on."
"You guys are just very mothering, you're like, 'Well, oh, I did not know what's going on.'"
"They have no idea that they're actually fighting for their lives."
"He clearly doesn't know that Heather is dead."
"Did you have any idea? No idea I'd be fighting for my life every day from all angles."
"There's such an eerie nature about this photo and the seemingly casual behavior of the man next to it did he know what this was about to unleash perhaps but maybe not."
"I've been in it for 30 plus years and I didn't know that stuff."
"This isn't sane what they're doing to people on the planet. People don't even know what's in store for them right now, what they've got planned."
"My whole life I always want to go to the next level but when I was younger I didn't even know there were levels out there I didn't even know existed."
"This person isn't even aware that you're an option."
"My whole life has been providential because I certainly didn't know what was going on."
"I had no idea what the recovery process was."
"These dice, you the other players are looking at what number it is like that but the poor chameleon has no idea what the word is."
"Akira wakes up back in his room as if nothing happened, the lad goes with his day normally."
"I like the fact that Sonic seems unaware this is a battle that Sonic is not aware of but that rages every day in his life."
"You're hurting yourself though, you just haven't been taught this."
"Look at the starfish right there, he doesn't even know they're there."
"I never saw any sign of it for any of the victims."
"A lot of people don't realize they're inadvertently feeding it."
"If you're on the Titanic and you don't know what's thinking and you see no deck terrors you're like something's wrong."
"She woke up and chose violence. I don't even think she knows she woke up."
"Now you have no idea that you are volunteering. You are now coming in an agreement. There's a covenant spiritually being forged between you and that spirit, that altar, and whoever's picture you bring there."
"I just thought he was up in his room sleeping. No way."
"Everybody is sleepwalking when it comes to the potential for a nuclear crisis of apocalyptic proportions."
"In all of this, the unaware consumer is always the victim."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"Thousands or perhaps millions of people that once teemed this area... you wouldn't know that, would you? Can never even cross your mind."
"The fact is the Ukrainians were not even aware of this hold on aid, is that correct? That's correct."
"As painful as it sounds, Glossi didn't notice until he looked down and noticed the missing extremities."
"Humans are the co-creators of our reality, but we don't know it."
"I never been able to tell him the impact that he had in my life... He'd never know the things he saw at that place were real."
"I literally didn't know they were doing this until like 10 seconds ago."
"They themselves don't even understand what the kind of institutional problem there is for them being there."
"As he leaves.. He is completely unaware his life is about to change forever."
"I've been accused of manipulating things and doing things that I didn't even know happened until the accusation came up."
"We've been slowly losing a battle that we didn't even realize was going on."
"I literally didn't even know where I was going. I totally forgot."
"We know looking back that it was happening in the background."
"If you don't know where the fire started, you will surely burn in it."
"He didn't realize the impact that he was making as he was making it."
"You don't want to feel like I didn't even know I was standing in minefield when I died."
"Parents didn't know what was happening on the internet."
"The doll can be seen slowly tilting its head while the girl is too busy playing to notice."
"They were just falling, I didn't even know it was that powerful."
"It cracks me up that he just has no idea that you're right here, just smacking the [ __ ] out of them."
"Rainbow guy really is not about to know what's hitting him."
"Most of the people who were killed probably never knew what was happening to them."
"Defeating your enemy is not the goal; you've truly defeated your enemy when you don't even know that your enemy exists."
"It's just a strange feeling too when you realize that dangerous people are weaving in and out of your life without you even knowing it before it's too late sometimes too."
"Most people don't even know this card exists."
"No, you have no idea what happened. You have no idea what is currently happening. You're skipping around in a field full of bombs and mistaking them for daisies."
"When I went to go do it, I didn't know, and this is the god's honest truth on me, I didn't know what the [__] I was getting."
"People just are in Dark Places wanting to like and I it's not even the higher self of that person it's not it's the dark entity that has attached itself to them and they just don't realize it in the moment."
"Manifesting is for some of you completely unaware of the effect that you may have on someone else."
"He had to do all of this without at any point realizing he was lost before he fell down a cliff."
"The most powerful force in the universe is in that room, and you guys don't even realize it."
"He's being humiliated in front of everybody and he has no idea because this is how he lives with this girl. This is their daily life."
"It feels like a regular day, but they know something we don't know."
"Are we potentially much like a bird flying into the window of a house blinded by this now we're at a bull run classification?"
"I've just taken a three-month holiday, of course I don't know what's going on."
"I am very unaware of any such thing that she's talking about."
"Started pursuing a business major, unaware of data science."
"People have no idea what great darkness is out there."
"The majority of people are oblivious to this and live their life unaware of how their past in the environment they are currently in along with the social circles around them influences their future."
"When we see the central banks of the world buy more gold than at any time since 1967 and no one in this country has any clue that that's happening, it's frightening."
"They're trying to keep us like a frog in a pot of boiling water."
"She's happy that he's her fiance, unaware that their relationship is nothing but fake."
"My father paid for pink flamingos and to this day he never saw it." - John Waters
"I mean, but if you, it's also good for somebody who's unawares."
"Your hair isn't as attractive as it could be and you don't even realize just how much this actually improves your attractiveness."
"It's so tragic because he's completely oblivious to the horror that he created."
"Trauma... I just didn't know it was a thing honestly."
"Be kind to everybody, some of you have entertained angels without even knowing."
"The narcissist is oblivious to his body language, to his verbal cues."
"You don't know you're making history when you're making it."
"I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him."
"Susan didn't notice the monster creeping up behind her."
"Did you have any idea what was going on?"
"Eban is taken aback cuz he didn't even know that Stella was in town."
"Elma has no idea what she's gotten herself into."
"There's going to be this huge swath of people that actually never realize how amazing that whole thing is."
"I continue every day as normal, very ignorant the situation that was now starting to build."
"I'm not even realizing that I'm missing anything."
"I was so shocked at that moment I tried to get away from his touch but he still did it seemingly unaware."
"I was unaware of any of this however many people in the town knew about it."
"And there was nobody more blinder than me when I'm at The Craze."
"You've enlightened this person in a way where I don't even think you realize."
"The funniest thing is, I had no idea when things were going on that they—"
"I'm never, ever aware I've been blissfully unaware."
"You might have actually got hit by a bus, you wouldn't know."
"The Galaxy had no idea the bloodbath it was in."
"Everything you are not aware of that's taking place below the waterline."
"I feel like that show has so many more liabilities of like teens throwing themselves into things and just like not realizing that they have like scoliosis."
"...serving as the chief aurologist of the third Fleet Costco was responsible for weather forecasting but he was blissfully unaware that the bulk of the United States Naval Strike Force on the Pacific with sailing Straight Into the Heart of a deadly typhoon."
"She felt he had no idea that he gave her a gift."
"I had my back to you the whole time."
"The man was so intent upon what he was doing that he never heard our steps."
"That's just funny as [ __ ] bro, like dude didn't even know accidentally."
"Captain Underpants over here just walked right into that pitch dark barn without even considering for a second that there might be an ambush waiting for him inside."
"He didn't realize I was there, that was a quicky."
"This guy's up for any challenge, but he has no idea that this will destroy his life."
"It's like how he asked Natalie Portman to be in the next Star Wars movie that he's gonna make not even knowing that she was in the prequels it's like the guy just doesn't give a [ __ ]."
"You're just engaged in something that you love and this one's coming along realizing, like, 'Whoa, do you realize what it is you're doing here?' And you're kind of oblivious to it because you're just focused on what you love."
"Trisha has no idea how famous she is."
"You mean you didn't sit around and say well I don't see why they give him all those lines why can't I be with the parents in the background I was never aware of that myself." - Unknown speaker
"You hold a strong power over man and you don't even know it."
"'I think most of these girls, they just say it at this point. They don't even realize what they're saying. They don't realize how rare that is to come across.'"
"Everything had become quiet a while ago, but I was too distracted to think anything of it."
"You have no idea how mean this is. Like, none. Like, you have no idea."
"Now I knew that murders had occurred there I had no idea no clue whatsoever that I was sitting amongst the murderers."
"The couple enjoyed each other's company, not noticing how time flew past them."
"I didn't even know we had stopped."
"Say what now you didn't know that."
"We're just like oblivious, I mean you're oblivious because you just, you're numb."
"It reminds me of when Allah says something like, 'Verily, they are causing transgression on the earth, but they don't even realize it.'"
"Our hero might not even realize the extent of his power."
"You don't even know you're carrying it."
"He has no idea that he's made all the way down into the bowl."
"Narcissists don't read the room; they just want to know that they're the focus of attention."
"She just wanted to tell fortunes for fun and didn't even realize that everything would go so wrong."
"She was just utterly unaware of how gorgeous she was."
"If I would have known, I would have been hiding."
"... made a number of insulting comments about our furniture when she thought I couldn't hear ..."
"All I know is this janitor character's somehow caught in the middle of this. He has no idea how much danger he's really in."
"People don't realize how much wealth creation there is."
"Heroes are unaware and that's okay."
"Being a bearer of very little brain it never occurs to Pooh that he's a honey thief himself."
"I didn't see this happening. I guess I didn't even know what's happening."
"My game was like really tight but I didn't know it was tight."
"She was super smart, but super oblivious."
"You are activating things, pressing buttons in the realm of the spirit, and you don't even know what you are doing."
"I ain't even hear what I said, I'm just responding."
"I was beyond compensated for my missing items, oblivious to what I'd done."
"This girl didn't even realize how lucky she is."
"He played dumb and he was like 'Alice dead? What? I had no idea about this.'"
"I didn't even know I was that famous."
"Ignorance is bliss I'm four years old I'm not worried about anything."
"Is it stuck to you like I didn't know it was happening?"
"We hear people almost disparaging drug dealer and drug dealing. No one knew what was happening."
"You've been on a date you just don't know it yet."
"He can't be affected, that's crazy because he don't even know that, but it's gonna take him a while to find out."
"You're pulling down their hands not knowing it's killing your battle."
"I'm bad, but I just wasn't even thinking about it."
"We didn't even know we were a part of the United Order."
"Blissfully ignorant of the havoc she had caused"
"It's nice it's so soft you guys like you guys have no idea."
"Your future spouse doesn't even realize how many people are against them."
"Life is so [__] good out here and people have no clue how good they have it."
"I don't even know who James Cameron is."
"We're working our belly the entire time and you don't even realize it, just feel like you're having fun, right? I love this thing."
"Most people enter the water waist-deep, don't realize what could happen in the next couple of steps."
"I didn't know I was pregnant till I was five months pregnant. I didn't know what pregnancy was. And I had a teenage friend that was pregnant also at the time. And she was kinda the one who told me that she thought I might be pregnant, too."
"I had no idea... I was one of four guys."
"In an hour that he is not aware of."
"Dude, it was like I was playing with the devil's butthole and didn't even know it."
"She doesn't know that today's the day though."
"The character doesn't know he's being filmed."
"He didn't even realize what powers he had."
"She never even knew her car was missing."
"I never knew nothing about no comment."
"No one went out and met him. No one went outside and saw his car."
"Peter's Shadow would heal people and I don't think he was aware of it."
"I don't know nothing about that [ __ ]."
"I wouldn't even know it was there."
"Karen had no idea about the AntsCanada channel."
"Hanks doesn't know it, his instrument panel is disconnected."
"You just don't realize those little lambs, they're energy vampires, aren't they?"
"This was a band whose unique impact was a fact that no one realized what they were doing least of all themselves."
"The fool doesn't know that the devil's coming to claim him in 10 minutes."
"He is a running joke, and he doesn't know the joke is on him."
"He's the most profoundly Buddhist man I've ever met without having the slightest inkling of what that means."
"But when people are doing it they don't think it's sick, because they've gone through the steps so long and so deep that it's become ingrained in their minds, to the point where you don't even see it anymore, you don't even realize it anymore."
"I'm one of Paul's good friends and I had no idea that Ashley was going through this stuff, right?"
"Everybody knew, like, this thing that happens and I had no clue."
"I think they shouldn't have to change the name. I agree. But yeah, they did really present it. So it was not EasyJet suing them at all. It's the easy group who have a service called EasyLife. I didn't know that."
"I think we are all hypnotized now we don't know it."
"I had no clue that that was even a thing."
"He has no idea that he's recording himself."
"He's got no idea anything's going on."
"The twins had no idea that they had been adopted."
"Many of you have entertained angels unawares."
"She'd been so focused on painting she hadn't noticed Maya leaving."
"You've actually done an advanced technique, you just didn't know it."
"So anybody who walks up to you says Ah I know what you did you go I don't even know what you're talking about."
"I met a ghost and didn't even know it."
"I didn't know the kid was gonna Welch, honest I didn't."
"Your future spouse is going to be in love with you long before you know about it."
"She looked like she didn't see a wet paint sign."
"I sat literally on the next desk from that monster for years and I had no idea any of this stuff happened."
"I didn't even know you had this thing."