
Technology Transition Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"This isn't just like one studio said anything about this. We had Mega Crit, the developers behind Slay the Spire, saying, 'Despite the immense amount of time and effort our team has already poured in development of our new title, we will be migrating to a new engine unless the changes are completely reverted.'"
"It was the last iPhone with a headphone jack."
"The main purpose of the Merge is to transition Ethereum from its current Proof of Work consensus mechanism to the Proof of Stake model."
"The last days of old technology are better than the first days of new technology."
"Fujifilm saw this coming and it still hit them hard but amazingly they emerge from the digital transition a larger but transformed company."
"The 3DS has lived an incredibly full life but I'm glad Nintendo decided to kill it off. That means all of their development efforts can go towards the Switch, and that means we're getting more games for the Switch."
"So don't get in the mindset that it's going to be so horrible because these industries are going to go away. That's not what's going to happen. There's plans already in place for how these can be repositioned and pivoted into new technologies."
"We care a lot about that migration process from UE4 to UE5. This won't be like the conversion from UE3 to UE4."
"It's strange to see them go away when another system for Microsoft is coming out this year."
"The world is finally starting to wake up to how inevitable and how quickly the transition to EVS is actually happening."
"The moment that the first livestream goes up where the public can view the Overwatch 2.0 beta, the old from Overwatch one is dead and we have transitioned into the new era."
"PS5 will be backwards compatible with the vast majority of the PS4 catalog totaling over 4,000 games."
"Sony aims to make the transition from PS4 to PS5 be as seamless as possible."
"The destruction of gas boilers and their replacement by so-called heat pumps will cost the average household tens of thousands of pounds."
"We're moving to on-demand liquidity blockchain technology web 3.0 and your whole system is going to change by 2025."
"Many Mopar fans and muscle car enthusiasts... have a lot of pushback when it comes to replacing the traditional gas-powered V8s with EVs."
"One final thought: the legacy achieved its goals."
"As someone who loves physical media, I still think there's massive potential here."
"Ford actually announced they're going to take AM radio out of electric vehicles and new gas cars as well so this is a huge issue for the broadcast industry."
"We are continuing the transition to Tesla Vision, our camera-based Autopilot system, beginning with deliveries in May 2021."
"We finally have some evidence that the PS4 is finally going away."
"Zen 4 is a bridge architecture for this platform they're launching now."
"It's not like phones you can't just replace all the cars and trucks overnight."
"Time to make a guide for how to start switching your workflow from the Windows 10 operating system... and move towards a more open source privacy aware system."
"Going from a game like this back to a 2d format would be kind of disappointing."
"Sega shifted away from cartridges to the compact My Card format in July 1985, two years after the console's debut. This has been presented as an aesthetic choice."
"Windows 7 has had its day it's finished you need to move forward."
"I'm very optimistic about the NFT transition."
"We're now at the end of the GeForce 20 series chapter. It's time to start a new one."
"I don't think that Intel should dismiss arm-based PCS just because they didn't take off a decade ago in fact the MacBook nearly doubled its laptop market share since Apple switched from Intel's x86 chips to their own custom arm processors."
"People have been lamenting the death of certain Harleys forever, like people hated the Evo when it first came out, Shovelhead 'til I'm dead, baby."
"It's pretty much over for the internal combustion engine."
"I used to take notes purely on paper but I then got an iPad Pro and have never looked back since."
"The legacy of the iMac isn't ending, it's just evolving, and the future looks pretty good."
"Is it really Justified to force people onto something new when the previous thing works perfectly fine?"
"They're bridging that physical to digital world I like that."
"You won't be forced into the next generation." - Phil Spencer
"You won't have to do anything, you'll just have Ethereum 2.0 if you hold ETH on ETH 1.0 now."
"Render is right on the cusp of a really big migration happening."
"The idea of transitioning from one consensus algorithm to another is something that Bitcoin would never do."
"With gas and stuff every year I struggle, start and and I know people use steal and you know all stuff and some are better than others I I get it all I got it I got it um but I hated dealing with my carburetors."
"The world went through a very challenging migration from Python 2 to Python 3."
"...making the switch sooner rather than later not only helps you save money but it helps you prepare for whatever vehicle you're lusting after in the future."
"Working out of the box is something I took for granted before switching to PC as my personal laptop."
"Tons of people are moving over from DSLRs to mirrorless because of this camera in my hand, and there's good reason for it."
"Interesting note, this was the last movie to not use a digital editing system."
"It's vital that you start moving over all of your SharePoint 2010 workflows to Power Automate."
"This is Apple silicon; this is a once in a 15-year transition. Of course, we're excited."
"The transition to Apple silicon is also great for developers who've already optimized their apps for other Apple platforms."
"What's the point of a hybrid in the age of the electric car?"
"It's a great way to help you transition to container-based and microservices-based workloads."
"How do we migrate from Prox to a more secure technology, and what is that technology? Where should the industry be going?"
"We're going to fill the rest of those gaps real soon here and then certainly the Business Application Studio is the go forward there."
"Enterprises are in a flux of moving workloads from their data centers to clouds."