
Self-initiative Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Instead of waiting to be cast in other people's films, hey, uh, idea, why don't I just make my own movie, huh?"
"Waiting always for a gatekeeper isn't necessary."
"Black privilege: Opportunity comes to those who create it."
"Everyone wants change, but no one is willing to start with themselves."
"Andy Warhol said they always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
"Opportunity is always going to be there, it's up to you to go and take it."
"If you don't make a necessary change, nobody else is going to do it for you."
"The world is literally your oyster and you can do anything you freaking want, so might as well try to do anything you want, right? Make it happen."
"I always say, when people ask me for advice, I'm always like, 'There's no magic phone call. It doesn't happen. You have to make your own stuff. Keep working, keep creating.'"
"When you start from yourself, then you build."
"It's time to foster this new beginning for yourself. Do not wait around for this person."
"The best things that happen to you in your life happened because you went at it right."
"Some opportunities tease, we have to create them for ourselves. If you don't have an open door, there are some doors that you need to build."
"Everything in life starts with you. Whatever you want in life, it has to come from you first."
"If you want to see change in the community, don't wait for a streamer to do it... be the change that you want."
"Sometimes you can't wait for power to be given to you, you have to take it for yourself."
"Stop waiting for things to happen, go and make them happen."
"If you want the medicine of the future to be different, don't look around for someone else to do it. You do it."
"You are your own roadblock... if there's things that you're not happy with in your life, you should definitely just be proactive in trying to change it."
"You don't need anybody's permission to go make your thing."
"Don't complain about it. Go do something about it."
"You can pick yourself and you can show up and ship work that makes things better that you are proud of and you don't need anyone's permission."
"Always have a personal project that you are working on for yourself." - Sean Andrew Murray
"Never underestimate the power of creating your own opportunities."
"Spiritual growth can't be forced upon you; you have to come to it yourself."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"Change only happens when the person chooses to change for themselves."
"You just have to start doing things... if I can do it at like 18 or nine like now I'm 19 but I started 18."
"Most people are just waiting for permission to go do it instead of just doing it."
"It's pretty cringe bro... but we were all cringe and overreacted back in the day."
"Sometimes you just gotta do things yourself, you know. Now I'm like, I never would have picked up drawing if I hadn't run into these obstacles."
"To say that this was not an agitating factor is denying reality."
"If you want something to change, stop waiting for other people to change and focus completely on yourself."
"Please just go ahead and create your own portfolio website, I believe you can land your very first client very soon."
"Revisit old dreams or plans, be determined to make something happen for yourself."
"If we want change, we have to make it happen."
"We believe in relationships, we belong together."
"Sometimes you just gotta make things happen."
"Thinking about what you want will not change your life. When you push yourself to try, you'll be shocked by what happens."
"There's got to be something that you're doing that's creating your own energy."
"The secret to getting ahead is getting started." - Jim Rohn
"You don't need permission, or I used to think I needed permission until I just started pitching people ideas."
"You have to take your own power... You have to actually take action."
"Life don't come with a remote, you gotta get up and change it first."
"Because I took a chance on life being great, that's it."
"As long as you're willing to be industrious and take your own future in your own hands." - Nick
"Nothing's gonna change you unless you change yourself."
"Creative people saying, 'F*** it, I'll do it myself' is exciting." - Empowerment through self-initiative.
"Aries energy, the archetype by itself, having this placement in your chart gives you the ability to self-start and to initiate things by yourself, for yourself."
"Sometimes you need the inspiration, and that's fine, but don't wait for someone to tell you to get started to do something for yourself."
"If you look forward to it, you don't need to be motivated because you do it on your own because you like it."
"All these people are coming together and putting the pieces together, and it's been rough until about a few months ago, I think the GT stuff really put people over the edge, being like, 'You know what, this isn't what I wanted. I guess I'm gonna have to make it myself.'"
"You're meant to come into the mentality and the energy of going and getting what you want instead of being in the mentality of waiting for it to happen to you."
"Don't wait to be picked, make some [__] happen now."
"People are giving me CDs and DVDs and web links and the ability to go out and create off your own bat means that actually there's no excuse if you want to become a member of the creative industry within television there is no nothing stopping you."
"You have to create your own opportunities."
"Nothing happens unless you make it happen."
"I don't want to be a reactor anymore; I want to be the kind of person that takes my own healthy initiative."
"The changes that I've made in my life are purely based on me saying, you know what? I want to do something different."
"You can't always just wait for special things to happen or for people to put things on our calendar; sometimes you just have to put something on your own calendar and then look forward to it all week."
"I woke up one day and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna do it because I've been saying this and I want to do it."
"It's up to you to take the initiative to make sure you're doing well and take the time out of class to work on that stuff."
"Things will only change in a narcissistic relationship when you make the change."
"Open the door for opportunity for yourself."
"Anything is possible if you put yourself out there."
"If you want privacy, you have to create it."
"Let there be peace on Earth, but let it begin with me."
"Things are not going to change if I'm not going to change things."
"The best won't come if you don't make it come."
"The important thing is to be alert, to question, to find out that your own initiative may be awakened."
"Make opportunities for yourself, don't wait for anybody to give them to you but make them for yourself."
"If you want to change, it's gonna come from you."
"We did this project for ourselves, so we really put our heart and souls into it."
"If Hollywood's not knocking on the door, you gotta create your own doors."
"Real change does not begin around me, it starts right here."
"Creating a benefit map by yourself for a change project that you're working on is a great way to start experiencing what a benefit map looks like."
"You can always find a job, you can always find something to do, you can go create your own opportunities."
"You have to create the work you want to be making."
"You cannot wait for communication most of the time; you are going to need to act on your own."
"Nothing in life is ever handed to you; opportunity is all around you, but you have to choose to jump on that opportunity."
"It's just me making changes for myself because I want to do them."
"I'm gonna have to create that opportunity for myself."
"The best people go by using their initiative."
"Change doesn't happen until you happen."
"It shouldn't happen because of a calendar date; it should just happen because you want to make a life change on your own from inside of you."
"If you want excitement, Phyllis, you have to make it yourself."
"The internet has opened up Pandora's Box for anybody that is willing to do the work."
"The change that you desire begins with you, Capricorn."
"Why not try something new, why not travel somewhere, why not make my own opportunities?"
"Recognize that it all starts with you."
"You already have the tool; all you have to do is start putting your plans into motion."