
Wildlife Behavior Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Facing the rhinoceros, which is known as the tank of the natural world, the lion must be wary."
"Animal behaviors will change during a specific season... during midwinter, they encountered a bear that was extremely hungry and more hostile than usual."
"There is no record anywhere of a killer whale doing any harm to anyone in the wild."
"Surrounding wildlife can provide clues to the behavior of Sasquatch."
"No longer afraid, this last member of the wolf pack would go down howling."
"The bear is moving up slowly, using trees to help break up the silhouette."
"The pre-rut’s a time when bucks are working scrapes the most they will throughout the year."
"White sharks have found the restaurant, and they're waiting for the doors to open, you know? And when those seals begin to leave the beach, you know, it's dinner time."
"If a Grizzly develops a taste for garbage, gets accustomed to being near people, and then teaches those bad habits to their cubs, it can prove fatal." - Narrator
"Ant wars do happen in the wild, all the time."
"Sukara made a beeline for Cleopatra and in a dramatic act of loyalty, Swallow rushed in to back her up."
"When a predator shows no fear, you've got something to worry about."
"Hippos will terrorize entire villages, sink fishing boats, and trample and maul whoever or whatever they feel gets too close."
"After weeks filming wolves on a tiny island in the remote northwest corner of British Columbia, our camera crew is starting to believe that it's the wolves who are watching them."
"School of fish: Safety in numbers, confusion for predators."
"A moth spotted drinking a sleeping bird's tears in the Amazon jungle."
"I don't think they're out to kill us, you know, unless we threaten them, cornered them, threatened and injured one of them. Then they have it out for us."
"As soon as it's dark, hippos will leave the river to feed. Despite their murderous reputation, they are herbivores and need 50 kilograms of vegetation every night."
"A whale could break your bones and take your life with a flick of its tail, but most won't do that. Humpback whales in particular are generally non-aggressive."
"It's incredibly important never in the history of Tigers have someone done a project on females to know where they go where do they go with their cubs."
"As a zebra was minding its own business, a lioness quickly approached and launched a savage attack."
"Black bears are not ferocious man-eaters. The black bear is just the pacifist of the bears."
"A slice of life back in the familiar kingdoms of the mortal races."
"King cobra: capable of attacking a small monitor lizard, finishing it off, and swallowing it whole."
"Anacondas: capable of devouring a chicken as a light snack or twisting a large Cayman into a pretzel."
"Begin to say how will that person's movements impact the deer movement. So if you can pinpoint where that person is setting up and you monitor the wind, how will the deer work the downwind side of that tree stand location?"
"Imagine saving a penguin and then getting a visit from it every month after that."
"It's about learning about the habits of the deer, knowing that the deer doesn't do things because you think it needs to do it because the deer does it because that's what the deer does."
"The secretary bird, spending most of her time on the ground, is a fierce hunter."
"This creature makes people shout, especially when they don't."
"Different from Bigfoot other than a few unique charms, they roam exclusively through Florida's Everglade forests, often in whole packs, and they're said to be peaceful and kind."
"The past week has been crazy, so many wolves, they have a terrible glimmer in their eye lately."
"Despite their seemingly docile appearance, sloth bears can be surprisingly more dangerous towards people compared to other bear species."
"This thing jumped clear 15 feet up into the tree okay in almost 30 feet across the dirt road into the other side of the woods."
"Everything was witnessed by the nearby Lions, they didn't miss this opportunity."
"When two bears fight, it can be dangerous and brutal."
"You know what it's kind of sad? The minute a lion finds him or a tiger, they're going for those balls. Take them right off."
"Sasquatches usually attack if they're starving, if they feel threatened, or if you're near their nest. Any other time, they're usually very peaceful and even gentle creatures."
"...orcas are top-tier grandmothers, by giving up the chance of having children past a certain age, not only is the elderly Orca able to help raise her kids' kids, it also raises the risk of competition for resources."
"...having an OG around means the New Kids on the Pot have a much better chance of survival."
"Such a gentle snake, this thing has not once even tried to strike at us."
"They just sit there and ambush, hanging out of their crevice waiting for something to walk by."
"Why do you think a healthy young male grizzly would decide to stalk, kill, and eat a human being?"
"Hunting undisturbed deer is one of the most important critical things I can tell you."
"He wasn't attacking us. The Rex was defending his nest. There's a big difference."
"When you get on 10, 20, 30, 100 tracks you start to learn what they really do, how they really traverse land."
"The power of unpressured afternoon food source movements is incredible."
"Seeing bucks trailing a doe in estrus then stopping to test the air by lip curling will certainly get the attention of sportsmen looking for rutting sign."
"Exerting very little energy but my gain is tremendous; that's a perfect feeding scenario for a top-tier predator."
"While people recognize state lines and park boundaries, bears do not."
"Usually bears will try to avoid humans."
"Just seeing the rut going off in front of you doesn't matter how long or how many years you've been doing it, it's just always fascinating watching behaviors."
"The snow leopard's whole life is devoted to remaining cryptic."
"There's nothing like a good mud bath for a rhino on a hot African afternoon."
"It's amazing how these mongoose species, the diurnal ones at least, all like to come out and bask in the sun to warm up."
"Lions do mostly what the one behind there is doing, they do absolutely nothing for most of the day."
"It's just incredible that none of these animals have seen him yet."
"Hyenas and other male leopards that did not father leopard cubs will kill them when they find them."
"Cheetah tend to avoid the roads because the lion, the leopard, and the hyena tend to like walking down roads a lot."
"I still cannot believe that there was a serval hissing at a hyena, that is the most phenomenal behavior."
"The agility was amazing, wasn't it? The way that she changed direction."
"I'm hoping that we're going to see them kind of go together and groom one another and walk around together."
"For male lions, the most important thing apart from eating is spreading their genetic line."
"Don't let anyone tell you that bucks always bed high or always bed low; that's not true at all."
"You're not spooking those does; you allow that doe movement to continue the entire season."
"She's positioned herself on top of a termite mound, and I think it's just a habit of these cats in this area that they will use high points where they can."
"They're actually more sort of relaxed animals and animals that kind of try and go after their natural prey items rather than people."
"We've been really lucky with the various behaviors we've seen of the elephants."
"Jaguars will regularly clap caiman by going into the water and dragging them out by their teeth like a disobedient child."
"The rut is just such an awesome time of year because there is so much movement, but it's so unpredictable."