
Global Competition Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"The discovery of a new helium-3 deposit on the moon could accelerate the global competition to exploit the moon's mineral resources."
"We are in a very bad position, and this is what they call an AI arms race, which is essentially just a race to the bottom."
"We are operating in a hyper-competitive global environment which results in complex and sometimes unpredictable supply chains, but we are making progress."
"We have created the return of great power rivalry, creating a competitor to the US who has roughly almost our same size economy and that is going to challenge us for primacy."
"When we think of renewable energy, we see American manufacturing, American workers racing to lead the global market."
"The world is not waiting for us. Doing nothing is not an option."
"Rome became the third player in the world to defeat any radiance."
"This is truly the first time we may have the best player in the world as a non-korean."
"The Chinese spent eight trillion dollars building ports and schools and hospitals and roads and they are now eating our lunch abroad."
"The world's caught up, we're catching up. They're not waiting."
"What a game, what a game, so many regions, so many stars across the globe. Ladies and gentlemen, the best of the best, Never Win has never lost and are your champions here today."
"The contest between China and the rest of the world is no contest."
"China knows exactly what they're doing and they're incredibly good strategists. They select their industries for the future and they've got a plan."
"Where are the visionaries in this damn world?"
"The whole Pakistan element of the game has been so fascinating that just like suddenly this complete other part of the world is actually the best at the game."
"The changing world order with countries like China and Russia competing with the United States in a way that didn't exist before."
"China seeks to control both ends of the global industry chain to compete with the West."
"Democracies can compete in the 21st century. Autocracies will not succeed if we do what we can do as a democracy."
"Triumphing in the race for a vaccine would help China reinforce the narrative that its authoritarian mercantilist system is superior to our democratic free-market systems."
"He is global gaming man, it is global game GG's."
"Invictus gaming on your 2018 world champions."
"The blue face is just a number one of many watches, if you were competing globally, this would be up there in the top five."
"Worlds is hype let's go finals yeah it's gonna be awesome"
"We are off to Korea for the finals Invictus gaming vs. Fnatic you could say east versus west or you could say EU versus LPL"
"Who's watching this tonight and going England are a threat for the World Cup? We should be a threat for the World Cup."
"We moved to compete with the best clubs on the planet."
"The idea that you could have a global competition running year after year dedicated to just one single-cup, $30 brewer, is kinda mind-bending."
"America sat on top for a long time but now so many other dogs are challenging America... The old dog is being challenged and the times that come next are going to be perilous." - Full Spectrum Survival
"It's like we've been fighting the global competition with one hand behind our back and all of a sudden we're like I don't know maybe we should do this right."
"A European player had never won Worlds before this."
"Let the trials commence, let's meet our five competitors from wildly different parts of the globe."
"While China and Russia May finally be closing the gap on one of America's most important if little discussed stealth fighter advantages, the US now seems positioned to restake its claim as the Undisputed leader in fighter engine technology."
"I think it's a multipolarity... everyone's competing now."
"We're in the middle of an AI arms race, in the thick of a literal nuclear arms race."
"Competition from China, and Russia now, in a decoupling of these two great centres of economy, power, military, from the West, has increased the variance of possible Western outcomes."
"If your sport doesn't include the entire world, it's hard to call you a goat."
"China has a head start, a massive head start."
"Indian movies are competing head-to-head with American movies in the world's biggest market."
"China is doing initially Russians have their own vehicles."
"There are other countries like China which are producing more value and creating more innovation."
"Enjoy match day one of the World Cup... It's gonna be exciting."
"What competition came out of Japan or Korea years ago will pale in comparison to what we're seeing coming out of China."
"We are competing with other countries, but I'm not complaining."
"Invictus gaming for your 2018 world champions."
"If I had to name a country that will win the World Cup first outside of Europe and South America I would say that Japan has the likeliest chance."
"The Chinese are hoping that they can create an alternative power base to the United States."
"Speaking of those world championships, you've achieved third place in the last two years which is quite a feat out of so many players in the world."
"There's always going to be an opportunity for a competing country."
"Tesla dominating everyone including European automakers in their own backyard."
"We must break this pattern of extensive inaction. We can't out-compete China with our hands tied behind our back."
"Canada has surpassed China to become the leader in the global lithium battery supply chain."
"Hip-hop around the world if there was an Olympics I hate to break y'all's heart but I we'd be struggling for the bronze."
"When you want to pay your employees well... you can't outcompete some of the big manufacturing powers of the world."
"There's a world in which if things come together, this is a team that could be top 20 in the world."
"It's the world of course the world is going to produce better players."
"Countries do have to compete with each other as much as companies have to compete with each other."
"Supercross collects the very best athletes across the world."
"Companies are choosing the United States because we're better positioned globally than we have ever been in a long long time."
"Out competing China is key to U.S. national security in the years ahead."
"We're gonna win the competition of the 21st century."
"We're going to make sure that the jobs of the future end up here in Michigan, not halfway around the world."
"You're no longer competing with the person down the street... you're competing with someone maybe down the street, across the state, across the country, and in many cases now even across the world."
"I believe the United Kingdom can thrive in an ever more competitive world and fulfill our historic mission as a force for the good."
"The rapidly increasing demand for lithium will fuel a gold rush of global proportions."
"The Chinese are kicking some serious ass, I mean they're doing it right."
"They could be like the fifth best team in the world."
"Governments existing governments are going to have to compete for the great minds and the capital and the entrepreneurs of the world."
"When Rolls-Royce came out, it truly was the best car in the world, but the rest of the world caught up pretty quickly."
"...drivers will come from across the world to pit their talents against some of the most powerful racing cars in the world in the most diverse racing championship in the world."
"Exports tell you how competitive the economy is globally and as a result it's telling you how productive the people and its institutions and its firms and its governments really are at the end all said and done."
"We compete in the international economy, increasingly we are competing for leadership in certain areas of technology."
"One of the things that is taking place right now that I feel that Americans aren't sufficiently aware of is the increasingly competitive global landscape."
"It's time to accelerate the competition with countries like China, who have already realized the future lies in renewable energy."
"Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three-way global competition."
"You can upgrade your rods and lures to compete with other fishermen all over the world for the biggest fish."
"We can't be competitive in the 21st century global economy if we continue this slide."
"I think that's fantastic for the tournament."
"Africa is quickly becoming the economic battleground of the world."
"The Olympic symbol or logo... symbolizes peaceful unity and competition between the five main continents of the world."
"We have to actually be better than the rest of the world."
"America's universities are dropping again in World ratings while Chinese universities are climbing the ranks."
"The best jobs are going to go to the people who are the best educated -- whether in India or China, or anywhere in the world."
"You are going to be well equipped to succeed and compete in this global economy once it's growing again."
"Can we grow fast enough for our potential and to keep up with the world?"
"What a feeling for John John Florence's third career CT win in six final appearances all around the globe."
"South Africa is proof that Africa as a continent has an opportunity to compete globally."
"Firms that compete in the global marketplace typically face two types of competitive pressures: pressures for cost reductions and pressures to be locally responsive."
"If the aim is to be competitive globally, the first consideration is the structure and location of the organization."
"We've brought together the best parkour athletes from around the globe for the fastest action sports on the planet."
"Fighters around the world received a mysterious invitation calling them to form a team of three members and enter the new King of Fighters tournament."
"Technology has become a key area of global competition."
"International intensity, international atmosphere."
"I'm ready to live that dream, flying around the world, competing."
"Mr. Olympia isn't a contest just for Americans, it's a contest for athletes bodybuilders around the whole entire universe."
"We've got the best workers on Earth; we've got the most innovative entrepreneurs here; we've got unbelievable universities. There's no reason why we can't compete with anybody on anything around the world."