
Modeling Quotes

There are 2627 quotes

"The idea of using a model of the world to reason into the future and produce better actions or outputs."
"Sensitivity analysis is one of the most important parts of a good model and a good analysis."
"All models are wrong, but some models are useful."
"I vastly prefer the practice of making stuff by hand and thus I've come all the way around to John Goodson's way of thinking about modeling."
"This is probably the most important part of the model where we're able to clearly display what's happening in this business over time."
"You don't see disabled women represented in the modeling industry."
"Our modeling suggests...we cannot go completely back to normal, there will have to be a degree of social distancing in place if we don't expect to see second waves of transmission."
"I was discovered by a photographer, signed with Willamina models in a few months."
"It's kind of hard. When you're Asian, and right when you say to someone that you're a model, they're like, 'oh, you're an import model?' I'm like, no dude. I'm a model model."
"Dynamical systems are our models for the evolving world around us."
"The most beautiful thing about the top models that America loves is being humble and being modest."
"The big problem in probability theory, and particularly stochastic processes, is not so much how to solve well-posed problems. Anybody can do that. The hard problem is finding the right models for a real-world problem."
"I respect Naomi Campbell, but I was nervous about showing her my walk."
"Science creates models that are the best approximations of the universe we live in."
"It's a really powerful idea and indeed it's the basis of a new class and then rapidly emerging class of models that are extremely powerful for large-scale sequential modeling problems."
"That's actually really impressive, the Earth Power able to take out the model."
"She was a stunning young woman who could have easily had a career in modelling if she desired, but she had a bigger passion for helping others."
"The experience that I gained through modeling was of life and seeing the globe in different spots, it was a really good experience."
"Self attention indeed does have the ability models and inductive biases that potentially could be useful for the problems that you care about."
"Kids naturally play follow-the-leader, so model the values you want them to have."
"Simplicity and speed in your models? Simulink is a great choice."
"I'm the only plus size model on set so that will give you guys an experience of its own."
"I've been known for my shape I've been known for just being able to be relentless in my industry I always tell people the average models career span is five years Wow."
"Success leaves clues. If you want to be successful, model after people who've gone before you." -
"So now that we've done that, we've actually set up the kind of database configuration and now it's time to create what we call a model."
"Our brains are constantly coming up with theories and models of the world."
"I've never seen someone this dedicated to their job as a model."
"You could do whatever you want, these are your models."
"Well, this is you know the purpose of a model is you know right away where it's wrong and then you can then adapt feel good about being able to adapt that this thing pushes further into 2022 uh being that we're positioned strongly here now."
"The models are great because they give you they can help you formulate a plan if it plays out in a certain way."
"Janice Dickinson's trailblazing career as a supermodel and her contributions to the fashion industry continue to inspire generations of models and fans alike."
"Simple functions model the most complex periodic phenomena."
"I love what Tyra says here: 'Most modeling is kind of acting like a hoe but making it fashion.'"
"If you want to achieve success, all you gotta do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded."
"At the end of the day, it's just an opportunity to build really cool stuff and make really cool models."
"Model someone who's immediately in front of you, get access to them."
"Essentially bringing in a more sophisticated model, larger model Next Generation model."
"What Rhonda Santos is doing is what needs to be done; everyone needs to fight tooth and nail."
"This virus is following the PlayBook. This is playing out exactly as we had predicted in all the models and projections."
"Study people you admire to learn and adapt their successful behaviors."
"Melania was one of the most successful models… In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common."
"Modifiers in Blender... really saves you a lot of time and makes for a more consistent, even topology."
"Attention to detail transforms a good model into a professional one."
"You don't want to be limited by your knowledge of a program. If you model straight into the software without thinking and drawing what you want, you're going to end up drawing what you're comfortable with in the software."
"Science describes things as they are, constructs predictive models, not absolute claims of truth."
"Models are a place that you can bury any number of bodies if you want to get x right as a conclusion."
"It's a very tough thing to know empirically, therefore this is a place where a good model could really serve."
"Everything with the pandemic policy... was based on modeling. It was literally like computers just spitting out modeling and then that being implemented as policy."
"Nothing wrong with modeling your approach after what's already successful."
"Modeling context, like chaperones, will contribute to refining AlphaFold."
"Crawford graced the covers of numerous prestigious fashion magazines and walked the runway for renowned designers her statuesque figure and Timeless allure made her a sought-after model for top fashion brands and campaigns."
"Berry's Beauty has been widely celebrated often described as stunning and Timeless she gained prominence as a model before transitioning into acting."
"The ability to predict, to some extent, is the essence of intelligence, really, the ability to form models of the world."
"That's it, scratch the shampoo commercial, you could even be on the cover of Teen Vogue with this style."
"Creating models to give young people experiences."
"We need to model real-life emotions to our children."
"A model should have a prominent collarbone and shoulders. The rest should be just flat. It should be like a hanger."
"Start using sets as your mathematical modeling of things and you'll get a lot farther."
"If you enjoyed drop a like it helps me out and consider watching back through my playlist of modeling videos."
"He's shaping up to be one of the strongest models in the game right now."
"Especially if you've done a lot of that really hard modeling work - it's the payoff you know."
"I just find it very rare. I think that the title of being a supermodel is given to absolutely anyone."
"There's no right or wrong way of doing this unless you're recreating an actual building; you can use your imagination to add some interest to your model."
"A good model is worth some large fraction of a vaccine."
"Look at the growth, look at the size of these models, this didn't come out of nowhere."
"All models will be broken; we use them all together to collectively figure out where we are."
"No model is perfect. Models are a way to try interpret and understand where things can go over time."
"We build airplanes today... using the computer to model all the mechanistic analysis."
"So one of the things that a model helps you do is it gives you a tool to help you avoid kidding yourself about things."
"If you want to pick a number to get right in this model, get that one right."
"Why do we care about modeling? Well, oftentimes we want to control our system."
"You can use machine learning to build these surrogate models that are fast and accurate and fast enough to use in real time."
"Modeling is tricky but really fun once you figure out how things work."
"And now Harlow's gonna model some of it for you."
"The dark-skinned model is breaking down the barriers of conventional beauty."
"Stock-to-flow deflection: We are at a historical deviation from the stock-to-flow model."
"The framework of this model is very simplistic, don't over complicate it."
"This allows me to handle him whilst painting him."
"How excited are you, Jack, to be involved in a model shoot?"
"By the age of eight Sandra started working as a model."
"Now let's add the models that we will work with in this app."
"Corrugated cardboard: great for quick loose studies, excellent for blocking out contours or quick model bases."
"Spruegu is such a massive time saver to have a perfect looking model in next to no time."
"It goes much faster to build the same model 16 times in a row than it is to build one model and then another new one."
"Templates are the best way to duplicate results in modeling."
"Ruth and Kylie Legess are twin models who like to push the limits of their profession."
"Solving optimization problems to match model behavior with experimental data."
"Single degree of freedom models are really useful, but sometimes the dynamics of a system are better modelled using multiple degrees of freedom."
"Rain Dove works as a successful model in New York, representing brands that don't ask her to pick a gender and prefers gender-neutral pronouns."
"Database modeling ensures a formal and accurate mapping of real-world scenarios."
"Lauren Wasser, a trailblazing model, had an incredible fashion month."
"Density functional theory has now been used to model the intricate quantum-level behavior of chemical reactions."
"Margot Hemingway had ascended to international stardom, becoming one of the world's most sought-after supermodels."
"If you're shot like a model, that does help a lot."
"This is my first meal of the day and the most important thing for me before a photo shoot is to eat something that's not going to bloat me."
"I hope you specifically like this video because who doesn't love a good model show home?"
"Right now we're trying to figure out how to come up with simulations in a computer that accurately model our world."
"Climate alarmism is based as near as I can tell is entirely on computer modeling."
"Look ahead planning is the idea of using a model of the world to reason into the future and produce better actions or outputs."
"It really doesn't look massively out of place in this world, he actually used the orc model as a template."
"Modeling it in your everyday life, showing them that you can live this way, it's not unreachable."
"Even if you have no model creating experience whatsoever."
"I just use it where I'm just like, look, I'm a plus model."
"You could use the tool to do both things within the same model."
"Science isn't making claims of truth, it's creating models and theories."
"The majority of modeling is just regular people doing regular things."
"Oftentimes models are just regular looking people."
"I love top model because it shows diversity and beauty."
"You have a great body, whether you're a size 4 or 14, and people think you could be a lingerie or bikini model."
"Science is in the field of modeling nature's behavior, not nature's being."
"Can we assemble this into a pipeline that could, who knows, maybe even yield computational models of how neural circuits work or how they go wrong in dysfunction?"
"Hello and welcome back to the beginner's guide to basic armor modelling."
"Certainly their classic range of vehicles have exceptional fit, there isn't really a bad one among them."
"The key idea, which is a super old idea in the history of science, is to make a model."
"We provide labeled inputs to our model, and then our model outputs a prediction."
"I just I love what I do when I'm modeling I love being in front of the camera."
"He received widespread acclaim for his physique, which led to him appearing in numerous commercials, becoming a spokesperson for several men's fragrances, and modeling for brands that included Calvin Klein, Old Navy, and Under Armor."
"Simplicity is not a valid excuse for abandoning the more difficult model that more perfectly reflects reality."
"The RTX 4060 is a surprisingly good 3D modeling card."
"She wants to be able to have the same opportunities as other women, which includes being a model."
"You shouldn't judge the power of a model by the number of parameters that it contains."
"I love the model, Adrian, she's got an amazing look."
"Defining a model is equivalent to defining a domain of discourse."
"As a part-time fitness and swimsuit model, the keto diet has been essential to my career while preparing for important shoots."
"With functions, we can understand, model, and predict the world around us."
"Modeling is all about detail, the way you hold your hands, the angle of your face, the still light."
"This is your model when you're building it; you can do it any way you want to do it."
"Supposed to be an enjoyable fun hobby, and that's why I like to do it."
"So I want to thank you as always for watching, and please stay tuned because we have more models coming."
"Adrax Agatone, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful Space Marine models that exists."
"This week I almost finished a model, but it's my best model ever."
"There are no laws saying you have to get your models done, and you shouldn't force it."
"With painting, you decide what colors the model should be, but during the building stage, you decide how the model should be."
"Physics studies models and predicts the behavior of the dials on the dashboard, which is what we call the physical world."
"Data flow is like your etl layer, data set is the modeling layer, and you have your data warehouse in the middle of it as well."
"The trick to modeling lingerie is looking sexy without looking trashy."
"GIS is also a very powerful tool for modeling what-if scenarios."
"I want to be a supermodel, I want to be an icon."
"The best model we have of how we understand is by assigning features to words and having feature interactions."
"It's going to make things like security, performance, writing DAX easier by modeling it this way."
"As a model, really, you are your own product."
"...the most foundational step in any kind of model building process is deciding what it actually is you want to model..."
"It's really good to paint different types of models because it really helps you grow as a painter."
"Chipping and weathering, it's pretty easy to do."
"Oil paints are incredibly powerful for weathering. They're super forgiving, super easy, and you can do basically anything by just layering on different colors of oil paint."
"When you live with excellence, you model Kingdom."
"You're here to model a new way of living and being that's completely authentic and in alignment with integrity."
"Modeling is my number one; you will always come second."
"Now let's finally, finally start to model this bad boy."
"The big mistake in inheritance, and I'd probably say programming in general, is not to model the problem that you're trying to solve well enough."
"Painting is a really good thing because it makes the model look better."
"Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system."
"So we'll make a model, define the loss, and set some variables to remember our lowest found loss and the weights and biases that got us to that point."
"Chips came from silver paint applied onto the model using a toothpick."
"To make the exhaust saw I used a very thin mix of ak real colours smoke this part has been pre-thin using the method I showed earlier and then I added a further 12 drops directly into the mix and the airbrush to spray it really thin."
"To give a slightly burnished effect from the heated metal I very faintly applied al clad pale burnt metal to tint the steel base colour a subtle yellow gold."
"I was the world's first supermodel, eat your heart out Tyra."
"My models are not strippers, they are elegant supermodels."
"If everyone could learn the nine-fail walk, we'd have a great agency."
"The fact that this water Channel model is able to so accurately depict the Dynamics of electricity, a completely different system and one that operates on time scales that are orders of magnitude faster than water, is just really amazing to me."
"Revell's 1/32 scale World War II combat aircraft series is considered by many modelers to be the best kit series of modeling's golden era."
"So, with that said, let's go and model something. Let's create a destruction for our brick wall."
"Model happiness, not desperation, greed, or need for other people's approval."
"Maybe the most important thing you can do as a parent is model happiness."
"One of the things that really makes a model look like high-definition or realistic is the gaps between geometry."
"Here is our model with the completed weathering effects on it. As you can see, it's quite a transition from how it was before."
"The key to the hairspray chipping effect is water and a brush."
"Hairspray chipping is amazing for these desert vehicles because you get a lot of chipping really, really fast."
"The wash is the most important part, and its job is to make fake shadows around details."
"Final checks and then I usually glued in place with some tami extra thin cement and there we go."
"Before you even get a model out of its box, it's probably not a bad idea to look at what other people have done with it."
"As your painting quality increases, it'll enhance the enjoyment you get out of your models."
"When you're assembling plastic models you don't actually use glue it's basically glue but it's called plastic cement"
"A clear coat is exactly what it sounds like it's a clear coat of paint and these clear coats are formulated to have various different finishes"
"Modeling is pretty much an effect which gives you tonal variation in your paint and also accentuates the panel lines."
"The decals in this kit are brilliant, they are Airfix, they are vibrant, they are thin."
"This is exactly how I wanted this model to look."
"His armor is very clean, whereas I would kind of imagine Angron's armor just to be completely destroyed because he's always fighting and warring."
"Since we can push this guy way above what we have right now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to say mesh and I'm going to say smooth. And the smooth option, as you can see, will give me way a nicer topology, a nicer form."
"A model is some way of reducing the actuality of the world to something where you can readily give a narrative."
"As is normal for my build process, the parts will be cut from the sprue using my side cutters or perhaps a sharp knife."
"I'm going for quite a subdued weathered effect here... hopefully it won't be too overbearing."
"It is a massive time sync of a kit to build."
"But rather than just gluing the model to the base, I instead decided to have the Toad Dragon climbing across rocks."
"The symmetry can still be there in principle even if it's not there in practice in your dataset."
"But I think there will ultimately always be a need for a clay model of some form."
"I added some nice green flocks and static grass to the bases of all the models of this force."
"Don't waste the time, the effort, and the money to strip a model when just putting more paint on it will often do a better job."
"It's very inclusive so modelers of all ages and all skills will find something extremely interesting."
"And there are countless stories too where black models will show up to set"
"all these little things uh start to add a bit more detail and bring bring the model alive"
"It's better to start how you want it to be and not try and base your modeling on hiding things."
"A very significant aesthetic change going from the Constitution which in both the refit and the original Gene Roddenberry really was modeling that on a jet fighter."
"These are invaluable to us modelers."
"The more confident the model is, the higher the value."
"People are always willing to give you a second chance. The bottom line is she's a fantastic model and she sells clothes. Women respond to Kate."
"They modeled an authentic relationship with Jesus."
"...as precise as possible to your mesh especially for precision modeling set this down to point one or even lower it's up to you really but point one you should be fine..."
"I love this look, great modeling and sculpting but no harsh shadows."
"They're going to be on that, and it's what you because yeah because even when you tell them not to do it, if that's what you're doing and they can see, you're just contradicting yourself as well."