
Resource Sharing Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"We've learned over time is if we work together and we cooperate and we combine assets and combine resources, we can do much more."
"The material resources which we can afford to use for the assistance of other peoples are limited, but our imponderable resources in technical knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible."
"And as always, a huge thank you to both The Cutting Room Floor and the Hidden Palace for sharing these awesome prototypes with all of us."
"The less boundaries and borders we build, the easier it is to share skills and resources with the rest of the world, amicably and fairly, making everyone better."
"People should help each other out if they have the resources to do so."
"This is the old European folk tale of the stone soup, which clearly suggests that resources of many individuals can be combined to accommodate a collective, even if it requires a touch of deception."
"The concept of consuming less and sharing our resources more is the antithesis of waste."
"We're dedicated to Genshin Impact: builds, guides, tips, news, and event updates."
"Feel free to use it as a boilerplate for future applications."
"A print server allows one printer to be shared by multiple people on the network."
"Regardless if you'd like to read more about this decreasing eligibility as well as the text of this lawsuit from the six different states well I'll throw both of that into the description box below this video."
"Don't be over there hogging up all my good tools now."
"You don't need to spend money to learn how to do this, you don't have to buy an online course... I've learned this for free from other people and I'm gonna share with you for free today."
"The power of a large community has been game-changing for many in terms of time-saving, access to guides, and money savings."
"This is another way to share assets with other people, with developers, or with members of your team."
"I will let you have any other loot as long as you let me have at least eight Echo shards when we come away from this. Does that sound good?"
"The Vikings themselves had British DNA, so the idea of them just coming on boats and raiding isn't 100% true."
"Give and take exercises help players understand the importance of sharing resources."
"They will use social media to bring up resources, quotes, and posts that are going to be helpful to you."
"Let's pull our money together and our resources together and our knowledge together."
"If you're not going to share, you shouldn't be allowed to use it."
"The heart of the church should be, 'How can we get you resource? How can we get you help?'"
"We're one big family... when it comes to resources."
"The Commons is not only to do with pieces of land... it's to do with intellectual property, shared resources."
"I really appreciate you having me on, and I guess this is sort of what I feel like my role is here on YouTube or in this community as sort of being a resource."
"I hope you enjoyed this video and again I'm super excited to offer this Onenote digital planner for you for free just by using the link in the description."
"Your house could be the place where everyone can come to in the neighborhood for heat and power."
"All these recipes will be linked in the description for you guys they're all on the blog."
"The relationship between Sherlock and Watson is treated beautifully. Sherlock effectively falls in love with him in the film, but it's so desperately unspoken."
"I'm happy to kind of let people know what the resources are."
"I publish a Weekly Newsletter... I share my biggest takeaways and action items."
"Links to all these parts that I used are down in the video's description."
"They can support this ministry in many different ways, and two of the best ways that can support this ministry is by just sharing this book with others."
"Maybe we convince the world countries around the world to pool our resources and stand together against our common enemy which is climate change."
"Your godly community shouldn't be like, 'New nation I got that big ol house.' Your godly community says, 'Hey I got a room you can stay in at my house.'"
"I'm not very good about leveraging and promoting and pushing that stuff out but there's some good ones out there if people are interested."
"Don't forget that for this week's meal prep I have the free downloadable grocery shopping list linked below."
"We can accomplish a lot by spreading the usefulness of our own possessions."
"I've been thinking lately, I want to make my Instagram more of a resource for you guys."
"Data pack is linked down below. Check it out, check it out!"
"The more you have, the more you got to give."
"Thank you for everything that you all are doing and the resources."
"The only way to eradicate poverty is through sharing."
"Remember, everything that I talked about in today's video will be linked down below."
"You can make like five mirrors a week... sharing the cost between six people."
"If you have no idea what the Professor Oak challenge is, I've included a playlist so you can check out in the top right of your screen."
"If you found a source of good food, one of the things you like to do is share it."
"When anyone has more resources and can help, why not? We should always be in service."
"It was really, you know, Hav started hogging the machine, really. You know what I mean? He wasn't letting me get on that shit."
"We should be trying to prevent it. We should be thinking about ways to share resources, empower ordinary people."
"I'll have a file, a link to a markdown file in the description, which will be a cheat sheet."
"Animal Crossing gave us a way to hang out, spend time together, share resources and experiences."
"Standardization is key: common calibers, shared equipment."
"Men show their love through giving you resources."
"Maybe China goes here, Artemis goes here, and the Russians go here, then we don't have to be fighting over limited resources."
"We've offered assistance, we've offered medical supplies, et cetera."
"Join the official League's Discord because this place is a gold mine for information."
"Remember that this clan is so strong because we've learned to cooperate. All you collect and harvest can be turned into a contribution for our clan."
"Fight for that [ __ ] egg. Yeah, you know, that's so we either fight and kill each other or we can split the breakfast in three. Either way, we're going to start."
"When Elon says, 'Hey, we need some SpaceX engineers or Boring Company engineers to help out with some kind of Tesla project,' they've got that help available."
"Share your tools, use them to build relationships and not just projects."
"Just be another hustle but I'll put their code here and in the description box below all the links that you guys will need."
"You may have a semi-barter system, maybe they've got a pretty good dentist and somebody else is a pretty good landscaper."
"Andre 3000 gave y'all two websites y'all need to write down."
"Salt... didn't want to profit off it... belonged to humanity."
"Before, at the end of every school year, you bring all your uniforms that you don't need anymore and you can trade them out."
"Oh, hey, my name is Mr. Cooper, how you guys doing? Can I steal some of your ammo? Thank you, I appreciate it, are you right, my friend?"
"I do try to make all my resources available for free so that people don't have to pay."
"Adventures are where you find some of these rare building materials such as diamonds even if you're showing an adventure with other players every block mind during the encounter will be received by everyone in the group."
"So like I said we're using blender 2.8 just recently released you guys can go ahead and download it there might be a link in the description for you guys otherwise blender.org."
"We're going to put all the links in the description box to his socials, to the book, and to whatever comes out during this interview. So, huge thank you for coming on."
"If anybody in the Bear Nation shoots an elk and can't eat all the meat, I got you. Email me, I will pay you for it. Pack that stuff on dry ice and mail it to me, I'll pay you every dime of what it's worth."
"Welcome to my channel! I talk about online entrepreneurship and sharing resources."
"Cut down on some of that time wasted and money wasted by sharing all of the tools that I use on a daily or at least weekly basis in my online business."
"Can I have lapis? Yeah, sure. Let me just make my stuff first though."
"The slides that I just went through are all going to be available in the Discord server."
"Support one another, fill in the gaps of what we don't have."
"Our struggle is always a nation-class struggle because we want to share the resources that our people and just to make it plain for folks as Gil Noble used to say we're still for socialism."
"Everything is just fine—the land is ours but the grain is yours, the water ours but the fish yours, the forests ours but the wood yours."
"Sharing supplies would prove beneficial in the long term."
"He unshouldered his pack and handed it to me, telling me as he did so that I needed the food and water to make it back."
"Everything I do on my channel is completely open-source and you're free to use it and change things up."
"You can grab this PSD file and follow through with it, and also grab a few of the photo packs all for free."
"Although it seems like a mess, it's actually a more efficient way of doing things and allows much more sharing of common resources between packages."
"Resource sharing is the capability to allow you to share resources instead of having multiples."
"...having some way of sharing some of those resources means that you can reduce your cost while also still maintaining really high performance and high service quality."
"One of the reasons that you might do this is because you want to share the processing load on your computer."
"And that means connections. That means resource sharing. That means diversity."
"No one has private ownership of it; it can be allocated and shared to the best of all humanity."
"Evolution is not the survival of the fittest but the sharing of resources beyond your own needs."
"I am. Any of your listeners who hear what I think about their specific resource stocks are invited to go to my new website."
"God put all these resources on this earth so that people may have them, not to privatize them and hoard resources and keep them from others."
"I just want people to have more access to all these wonderful resources that are out there."
"Now if anyone asks me this question, I will literally just send you the link to this video. I'm not going to text the answer ever again. I'm just going to send this link."
"If you guys want the outline, I think I'll also make it available in my coffee shop for you to download. And yeah, that's it for this one."
"If and when humanity encounters extraterrestrial intelligence, we will face profound questions about tolerance, communication, and the sharing of resources and space."
"...so if you want you can take a picture of this but this includes a lot of the places that I go to find recipes and inspiration and just you know figuring out how to cook things and make things a little bit easier..."
"It's fundamental to help all my brothers and sisters out there who are struggling and do not have the resources and abundance that they need right now."
"Whatever the project I have created on this YouTube channel, all these projects are freely available."
"You help each other, you share resources with each other."
"Everyone needs to understand that this river needs to be shared and it needs to be shared in the most efficient way that we all can figure out how to share it."
"If you want to build your own Krampus mask, I have free PDF files available over on my website."
"Where things start to get a bit more complicated though is when the two threads need to talk to each other and share resources."
"We're understanding that we got to combine, get rid of all this North South versus [stuff], like we have to combine all the resources."
"Kind people who share resources and opportunities and ideas rise in organizations."
"All of our code is released; our pre-trained models have been released."
"The inner Sphere was working in near perfect unison, sharing technology, industrial, economic, and military resources with one another."
"Hey teachers, whether you are teaching remotely or in a physical classroom, a Google site is a great way to share information and assignments with your students."
"Google Sites can be a fast and easy to use way to not only have student portfolios but also have a place where you can share resources with your students."
"Let me think of how much stuff is wasted, like how much stuff do you have in your house that other people could use that you don't ever use?"
"It's about sharing resources and just finding the ways to do that and being creative."
"At the end of this session, I will present some resources to go beyond that and to be able to also use better tools and perform other things."
"It is our hope that by sharing the hub resources with teachers of all grade levels, we will be able to give you the tools that you need to ultimately ensure that more students successfully learn how to read."
"I'm going to make every effort to link stuff for you because I know how helpful that is."
"Cloud computing is a technological approach where computing resources are provisioned in a shareable way so that lots of users get what they need when they need it."
"I'm also going to put links in the description to any of the products that I mentioned."
"I'm leaving a link down below so you can grab it."
"It's called a crock pot theory because you pool resources and comments and questions."
"Find your tribe, build your audience, make friends; share resources to increase your power and safety."
"If this goes well and we create this nice new Notion together, I will give you the link and you can download the template yourself."
"The whole idea of Kahoot is that teachers are sharing their content so that we can save time."
"What if instead of having to track every piece of memory's lifetime specifically, we let groups of related allocations share a lifetime?"
"Let me show you where you can get your hands onto this dataset so you can practice it the way I'm showing it to you."
"You guys putting stuff out like this is great for all the other coaches."
"Make sure you check out the links below and go and print off your free pattern."
"Networking is the identification and the building of relationships for the purpose of sharing information, opportunities, and resources."
"I'm simply going to be giving you guys the most helpful resources I know out there without any financial incentives."
"I'm going to share over 10 free print on demand tools with you."
"All the themes that everybody loves around this channel, we did it all just by borrowing from the Quixel material."
"These two databases will share the resources, and all the things would work."
"We should aim to share the resources that we all have on this planet, share our knowledge, and work together to survive and to make life better for all of us if possible."
"We believe in sharing our resources developed to benefit and support others."
"So this is more like it for those who like to take a look at this, I'm going to put a link in the description that will bring you over to Carson's and Carlos's subpage where you can download the variants of these tools and start creating some amazing images directly in Blender."
"I'm really excited, I will have the link to Passion Planner as well."
"When you are not using your machine, let it render for the network, and the network will render for you later when you need it."
"Let's come to the table and talk and cross-exchange the resources."
"Every video is going to have a link in the description that points to a GitHub repository where you can download the source code."
"...the ancient Kingdom made an attempt to share the planet's resources with as many people as possible..."
"We have to have a much bigger, more aggressive global stance, not just on sharing, but also on production."
"I do share a monthly meal plan every single month, and it's totally free."