
Space Research Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"We've made groundbreaking advancements in medicine."
"Gathering data from other planets is a great thing; helps us understand how the universe is made and formed."
"NASA will never stop studying our closest star for the benefit of all of us terrestrial beings here on planet Earth."
"We really need new data for Venus to be able to understand what it is that makes Earth unique."
"These asteroids hold vital clues to understanding the history of our solar system."
"Asteroids are truly pristine remnants of a time when the planets were forming. This makes them prehistoric treasures that hold the lost tales about the origin of our solar system."
"Understanding these asteroids will tell us about how solar systems form, calibrate our models, and potentially tell us how other solar systems form in our galaxy and beyond."
"Any sample we get back is truly magical and will help us learn more about our solar system and our origins here."
"Thankfully, there are no known asteroid impact threats to Earth... It's the one that we don't know about that we're concerned about."
"Planetary defense is cataloging, figuring out where all these objects are, but also trying to prevent them from hitting the Earth."
"You can think of the lunar soil as being an archive that contains all the knowledge, the solar system climate, how the sun output might have changed over time."
"NASA is working on things like mass-producing retinal implants, creating a lot of human tissue that can't be constructed in the gravity of Earth, and developing better fiber optics."
"It goes without saying that if research in space leads us to discovering a cheap and abundant clean energy supply, space exploration helped earth and its inhabitants."
"Juno provides new observations that address exciting questions raised during the prime mission."
"Having this capability is really important for ISS to enable the research and technology development that we need to extend capabilities in low Earth orbit."
"The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been exploring the Martian atmosphere, surface, and water for more than 17 years."
"What a number of authentic researchers have managed to accomplish by just studying imagery of Mars and also of historical knowledge of the region held here on Earth is quite remarkable."
"The next generation of researchers and scientists are going to be flying with their payloads and I'm so excited for what's to come."
"Europa immediately shoots to the top of the list for places that scientists want to explore."
"The purpose of my most recent 340 day mission was to study these long-term effects of extended spaceflight on a human guinea pig, yours truly."
"You can do fundamental research that is absolutely impossible to do on the surface of the Earth."
"There's simply not enough matter near our black hole to provide a large continuing feast. It seems, at least for now, the giant's plate is empty."
"There are two British experiments on board today."
"Unimaginable wealth of knowledge drifting between our fingertips but we simply haven't figured out what we should be looking for."
"The Miri instrument on the James Webb opens up an entire new way for us to investigate the reionization period of the universe."
"New research is done. We can now get our frontier outposts."
"The science and research being done in microgravity on the International Space Station has benefited our lives here on Earth for decades."
"Are we studying black holes, dark matter? Like, what's going on?"
"This is an important finding because it's the first confirmation of what's known as photochemistry happening around a very different planet."
"But at least for scientists and at least for now this definitively proves that James Brown Space Telescope can easily discern a lot of different molecules in even relatively planets."
"By happy coincidence several NASA x-ray observatories were watching its source at the same time all this data clearly indicated that the fast radio burst was produced by a rare type of neutron star."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will change everything in space research."
"The jwst will help us see how stars are born and how they die."
"The presence of these compounds indicates they have never been subject to high temperatures or melting inside the meteorites; they survive entry through Earth's atmosphere."
"These objects in space, they're very old, they're very primitive, they're some of the earliest things that formed in the solar system."
"We have been able to study the universe in unprecedented detail."
"Scientists had to rethink their strategies on finding proof of life out in space, and many claim that finding transmissions or techno signatures from other planets or asteroids should be a priority."
"Now all eyes are fixed upon the James Webb Space Telescope, the vanguard of cosmic exploration."
"The discovery of water in the clavus crater not only enriches our understanding of the moon but also beckons us toward Uncharted Realms in space exploration."
"Every Mission it seems like there was some kind of anomalous activity being reported by the astronauts."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered six giant galaxies far out in space that existed between 500 million and 700 million year workers after the big bang."
"The critical galactic test by NASA that could prevent a catastrophe on Earth."
"If you asked any astrophysicist, would you like a spacecraft orbiting around a black hole sending us data, they would say yes please, that would be amazing."
"The value of doing research in space has a huge financial return."
"The first-ever image of a black hole was announced."
"JWST could actually go ahead right now and survey the nearest white dwarfs for earth-like planets."
"A six-member team of Indian citizen scientists discovered four new near-Earth asteroids during an asteroid search training program."
"James Webb can detect moons as small as the moons around Jupiter. So, I'm very excited about the future prospects of them."
"We might be actually able to see when that black hole gobbles up something and learn perhaps about the physics closer to the event horizon."
"The plankton growing on the ISS may sound unbelievable, but it is not the first organism to survive in space..."
"Avi Loeb has proposed an intriguing but outlandish theory: the asteroid 'Oumuamua is actually space debris from an alien construction or a crashed alien spacecraft."
"We are just infants at this research, babies of the solar system attempting to leave the nest not just for this Mission but all missions that lead to the next steps in our knowledge of how everything works."
"All telescopes on, and even some of them in space, they have a problem of radio frequency interference."
"It was abandoned in orbit for almost 6 years, and as it turned out, this would actually be a good thing for much of the research."
"Low Earth orbit is more accessible than ever before as space research and technology enter a new era."
"Mysub is a spacecraft and autonomous support system to study the long-term generational health of mice in Martian gravity."
"Dramatically longer than anything in the Milky Way."
"Space station acts as that orbiting laboratory where Crew 4 is heading right now."
"We're studying ways to grow food in microgravity."
"The Gaia satellite has radically improved distances using parallax."
"Every scrap of knowledge we had of them had come from years, decades, and centuries of struggle against the cold ineffability of space."
"It will measure the magnetic fields of coronal mass ejections as they come over the spacecraft, much closer to the sun than we've ever been able to do."
"The Milky Way remains one of the most important targets in the exploration of the universe."
"Astronomers recently discovered a new super planet out there, K2-414b, an exoplanet that's around 200 light years away."
"Every single planet that we are looking for is going to be a unique experiment."
"James Clerk Maxwell... calculated exactly what Saturn's rings were made from using pure mathematics."
"It's one of our prime candidates for life."
"The VLA has been making astounding discoveries, from water ice on Mercury to the remarkable jets of elliptical galaxies."
"If we put our hope into research and development and our faith into a strong offensive space arsenal, we may just have a chance."
"They're eating rock, making soil, digesting pollutants, nourishing and killing plants, surviving in space, juicing visions, producing food, making medicines, manipulating animal behavior, and influencing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere."
"Anyone from any country around the world can use the Hubble Space Telescope for free, which is pretty amazing."
"The intriguing prospect of this planet being within its star's habitable zone does more than just spark the imagination; it drives forward the scientific quest to understand the conditions under which planets can sustain life."
"A lot of these changes in the human body might actually be caused by some kind of a mitochondrial dysfunction."
"Studying the Trojan asteroids will give them important clues to the evolution of the solar system."
"The idea is to collect samples from the soil of the red planet and bring them back to Earth."
"Japan has taken a unique path through the decades of interstellar innovation."
"The first truly successful design was Kappa 6, now 25 cm in diameter and 5.4 m in length."
"Embrace the limitations of their own space program and make scientific research and observation in the upper atmosphere their main focus."
"Water may be an intrinsic consequence of terrestrial planet formation."
"I personally have been waiting for this information for decades, and I'm super excited to start getting this lander on the ground and start taking this data."
"We got an announcement from the team working with the Chang'e-5 sample return mission from the Moon that they found water trapped in glass beads on the moon."
"Theoretical benefits... scientists believe that potential research would be a key reason to go back."
"Data from a gravity mapping satellite revealed something incredible that astounded researchers."
"In zero gravity, you have different crystallization of certain pharmaceuticals that make them much more effective."
"The impact changing the energy of the asteroid enough to reduce its orbit time around the much larger asteroid Didymus by over 30 minutes."
"Mariner 9 has given us fresh confidence that the answer might be yes and has told us where to look."
"We May have Forced the Moon Into a New Geologic Epoch."
"There are more questions than answers raised by this mountain of data."
"...with an image of a planet where you could actually lay down a slit on top of that planet and get its emergent spectrum, that's what you really want to do."
"The experiments which are carried out during long expeditions are unique and in all senses are very expensive."
"This amazing lab where a lot of very interesting and valuable experiments are carried out for the benefit of humanity."
"We are really proud of our space radiation laboratory up at NSRL."
"...there is raw material on Mars that could provide a less toxic environment than the surface."
"We found a remote dwarf exoplanet."
"The scenario most consistent with the data is the passage of a family of EXO comet fragments, all of which associated with a single previous breakup event."
"This year is the 50th anniversary of the Lunar and Planetary Institute."
"The field is now called galactic archaeology."
"We are just simply amazed at the data that the spacecraft is returning."
"These are NASA's original Martians, so it's great to have you back here at Langley."
"Titan has turned out to be absolutely one of the most interesting places in the solar system."
"It's a spacecraft made as small and flexible and human-shaped as possible to make it easier to collect samples and do research and traverse the lunar surface."