
Apollo Program Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"NASA's Apollo program in the 1960s and 1970s is perhaps the most well-known mission to the Moon, with astronauts landing on the lunar surface and conducting experiments."
"We take for granted today the technology that has come from Apollo."
"The US launched the Apollo program in 1961 with the goal of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth before the end of the decade."
"Moon landing conspiracy theories allege that either some or all Apollo program elements and the associated moon landings were nothing but hoaxes."
"Moon landing hoax would require the participation of more than 400,000 people who worked on the Apollo project."
"After all, there is no way you can deny that the Apollo program isn't easily, one of humanity's greatest achievements to date."
"Apollo also has basically shortcuts to allow humanity to skip over centuries of technological discovery."
"They murdered the crew of Apollo 1... that fire was set deliberately."
"The Apollo space program: One of Mankind's greatest achievements ever."
"For the first time since Apollo 17, there is a countdown underway to launch a vehicle to the moon from Launch Complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center."
"From the time Kennedy made this speech it took NASA only 7 years of dedicated work to perfect the Apollo program."
"And so when you think about the Apollo era, like the whole stack of the Saturn five, and the capsules, that whole thing was thrown away."
"128 hours in, Columbia and Eagle are reunited successfully."
"They found a very very serious bug in Luminary on June 18th."
"All of this knowledge is a gift of Apollo."
"Apollo 8 did more than simply set the stage for Apollo 11’s historic first landing. It changed the way we saw ourselves and our place in the Universe."
"Apollo 8 was the gate opener to The Landing."
"50 years ago this month, the final mission in the Apollo program launched into the night sky."
"Fortunately, in the summer of '68, after recognizing that we were ready to fly the spacecraft, we flew Apollo 7 and Apollo 8."
"Apollo 8 was indeed a pivotal program."
"Without Apollo 8, I think we would have been hard-pushed to learn how to do Apollo 11 in the time we did."
"The Apollo program was good for the nation."
"I think it's the greatest technological team that's ever been formed."
"I have no hesitation in saying the Apollo program was good for the nation."
"The aerodynamic characteristics of the entry vehicle play a decisive role in the Apollo atmospheric entry phase."
"This is the 1966 Apollo guidance computer, the computer that flew in the Apollo spacecraft and guided the lamb to a moon landing."
"When President Kennedy committed the country to Project Apollo, it was a commitment to take people to the moon, land on the surface, and bring them back safely."
"Development of the onboard capability to determine position and velocity by optical means is important to the principle of onboard command for Apollo."
"The Apollo program was not a triumph of technology; it was a triumph of the mundane art of management, and I would offer, leadership."
"Now the Saturn's would begin to be put to work qualifying and testing the Apollo hardware it would take a man to the moon."
"Apollo 13 didn't land on the moon, but they did get to see the dark side of it."
"The Apollo program stretched the limits of what was then thought possible."
"The Apollo guidance computer, the lunar module guidance computer, was really a terrific system."
"This is Apollo Saturn launch control."
"Apollo 10 was the first spacecraft to make color television transmissions and they pulled in audiences of around 1 billion."
"The legacy of Apollo is tremendous."
"The hardest problem they had to solve for the Apollo program was putting people in spacesuits and having them be able to move around on the surface of the moon."
"The mission was a complete success and gave NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the moon two months later."
"Their success brought the name Apollo to the modern lexicon of human history as a term of exploration, bravery, and human ingenuity."
"Most of the technologies that were used in the Apollo computer were available or just emerging from research and development efforts."
"It was an achievement that ranks in my view at the same level as the Apollo lunar landing program."
"I was damn proud to walk into any room where I ever went to say I worked on Apollo."
"We went to the [__] moon. NASA didn't lose the Apollo tech; they deleted the expensive tape they used after having all of it reproduced in high-quality film."
"The watch that helped open the door for the Speedmaster in becoming the watch of the Apollo program and really becoming the icon that it is today."
"For the first time in Apollo's history, the terminal countdown is brought to a screeching halt because of a physical issue."
"NASA's Apollo program, backed into a corner, has to fend off several attempts to gut it completely."
"This is almost as impressive as the Apollo 11 program, like from an engineering perspective."
"The A7L that went to the Moon with the first three successful Apollo lunar missions performed flawlessly."
"Apollo has been called the greatest technological achievement of the century, even the millennium."
"The Apollo Program was extremely successful in understanding of how humans interact with the environments that they are exposed to when they go extraplanetary."
"It felt like we were watching something from the Apollo program."
"Apollo 12 surprised everyone by making precision landing possible; they put the LM down only 13 meters from their planned landing spot."