
Oratory Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"It was undeniably a strong, compelling, powerful, well-delivered speech."
"His democracy speech was incredibly powerful."
"One of the greatest compliments you can give to an orator or to a thinker is when you hear them speak, you say, 'Damn, I never thought about it like that.'"
"The most influential Greek orator and intellectual of the period was a guy called Herodes Atticus, who was like a rock star of the era."
"Pericles funeral oration has gone down in history as one of the all-time great war speeches."
"When I think of the greatest orator of the modern era... I think of Dr. King."
"That's what it's all about...the best goddamn speech of all time."
"...master the art of oratory persuasion is regarded as a high art..."
"And if you read those speeches which you have, do you feel that power or is just a personal power? His speeches sometimes ran as long as 60 to 70 printed pages."
"It was not the words themselves, but the power of the speaker that affected the listening audience so intensely."
"Malcolm was this magnificent oracle. He could spit words out so fast, he knew the root of words. He could beat people down with words."
"Kennedy's speeches are a remarkable way to capture the era and understand his vision."
"A democracy is no more than an aristocracy of orators."
"His oratory skills were remarkable... he was so good at this because of that personal connection... that he had with people."
"He was always so compelling to me. When you listen to him preach, you're swept up, and you can't see the skeleton, this thing is fleshed out."
"Ben Shapiro very skilled orator, he would be able to thoroughly dismantle the arguments or put you into a logical corner."
"What a power is welded by a man who has held over 13 million people under the spell of his voice."
"His speech on the abolition of the slave trade in 1792 was regarded by contemporaries as one of the great feats of oratory."
"Every accent every emphasis every modulation of voice was so perfectly well turned and well placed that without even being interested in the subject one could not help being pleased with the discourse."
"He becomes so enormously smart and educated and such an incredible orator."
"He's immensely talented political figure. He's an incredible orator. He's a very intelligent man. He can be very personable. But he repeatedly screws himself over."
"He could give a hell of a speech."
"The poet, the orator bred in the woods... shall not lose their lesson altogether."
"The deep feeling of the speaker combined with masterful self-control and firmly set purpose made a profound impression."
"Little did they realize that it would go down in history as one of the greatest addresses ever delivered by man."
"He was a great orator... he was able to connect with the people."
"But all of them are great speakers, I like all of them."
"...if Dr. King had slides that day of the 'I Have a Dream' speech, it just wouldn't have been as beautiful. Like his words painted the pictures in our Mind's Eye."
"Words were power, oratory was power."
"The speech also works in this other way to give this grand overture to Rome's history."
"He was a distinguished orator himself."
"He taught himself to read and write, and he then became one of the best orators and writers in our history."
"The greatest orator that anybody had ever heard."
"A talented orator who wasn't afraid to tell it like it is."
"Great orators use tricks and techniques to keep people's attention."
"Raven... was a revolutionary who could grab the attention of literally anybody, wrestling fan or not, when he got on the mic."
"They make very good public speakers and communicators."
"I was impressed with how he pieced together his speech at the end."
"He was the greatest speaker in the land, people were rousing and clapping and standing up and cheering."
"For his voice could search the heart, and that was his gift and his strength."
"The defense rests," said Daniel Webster, and stood there like a mountain.
"When he stood up to speak, stars and stripes came right out of the sky."
"You have such great energy and natural skill for speaking."
"The ability to speak effectively is a skill, not a gift."
"The greatest orator among the Founding Fathers learned all of his oratorical skills from Samuel Davies, who's considered the greatest pulpit orator."
"Pond is confident and a great speaker."
"Jim Cornette was the greatest talker and that could get some tremendous heat."
"The greatest of the Greek orators placed pebbles in his mouth to overcome an early speech defect."
"He delivered a speech of great passion and poetry with virtually no voice at all."
"He could pack out halls around the country and when he spoke there often had to be over spills because people wanted to get a whiff of that wit and musicality."
"I love when he starts giving his speeches."
"I didn't like everything that Obama did, but you have to admit, that guy was a phenomenal speaker."
"Alexander was a charismatic orator; dude knew how to give a great speech to keep his men fighting."
"He was as persuasive in his writing as he was in his oratory."
"Antigonus delivered a long speech, his loud voice and charisma drew everyone's attention."
"Being right and being entertaining... you can't really do one without the other in your oratory tradition."
"Great speeches... have to have an audience that is in a position to hear them."
"I'm more of a great speech guy, okay? I give great speeches, not hate speeches."
"He could make a spellbinding speech in the House of Commons or at a packed public meeting like no other."
"I may challenge the whole orations of dependencies... to produce a single passage superior to the speech of Logan."
"Paul Robeson was an orator, C.L. Franklin was an orator, Martin Luther King was an orator, even Maya Angelou was an orator. You ain't an orator."
"It ought to seem a coveted pleasure and not a prescribed duty for them to follow the argument of an orator."
"The orator should take his inspiration from this example if he desires that the thoughts which he is going to submit to his audience should be appreciated and valued as they deserve to be."
"President Obama went off and he didn't even have to get nasty, he just was speaking in Obama's voice."
"Hamilton shocks them with his bold speaking skills, and they are determined to give him the platform to make a difference."
"His speeches during World War II are still played today."
"Yan Hus was a dean of the Prague University, a famous professor, and a brilliant orator."
"MJF's state of the union address was a thing of promo mastery."