
Reuse Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"The first stage... gets reused over and over. In fact, the dark sit that see around the lower part of the first stage are remnants from its previous nine launches."
"Overall, I don't really see any high risk in reuse because we've gone through a methodical process."
"To offset climate change impact relative to a single-use plastic bag, a cotton bag needs to be reused at least 149 times."
"There's value in these mobile devices because they are being reused."
"We want to save as much of the furniture as possible. Of course, I'm in favor of giving things a second look."
"One benefit of functions is that they allow us to reuse code without repeating ourselves."
"Reusing that equipment for our schools and nonprofits would be a much better thing to do than to just toss them out."
"Wow, that's a cool shoe. I gotta pull these out again."
"I hope that this process of bringing Lazarus back to life will inspire you guys to maybe do the same with whatever you have laying around."
"What's great about classes is that they allow you to use the same CSS styles on multiple HTML elements."
"Why throw away super expensive multi-million dollar engines and a massive fuselage and all that extra stuff when you could just reuse it, right?"
"Even old Leaf batteries that have lost a huge portion of their charge are still useful."
"This is the fifth flight of this particular booster, which is awesome."
"Every launch of SpaceX at this point is an old booster." - Adrian Bile
"Boosters 1058 safely on Just Read the Instructions, the second successful landing for this booster."
"One person's junk is another person's treasure."
"What was once a prison is now a beautiful place."
"Better a building gets used than just set empty."
"Another reason to love Catherine, so she actually rewore this dress."
"I just hate throwing away a good piece of technology when you can simply upgrade it and let it keep going."
"Really, at the end of the day, the most sustainable thing to do is to not buy anything new at all and to just rewear stuff that you already own."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?"
"Don't throw away any of those cut paint sticks."
"Bay even liked it so much he would repurpose some of the footage for Transformers Dark of the Moon."
"Wash it cold, hang it dry, wear again and again."
"What booster are we using today? Booster 1051 today on its sixth flight."
"The fate of a broken walkman: kept for spare parts, a collector's gem."
"Saving perfectly normal and well-conditioned items from the landfills."
"However, I kept reminding myself what my ancestors might have seen in this wood, and even despite its death, it can be brought to life again in the form of usable and practical items for my woodland."
"Recovering parts and reusing these parts is great for the environment."
"The average microfiber cloth can be reused around 500 times."
"The ability to reuse the same machinery in different ways allows for levels of innovation that just can't be achieved otherwise."
"Basically, you can animate something once and use it over and over again, which is brilliant."
"ULA does have plans for what they call 'SMART' reuse."
"Promoting that circular economy of kit so it can have a second life."
"When you think about homesteading, you can use just about everything, including waste."
"I just love when you find good quality pieces that I can reuse over and over again."
"Save your glass jars, these are great for crafting too."
"If I really want the same form factor, I just reuse bottles like this."
"...you can just buy that mock-up one time and overlay your design and use it over and over and over again."
"The fact that these are made with the remnants and they put this much detail into something that they end up reusing, I think speaks volumes of the company, of the quality of their craftsmanship."
"I love to keep the container and like reuse them for Stuff because these candles are not cheap they're so expensive."
"You can reuse and upcycle things you already have."
"Some 747 flight decks are spared demolition to be used as the shell in the construction of flight simulators."
"After I'm done playing with them, and if they're still new, clean, and good to use, I give them away."
"You do not want to reuse old passwords again and again."
"Look for second-hand alternatives."
"Piles of wreckage all waiting to be disassembled just to see if any of it can be used."
"If things have meaning to you, you should reuse them."
"A circular economy is a really big deal... things need to be used as long as they can."
"The opening battle in Shenandoah is the same battle scene used in 1957's Raintree County and it was also used in 1962's How the West Was Won."
"That's why you don't throw away broken tools because they can be reused for other things."
"This storage mechanism is what allows NYOS to reuse packages between multiple system versions."
"Maybe somebody could use it for just the engine or parts."
"The most sustainable pieces of clothing are the ones that already exist."
"Now you can see that I have my paint peeling smart material and I can reuse this in any of my Substance Painter projects."
"...if you have some old t-shirts and maybe they have some stains on them or they just don't fit right maybe they shrink in the dryer or whatever and you don't really have any use for them, this might be a good way to use them."
"To me, it's worth it to not have to strain out the fry oil and find some appropriate way to reuse it."
"'Four billion toothbrushes are thrown away.' Which is why we need to take the...if we can make each component reusable, repairable, or truly recyclable, we can do more with less."
"It's tough to find someone to take them. I'd rather see them used than thrown away."
"So many people comment saying you should give those away. People will want them, I would take them."
"I like to wear things more than once. I'm tired of buying things wear it once and then it just all right cool so what you will wear on a regular."
"People just throw things away constantly and go buy new plastic everything so if you can reuse an antique over a 100-year-old drawer... that's phenomenal."
"All the stuff we're using is actually second hand."
"Mend your clothes, repurpose your clothes in any way that you can. That is sustainable fashion."
"Invest in pieces you can constantly reuse over and over again."
"When we speak about reuse, it's not just literally reusing something material that exists or pre-exists, but also that we rediscover forms that have been forgotten."
"I do bacon grease and I like to reuse the bacon grease."
"If you want more seedlings you do need to have more jugs but you can clean them out and use them from year to year."
"It's out of your garden, it'll grow again, if you don't like it you can just use the plant for other reasons, but fun and easy to do."
"I think this is so awesome and you can use an old phone and just have it on Loop."
"By selling items, you're almost able to guarantee... that the item... is going to go to a new home where it will be used and loved by someone else."
"As long as they want it, you're again just increasing the chance that the things that you're getting rid of are going to go to a new home where they can live out that second life."
"If you find boxes like this that look like paper boxes please keep them because these come from print file I think print file makes these boxes."
"There's dirty and then there's funky dirty you can wear again."
"Most of these things are in good nick when we need to pass them on."
"You can reseal it and use it again. It's really convenient."
"What is inheritance for? It's a tool for code reuse."
"You can draw a path and come back and reuse that path at a later time within your composition."
"I keep my extra paper bags for my trash cans over there."
"...it's just going to erase all of the posts. So that's an easy way to reuse a Padlet if you're going to use it again and again."
"Reuse screens and form controls for viewing or editing existing records."
"We don't want to develop everything new either, but to move time forward, we reuse what we think is good."
"I love the jar, can reuse the jar."
"If something still smells good, I'm gonna use it."
"Our job is to give this stuff a second life, a second chance. Instead of someone just throwing it in a dumpster or getting rid of it, someone else gets to appreciate it."
"We hope this inspires you guys to take a second look at your items at the thrift store."
"...the best option is always to buy something used and to keep what you have."
"I think one of the benefits I'm starting to see with stamps is that it is like a transfer that can keep on being used over and over again."
"Even though it leaked out, I can still reuse this as another mold."
"This could be used back as collage material absolutely."
"...because you know how I'm frugal, and I'll probably take this apart and use it again."
"It's also obviously better for the environment, the planet, to use materials that are already existing instead of purchasing things that are being made specifically for you."
"It always feels good to reuse makeup."
"You wouldn't believe how many plants you have in your garden that you can use somewhere else."
"Don't buy jars new, just reuse the glass jars you're already getting."
"...I should have saved that paper that the butter was wrapped in. Some people use that butter paper to grease their baking dishes."
"Never remodel something when it's symmetrical. Find a way to reuse the work that you've already done."
"These store jars are commercially processed. They use them in factories. I mean, these lids can be reused so many times."
"Will I wear them again? I'm absolutely going to wear it."
"Don't let any food go to waste, including fat. Save grease from cooking for later use."
"Anything with the Olex on is not being thrown away."
"Iter disperses each element of the collection through each iteration, thus leaving the collection untouched and available for reuse after the loop."
"...cotton totes are of course nailing it in this department as you can use them again and again."
"...the thicker reusable plastic bags that are far more common these days are great for reusing as long as you remember to bring them with you."
"Don't throw your Clay Away just re- wedge it."
"Reuse and repair the things you have so that they don't become waste."
"Never throw any clay away, you can always reuse it."
"It's not just about using a nice cardboard box but getting the most use out of the material that you're responsible for putting on this planet."
"Instead of throwing it away, can it."
"These pieces are going to be scraps I can use on another project."
"I understand that reuse is a business model. It's always been that way, and I understand it. It's when it's overly abused, like the Bucky cap mold here, or any other bodies that are 10 years old or close to, is when it's a problem."
"Shop from your own wardrobes again and use things that are in your house."
"A really fun gift idea and they'll get to reuse their mug."
"It's awesome to thrift, it's also awesome to buy new things from time to time but I really do try to like make sure I'm taking time to go into my own closet and use what's already there 'cause I have, I have a lot, I have a lot."
"This is an awesome set. They're so shiny, very beautiful. I can't believe that someone would just throw them away like that. It's really, um, crazy when you find items like this that just so obviously are not trash and don't need to go to the landfill."
"You get a beautiful impact piece for your home without doing much."
"This is definitely one that you could use again and again."
"A lot of the decor that I bought for the wedding I'm able to use for my house now or for future special occasions."
"When upcycling is good, it's really good."
"Before throwing away packaging from items you purchase, look at them carefully to see if parts can be used for stencils or stamps."
"We are going to reuse the original metal rod."
"We can still reuse all of this stuff whenever we redo the kitchen."
"We can reduce the amount of plastics that we use or we can reuse plastics that we've finished using."
"Granny rectangles are a great scrap project."
"The environmental payback period is the idea that an item needs to be reused a certain number of times in order for it to be considered eco-friendly."
"Nature never wastes. That's why I reuse. That's my mission."
"If you are mass making ornaments, mass making mugs, anything like that you can actually reuse this transfer tape two to three or more times."
"Keep product out of the landfill; turn trees, bushes, and leaves into something useful."
"Styles allow us to define a collection of properties or settings we want to reuse."
"Packaging doesn't necessarily matter for everyone but if you want to reuse a calendar this is a great option."
"You should always reuse stuff if you can. It's really well suited to what we need it for."
"This kind of reuse of hardware has the potential to make spaceflights a lot cheaper."
"One of the things that we talk about a great deal on this show is the concept of the circular economy, the notion that we must learn to reuse the materials we extract from the planet and reuse them again and again."
"Don't ever be afraid to use the same containers that you have already on hand in different ways."
"You don't do the math every time. Do it once, do it to death, and freaking trace it off, man, so that you could use it again."
"One man's trash is another woman's treasure."
"It's brilliant to be able to reuse old things, isn't it?"
"Cloth napkins are just one simple example of how people are replacing paper towels with something that they can use time and time again."
"Never throw away a perfectly good cardboard box."
"We're going to see how much of this barn we can actually reuse."
"We're trying to keep wastage to a minimum, so we're reusing as many materials as possible from around the land."
"As you build out applications, instead of always reinventing the wheel, you can often just use other people's applications and libraries and pull those into your project."
"It would be a lot more environmentally friendly to reuse these things to repair them and return them into circulation in the hands of people who need them."
"Save your collard ends, put it in some dirt, and grow you some new collards."
"By having a full stack Dart application, you are able to reuse a bunch of classes and not have to duplicate logic and whatnot."
"The packaging is designed for you to be able to reuse it."
"Everything we don't use is gonna go hopefully to somewhere that there will be use from those items."
"I want to try to find more ways to style clothes that I already have in different ways."
"The lime can be raked out of the joints, reintroduced into a mix, and used again."
"Sustainability... is probably reuse, to reuse things that we have used for a different purpose earlier."
"We stand on the shoulders of giants and it's always okay to reuse to build."
"We're going to be reusing our original parts which is fantastic."
"Lumber is expensive, we brought the same wood over."
"Never throw away old brushes; they can be incredibly useful."
"I'm so excited to have this empty instead of just letting it waste away in my drawers."
"I like being able to give things a second life."
"Every time I share a graphic that I can reuse and repurpose over and over again, it increases its equity to me."
"To have it be used again is marvelous."
"MVC provides separation of components that allows the reuse of applications across several platforms."
"If you want to donate used shoes, just make sure they're clean and they're gently used."
"I like how they reuse a staircase like three different times."
"I really love when somebody gifted me a basket of items because I could reuse that basket like in the nursery and things like that."
"They're worth the investment because it's better for the environment if you are reusing items."
"That is booster tail number B1077, going for its eighth flight tonight."
"They were designed to be rebuilt and used over and over again, instead of just being thrown away and replaced when they wore out."
"That could still be valuable to someone else."
"Treasures from the Attic... rather than purchasing a gift, you need to consider something that you already own."
"After you've done the one hour thing, you have an asset which you can later then reuse for something else."
"What do we have all this extraordinary stuff for if it's not to be used over and over again in more and more interesting ways?"
"When they're recycled, they can be used again. That way, they're not wasted."
"Recycling is a way to use things again and again."
"Everything we do is open source and on open access, you can reuse it."
"I love your Halloween shirt. I actually bought this last year at Target and thought I would wear it again this year."
"Designer bags... are sustainable. They're bags that you can use over and over again for the longest time."
"You can reuse all of your Syncfusion controls from Blazor or, of course, the native .NET MAUI controls as well."
"You can go back and reuse the colors that you've already used."
"We grew up in a house where our mom would routinely clean out jelly jars, and they would become the cups. Those are the cups for you now."
"You can change these out all the time and just keep reusing the beautiful laminated cover."
"It's a functional, cute, seasonal thing that I can use every year."
"Get gloves that are a little bit too big for you so it's easier to slip on and slip off so you can reuse them."
"The most eco-friendly thing you can do is use whatever bottle you already have in your home."
"Turning that into a top would yield a hundred times more wear than it actually does right now."
"Spa items are a great project for you because you can use up some of the yarn that's in your stash to make room for new yarn."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure; one man's waste is another man's leisure."
"Another really good thing about lekka is that it can be reused."
"I hope I inspired you to number one make something beautiful and number two maybe use some old supplies that you already have."
"Combining components and Boolean groups together means that with icon design, we have the ability to reuse elements across icons that share a similar base."
"I cleaned out the ashes from the old fire pit and the chickens have been enjoying their new dust bath."
"Nothing stops you from wearing those socks more than one day; you can always wash them and reuse them."
"The beauty of it is that if you're careful when you remove them, you can use them over and over again."
"Books can have a very long life... they can go to a thrift store and have another life or end up at a library or I can donate them or I can give them away."
"The baths of Diocletian were also reused... for a variety of buildings including a major Museum of Antiquities, a planetarium, and also a church."
"I believe in reusing. A lot of the stuff that I wear is not new."
"Buy the bottle once, refill it forever."
"The knotty pine that was all throughout the house was carefully picked off so that we could reuse it."
"It's lovely to take something that is so old but with such good memories and turn it into something which is now usable again."
"The idea here is for you to reuse your content and create things faster."
"We're not hurting the environment; they're made one time, you clean them out, and they last forever."
"I'm already excited to use this jacket pattern again, I already have a couple of different ideas in mind."