
Job Search Quotes

There are 744 quotes

"I have decided to look for a job, soon we'll be living like millionaires."
"Keep watching my videos... I know you'll get better at interviewing for jobs, and you will get hired."
"Half the battle in getting a job in IT is just having enough stuff on your resume that it can be scanned and it shows up on someone's desk."
"Open up LinkedIn or whatever job search application that is your favorite, and search in your area for what you want to be."
"If you want your resume to be seen and noticed by these companies, by these hiring managers, you have to know how to present yourself as a superstar on paper."
"That's what I tell people: look at the available jobs or even better, the company you're at, what do they use?"
"It's a lot easier to find work through your social connections than through applications online."
"When I finally got a job after 40 rejections, I realized that I actually had the greatest advantage, which was I had massive self-awareness. I knew what my strengths were, I knew what my weaknesses were, I knew what I had to offer, and I knew what I wanted to do."
"The best way to find a job at a hostel is just to show up in person."
"Just keep applying, apply to every job, even if you think you're not qualified."
"If you want my life advice... follow those, you'll get a job, I promise you."
"A good portfolio is important whether you're going to get a job at a company or you're looking for clients."
"It took me like two weeks to find a job, and it was really interesting because I got more calls and offers in one week after I put that portfolio in my resume than the whole four months before that."
"Networking of people you know can really come in handy when it comes time to go into an interview."
"Do your research about the company you're applying to."
"Resumes are not background checks, they are a way to start a conversation."
"You are interviewing the company just as much as the company is interviewing you."
"Are you tired of watching video after video hoping to find something practical about work from home jobs that you can start right now?"
"Hopefully this is going to be the last video you need to watch on this topic."
"I'm gonna try to give you more value than anything that you have watched on this topic on YouTube."
"Literally everything that you would need to know in order to get started with a work from home job you should get in this video today."
"It's no secret that learning how to code is the number one thing that you need to do before actually getting a software development job."
"The most important thing about negotiation is that you have to have multiple offers."
"Resume writing can be pretty daunting especially in a difficult labor market where you're trying to compete with thousands of other people so you really do need any advantage that you can get."
"ZipRecruiter finds you what you're looking for in the needle in the haystack."
"If you search for jobs based on where you live, you're going to limit your income based on the geographic area."
"It's like you're never going to know what opportunities you have if you don't at least allow us to give you the pitch."
"It's a lot easier to find a job when you have a job than to be looking as an unemployed person."
"The goal of your resume is to make you look like the best person for the job."
"Almost every university has an employment website."
"I heard about this position because I am an admirer of your company and have followed you for several months."
"Connections completely Trump every other way of finding a job."
"We're using Python in order to call an API and get the job postings that we want."
"ZipRecruiter helped Alexandra find her dream job."
"You're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you."
"Any job that requires you to pay a fee to get the job should be an immediate red flag."
"How can we get you connected with another job?"
"If you're searching after a job... you better say yes."
"Now is the perfect time to start shopping around for a new job with a better salary."
"Editable resume templates: Land your dream job with a standout resume."
"It's time to put your production out online or get yourself out there if you don't like what you're doing and you want a different job or a different scenario work scenario then now it's time to get your job your resume out there."
"If you're struggling with that and you do think you have a good profile just don't know how to present yourself, Resume Rocket Fuel is a course that I created."
"When you get to that place you're looking ahead to, you'll be able to take charge and find the best job for you."
"Building a strong resume is a great way to find success in your job hunt."
"I think I was having trouble getting my first job."
"Stop job searching alone and start building your dream career today with free agency."
"May you attract that job that will change your life."
"For sure, if you implement all these steps as well as you can, it's only a matter of time before you get hired."
"Don't be naive in thinking that you'll come, you'll get an interview, and you will straightaway get that position."
"So when you get back from that, aside from being on the news and everything, what are you trying to do in terms of a job or something like that?"
"Apply for jobs that you don't quite meet the qualifications for anyway."
"Start preparing now if you're looking for a job."
"Don't discount the stories and the experiences you've had just because they might not align perfectly with the job description."
"Your videos helped me get through job hunting which was stressful."
"Understanding, of course, they are your window into the employer."
"I'm interviewing with other companies, and I will be happy to share with you my updates and my status with those throughout the process."
"You need to start applying for any and every job possible."
"It's a lot easier to get hired when a recruiter is reaching out to you than trying to convince them to take a look at your resume among a sea of thousands of other people."
"Nobody hires resumes. They hire people. Let me tell you who I am. Let me tell you what I've done. Let me tell you most importantly why I'm exceptional."
"Do not rely on the HR department. Get in front of one person in that organization, the owner, the executive, the top decision-maker."
"Your job is to get a job. This is about selling yourself. You're going in to present yourself as a valuable, extraordinary product that no matter what they offer you in money, you're worth a hundred times that."
"Your new job is to get a job. Look, if you're going to work for the man... and now you can't work for the man... your new job is that you work for you."
"Make sure that your resume is easily searchable. You're hitting those keywords."
"Start applying and apply to as many jobs as you can...get rejected quick and fast because that's how you will learn and get better."
"If you want a job and there is a place that is hiring, you need to apply for the job."
"You should spend a couple minutes looking up the company looking up the founders."
"Best of luck... I hope you find something that's great."
"For the ones looking for a job, I see you getting there."
"In the job search, persistence pays off. Keep sending out applications and refining your approach until you land the right opportunity."
"Some of you have been waiting very patiently on a call from a potential employer."
"So at that point I mean that was essentially like that day I started looking for new jobs and like figuring out what my next step..."
"This is a fantastic opportunity for those looking for that."
"Linkedin is important, kind of important right? It's one of the main, actually it's probably the main place to find a job now."
"You apply to 350 jobs, you provide 400 jobs, but all you need is that one case to work out for you."
"It's a grind, it's a process. You apply to 350 jobs, you provide 400 jobs, but all you need is that one case to work out for you."
"It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, thankfully that is where ZipRecruiter comes in."
"I'm [ __ ] desperate at this point I've applied to over 50 jobs and not even [ __ ] fast food places."
"The best way to get a job is to go to meetups, talk with folks, and build connections."
"For some of you, if you're looking for a job for example, you're attracting some good opportunities your way."
"It's a lot easier to get hired when you've got recruiters contacting you."
"If you do the things that I say today, you'll be able to land a big job in a big company in a year."
"Another way to get interviews is programming challenges. Twitch had a coding challenge that asked me to write an AI that played a bidding game."
"Your ultimate motive should be you should try your best to get a job in your field itself."
"I tweeted people I need a job ASAP must be 40 hours a week and I got a job as as a fellow at a progressive think tank in Washington working on prison reform issues."
"I still do not understand that at all because all I was simply looking for was a job, not a cult."
"When it comes to looking for a job, most people would probably agree that the whole experience is not fun."
"So I kind of figured it would be really useful for a lot of y'all who are trying to get that first job as software engineers, to learn about how the recruiting process works."
"I filled out 41 job applications before I got that 42nd one that allowed me the opportunity."
"Why do some companies reach out... LinkedIn algorithm back then."
"Nobody's going to give you a job out of pity... you really want to put forward this air of confidence."
"You need to tailor your resume very differently for these job descriptions."
"Reaching out to the recruiters that were attached to the job posting really helped."
"Sometimes simple is the best format, especially if you're trying to beat the ATS."
"People are afraid to do it, they think it's too pushy, but from our end, we want to know if they really want the job."
"You only need to put the city and state; you don't have to actually put your physical address in there."
"The best time to be looking for any job is when you don't need one."
"Realize what you're looking for and ask pointed questions during interviews."
"Wow, he's going far on this alone. Doesn't say anything because I persisted. Persistence has gotten people jobs on here before. So I am not saying that, but he did send the resume and lots of follow-ups."
"...the strategy behind it is you take a parent company of any industry right let's take tech for example you take a parent company you research the parent company to understand what jobs they have available that match your skill set..."
"Hopefully this look behind the scenes at major corporations hiring processes in particular how recruiters perceive you is helpful and you can use this to your advantage in your own job search."
"What have you been doing other than just looking for a job? Show that you've been upskilling."
"If you apply to a bunch of positions already and you're not having success finding a job, either you haven't applied to enough positions... or you need to have better interviewing skills."
"I'm starting to at least see some movement even if I haven't unlocked the shiny new job achievement yet."
"Please focus on English for remote jobs unfortunately you know the first filtering criteria is everyone wants to know can they talk do they have decent communication skills."
"Guide resumes and job applications into the right hands, paving the way for opportunities that bring glory to the name of Jesus."
"You know you do your clerkship between your second and third year and that's supposed to turn into your real job and my firm did not make me an offer."
"So I'm hoping we can pull off yet another miracle and find Goliath, that's all I've got for today, thank you guys so much for spending some time with me."
"If you take nothing else from this video, I think the single greatest thing impacting whether or not you are successful in getting a job in this field is how many jobs you apply to."
"Apply every time. Every time you hit apply, that's another chance that one of them might work out."
"You have to be the best choice. You have to make the most sense. Something about you has to make you better than the rest."
"Finding a job can be tough, but I've got a free job application guide and resume template to help you out."
"Just because you have the right skills and the experience that they are looking for, it doesn't mean that they owe you the job."
"If you don't have a job, then your job is to get a job."
"There are software development jobs out there you just have to make sure that you're the right fit and that you're doing everything you can to give yourself a chance."
"Resumes are not dead yet but they're dying because resumes cannot show your live work."
"Knowledge is power, and if you know what to look for, it'll help you to avoid some of these employers in your job search."
"...if you're somebody that's struggling with your job search...I specialize in resources that teach you how to avoid companies and predatory employers just like this one."
"Companies are saying that they're urgently hiring but yet they're rejecting everyone and then they're reposting the job that they're urgently hiring for like a month or two later. What's up with that?"
"What these companies are doing is they're sending you through multiple rounds of interviews and then they just go, 'Yeah, sorry, no.' Or they don't even get back to me at all."
"For those of you saying, 'Oh, you're not doing the right processes or steps because me and thousands of other people are literally trying everything from applying online to calling companies to going through job fairs...'"
"If you think a job won't come up to the house, you know what I mean, knock on the door, who is it, job?"
"What's the point of the rest of it if you don't get hired?"
"...he gave me the impetus to actually go and find a job and I did..."
"You might have to find a better paying job and it might just be for a season it might be that you've been stuck and loyal to a company for 10 years and you they just aren't treating you as well as you are loyal to them."
"The feeling right, the excitement of putting yourself out there and maybe you've applied to one five ten hundreds of jobs, you finally get that interview and you've nailed it."
"I really hope he bets on getting a job because if he's not I'll find him a job."
"I didn't let myself slump around and feel sorry for myself so on the way home I opened up indeed and applied for a bunch of jobs and before I arrived home had an interview set up for the next week at what is my current place of work now."
"When I got laid off for the first time... I very quickly dusted off my resume, got it polished up nicely, put it out on LinkedIn, called all my bosses, ex-bosses, colleagues, friends, tell people that I'm available."
"Dribble is a great community to join if you're looking for a job. Dribble has a robust job search forum, including a job board and a freelance marketplace."
"We need a new editor, who's hiring?"
"If you're willing to go to these places where they're sponsoring clearances and nobody wants to go even if you don't have experience you have a high chance of getting a job."
"So find out what companies in your area are looking for, and once you do that, you're off to the races."
"I spend my last £500 on this billboard, please give me a job."
"And until you get a job, try to do some freelance stuff, set up web servers for people, get them up and running so they can have a domain, help them set up backups for their environment."
"Nobody owes you a job, so you need to go ahead and develop skills that are very valuable for people."
"Even if you earn the CCNA and you don't currently have a job in technology, make sure you properly build your resume to match the job that you are applying for."
"Getting a graduate job within six months is still really good going."
"She expresses her frustration for not getting a job and decides to edit her resume highlighting her uniqueness compared to others."
"Finally some kind of victory on the job hunt."
"Chances are you're making this one mistake and it's likely what's holding you back from Landing a job."
"Just by virtue of having a portfolio, you are at least unique and will probably stand out because the majority of new candidates don't have portfolios."
"Nobody is reading your CV line by line."
"The most crucial step of finding a job is to actually apply."
"I'm a career coach who helps people find jobs and thrive in them."
"If you have this one section on your resume and you do it right, it will supercharge your chances of getting the interview and the job."
"I put up with this for a few months since he said he was trying to find a job."
"Don't give up keep applying you're going to get a job someday."
"Everybody watching this is awesome. It sometimes takes us a while to connect with the right job, but there is a right job out there for every person, and it's just a matter of time in finding it."
"Land your dream job today folks in web development programming computer science data science and tons of other things."
"Networking is oftentimes the key to finding a decent job, especially for foreigners. There's not as many jobs out there. Everyone I know, basically almost everyone I know here personally who has got a decent or good job outside of English teaching has got it through networking."
"Start building out a list, create a spreadsheet of the security jobs in your area."
"Your ability to be rejected is your superpower, so just send the resume in and just keep sending out the resumes."
"LinkedIn is one of those technologies that can really help you in the job hunt if you use it properly."
"Knowing people already in these roles can be very powerful for getting that job."
"Querying honestly is a funny thing, when you start querying before you have offers you are the desperate one, you were desperately trying to get someone to notice you."
"Blasting out a thousand resumés and hoping for something to hit is not a high-quality series of tasks."
"Building strong online credibility on LinkedIn is going to help you tremendously in your job search."
"Sometimes when a job is open, it's a bunch of people diving for that ball. So you gotta be diligent in your approach and identify your attributes."
"Understanding how recruiters recruit people is absolutely the single best thing that you can do for your active job search."
"If you're in an active job search, spend your time with companies that are going to value you, treat you properly, respect your time, and pay you properly."
"Show, don't tell. Have achievements to the job you're applying to."
"If you're intentional with your job search process, you will have more results."
"Applying to jobs is kind of like dating you're putting yourself out there you're waiting for a response you're seeing if that company picks you."
"...within eight days I got a job where I could work 100% remotely."
"You know, I spent a few months trying to, you know, land a job. I was interviewing, applying everywhere. At one point in time, I literally probably applied to 40 different companies that I really felt like I would be a great asset for."
"By being more specific, you actually increase your chances of getting a job. If you have a broad positioning, it's harder to stand out."
"The resume is absolutely one of the most important aspects of getting the job right. It is effectively the marketing tool that is selling you as an individual to an organization."
"I would love to hear any words of encouragement you have and also again if anybody's on the columbus market and it was of any jobs that pay a decent amount I'm willing to try anything."
"If you're a student or anyone who is looking for a job that pays more than minimum wage, then this video might give you some ideas for what to look for."
"...people usually go for like okay I'm going to do this this, they are like I don't care I just need a job..."
"So you want to look at those job descriptions look at those skills the employers are asking for and make sure their projects then fit and align with those."
"Number one, get an internal referral, use your network, get an internal referral to the company that you are applying for so that way someone actually looks at your resume."
"If you are focused on the resume and spraying and praying, then you are effectively allowing the company to tell you no before they've taken even a look at you or even talked with you."
"The spray and pray approach to sending out resumes just doesn't work well."
"90% about getting a job right now is all about who you know."
"Apply to a job if you match 60% of the job description and want to demonstrate that you can learn the rest because you're interested in that domain."
"...everyone should have a public professional identity... that should help them find jobs and gigs..."
"Nailing the interview obviously is key."
"It's absolutely fine to interview again you won't get blacklisted for interviewing poorly multiple times."
"...if you are looking for a tech job, we have about 450 recruiters on there now."
"...stop trying to game ATS. Just get out of the mindset. The ATS does not work in 2020."
"You know there are two stages of getting a job: number one is getting an interview call and number two is cracking that interview call."
"If you're an active job search and you've been rejected for being quote unquote overqualified there's a really good chance that you're a victim of age discrimination."
"It's okay to look for better work. Be discreet in your research."
"When you're looking for a job, post a fake ad for a very similar position on Craigslist so you can go check out the resumes of your competition."
"My resume was really good. Recruiters kept reaching out, and it probably took at least 200 recruiters for somebody to finally be like, 'Okay, we really like this candidate.'"
"I don't believe in just applying on LinkedIn and like being one of a million. My dad always told me, 'Pick the jobs you want to go apply for them. Who cares if there's a job?'"
"If you're new into IT and you're still looking for that first help desk job, I really recommend you go look at what help desk jobs are posting out there for jobs and see what they're asking for."
"Remember practice makes perfect so rehearse your pitch until you feel confident enough by being well prepared and articulate you significantly increase your chances of impressing your potential employer and Landing that dream job."
"After being laid off, I found your toolkit and it was an absolute Game Changer. I was getting interview requests like crazy and ended up Landing a job over 50k more per year. 100 the best investment ever."
"I landed not one dream job but two dream jobs with your help."
"I refined my LinkedIn profile, rewrote my resume, and practiced my interview questions. Before joining the program, I had submitted 800 resumes and dozens of interviews. I've received two job offers in the same week."
"You can't just work on a resume and expect to find a job. You can't just work on your LinkedIn profile and expect to find a job or land a job offer."
"Dressing up for Halloween is apparently the way to manifest a job here."
"Networking is key: User groups are one of the best places to get a job as a new developer."
"Knowing people and just talking to them and letting them know your situation can go a huge, huge way to just getting jobs easily."
"It's very easy to fall into the trap of mass applying to job positions."
"Your first job is very unlikely to be pentesting as your first job."
"Make sure your resume is out there, and then it's about discontinuing the cycle and really getting after it."
"Even if you are 100 percent satisfied in your job, always be job searching."