
Economic Theories Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"When capitalism is tried it succeeds and when socialism is tried the best you can talk about with socialism is redistributing the gains."
"Population decline doesn't have to parallel economic decline."
"Get woke, go broke is not a law, it is not absolute."
"Rising tides lift all ships and all of that stuff."
"No system will work if the entire economy is closed down."
"Modern monetary theory isn't actually that modern. It's been around for about 25 years."
"Communism was an attempt to reverse capitalism."
"Bitcoin is the only thing that removes the temptation or power from human nature."
"Free enterprise capitalism is the only instrument we have to end Hunger, poverty, and extreme poverty across our planet."
"We will own nothing and it's working." - Klaus Schwab
"I'm not scared of anything you said, I just love your macro macro thesis so much."
"There is a very strong argument for deflation."
"Neoliberalism: 'Freedom for the pike, not for the minnows.'"
"Populism is the answer regardless of your economic position."
"Do you worry that capitalism in this I guess is more champagne or than Hayek and Mises?"
"Own nothing and be happy. The Great Reset is not about abolishing private property, it's about governing by debt."
"Don't Google trickle-down. It's a nonsense term made up by the left."
"Bitcoin is an inflation hedge. There's not no other way to look at it."
"In the UBI world, we all actually win, no one's a loser."
"The world that I am describing to you is simultaneously libertarian, Marxist, and Keynesian."
"Capital intensive businesses often have higher costs of capital." - Mr. Buffett finds appeal in capital intensive businesses due to higher costs of capital.
"It's important to say what Kate Rayworth is saying there about growth: What does the post-growth world look like?"
"It's more than just Ukraine and Russia and NATO, it's a lot more. It's about resetting the financial system."
"A combination of a gold-backed fiat dollar with cryptocurrencies I like."
"Don't fall for the great reset versus the global currency reset."
"It's a zero-sum game, and if people stop believing in it, then it all falls apart."
"Whatever you think of trickle-down economics or Reaganomics... they warm to it because it actually worked."
"The whole notion of stakeholder capitalism is just a rebranding of neoliberalism."
"Inflation is not specifically because workers are able to have more control over their workplaces"
"But overall yeah I think MMT modern monetary theory economists they add a much needed voice to the conversation."
"Capitalism works great if it's allowed to work. We have corporatism, which is a different problem."
"They argued that capitalism was going to change China. Now we stand here 23 years later and realize capitalism didn't change China; China changed capitalism."
"Collective ownership over the means of production just doesn't work."
"Trickle-down economics has never worked and it's time to grow the economy from the bottom in the middle out."
"Communism... all coins that everyone should have."
"Printing money hurts the bottom and helps the top. It's the cantillon effect. The rich get richer."
"Creative destruction has always been key to capitalism."
"We can refuse this scam, whether we call it sustainable capitalism or productive socialism."
"Sustainable capitalism is just a facelift for the same old failed communism."
"If strategically utilized this pattern, if we adjust our society - adjust our economy - will put to rest the dysfunctional social system that is based on the exploitation of scarcity and other human beings."
"The only thing which is deflationary is bitcoin."
"Yeah we enjoy watching those kinds of movies together."
"You're spiritually protected... know that you're strong."
"It's the great reset, my friends. Take a look at this from The Guardian: 'How the great reset of capitalism became an anti-lockdown conspiracy.'"
"Gold is still the money of Governments, silver is still the money of people."
"This is what people mean when they refer to the FED as the arsonist who then shows up as the fireman to put out the fire that he started."
"Refining the notion of the 'everything bubble'."
"What has lifted people out of poverty? Capitalism."
"Inflation basically couldn’t exist, at least not aggressive inflation, because in order for there to be more money, more gold had to be found."
"Change one thing and that one thing is where your money goes first."
"Your government doesn't work for you and trickle-down economics doesn't work for you and in times of emergency that will become candid and Stark."
"Economic growth is not necessarily a precursor to a stock market crash."
"If people just stop using the dollar, it's the end of it."
"The trickle-up economy would actually work, unlike the trickle-down economy which was total garbage and nonsense."
"The white paper Revolution is precisely that, a Black Swan."
"Nothing's ever too big to fail, just look at Star Wars."
"We now know conclusively that trickle down economics does not work."
"Reimagining socialism: the need for workplace democracy."
"Unemployment has been driven down to previously unthinkable lows and we still didn't get inflation, so economists were wrong."
"Both capitalism and socialism are very different schools of thought."
"The soft landing theory has supporting evidence right now."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"Socialism in the Soviet Union proved that there are certain intractable economic and social problems that capitalism cannot solve and that only socialism can solve."
"Communist approaches to economics just don't work."
"Bitcoin and satoshi hypothesized what if we just let the free market handle it and that's what bitcoin's 21 million hard cap represents is we just let the car drive itself."
"I would vote for a black party that's why in the power nomics book... delivers the most to black people in america."
"The thesis for bitcoin's network effect is playing out."
"Catabolic capitalism is a self-cannibalizing system whose insatiable hunger for profit can only be fed by devouring the society that sustains it."
"We are born as entrepreneurs so these are the three zeros zero net carbon emission zero wealth concentration zero unemployment."
"We've been told for decades that free-market capitalism works well."
"Money is a fiat and it depends on confidence."
"A nice global war would be a boon to the American economy."
"The real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development."
"We're going into a commodities-based economy, and Austrian economists are getting vindicated big time."
"I would very strongly push back against capitalism, which is the most centralizing force in our lives."
"We are in an epic battle between Keynesian economics and Austrian economics."
"What we know is called Gresham's law. Gresham's law says when bad money enters the economy, which will be a Fedcoin, good money goes into hiding."
"The rubber band thesis... the more you go up the easier it is to snatch right back down."
"This i think is man-made i think that this has been created i think it's been created to slow down the economies."
"This gauge theory applied to economic transactions...is deserving of attention in its own right."
"Neoliberalism is dying, good. It needs to go the way of the dinosaur more quickly not less."
"Roosevelt was convinced the stock market crash had shown that laissez-faire capitalism could no longer run modern industrial economies."
"We may be witnessing the death of fractional Reserve banking."
"Global economic reset: 'No one can buy or sell without the mark,' Revelation 13:16."
"You've got to have differing opinions to make a market work."
"Expanding cycles theory is looking a lot better than the four-year cycle theory."
"The financial tables that we understand to be true, everything you know in your head to be true financially, that's Babylon, is about to be flipped."
"The CCP may shut down the stock market. They have the theoretical basis to support that."
"...what about a white paper for example that examines how a small Capital outlay could fundamentally shift the entire economics profession towards an understanding that we may need to move away from Fiat."
"...that shutting us out of two of the three major theories in the world today is self-destructive. It's only done to fearfully support the status quo."
"Parkinson's Law and the Pareto Principle."
"Analysis in econometrics focuses on explaining the explanatory power of economic theories."