
Development Challenges Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"This isn't just like one studio said anything about this. We had Mega Crit, the developers behind Slay the Spire, saying, 'Despite the immense amount of time and effort our team has already poured in development of our new title, we will be migrating to a new engine unless the changes are completely reverted.'"
"A former developer provided some insight into circumstances around its abrupt collapse."
"Give kick.com a year; it's going to be buggy, it's going to be weird, it's going to have some growing pains."
"It's a wild story because...it really is cyberpunk. The game developers were set up for failure; no one could ever live up to what's actually happening in the world at this point."
"This is one of my favorite games of all time, and to peel back the layers and seeing how much of a pain in the ass it was to develop, given what I've read in research... Never take game developers for granted."
"Developers forget things, you know? We all stress."
"They turned it down, saying that unfortunately they didn’t have the confidence to create an N64 Metroid game that could compare favorably with Super Metroid."
"Actual subway and train travel, wall running, barber shops, full-body customization, the flathead robot companion, vehicle customization, third-person cutscenes, all were floated at some point, all were cut out of the game at some point."
"If you don't balance from the top down, your game falls apart."
"Epic had no idea that building and editing would explode as much as it did."
"Deadpool lived in development hell for years."
"This is why it's pretty much impossible to know how to balance for pro play."
"Golden guns are an ever-evolving topic. On some of the more original characters, we ran into tech challenges when trying to add gold versions."
"One of the main reasons why I love talking about video games... is the way developers would overcome challenges based on the hardware."
"The main obstacle to the completion of the I-69 is mostly a lack of funding."
"It breaks my heart to see developers work on their game for years... because they've neglected marketing."
"China will probably struggle to maintain its rapid advances in AI Quantum and cloud computing without access to U.S technology."
"The movie has been in development for over a decade, getting bounced around between studios."
"You have to listen to the players to a certain extent, especially if something is so completely [__]."
"It's a massive quest and it's taken our team like our team is working furiously on this."
"Our common enemy is violence, insecurity, poverty, corruption, and underdevelopment."
"Now, that's a lot to promise and it seems like it's coming from a small developer and they've since really delayed the game pretty heavily, so we don't know what's up, but what we initially saw of this game did excite us."
"The success of Witcher 3 set the bar for cyberpunk 2077 so high that its ambitions vastly out reached the studio's capabilities."
"Despite its overwhelming success, there were multiple moments during its development..."
"The Last of Us Part 2 was spoiled by crunch."
"Oh god no they hate it what like my first one a lot it was a well my pong game it was a sports simulation game oh this is getting trashed I don't know why maybe the genre is no good at this level."
"If we can't make the game 100% realistic, nobody will play it."
"Pushing forward with all guns blazing usually results in broken, unfinished disasters."
"I don't get the outrage for the initiative and CD situation, do people expect a 70 person studio make a AAA game by themselves?"
"Dead Space remake... we are all hoping praying that EA motive don't fumble this one."
"The longer Diablo 4 takes to break out of its issues, the further the game falls from general interest."
"They were freaking out three months ago, holy crap, the game is not good. What are we going to do? I can't even imagine how they feel today. I wish I had a time machine to go back and feel like that." - Eric Williams
"Maybe if more games focused on doing something interesting with gameplay and storytelling instead of marginally increasing the number of greeblies on Master Chief's helmet, we'd actually get a finished game every now and then."
"If nobody's angry about cheaters then nobody's talking about anti-cheat and working on anti-cheat doesn't bring you any benefit to your game."
"Anti-cheat is just an unattractive thing to work on when people aren't mad about it."
"Nobody likes playing fatigue, so that's usually not something the devs want."
"Technical mishaps, internal conflicts, indecisiveness, arguments, and politics within both the Montreal and Edmonton branches of Bioware continued to plague Andromeda's development for years."
"Players were quick to point out flaws that we should have polished up front. We learned that for a Steam release, showing something that looks any amount in progress is a mistake." - InnerSloth
"It was the Wild West at the time, there were no review systems or Silve qualities, it was just make a game and if it looks similar to the other one who cares, it'll make him money."
"The development schedule is short, that's Pokemon's biggest problem."
"Another pretty good bet is no show of Metroid Prime for obviously really really recently they scrapped the development and they started all over again."
"I think games as a service has become sort of this poisonous well for developers and publishers."
"Any video game that makes it to Market is sort of a miracle."
"There's no hope for this game to be released in 2023."
"Game delays are inevitable for all developers and most of the time, I think they're highly respectable."
"The last thing we want to do is find out we have created a pile of unsalvageable garbage when we've already sunk 100 hours into the game."
"Climate alarmism and energy hypocrisy... if renewables can't cheaply power Germany, how can a developing nation like Kenya ever expect them to allow it to leapfrog fossil fuels?"
"It absolutely will not stop ever until you are dead."
"Shaco in particular is very interesting as a character because he's actually had reworks attempted and cancelled for him more than once."
"This is all just sheer will from the developers to make these features actually work for them because the win is there right."
"With advancement of technology comes slower development times."
"I said on Twitter payday 3 has nailed the most important aspect already with a super refined gameplay Loop that I adore however there are still so many what ifs"
"Black Mesa’s development is an inspiring tale of ambition and dedication."
"Damage is easier to nerf and tone down rather than to add back into the game."
"Yoshida wanted to make sure that the story was nailed down first, believing that changing the plot midway through development would cause major workload changes."
"It is usable, it is basically done, the only downside is that they couldn't make it 200 players."
"Clearly the game deserved better. Did they just need another six months? That's not even a question, clearly they did."
"Yandere simulator is a game that will never be completed."
"I want some features in u5 that the devs have said are impossible in u4."
"I enjoyed the hell out of infinite despite some clear development issues behind the scenes."
"I love the analogy of building the car as you're driving it. Virtual production is very much building the car as we're driving it."
"We really don't have a game in Insomniac's backlog that we can even look to as a reference point of what they could potentially be looking to build upon."
"I am very much looking forward to it. In a sense, the show really only begins once you leave Midgar. That made me worried if we'd really still get that due to the sheer development of resources required. Hearing your response puts me at ease."
"Is this going to be a negative effect or is this something that's just going to simply take time to iron out?"
"No compromises, no matter how many bugs there were in the game, no matter how bad the server was, no matter how wrong the strategy was."
"We have identified 10 strategic bottlenecks that have constrained Uganda and Africa to some extent."
"Trying to emulate Red Dead Redemption 2 is no easy feat, and most games wisely don't even attempt to borrow from Rockstar's masterpiece."
"It's had a bit of a troubled development path."
"This game has no right to be as good as it is for as ambitious as it is when it was developed in less time than every previous full-sized Ratchet game."
"It's a pipe dream now to give fair balance in all this they are saying that oh eventually we'll build out."
"The masses are not always going to be able to do that but the third world countries will."
"Things always change when you develop these, you expect it to go just the right way."
"Phase three will have the greatest global impact but it's also the hardest to achieve for this technology."
"It is literally a miracle that any game comes out."
"The world has been engulfed by a global epidemic which has posed enormous strain on our capacity to implement the 2030 agenda and has even raised the possibility of reversing development gains."
"If we can cope with our environmental degradation issues, our energy problems, and our pollution issues, then by the middle of this century we will be looking at a world that is predominantly developed."
"The Flash movie came out after almost a decade of development and production issues."