
Video Game Design Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Five Nights at Freddy’s is a work of genius."
"The choice. I have never seen an advantage or a good time created in a video game whenever you take a choice away from a player."
"If developers do decide to add an easy mode, I agree that nothing's really lost as long as that's completely optional."
"It's a really cool concept and it's backed up by a stark but stylish black and white art style."
"For a game of its time, the overworld was shaping up to be relatively huge."
"We're doing it live, we're building all these systems and deploying them as we build them, right into Unreal Engine 5 openly with partners."
"Sonic 3 clearly had more expansive levels than Sonic 2 while also having a newly implemented save feature."
"The most impressive thing I thought about the Andromeda mod was the Sprite work. I mean, look at this custom-made Sprite. Do I not look absolutely bodacious and totally tubular at the same time?"
"The cars in this game are so well designed and form such a large part of what you see that you should keep this setting on ultra so you can enjoy them in their full glory."
"Grand Theft Auto 5 transitions between three different characters in three different areas with three different stories that all interconnect, all of them having different special skills and acted just flawlessly."
"No doubt about it, it is in fact I that has wronged myself. I take full responsibility for what just happened before you. I have done wrong to myself. So forgive me."
"Metal Gear Solid 5 streamlines the controls so that it's easy to pull off complex maneuvers without having to fight the controls."
"The level design has taken a much more linear approach compared to the sandboxes of old."
"Elden Ring might have perfected video game difficulty and defied the trends of modern gaming."
"Sonic Generations was influenced by the fractured fan base, aiming to cater to both 2D and 3D Sonic fans."
"Imagine mixing Tomb Raider with Dark Souls, then sprinkling on some old Warhammer fantasy aesthetic."
"Sonic's sprite received a major redesign in Sonic 3."
"Castlevania 3 expanded upon the design of the first game by introducing branching pathways and multiple playable characters."
"The build-up I talked about in the story carries over since you battled phantom and Griffon twice and nightmare three times before the repeat encounter is in a much different battleground which changes the way you attack."
"Sonic Rush Adventure: The level design is so much better in Adventure compared to the first title."
"The visual design of tf2 had a lot of thought and effort put into it."
"It's visually stunning, but not only. So we were also able to make the gameplay evolve with the AI, the story, the quests, etcetera." - Ubisoft Creative Director
"Ghost of Tsushima took everything it learned from Assassin's Creed and it perfected it."
"That is the pinnacle of Minecraft design that you have witnessed right here, the absolute pinnacle of Minecraft design."
"Let's say the people who built the division crafted the most incredible New York City, and I would love for people to be able to just boot up and wander that New York City 10 years from now, 15 years from now."
"Overall, the main quests are fleshed out, and account for a lot of different playstyles."
"It's so crazy that a cod game has such dynamic endings."
"Don't need gimmicks, just make a sick-ass region for exploring."
"The levels are thankfully shorter and easier to navigate than Princess and the Pauper, and rather than being a strategic environmental puzzler, this one feels more like a straight platformer, which I think works better for the younger audience."
"Passionately crafting Cutting Edge games that Inspire and captivate players across Generations."
"For all of Kojima’s intentional worldbuilding and storytelling through gameplay."
"We need to make a game where you control a clumsy pirate who hates the monarchy."
"We think you should do a game where you wield a bazooka which is attached to an assault rifle and misfires often."
"Sushi Striker... looked like it had a lot of heart put into it."
"Character modeling I think is one of this game's greater strengths."
"Progression in the game will not necessarily be tied down to story beats."
"Secrets have been a crucial part of video game design since basically the start of video games."
"Ultimately it's kind of like a midi Love Letter to RPG fans."
"Video games by their nature incorporate the player as the most important entity in their world"
"It kind of baffles me that behind this game's plain box art is some pretty kick-ass design."
"Night City is as much a character in this game as anything else is"
"The game graphics actually drastically changes the game, you see this on the ground right here?"
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most impressive achievements in modern game design."
"For a long time fans were search of the game that made them truly feel like a web-swinging hero and when one of those fans went on to develop a system that allowed for such an experience it would set a bar for every game to follow."
"Perhaps the smartest thing the game did is let gamers play as a slew of Batman’s villains."
"Halo 5: the main focus of competitive multiplayer is fair starts."
"Animal Crossing was designed for just about everybody."
"Metro Exodus deserves a lot of credit for its open-world design because each of these worlds feels immersive and mechanically unique."
"Rayman 3 builds upon and improves the controls from Rayman 2."
"The shrine quickly becomes this nexus... providing a natural start and end point to play sessions."
"A hub world is a way to connect different levels and areas... a lens that focuses and changes how we perceive it."
"Season 11, the changes to the emergent world, mean that regardless of short or long sessions there's always something waiting just beyond the horizon to take you by surprise."
"I'm expecting Halo Infinite to be unlike any Halo game we've seen before in its model and design."
"I think there's so many small little things we can do to so many champions that could just make them all feel a lot better and like really wouldn't impact their win rates too much."
"The Last of Us does pacing very, very well. Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog have a keen awareness of pacing."
"Baldur's Gate does incredibly well is sound design."
"Dumping your own subconscious directly into a video game can make for a very interesting method of storytelling."
"Heroes of the Storm succeeds by distilling things down to the fun with plenty of charm and character."
"Mombasa Streets was the embodiment of Bungie's experimentation with Halo's gameplay and level design."
"It's a lengthy campaign that knows all the right times to introduce something new to make the experience still feel fresh."
"The camera in this game cannot be overstated; it's one of the most important elements for making it feel large, cinematic, and epic."
"We along with several other outlets and content creators have beaten the drum about how this game is a master class in level design enemy design and storytelling."
"Breath of the Wild's world encourages an unusually large amount of experimentation, with no two player experiences alike."
"This is breathtaking work the animation the character models the many years even the music is spot on."
"Infinite seems like a mix of both old and new Halo."
"Thank God Jed isn't in charge of video game design."
"The graphics don't matter that much. It's all about the gameplay."
"Bethesda's latest almost finished masterpiece is a fantastical, boundaryless playground where logic takes a backseat to sheer wonder."
"Space is just so large that it defeats their own randomly generated content cheats to fill large worlds with points of interest."
"The music and the art style of this game both complemented the story so well... they were both just truly truly excellent."
"We no longer blindly stumble in video game layout menus; we proudly explore."
"It's new Vegas in space essentially with some refinements."
"I've always found this feature to be really annoying, so instead of that, we're going to have upgrades be instant."
"Video games are uniquely placed to make the most out of their villains."
"Prey is a game where every system has a lot of depth beneath the surface... There's always something new to learn."
"Clearly inspired by splatoon ninja lon switch is an eight-player 3d brawler created by gung-ho who gave us let it die."
"It allows us to add that touch of environmental storytelling that Bethesda is known for."
"It's like if Kingdom Hearts got rid of all the Disney characters and formed a boyband RPG."
"I also feel the game has some solid pacing they break up the action and really nice waves giving you these nice set pieces to walk through between action scenes."
"Streets of Rage 4 is designed to retain that which makes the series special expanding in areas that made sense."
"Narrative is gameplay and gameplay is narrative."
"Do better Bloodborne! What we need here is clearly a multiple point system to create a nose shape, a jawline, a general face shape."
"The basic design of Doom is incredibly elegant."
"I think what I'm describing is some kind of Resident Evil Metroidvania."
"3D Zelda is bigger, more complex, and resonates with people."
"Having more than one link in Smash almost seems natural at this point."
"Procedural narrative generation can help move story games from progression to emergence."
"There's plenty of good ideas and there's plenty of, I'm sure every MMO that comes out it's like hey we feel like we can do this better."
"Hiding something as silly as a party hat next to one of the best weapons in the game is the type of thing that makes me love Fallout."
"I just absolutely loved the combat here. The additions and alterations all combined together to make a much more satisfying experience."
"Super Mario Odyssey acknowledges and respects the time and effort of the player playing it."
"The lighting is dramatic, using stencil shadows for its darkness – the same thing that games like 'F.E.A.R.' would use."
"The game delivers on being a cross between Wonder Boy 3 and ghouls and ghosts."
"Disney Infinity 3.0: 'Creates a polished imaginative gameplay experience with just as many customization options as ever.'"
"Lion King for Genesis and says who designed this stupidly difficult game."
"Dark Souls 1 right from the very start to the very end knew exactly what it was and what it would take to realize that vision."
"The game feels like a fusion between Resident Evil 4's faster paced gameplay with the original design and flow of Resident Evil 2."
"The remake bosses tested your ammo management, aiming ability and timing, creating encounters that were very memorable."
"Floundering is it, the opening of the game gives you literally zero guidance, no obvious NPC to talk to, no goal, no questline, no tutorial."
"The leveling zones are going to scale with your level so like if a person who's like level 102 wants to quest with somebody who's 105 they can play together and nobody loses everybody wins."
"Persona 5's aesthetic elements are top class. It deserves praise, and Royal only served to polish the grime."
"Low poly art style with grit lighting sounds cool."
"After that Chubut craft texture pack, I feel like I need to go and have a lie down."
"Rayman Legends features a wide range of gameplay using traditional 2D action and innovative touch controls."
"It's a proper test of dodging DPS momentum management and the culmination of the story which is exactly what a final fight should be."
"Every single song, the uniqueness of every level."
"Everything from its quest design and traversal to the world design itself feels more polished, refined, and engaging."
"Red Dead 2 offers one of the most detailed worlds we've seen yet on consoles, with a higher than expected resolution on Xbox One X."
"Augustine is a really neat villain with a really cool boss fight."
"We was trying to be banjo kazooie like almost to a fault well too much yeah yes a little too much the chatter chatterbox."
"The introduction of snow will work with all the other dynamic weather elements."
"Noob Saibot started with a simple idea and became one of our coolest characters."
"The pacing of the game switches between platforming combat exploration and cutscenes so well that you'll never get bored."
"The gameplay loop of this will actually be really good. I like the colors, I like the storyline with the demons' possessions and all that."
"Anna is still one of the best designed heroes in the game and is a strong A to your hero."
"Let's swing through New York City, let's give people what they want right away."
"Cyber Shadow, though, is one of those exceptions. It's a game where the developer demonstrates their firm understanding of the genre with style and confidence."
"The new bed styles and even the new kitchen counters are so good, I love them."
"Jhin has the best design in the game hands down."
"Spawning just doesn't feel brilliant right now and we've also got to talk about the UI I don't mind the in-game UI at all that doesn't really bother me but the front end menus and stuff are really not that easy to navigate..."
"Imagine Metroid fused with The Melancholy of near automata, complete with the remains of sentient AI abandoned and driven half mad by disuse."
"Sonic and Tails make subtle shifts in their facial expressions when you have Kit and Surge calling them out for their relations to each other and with their enemies."
"Lost in Vivo takes clear inspiration from Silent Hill in much of the gameplay, atmosphere, sound design, and direction."
"Throughout a dungeon's diverse and memorable theme, thought-provoking layout, and many engaging challenges alike, I can safely say that these are the most prominent attributes of a good Zelda dungeon."
"Everything was designed to make sure the players who failed to help their teammates were adequately pushed to the point of understanding cooperation."
"Finally, something good... gorgeous and functional boob armor."
"Max Payne 2's soundtrack effectively conveys the atmosphere of every level, from isolated and soft instruments to overwhelming orchestrations."
"This was supposed to be the biggest craziest one yet, focused completely around multiplayer."
"Final Fantasy designs their encounters in a way that makes you feel a sense of progress in your skill and ability as you're banging your head against the wall of the raid."
"I kind of wish we could have a game where it's like all the tech side of infinity ward and then the gameplay philosophy of treyarch."
"Central Yharnam is... one of the best introductory levels ever designed in a video game."
"Games don't need to be as earth-shittingly large as Baldur's Gate 3 to be good meaningful well-made stable games at launch."
"My favorite game is Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo... I'd want to build the blocks up... that would be crazy with all the gem texture."
"It's ripe for a video game, and what Ubisoft is essentially doing here is applying some of their 'Far Cry', first-person shooter, open-world stuff to 'Avatar'."
"I'm just so blown away by how beautiful it looks. The open world seems so detailed and there's so many things to do."
"Fez drops the player into a two-dimensional world that rapidly takes on a new dimension."
"Megaman 11 features great level design and super sharp controls."
"We wanted combat that was visually really interesting where you could look at a skill and kind of know what the skill was doing by the visuals of the skill."
"Every level stands out with memorable themes and unique aspects."
"The game is not a remake, it is a soft reboot made so it can be someone's first Silent Hill game."
"Every aspect of the Overworld that I explored felt unique and nothing felt like it was copy and pasted."
"Deathloop's guns boom with cartoony violence, and this is coupled with flashy animations and sweet per-object motion blur that made the general shooting and slashing in the game really satisfying."
"The landscapes, the wind blow, the combat, the stealth... beautifully showcased."
"The motifs established in this game continued on throughout every single zelda game to come."
"This one actually makes Ryu look really cool."
"Playing operatic music and an unskippable opening movie is pretentious."
"The immense scale of these open world levels is actually one of the best parts of Sonic Frontiers."
"Frame rates for video games influence how fast the game runs and the fluidity of motions."
"Dead Cells offers fast, fluid, and brutal combat, with procedurally generated levels and exquisite visual art."
"It takes ideas from classic SNES titles like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, even A Link To The Past and it innovates on them to make one of the most satisfying action RPGs I’ve ever played."
"Octopath Traveler is more than its art style, it's a love letter to everything players love about the role-playing genre."
"All eight characters in Octopath Traveler have their own unique backstories, NPCs, and special abilities."
"Super Mario Maker 2 added several new themes for its game styles, each with a new arrangement from series composer Koji Kondo."
"The sound design in this game is astonishing."
"Everything in a video game for the most part is lines."
"This simple yet unique use is so incredibly helpful in pretty much any level type and was an absolutely necessary addition to Mario Maker."
"I think it's one of the most creative bosses they've ever made."
"Half-life 2 puts the spotlight on genuine innovation and that's a mentality we very rarely see."
"It's a brilliantly made game with great pacing, beautiful visuals, and an engaging gameplay experience."
"Captain Falcon's first new costume is his now iconic all gold-color scheme."
"Wolf's default appearance in Smash Remix is largely inspired by his design for Star Fox 64."
"Conker's first color scheme changes his fur color to gray and gives him a pink hoodie."
"Mewtwo's first color is obvious: a bright green referencing his shiny sprite."
"Not only will Cyberpunk have multiple endings, just like the Witcher 3 had in 2015."
"What makes Sonic feel so alive...his ability to play off of something that's not there."
"Classic game design forever: low poly models."
"It's a bit like an FPS version of shadows of Mordor when it just flows together naturally into a cinematic vision of totally balletic bloodlust."
"It looks as if Rockstar wants wildlife and animals to play a huge part in this game which is awesome because I think in GTA 5 that was abandoned a little bit."
"Elden Ring is From Software's crowning achievement in world design... uniquely From Software."
"I think it's clear that in the first four generations, grass types are mostly plant-based creatures that started off with a darker theme but ended up diversifying into a type filled with cute cool beautiful and dangerous looking monsters."
"A great video game companion has to connect with the you in the real world as well as the you in the video game."
"Gotta respect the philosophic integrity of Lord Sakurai"
"This loading screen is always cool, but if I had to see it as often and for as long as I had to see it on the Dreamcast, I would probably hate it instead of thinking it's a novelty."
"The enduring theme I'm kind of sensing here with Halo Infinite's aesthetic is like a seamless mesh of the 343 era art style and the best parts of the Bungie art style."
"All of that stuff is great, but the real reason Luigi u is so dang good is because these are flat out some of the best level designs we've seen in years."
"It's definitely a challenge to give him all of his unique markings, and it's quite amazing what you can achieve in this new paint mode."
"It's a super pretty Kingdom, and all of the themes in this game are just so diverse."
"Dead Space sets new heights in terms of atmospheric presentation in video games."
"Mario games have always prioritized the raw gameplay and level design."
"This is the wily coyote simulator, only with moral justification for everything you're doing."
"Resident Evil 3 OG had multiple endings, each based on player choices and thoroughness."
"Predator rooms challenge players to instill fear and outsmart enemies."
"The vow of the disciple raid is a masterpiece in and of itself."
"The title screen is actually full of these high poly assets you don't really ever get to see."
"The sound design is some of the best that I've ever heard in a video game."
"Torterra gets so much love because not only is it probably my all-time favorite starter Pokemon design but it's also a solid pick for any serious team."
"Preserving the original designs and atmosphere of bloodborne is a worthwhile endeavor."
"The aesthetic of the game is wonderful, the pixel art is really great quality."
"Parasaurolophus is one of my favorite dinosaur designs in this game because it's really been updated to reflect our modern understanding of what the animal looked like."
"For the ultimate test, how shitty is Triple H's intro."
"Jade Cocoon offers a truly engaging system that is bound to satisfy fans of the RPG genre."
"Each one with their own personalities and quirks, this makes some characters within the game stand out and become fan favorites."
"I run better than I swing." - Incorporate that into his moves and make him faster than Peter.
"You don't want to be like Dark Souls Two... but I think you do need fall damage in order to make verticality matter."
"A finished survival experience from the same team that made frost here in New Vegas."
"Ravens set out to make you feel like Wolverine, and they nailed that 100 percent."
"There's something really unique about these games which dare to put the story above the gameplay a lot of the time."
"That enemy responsiveness to being shot right there would make the game feel a lot better."
"The Last of Us Part 2 is the straw to break the back of Naughty Dog's AAA linear game design camel."
"The animations are back to being very, very in-depth in detail."