
Falcon 9 Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket has supported operations on the International Space Station, delivering critical science hardware and supplies to crew aboard the space station."
"The first stage... gets reused over and over. In fact, the dark sit that see around the lower part of the first stage are remnants from its previous nine launches."
"If you want to learn more about the Falcon 9 booster and all the other things... EverydayAstronaut.com, I've got you covered."
"This is Starlink 6, Falcon 9 Block 5, taking off today."
"This will be the 104th Falcon 9 launch ever. Pretty amazing."
"We will see more Ariane and more Isa payloads... move to Falcon 9."
"The Falcon 9 did its job perfectly Dart is on its way that's a success in my book."
"The Falcon 9 rocket is now fully fueled with 1 million pounds of propellant."
"You just saw Falcon 9 had an on-time liftoff through the fog from Vandenberg Air Force Base. That was sweet."
"That is our 57th successful landing by Falcon 9."
"This was the 15th flight of Falcon 9 booster 1071, the 317th Falcon 9 launch to date."
"Power and telemetry nominal. Beautiful Falcon 9 has cleared the tower."
"Falcon 9 has now cleared the tower on its way for its first flight from Florida in 20124 carrying the Aon 3 satellite."
"This was the 10th flight of Falcon 9 booster 1076, the 287th Falcon 9 launch to date."
"Incredible to see that a Falcon 9 Booster can stick the landing coming in so hot!"
"What SpaceX did with the Falcon 9 rocket will blow your mind."
"The Falcon 9 rocket has become the most reliable orbital launch vehicle ever."
"The Falcon 9 is designed so that two of the nine Merlin engines in the first stage can fail and the launch won't be affected."
"X marks the spot for yet another picture-perfect landing of the Falcon 9."
"The double Landing Zone touchdowns for the two Falcon 9 side boosters are always something really special to watch."
"I love this. This is the first daytime launch we've had since like June. It's been a long time, so it's good to see our eyes on a Falcon 9 during the broad daylight."
"We saw a fantastic launch and landing of the Falcon 9 there. Fantastic!"
"It's absolutely gorgeous, Falcon 9's reflection on the water."
"FTS is armed Falcon 9 is in startup and is now controlling dragon is in countdown."
"If by 2027 you haven't developed a system that's competing directly with Falcon 9, you're definitely too late."
"Falcon 9's latest record: breaking the record for 61 Falcon flights in a single year."
"SpaceX proudly boasts of its productivity, stating that in 2023 alone Falcon 9 has propelled over 900 tons of cargo into orbit."
"This is going to break the record for most Falcon 9 launches in a calendar month."
"The rocket is... a falcon 9 block 5... I love that that's becoming a normal thing."
"The Falcon 9's computers have taken over the launch countdown."
"SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 this week with the Nilesat 301 mission, after a very lengthy time between missions."
"We've had a successful liftoff of the Falcon 9 vehicle carrying the GPS III space vehicle into transfer orbit."
"We really are getting to airline the levels of routine with Falcon 9 at this stage."
"Every Falcon 9 launch I just think is magic." - "I never get sick of these launches."
"I think it comes down to precision and we've seen with Falcon 9 and then getting more and more precise with their landings as they learn more and more about their vehicle that they're flying."
"Falcon 9's have flown and red is the number of new boosters... you can do just as many missions using boosters that you've already made."
"We are now just under 13 minutes and counting until the expected liftoff time of Falcon 9."
"SpaceX has proven Falcon 9 to be absolutely reliable."
"This is the first Falcon 9 to carry humans to orbit."
"It is a breezy evening at the cape as SpaceX is preparing to launch its 175th Falcon 9 from this pad to date."
"A good touchdown of the Falcon 9's first stage booster, tail number 1069, landing for a 15th time."
"Falcon 9 has cleared the tower, soaring past the American flag at the Press site."
"Falcon 9 is now supersonic, traveling faster than the speed of sound."
"The Falcon 9 first stage booster is making its way down toward the drone ship 'Just Read the Instructions' stationed down in the Atlantic Ocean."
"Liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket on the UtelSat 36D mission."
"A beautiful liftoff here of the Falcon 9 rocket at Launch Complex 39A."
"Ignition and liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket."
"Falcon 9 hitting the brakes as it makes its way down towards Landing Zone 2."
"The strong back retract sequence begins, starts the clamp arms underneath the payload fairings opening up."
"The Falcon 9 is fully loaded with 1 million pounds propellant in the final 60 seconds."
"The Falcon 9 will pass through Max Q, the point of greatest aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle."
"Falcon 9 has cleared the Tower and the flags at the Press site, soaring high above Florida's Space Coast."
"The Falcon is now traveling faster than the speed of sound."
"A good landing of that first stage booster."
"The Falcon 9 rocket, meeting its place in history, now one more flight than all of the space shuttles in the entire 30-year run."
"We're anticipating a good launch of the Falcon 9 rocket coming up in less than an hour."
"Stage one landing confirmed, got a good landing of that Falcon 9 first stage."
"Our Falcon 9 rocket is named after what some would say is the fastest ship in the galaxy, aka the Millennium Falcon, and the number nine indicates the number of Merlin 1D engines on the first stage."
"What beautiful views from Falcon 9 as it lifts off from Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral."
"Ignition. Falcon 9 has cleared the tower."
"Falcon 9's southern trajectory makes it more likely to be visible from the ground."
"It's official, Europe turns to the Falcon 9 to launch its navigation satellites."
"I always love these nighttime Falcon 9 launches because you can see so much."
"This is their 300th Falcon 9 launch to date."