
Commodities Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"If you can find a sector where you're positive on the commodity outlook and you couple in exploration success with new discoveries, that's how you can make 30 to 50 100 times your money in some stocks."
"Even if it's just a portion of your savings, trying to protect your family right now with some of these commodities, I can't recommend it highly enough."
"Buy a bunch of copper; it's actually worth its value now."
"Potentially the light is at the end of the tunnel even for the Staples and commodities that would be great but obviously we'll be paying attention to China in the meantime."
"Right now, it takes about $15,000 to $20,000 an ounce of gold."
"Trees are going for about ten thousand right now."
"Technological change constantly transforms the value of commodities."
"Watch how fast they're gonna buy the dip in wheat futures."
"I am always happy to get paid in gold and silver."
"Commodities are just starting a new bull market, the dollar is starting a new bear market."
"I think commodities will go very wild... maybe crude oil goes first to 50 but then in 24 I expect it to trade at 200."
"Those value stocks that are related to the commodity sector... should do very well and outperform."
"Gold bugs - the only asset in the world where when you are bullish you are referred to as an insect."
"We're at the beginning stages of a commodity super cycle."
"Within one to nine months, asset prices go up... commodities tend to go up almost instant once you get a big change in the money supply."
"Better hold at least some physical gold and silver."
"Commodities typically outperform most other asset classes during inflationary periods."
"If you're interested in natural resources and precious metals please do come."
"The clutch is so smooth, I wish all manual cars felt like this."
"The move we've had in rates, oil, and copper... it's amazing how those three... those are the big three."
"Gold and silver have seen sharp rallies, while Bitcoin and major stock indexes are trading at much higher levels."
"It's such a weird market, best investments of 2021: used vehicles, plywood, gas, ammo, and ham."
"A reminder gold has two enemies... one of them is the dollar."
"The trend, bigger picture, is commodities going up."
"The skepticism some investors hold towards silver often stems from its historical volatility and the shadow gold casts over it."
"Silver offers a hedge against the vagaries of economic cycles."
"Gold's special because it's a almost pure monetary metal."
"I'm very bullish...on gold, silver, and these stocks."
"Diamonds have to be worth a lot, I mean everyone knows that. We've all played Minecraft."
"A dramatically rising price of Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies is synonymous with a rising price in gold and silver."
"The next 10 years to be bullish for commodities but what about equities?"
"You want to have exposure to silver itself. Buy physical silver."
"Gold prices could go down in that scenario, but they would go down a lot less than stocks, bonds, and real estate."
"Gold has, dare I say, a bit of an image problem."
"At the end of the day, the commodities will win."
"I think gold stocks will probably be 100 higher by the end of the year."
"Russia talking about halting commodities. Whoa, hang on, let's see what the news is. US stock 67 gains, Russia may halt wheat, corn, rye, barley exports March 15th, four takes bold steps."
"I would love to have a currency that was actually valued and backed by International Commodities trade."
"China is weak, oil is an important commodity."
"Bitcoin is relentless optimism. Gold and silver are non-stop disappointment and despair."
"These companies were 50 percent undervalued in commodity prices that had to go higher."
"Investment demand is the one component that determines if silver is going to rise or fall."
"The US dollar will continue to go down which means cocoa prices will continue to go higher."
"This is presented a once in a lifetime opportunity for traders and stackers alike to load up on physical gold and silver at such discounted prices."
"Silver's physical buying is off the scale globally, and that also puts COMEX silver into the crosshairs for delivery this month in very large size."
"Copper will rise and become the dominant and most important element in modern times."
"Eventually gold and silver will be multiples of what it is now."
"One of their biggest weaknesses is that they are very reliant on commodity imports."
"Lithium is the new oil and you're gonna have an exposure to lithium in your portfolio."
"So, we're seeing this a lot of areas, gold miners extremely overbought..."
"Gold, silver, and bitcoin prices may be on the verge of a straight-up trade."
"If you're betting on the geopolitics, you want to stick with the commodity, not with energy stocks."
"I think that commodities look extremely undervalued right now and still are poised to go much higher."
"The big Story coming out of this binance cftc article is that the cftc is classifying Bitcoin ethereum Litecoin and binance USD which means and stable coins to be Commodities."
"Oil as the key commodity during the 20th century performed well in all three inflationary decades."
"Central bank digital currencies and stable coins will be the new financial system."
"If it's not a security, it is most likely a commodity."
"Once they go physical, they've never gone back to synthetic."
"Inflation's been smacking Lumber, I'm sure it's a lot more costly than it used to be."
"Equities down, bonds down, commodities up, gold up big."
"We're seeing a re-acceleration of commodity prices... look at agricultural commodities as one example that's been surging recently."
"Gold is a currency allocation more than anything else."
"Gold absolutely looks like it wants to break higher."
"What we're seeing in the last two and a half weeks, Mario, is a revolution in the silver market."
"Investing in real things, commodities, the companies that mine them, and the companies that then transform those raw commodities into value-added products—there's really big investment opportunity there."
"You don't want to mess around with gold, especially on Monday."
"Gold is a real heartbreaker there. Tapped the low and boom, went straight up."
"We ain't seen nothing yet in the price of gold and silver because the world, I believe, is looking at these Commodities in particular gold but also silver as an alternative to the US bond market."
"Gold and silver, they want us to believe are Commodities, they're not, they're wealth."
"A lot of commodities have been running like crazy."
"Commodities are really the play you want when fear hits the market."
"When people are getting too tired of commodities, it's the time to get bullish."
"I might be willing to say that between now and the end of the year I think that the mining stocks and gold and silver will be quite a bit higher in price than where they are right now."
"I think we're on a commodity super cycle, you know, bull market doorstep."
"The two Commodities that were very, very hard to devalue."
"Gold won against most other Commodities because it's the hardest one to increase the supply of."
"A roll of toilet paper was worth like this much money."
"Silver is probably the most undervalued, underrated, and least understood commodity on the planet."
"When this thing finally does blow up it could take the entire commodity complex with it."
"Physical gold and silver, the biggest bargain on the planet."
"Gold, silver, platinum, palladium all closing in the green."
"Gold is worth anywhere between 2500 and 3,000 an ounce."
"The precious metals have seen some of their best performance in a good long time now."
"Jade was the most valuable of all the commodities."
"Commodities remain the way to go... on this inflation rising higher and higher and higher."
"I think we're early days on that yet though I don't see the sign that they're about to, you know, silver's going to 50. But I do think we'll get there."
"We're primed for a massive pump and we're primed for a situation where commodities will outperform equities and bonds once again."
"Even silver up Platinum up copper-up Palladium up everything is up look at these gains in Copper eight percent in a single day silver up over seven and a half percent in a single day."
"What is illegal about buying gold and silver?"
"Silver is still relatively cheap and there could be more run to come."
"Gold has use across the entire global economy."
"Silver is not just a precious metal, it's used across electric vehicles, solar panels, and 5G."
"No, I cannot see any set of circumstances where gold and silver don't go much much higher."
"You can't do that with any other commodity and you can't do that with any other stock."
"What will it do to gold as a store of value?"
"Having a hard asset, having a commodity, having something that has other uses that just seems to make the most sense."
"Start accumulating some Ripple, start accumulating some gold and silver."
"The system must move to one backed by Commodities and real things... not the opaqueness of the system."
"Gold and silver are going to be freed from the shackles and chains of price manipulation."
"The division of labor involves the creation of enormous amounts of commodities."
"I was a big bull in uranium and still think uranium stocks and the physical can go up a lot."
"We're entering the perfect storm for Commodities."
"The 10% harvest tax is limited to what they grow in the fields; special goods like milk, eggs, honey, and happy juice are not included in the deal."
"When people are scared, they buy gold."
"The closest thing we have right now is gold in the Commodities."
"Commodities and value stocks tend to do well during stagflation"
"Books, you know, they're not just commodities. The profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art."
"Copper is not just a hype story, it's a fundamental story."
"The price of gold and silver has not changed in like 40 years, it's one of the few things that has not kept up with inflation."
"...you have this duality in demand between an asset that's experienced a monetary Renaissance and all of the ever-increasing industrial and military uses."
"If you have a mandate to make money and this commodity is up 80 or 90% And every other commodity is down on the year you pretty well have to be there."
"That's why for thousands of years, the monetary system was based on commodities, not necessarily gold, also silver."
"Energy space is the most interesting. If we have a global depression, industrial commodities are going to get hurt."
"Land labor and money are not produced for sale on the market... They can't behave like real commodities."
"The next cycle's leadership is going to be in the commodity area."
"Once silver starts to reevaluate higher, the whole basket goes up."
"Stocks probably tank. Now the question is what happens to commodities in that kind of an environment because commodities are super cheap relative to stocks."
"Commodities are no longer just things of use they've become part of what we are and we need to recognize it."
"Price is something which is an ideal number which you would hang upon commodities."
"A scale track can be an important part of yard tracks especially in the past but even today often there are tracks where certain commodities have to be weighed within the car and so a yard would have a scale track and a scale house to be able to weigh those cars."
"So turning to the opportunities he sees right now one of them is copper and what he says is the copper is in the tightest position he's ever seen that means that there's fairly limited Supply and not much ability to expand that Supply while demand is about to Surge."
"Gold, silver, precious gemstones, jewelry, and gift items. That's all I read."
"Most commodities will have forward or future prices that exceed the spot price."
"The gold is going to buy you a lot more oil and a lot more gas in China than it does in the West."
"When things are uncertain in markets, commodities become a safe haven for investors."
"Commodities are going to be in a bull market. As commodities gain, inflation is in your future."
"...from a commod perspective you w to uh invest you you want to deploy Capital when sentiment is very negative and when people just don't believe both in the Commodities and in the equities of the producers and services companies."
"It's hard to get excited about a bull market in any other commodity unless there's an underlying bull market in gold and silver."
"From these empires came a lucrative trade in salt, gold, ivory, ebony, pepper, cola nuts, and slaves."
"...four of the top five agricultural commodities in the world are grasses."
"What's going to stand in a commodity, what commodities are going to stand, is going to be a brand. And so, brands are going to prevail here, and that's what we're doing right now."
"when these markets move it can go from chilling rains garbage at 89 a box and then 30 days later it just it completely flips and then every time you check it every weekend it just keeps going up and that's how markets work"
"How money works in prison is, it's sent stamps, a lot of people think it's cigarettes, cigarettes went way out, you know, 30 years even before my time."
"Their view of the forest as basically a set of commodities is challenged by a woman who goes out in the field and does the measurements."
"I'd say that the industrial portion of silver... makes it a little more interesting."
"Meet the billionaire traders who supply the world with oil, metal, and food."
"The world of commodity trading is very different from the image of Wall Street trading."
"Russia has been a huge source of material for commodity traders since the collapse of the Soviet Union."
"The Commodities related equities relative to underlying Commodities are as cheap as I've seen them in my career."
"I think we can see the scenario in 2024 where we could see a bull market emerge for the commodity sector in general and for the mining sector in particular."
"We're on the verge of the biggest Commodities bull market since the 1970s."
"We're seeing copper make some monster moves."
"We've been thinking since the start of the year that we would have somewhat of a cyclical recovery which is typically supportive of commodities."
"Ultimately, I think two or three years from now commodity prices are much higher."
"Trade between China and Laos is modest; Laos has little to offer China except for some agricultural commodities and mining products such as copper ore."
"We're short some commodities, particularly copper, because copper goes into almost anything manufactured."
"Hard assets and commodities are the place to be."
"The hydrologic cycle is being amplified, which means more volatility and your baseline expectation of commodities."
"We've seen a massive run in commodities prices like lumber, copper, metals."
"Commodities like gold have been around before us and will be here after us."
"Gold can benefit to a degree from some of the cycles that commodities experience but at the same time act differently, especially in periods of risk."
"Inflation is rising, you get more commodities in your portfolio because commodities are the one asset class that performs well in rising inflationary environments."
"Commodities are all traded one hundred percent based on people's perception of shortage."
"Inflation staying sticky from this past week's CPI data keeps me very convicted on things like oil, silver, copper."
"It is through mass-produced standardized commodity products."
"This is a kind of auction where supply meets demand head-on, a marketplace where the world negotiates the price of key commodities."
"We're talking about the flow of trillions of dollars of goods and oil and energy and whatever every year."
"The risk-reward picture for commodities is fantastic."
"Commodities should do well... this chart is showing that this is an area where you can take a position and just wait."
"I'm all about commodities, funds, stocks that I believe long-term will give you reliability."
"You don't want to be underweight commodities at the end of a long disinflationary period, going into an inflationary period."
"We're at a new super cycle for commodities because the underinvestment has been so significant."
"We are in the early stages of a commodity super cycle."
"Gold shares will do quite well... they've provided some nice ballast at a time when other parts of the commodities markets weren't working."
"As the price of a commodity goes up, the geographic extent of its ore gets bigger."
"Every time commodities get really cheap relative to financial assets, a lot of the same things happen."
"A new commodity bull will be born sometime late '24."
"You can't get commodities right unless you understand China."
"Commodities such as gold... have steadily increased over time."
"Commodities provide an excellent diversification benefit because commodity prices have low correlation with stocks and bonds."
"Commodities... are the place to be in more inflationary decades."
"While luxury goods were exchanged on the Silk Road, trans-sahara trade included the exchange of necessary commodities."
"Where our goal is to make you a better investor in the commodity space."
"For the commodities in the table for which Brazil ranks first, Brazil produces more than 20% of the world supply."
"If you're a believer in this opportunity and commodities is this the dawn of this next super cycle and you want to do it directly through futures contracts, PDBC is an interesting alternative."
"The general public will quickly lose confidence in the currency, and that will be reflected in a massive spike in gold and silver and commodities."
"The environment is shifting more toward from Financial assets toward things Commodities real assets tangible assets and of course gold is foremost among those."
"Despite all these pitfalls, there are still some things that the English import en masse from China. Silk, porcelain and, above all, tea!"
"Commodity prices are firming all over."
"In 2015, the global GDP was 80 trillion US dollars, and the flow of commodities contributed to a third of this."
"Bitcoin and ether are more akin to commodities than to securities."
"India has just made a clear decision: they want cheap energy, they want cheap commodities, and they will do what it takes."
"We are in an inflationary trend and it's going to be very bullish for Gold, Silver, and commodities."