
Gold Investment Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"When you have inflation running hot and rates being artificially suppressed, that means negative real rates, which is the most bullish backdrop for gold possible."
"Gold is a safe haven against uncertainty and chaos in the markets."
"If the country's not on a gold standard that may be too bad but you can be on a personal gold standard and preserve wealth, just by buying gold."
"When currencies fail, gold is a safe haven. How much more time does the Dollar have? Well, I don't know. You don't know either."
"Gold will do a better job over time, not on a daily basis, but over longer periods of time—years, decades. Gold is going to preserve much more of your buying power."
"Investment demand for physical gold has always been the single most important determinant of longer-term gold prices."
"Millions of people across the globe are now using websites and social media to search for their doppelgangers."
"You don't buy gold to get rich, you buy it to stay rich."
"I know we're making-- in a few months maybe, we're going to look back and say that in 2015, 2016, 2017, gold made its bottom."
"Everybody should own gold. This is all gonna go down."
"Gold is actually your human right, your individual right, and your civil rights—physical gold."
"Gold performs very well in all those environments."
"Continue to accumulate some gold for the longer term."
"Once it becomes public knowledge that paper notes are being backed by gold then the in my opinion the the value of gold is going to rise huge."
"The place that gold fills in your portfolio really is protecting yourself from your government."
"You should always have a smattering of gold as an insurance policy against the bad behavior of government."
"I love gold. I think it will continue to protect purchasing power."
"It's a historic day for gold actually it's a historic week."
"I don't think we're at the end of the bull market in gold."
"I think this is going to end badly and when it ends badly I think gold is going to put itself forward as a worthy replacement for money physical physical."
"Gold was built for this scenario, gold was built for this moment in time."
"When people want to own more of it, it becomes a very, very highly charged story."
"Gold is the best performing asset class year-to-date."
"This is going to help you to purify your energy, but definitely make an investment into some form of gold."
"Start a gold IRA with Noble Gold now and fight inflation."
"Central bankers are buying gold at the fastest and highest levels ever."
"If you're looking for someone you can trust, I do recommend Noble Gold."
"Holding gold is not a hedge against inflation; it has done nothing but make you lose money."
"Ultimately, gold is going to play a role in the global monetary system."
"Gold has less downside volatility than treasuries for the first time in 45 years."
"Gold is your inflation hedge if you're looking for a way to build wealth through your savings."
"The metal moves because of fear, the gold buyer is a fear buyer."
"I still think gold is probably your best bet to kind of insulate you from problems in the financial system or geopolitical problems."
"Gold is actually highly divisible and it doesn't take up that much room."
"The money printer can only go burr interest rates will not go up in any time in the near future that's why gold is actually such a valuable asset at this point in time."
"Gold usually goes up when things get uncertain because people rush into it thinking it's a safe choice."
"The best time to own gold was 20 years ago. Next best time is today."
"Gold supports the other two [real estate and rare collectibles], and you could actually do gold with all three because you can have a gold mine and you can have a rare coin as well as monetary gold."
"Gold is not simply an investment asset. It's a representation of our personal sovereignty and personal economic freedom. It's protection against tyranny."
"If we're going back in that direction again where we're going to lower interest rates, gold will become more important."
"You wouldn't be crazy to take 10 and buy some gold."
"When you're selling treasuries to buy dollars with one hand and you're buying gold with the other hand that starts to look a lot like a transition to away from the Dot from treasuries as a primary Global Reserve asset."
"Buy gold because it's God's money, it's been around thousands and thousands of years."
"Gold will continue to experience high demand while geopolitical uncertainty dominates."
"By the end of the year, gold could reach between 2100 and 2300 per ounce."
"These gold stocks remain undervalued... and the companies are in great shape."
"Is this a beginning of a revival rally in gold? I think so."
"Gold is the safest reserve asset for a central bank to own."
"Gold will outperform as the dollar fades away."
"You're protected from bank failure, you're protected from inflation because you can store your savings in gold yet not give up the liquidity."
"The case for gold's pretty straightforward, long term it provides returns and we have the math to demonstrate that for investors."
"Gold loves chaos, uncertainty, and disarray. History shows us what gold does when people aren't sure about the government, the stock market, their jobs, or their retirement savings."
"Gold does really well in recession and stagflation."
"The purpose of gold... it protects you against everything else that may go wrong."
"The best time to own gold was 20 years ago. The next best time is today." - "The banking systems are trying to get rid of cash altogether and move into digital currency where every transaction will be monitored."
"Your income balloons as the gold price goes up."
"The Doom Loop will usher in a one million dollar Bitcoin and ten thousand to twenty thousand dollar ounce of gold by the end of the decade."
"Investing in gold isn't merely a choice, it's a strategic move for safeguarding your financial future."
"Don't get conned into Bitcoin. Gold is to preserve your wealth."
"Gold has been the best during inflations, and the closest example we have to that is the late 1970s."
"When the dollar goes to crap then gold goes higher."
"When people say, 'Why do you buy gold?' This is very simply because I don't trust my government. And if you trust your government, take the dollar."
"Gold is good money and it's been good money for 6,000 years."
"It's not the general investor buying gold, it's central banks... driving gold prices higher."
"Gold protects your purchasing power in times of crises."
"Gold's purchasing power goes up when the markets are down."
"Once you realize that, it still implies that gold goes to the moon."
"If you're just Joe Q right now you get paid a lot to sit on the sidelines... you get paid to be safe and if your gold price is hanging in there I think that it's just a lot easier to allocate your assets in this environment."
"I'm incredibly optimistic on gold and on the miners."
"Buy physical. Understand the difference between what Andy affectionately calls the casino paper gold and silver markets and the actual physical gold and silver markets. They're not the same. Don't be fooled."
"Everybody should have gold in their portfolio."
"Gold has been emphatically proven to serve as an inflation hedge, at least over longer periods of time."
"Gold isn't just an inflation hedge... it's more protection against crazy financial conditions and failures in the system."
"Gold has lived through two world wars, German hyperinflation, the Great Depression, every pandemic, and anything the world has ever thrown at it."
"Gold is that insurance policy, particularly in inflationary times, and that's certainly where we are today."
"When the most sophisticated, well-funded, well-informed conglomerate of bankers on the planet tell you that it's the only other tier one in the face of a dollar that seems to be fighting major headwinds, I think ultimately we want to be in gold."
"Gold has been empirically proven to serve as an inflation hedge." Lynette Zhang
"I expect potentially negative returns in the market while gold I think could be by the year end 2100 and then by the end of maybe 2023 even 2800 to 3,000."
"Get your gold... that's the only thing I'm investing in right now."
"Remember that gold has moved traditionally when investors are concerned about the purchasing power of other savings and investment assets denominated primarily in the world's reserve currency, the US dollar."
"Gold is real money and it stores its value throughout the centuries."
"Gold holds its value like it has for 6,000 years."
"Gold is wealth preservation when things get bad, when the inflation gets out of control, when things break, you better be holding some insurance."
"When things are hitting the fan out there in the world... gold is the real thing."
"If you want to take control of your financial future, get gold that women don't know about."
"Gold is never going to go to zero, gold is going to perform very, very well when the Fed blinks."
"Gold is money and everything else is credit or everything else is debt." - JP Morgan
"If cash is gone there is only one way to escape digital surveillance of wealth physical gold."
"Not only that, but I tell you one thing, no one can hack your gold."
"If he had owned gold, would he had protected himself? Absolutely."
"I look at gold like Insurance doomsday insurance against the worst-case scenario for me."
"I don't even really pay attention to the prices of gold. I don't keep up with that. What I do is I look at gold as an alternative way for me to save money every month."
"Gold is the most liquid of assets anywhere in the world."
"If 40 or 50 percent of people held physical gold, you know, in the western markets and it were a bigger part of the portfolio, um, I think the loss of confidence in those derivative markets would have happened already."
"Gold can do nothing for you for long periods of time and then it does spectacular things for you over fairly short periods of time."
"During a stock market decline, the gold price tends to fall on a shorter-term basis and then start rising before the stock market does."
"Glint is #goldfi. Gold financial system that's what they're building."
"Gold will be there forever. This will be here. This is God's money." - Charles
"Gold has always been a value governments come governments go countries come other countries go world powers come they leave that all changes that one thing we know from history..."
"Gold is generally used as a wealth preservation hedge."
"I call it the 10 percent golden rule: they should have 10 percent of your money into gold and gold jewelry and in gold stocks."
"When other countries are buying gold, you should be doing the same. Our central banks are doing it, so that means there is a plan."
"When we see the central banks of the world buy more gold than at any time since 1967 and no one in this country has any clue that that's happening, it's frightening."
"It's plain and simple: physical gold is the only globally accepted financial asset that can't be printed."
"Gold is not really a vehicle to make you rich but a vehicle to keep governments from taking what you earned."
"Most people who buy physical gold don't go around talking about it... they don't want to invite anyone to try to steal it."
"The idea of buying physical gold, I think it's a practical one."
"Gold is a credible viable alternative not just to the dollar but to the euro and to the yen into every fiat currency."
"The gold stocks outperforming gold for the first time in quite some time."
"For gold, it has historically kept pace with the rate of inflation, so a number like three percent might be appropriate."
"I want you to go about it the right way and not be one of those people that are sold into this idea of purchasing gold just because everybody is telling you that the dollar is going to collapse."
"Gold will serve them in good stead; gold will be something that will retain its value while currencies are increasingly losing their value."
"You want to buy a million dollars of gold on a Sunday night? Oh, I just FedNow it to you, it's in your account."
"Getting out of debt, getting out of debt. I like making gold."
"What is money, right? It's not treasuries. The rest of the world is saying, 'Hey, I don't think that's really good sound money, we're going to use gold.'"
"Gold is going to be positive for the entire week."
"In short, my personal choice will be Gold ETF for lifetime investments."
"A good strategic allocation to gold is something like 10 percent; it's an important diversifier that does particularly well in tail environments."