
Friendliness Quotes

There are 3398 quotes

"It is so nice that these animatronics are friendly and helpful during the day."
"Ethiopians are very friendly, and education generally meets good standards, so you can settle down with your family and enjoy the beautiful scenery."
"Newfoundlanders might actually be the friendliest Canadians."
"With his easy-going and agreeable nature, Moro is known for being one of the friendliest people you could encounter."
"Everyone is friendly, but you have to be willing to go first."
"Despite his reliable, serious, and intelligent nature, he is also very cheerful and friendly, always coming across as humble and optimistic regardless of how hopeless the situation may be."
"Affable means that people generally find you nice, you're friendly, open, light-hearted, supportive, interested, and invested."
"The most important quality of a good neighbor is friendliness."
"The world is a friendlier place than the internet and the News will make you think."
"People are a lot friendlier than social media would have you believe."
"First impressions of Brazilians in general is that they are so friendly and so nice."
"First impressions on Jay: He was really nice and funny."
"You need to be social, you need to be friendly, you need to be inviting."
"We're very friendly, we peace and love, you know, all that."
"Now more than ever is the time to try and be helpful to other people and be friendly and courteous."
"Savannah is often referred to as America's friendliest city."
"Pisces are very friendly and selfless, willing to help others."
"Welcome to Freddy, I always like to be greeted by a hearty laugh and a smile."
"Tamela did not know stranger literally ever. I've seen pictures of her and videos of her from this party where she did not know a lot of these women and it's you would think she'd been best friends with them her entire life."
"This hotel has been exceptional the staff have been like incredibly friendly."
"Don't be afraid... rvers are the nicest people in the world."
"The curiosity and friendliness of the locals in China."
"Welcome new friends, welcome welcome welcome on in."
"Glad to have you around, beardless by the way."
"He was fascinated by people and displayed little shyness, smiling at strangers and rarely crying out."
"Nice people, bro. The real Greek experience."
"Here's the thing, I don't think you understand, John, is you are such a friendly person and you're so approachable."
"A nice friendly smile goes a long way. We all know how to get the attention of a man at the end of the day; you don't need to be overly sexy, you just need to show that you're friendly."
"Everybody in Vegas is very friendly, way friendlier than I expected."
"This community is a really fast-forming, friendly community that's really cool."
"Canada is just a friendliness there's a genuineness about it."
"Hey, relax, relax, relax, you know, this, sit down, hey what's up scouts how you doing?"
"Londoners are absolutely first class... everyone we spoke to was the most friendly I've ever met."
"These guys are so much nicer than I was. You know, I mean, these are cool guys, man."
"You look like the friendliest, brightest, warmest individual."
"Mexico is a huge country with rich culture, incredibly friendly people, and diverse landscapes."
"He's just like, 'What's up, Tobin?' It's awesome."
"The Nerds are just more down-to-earth and friendly, and more often than not, share more interests with you than the popular kids."
"This person is trying to make you feel welcomed."
"Be indiscriminately friendly to every single person that you meet."
"Playfulness in the beginning is your friend."
"He was always the first to volunteer to help me out with any setup or cleanup and went out of his way to say hello to me even on days he didn't have my class."
"He always came across as one of the nicest guys in the world, always friendly, smiling, you know, just a super guy really about it all."
"Initiate conversation with a friendly demeanor and a normal pace."
"If you will just start smiling and smiling at people, it doesn't even matter what you're wearing."
"The community is incredibly friendly to new players."
"Don't be afraid of asking us for a picture, I promise you we'll say yes."
"I'm really nice at Soul cycle actually because once my endorphins kick in I'm actually almost too friendly." - Charlize Theron
"Saying hello to everybody with a smile often makes people think of you as a nice person."
"They are also known to be exceptionally friendly, clean, and intelligent."
"The southerners are super friendly. So don't be scared to ask for help when you come here."
"The term that may best describe dogs' evolutionary success is survival of the friendliest."
"I think we're pretty friendly in this country."
"He literally lit up every room, every everybody. He was friend to all."
"There's a reason why so many people refer to him as a ball of sunshine."
"God, they are friendly people. It's like home."
"I'll walk in, what's up guys? Okay, yeah, I'll come back in half an hour. Are you guys having a good time? Excellent, excellent, okay great!"
"Start off friendly and if they're friendly, you're friendly."
"American Pit Bull Terrier: Extremely strong and confident for their size."
"Bastion players: kind of nuts but typically very nice people."
"Roadhog players: kind of nuts but typically very nice people."
"It's just the most genuine, friendly, supportive people."
"Thank you very much for this. What's up buddy, great to see you!"
"Wear a Smile. Elle is always nice and friendly."
"It's an amazing city, full of character. The people are friendly, it's so laid back, it's so relaxing."
"Russian people are not evil, they are insanely friendly."
"We have to become great friends with everybody."
"Let's wave our hands and sing a big hello to all our friends watching today. Hi everybody!"
"Please do not do it like it is bad man just a quick little friendly reminder"
"A smile is nonverbal communication saying, 'I like you and I'm glad you're here.'"
"It's really nice... all of the other YouTubers I've met, they're all so supportive and so friendly, it's really nice."
"Have a tremendous evening, my friends. I'll see you right back here tomorrow. Bye-bye."
"Super positive, really friendly, they remember you, they're kind."
"Everyone is just full-on lovely and friendly and kind."
"Everyone is like genuine and positive and friendly."
"The community on the west coast USA was so nice to me as an Aussie. Walking with these people through a Fallout world was so much fun."
"This place has such a great feeling to it, the people are unbelievably friendly and welcoming."
"Thanks for stopping by, I'll see you soon. Okay, bye!"
"Everyone's just so friendly. Is that not amazing?"
"I think you have a very welcoming and inviting personality."
"Louisiana has the nicest people in the US, I mean they are insanely friendly."
"It's intense but it's fun. We're all competing but we're all trying to be friendly."
"Let's say hello to as many people in the chat as I possibly can."
"He may be a very capable fighter, but he is just as friendly."
"People are super nice in Canada, man. I don't know how they did it."
"You honestly look very friendly, like I'd want to be your friend, like you look like a nice guy."
"Some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet even if there's a language barrier they'll make you feel welcome."
"It's one of the weirdest the funniest things is like meeting people there and they're like oh you know you know welcome and everyone's so friendly."
"I'm just blown away by how welcoming and friendly and kind and beautiful everyone is."
"There's no strangers to Taylor. She never met a stranger. She would meet somebody and she would have that person feeling that they were best friends within minutes."
"Thank you for listening to me ramble hopefully I'm not too horrifically hosting this but I hope to see as many of you there as I can again come up and say hi I promise I'm not scary."
"The Great Dane: refined, friendly, but needing proper nurturing."
"Robert Pattinson was a nice guy, friendly, and a lot of fun to be with, despite his weird side."
"She seems like she can be anyone's best friend."
"I consider Filipinos among the friendliest people in the world. They always respond, 'We are.'"
"You're one of those people that will be friends with everyone as long as they have a good vibe."
"Back in high school, you were friends with everyone – your warmth draws people close."
"I love that there's silliness happening from the moment you pull up to Greg's house."
"The people are incredibly friendly and kind."
"The STI is like your neighbor's dog, I mean in a friendly way. The dog just is thrilled to see you, jumps out of its skin, wants to play frisbee. It wants you to know that it likes you."
"I hope you guys have a great rest of your day, my friends. Peace out, take care, bye guys!"
"Every American I've ever met in person is super friendly."
"Affable individuals are friendly, polite, and pleasant to be around."
"But here it's like most people are really friendly because they want to, because they want to actually get to know who you are."
"You guys see me on the street, you know, never hesitate to say hi."
"If you return him up, come and see me. I'm probably the friendliest face left there."
"She treats everyone as though they've been best friends forever."
"Thanks for always being so friendly and supportive, man."
"Shiny bunch of colors, and all of your friends are just like, 'Whoo!'"
"China's diplomacy is to be friendly with the rest of the world."
"The comic book community is one of the nicest ones in the world."
"Good morning, good evening, afternoon, how's everyone doing?"
"We should probably start making overtures to be a little bit more friendly."
"The vast majority are poor, but with all those poor people, there are some of the most friendly people on earth."
"I have friends, I find people in the UK to be relatively friendly."
"Be good friends to others...keep on fairly good terms with people you love."
"Nice to see you again! Polite and friendly, with a cheerful tone."
"I legitimately just want to help, and you know, I like you, you seem like a nice guy."
"Sora's most endearing trait is how open he is to befriending others, no matter their background or appearance."
"Hope you like it, hope you've had a nice lovely peaceful week."
"Give him a mic bro, also how's your day? What's up, what's up? Okay, good talk."
"Just get out there... go up and introduce yourself. It sounds scary, but you'll find that most people are friendly."
"A wise person once told me that a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet."
"Adelaide has always enjoyed a local and international reputation as a friendly and welcoming city, but tragically..."
"He's the sweetest guy in the world, friendliest guy, he's so friendly."
"Americans really are super friendly, no matter where you go."
"I feel like if I did meet you in person we would get along very nicely."
"Let's just chill everybody, I like you, you like me, we're one big family."
"There is little that compares to the beauty and friendliness of this incredible Nation."
"I would probably pick someone who's just friendly, so if they weren't mean." - Saikuno
"Peace out everyone, we'll see you soon later."
"DK's smile could brighten your day; he never met a stranger."
"We live in the most friendly law enforcement-friendly state in the United States of America."
"By all accounts, Jennifer was sweet-natured and trusting, quick to make friends due to her warm demeanor."
"It's pretty nice, everybody's been super friendly."
"Shown is often used to make a statement friendlier or add emphasis."
"Be more friendly, be more good, and you will have a safe space here on youtube."
"We'll see you in the next one, peace dudes, yep, peace."
"They were all really nice and down-to-earth."
"Even if you don't know the neighbor across the street by name, but you exchange a smile and a wave."
"Be friendly, mature, easy with each other, rooted in connection with the Earth."
"I love this city, people are friendly, the food is incredible, the culture."
"Your presence is so well right, thank you, so when I walk in I see so many people that I have never seen before in my life first though and something just tells me just go in and speak to everybody."
"You guys are just the most friendly, most awesome, most hospitable gentlemen."
"In the U.S, people aren't afraid to be nice and show their pearly whites all the time."
"From the people that I know who are Sikhs, they've always been really awesome people, very welcoming and open."
"Everything about this day is great. So many people that all need to know everybody stops and says hello."
"You give good energy, you're a welcoming presence, a playful friend."
"Family friendly? Sure is big family friendly."
"Everyone is so friendly like so friendly; it's a very safe environment, super super duper safe."
"It's okay to let people warm up to you; don't be afraid to let people like you."
"It's truly Southern hospitality here; the people are friendly, they are helpful."
"Outwardly she was always friendly, sociable, and ready to help at any moment."
"I hope you're well. I hope you are fabulous."
"Did you know Tennessee was called the second friendliest state in the country?"
"People are friendly, everybody's friendly down here, you don't meet a stranger."
"They're very open and they're very friendly to everyone."
"Everyone's so friendly; there's a real sense of community."
"We will catch you on the next one. Take care, bye bye."
"Dragons mainly seem friendly, working in teams and defending others."
"...the team at the Museum is great dedicated and extremely friendly."
"And I'll see you again soon. Bye bye!"
"The people here are pretty friendly and they will help you out."
"If you want people to suddenly like you, you need to come across as friendlier, more trustworthy."
"It's a nice, wonderful place to live. People are friendly. Everybody's friendly down here. You don't meet a stranger."
"It's going to be more friendly and collaborative, people actually getting to know each other."
"Greetings and salutations everybody."
"Hi, my name is Amy, and welcome here."
"Everybody says good morning when you walk in."
"You always try to improve, get better, and we're always warm with a smile."
"We're all new, we're all friendly here, right?"
"You want to be outside, you want to be in nature, you want to be somewhere friendly."
"If you see me at the show, sometimes I walk with a mission and I don't look approachable, but all you got to do is walk up and stop me, just say hey."
"Just nice to talk to you and nice to see you."
"Hello, hello, hello my lovely friends."
"Be cool to people, be nice to as many people as you can."
"They're great meeting new people, connecting with new people."
"Jacksonville has really nice people. You're going to get the head nod; you're going to get 'Hey, how are you doing?' on a regular basis."
"We welcome you to please keep it friendly, keep that hospitality."
"Be friendly to others, then others will also be friendly to you, hopefully."
"He's very friendly and that can be disarming."
"Friendly, attractive, and good-natured."
"It's a really daunting process but I feel like everyone is actually quite friendly."
"Hopefully we can all just be friendly."
"But it doesn't matter how friendly a ghost you are when every mortal is afraid of you."
"Welcome back, dude. You look great."
"Some of the friendliest people in the world, I truly believe with my whole heart, reside right here in Texas."
"I love the friendliness of Nantucket. That's a lot like the Midwest. I think that's why it's connected us to this island so much -- small-town feel."
"I'm telling you, this is really friendly. I like it."
"If you're just friendly and you're nice, people are nice back at you."
"You're happy to speak to my friend Andrew here, he's listening."
"It's always good to have a new face here, lovely to have you here."
"You message someone and you get this super friendly response."
"Pigs are amongst the most friendly animals you'll ever meet."
"If you see me out and about, say hello; I don't bite."
"British people are so bloody friendly."
"Hi, my name is Nick, I hope that you're having a wonderful day."
"They're going to like meeting new people, they're going to like having new experiences."
"Most of the Bohemian people are very friendly, very welcoming, and the beaches are just unbeatable."
"Don't bend up your face when you see me, be easy, show love to me, fam."