
Income Management Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Keep your household needs 50% or less of your income."
"It's not about how much you make, it's about how much you keep."
"Financial planning is about understanding your situation and making choices that suit your income, tax rate, and future expectations."
"It doesn't matter how much you earn; it matters how much you keep."
"If you're making $25,000 a year, $250,000 a year, or $2.5 million a year, it doesn't matter. Spend less than what you make."
"One of the simplest, not easiest, but simplest ways to become wealthier faster is when you increase your income to not increase your expenses."
"Live below your means. Just because you made X amount of money in December does not mean you're going to make X plus one in January."
"We shouldn't really have anyone that's paying more than 30 percent of their income towards housing."
"Pay yourself first, automate a process for putting income monthly."
"You will never master something if you don't practice it over and over while listening carefully."
"As your income continues to expand, prioritize taking advantage of that four percent opportunity of actually using the triple tax advantage and not letting lifestyle get away from you."
"Deductions reduce the amount of your taxable income."
"You take the earned income you're working every single day, you take this income and you use as much as possible to invest into assets."
"Live below your means and increase your means, it is both."
"The combo of being smart with what you make and making more will be the key."
"I think the safe assumption for an investor in this current environment is that over the next 100 years the currency is going to zero." - Charlie Munger
"When you're outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall." - Rick Rule
"Just because you make more money doesn't mean you need to spend more money."
"I was just tired of knowing that I made decent money but I never had it to show anything."
"June is the first month this year that I saved 50% of my income. That's crazy."
"You always have a percentage of your income being invested."
"No matter your income, it's important to live below your means."
"Being good with money has really nothing to do with how much money you make but instead how much of it you actually get to keep."
"Just because someone is making a lot in income doesn't mean they're good with money."
"Save at least 15 to 20 percent of your net annual income for investing and retirement."
"Save at least 20 percent of gross income every year."
"It isn't about how much you make, it's about how much you keep."
"Every time you get a paycheck it's important to know what to do with that money."
"Understanding your income is one of the keys to a successful life." - Charlie Munger
"I really believe that cutting back on your expenses and then saving the difference will have the biggest longest lasting impact in terms of making more money at the end of the day."
"The fastest way for you to become wealthy is to get control of your income."
"The behavior change... I want to see you use your future income."
"The 50 30 20 rule: split your income into necessities, wants, and savings."
"It's not how much money you earn, it is what you do with the money that matters."
"The biggest thing that determines how much you can invest is the difference between your cost of living and the amount of your income."
"Paying yourself first flips this around entirely."
"Expenses will always go up right alongside with your income."
"It's not about how much money you make, it's about how much you keep."
"It's not how much money you make that matters, it's how much money you keep."
"When you start a job even if it's minimum wage you should put money away no matter how small it is."
"Your lifestyle should always be less than your income."
"The quickest and easiest way to become wealthier sooner is when you inflate your income don't inflate your lifestyle."
"Financial independence is the ability to live from the income of your own personal resources."
"I believe that anyone on any income can take steps to master their money and improve their financial situation for themselves and for generations to come."
"The second you make money, your goal should be to start making that money work for you."
"Make sure that your business earns at least 1.5 times your monthly check at work"
"It's not how much you make, it really comes down to how much you keep."
"If you have a net loss, then you take the loss against your other income."
"Income is your biggest wealth-building tool."
"Financially leveling is not just making more money. It's understanding how money works."
"15% of your household income into retirement at Baby Step Four."
"She bought her house within her means so her payment is about twenty-five percent of her net income."
"What really matters the most is how much of your income you can actually save not necessarily how much money you can make."
"As long as you have more income than expenses, you're always in a position to buy."
"Well, see, if you're talking about paying your taxes, you also have to make sure that you're earning on your revenue each year."
"It's not about how much you make, it's what you keep that counts."
"Your car should be less than half of your annual income."
"The most important financial decision is how much of your income you make work for you."
"How were you able to save 50 percent of your income?"
"And that's how I was eventually able to have a certain sum of money that I was able to use for business to be able to start drawing a paycheck."
"The power of his income to not only get out of debt first but then to point it towards something other than just piling up cash in a safe deposit box."
"Investing a minimum of 15% of your income is so important."
"There are only two things that can contribute to financial success: the work we do for a living and the amount of money we save."
"If you keep increasing your expenses as you increase your income you never end up really becoming rich."
"Aim to save anywhere between 10 to 20 percent of your income."
"Keep your monthly car payments, including insurance and maintenance, to be less than 10% of your gross monthly income."
"Just because you see your income going up doesn't mean that your expenses have to go up."
"It's not necessarily that dollar that's coming in now. If you have a bigger shovel does it help? Absolutely. But you could be making five hundred thousand dollars and still be broke because you're spending everything you make."
"You are supposed to save a minimum of ten percent of all your income no matter what. Ten percent, save it."
"So it's another one of those things that when you're doing your tax planning from one year to the next if you can keep your income just below that threshold rather than just above it that would be very advantageous to do so."
"I realized I make way too much money to be this broke."
"You're banking 70 or 80k a year and your expenditure is only 40k a year."
"You don't have to give the bank your paycheck."
"We didn't increase our lifestyle as our income went up."
"Invest a good portion of your income."
"I went from trying to make ends meet to living like a king on half of my income."
"Make sure that you speak to your tax specialist, your accountant, to look at ways that you can apportion income in the most effective way."
"You gotta know how much money is coming in every month and how much money is going out."
"The goal is not to spend more than 70 percent of your income on your expenses."
"Budgeting is crucial to help you keep track of your expenses and income."
"If you make sure that your income is equal to your expenses, well, you've got yourself a balanced budget, baby."
"On average, you can save about half of what you are earning."
"I really like 25% of your income because it allows you the freedom to do other stuff."
"Housing should ideally be no more than 28% of your gross income."
"Focusing on everything except for money... it's not how much you're making but it's how much you're keeping."
"While earning this income, it's extremely important that I save as much of my money as possible."
"YNAB takes a really expansive view of what's income and what's an expense."
"Whenever you earn more income, stop adding bills to your name. That's stupid."
"Just because you're making more money doesn't mean you have to go out and live beyond your means."
"Invest up to like 15% of your income in your retirement."
"Investing for retirement... you should responsibly be putting away at least 15 percent of your net income into retirement."
"Our income is greater than our expenditure, which is you should always be that way, hopefully."
"If you don't work, nobody else in that list will be able to earn anything, so why not pay yourself first?"
"The secret is you could technically have a salary of $100,000 but only have a taxable income of $60,000."
"Your income is completely under your control."
"If you're not saving or don't know how to save, start with 10% of your income and put that aside."
"Form the habit of systematic saving by putting aside a definite percentage of your income."
"The objective is to increase the gap between what you make and what you spend."
"You ever let your outgo exceed your income, then your upkeep's going to be your downfall."
"Once you understand how to live below your means, you can use your income more effectively."
"You've reached financial independence, and now you have to balance all of these expenses without income coming in."
"Your mortgage every month, your payment should be no more than 33% of your monthly income."
"I have been saving over half of my income."
"Velocity banking is the art of using your income... to pay off a balance and then immediately pay any bill that you have."
"Your expenses need to be less than your income."
"You got to look at your income like a table, a table got four legs."
"What if you could take all of your income, dump it into a secure compound interest producing vehicle, and then pay all of your bills from the leveraged money?"
"Congratulations on saving 20%; that's a remarkable amount of your income to be putting into savings at a regular rate."
"Pay yourself first with every dollar that comes in your possession."
"I've always had two income streams: you live on one and you bank the other."
"We are going to work with the numbers they have because they have a pretty decent income."
"This is a zero-based budget, which means all the income should equal all the expenses and savings and debts."
"If you have a partner, invest one's income and live with the other's."
"Not having a budget is simply not knowing how to manage your income."
"Just because your income increases, do not mean go increase your expenses."
"We want to make sure that you make good decisions when it comes to your retirement income."
"We're the ones earning our income, and we need to make sure that we set ourselves up for success."
"The 50/30/20 rule: 50% of your income goes towards needs, 30% towards wants, and 20% towards savings or debt payoff."
"The balance means that both people contributing to the household... we have to think of 'we have 150 in income, how do we maximize the potential of what we have?'"
"I always set aside 25 percent of my income, my taxable income, in allocated savings."
"As the game progresses, you'll upgrade your income so that you can make more money faster, and that will let you summon more powerful cats."
"Every dollar of your income should be spent somewhere in your budget. There should be a plan for every dollar."
"Save at least 10% of my income in a separate savings account."
"What if you could pay your annual bills with one month's income?"
"I'm very fortunate to have had that corporate job along with YouTube where I was kind of making two incomes, so I saved my entire income."
"Make yourself your most important financial obligation by setting aside a portion of your income every time you are paid."
"It is possible to still be able to budget your money and be ok whenever you are on a lower income budget."