
Political Conflict Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"They go after their political opponents with the DOJ or the FBI."
"Former President Obama: 'Although we're in the midst of a big political fight... we also want to extend our best wishes to the President of the United States, the First Lady.'"
"The culture wars are ongoing. The left is not going to stop here."
"Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine has shaken Europeans and the world to the core."
"Rioting is the language of the unheard. What do you think is going to happen if you arrest the leader of the Republican Party?"
"Running out of names, the CDC reverses itself on testing yet again, walking back its latest guidance while caught in a firestorm between politics and science."
"Fires are burning, president fans flames instead of fighting them."
"It's vital for the safety of every nation that Putin's squalid adventure should ultimately fail."
"Our quarrel is not with the Russian people; it is with their leader, Vladimir Putin."
"Balochistan is the land of the Baloch. Pakistan wants to change the very definition of Balochistan." - Mustafa Khan
"It's unclear if [Nancy Pelosi] was as concerned about keeping the peace as Meadows and the Trump White House were."
"There's not a single social issue in America where Republicans are the aggressors."
"The massive political conflict is essentially inevitable... it's really just a matter of whether or not you want to start on the front foot or the back foot."
"Democrats are saying Republicans are planning on stealing and cheating in 2024."
"I think what you're seeing right now with the hysteria, with the attacking Republicans in restaurants, is the last gasps of people who thought that it was theirs, they deserved power."
"I think this conflict is going to be really interesting because it's not liberal versus conservative, it is cult amoral versus logic."
"Putin is using Russian ethnic minorities as expendable pawns in his war against Ukraine, and it’s horrifying."
"The remainers are fighting for the opposite team, willing to see the country burn if they get their way."
"In short, this wasn't a failed coup attempt at all; this is what we call round one."
"The Insurrection is still going on though, isn't it? I mean, even the negotiations over the debt ceiling, that's still insurrectionists playing with fire."
"Former President Trump has responded defiantly on social media insisting he did nothing wrong and attacking Willis as corrupt."
"The reason with the heavy emphasis on Russia and the hostility towards Russia is because the Democrats completely control Ukraine."
"Republicans have their way. That means 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies."
"What we have is not a battle between forces of pure good and pure evil but between a proponent of authoritarianism and an agent of anarchy."
"This isn't a metaphor this isn't a slow Civil War this is a congressman calling for the real thing."
"Taiwan has humiliated the Chinese Communist Party."
"Israel stole Palestinian land and then claims a right to defend itself."
"Mitch McConnell says December 29th he's going to come back in override Trump's vetoes to make sure every single Trump supporter knows the Republican Party hates you, hates your president." - Host
"When politics becomes personal, people remember and never forgive."
"The internal divisions were now on public display."
"Mayor Lori Lightfoot hates Trump so much that she's willing to let the city burn."
"Evidence of election fraud mounts as the mainstream media and Democrats loudly insist Joe Biden is still the 2020 winner."
"Tucker Carlson turns his attention to the escalating clash between the state of Texas and the Biden Administration over the southern border, portraying it as a collision course with profound implications."
"The bitter partisan fury that engulfed justice Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation was the fiercest battle in a political war over the judiciary."
"One thing I think that's happening is she's getting pretty angry at Trump and he's attacking her a lot..."
"It's happening in public, in plain view. Trump is plotting an open coup to steal the election and hold on to power."
"The left hates when anything in pop culture, they want to own it all."
"Donald Trump LED and participated in a conspiracy in Con in connection with groups like The Oath Keepers and the proud boys to oppose by force the lawful transfer of Presidential Power from him to president-elect Joseph R Biden."
"Putin's war was fought because they thought they could win it."
"We can defeat their political warfare, and we can win."
"President Zelensky said his next-door neighbor Russia is plotting a coup against him."
"We're in the middle of a propaganda war that's destroying this country."
"We're in a collision course for Trump versus the media part three."
"Jesus was put to death not just because of religion, but for going against the political establishment of the day."
"The cold war was over, but new rivalries will constantly pop up."
"Education is being attacked from both sides."
"If you're going to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power in a democracy, that's an insurrection."
"It sought to disrupt the union, justice, domestic tranquility, the general welfare, and most importantly, the blessings of liberty."
"Would they go at so far as to actually abolish democracy... that's essentially the central issue of our political conflict right now."
"What bothers me to my core is what this man is doing. He's dividing parents against parents, parents against school boards. He's using your children as political pawns in his campaign."
"Trump's path to legal victory involves freezing certification in multiple states to prevent Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes."
"That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated."
"There's so much to cover, not the least of which is the war between Trump and DeSantis."
"I'm calling on Governor Kim and our attorney general Chris Carr to investigate and prosecute Fanny Willis and end this Witch Hunt immediately."
"If you have some liberal interest group that sues your state on some concern about the election law."
"This is the Democrats tearing each other apart."
"The propaganda was deliberately designed to create conflicts, disorientate the IRA, and unnerve them."
"We caught them trying to take down a duly elected president."
"Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down."
"The assault on gun rights is the one area of the culture war where the left has consistently failed."
"The left is losing it. They are losing it because once you remove the constitutional right to abortion, this brings back into play The Rules of Nature."
"Nixon rejects subpoenas, tells Rodino he'll get no more Watergate data."
"Alvin Bragg suing Jim Jordan over his attack on the DA's investigation into Trump."
"Putin invaded, he was wrong, he's losing the influence war."
"This is yet another attempt to silence a person of color in this chamber. We all see it. This is all about the fact that Representative Bowman calls out your hypocrisy."
"They literally are tying the hands of officials. I mean, to threaten to revoke school funding from schools because of a mask mandate..."
"Putin clearly recognizes that this is not a war supported by ordinary Russian people, it is Putin's war."
"The First Amendment is under assault in the most egregious overstep of power I've ever seen."
"You can't hold a future hostage for party political gains."
"Pong was punished largely because she opposed the CCP."
"Conflict will come to this country in some form or the other."
"We're in a national crisis, yet my opponent Hillary Clinton continues to attack the police."
"The separatists were ready for the war, where the Republic was not."
"How could any of these liberals or leftists argue we are not in a civil war if they believe that Proud Boys were engaged in a seditious conspiracy at the direction of Donald Trump?"
"The behavior of several Democratic members of this committee a few weeks ago at my hearing was an embarrassment, but at least it was just an old-fashioned attempt at borking."
"American democracy under attack because the defeated former president of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election."
"Putin has made clear that he will pursue unrestricted warfare."
"This ties into this whole ramp up of nationalism. It affects the diaspora so much that they feel entitled to go and attack people who are protesting or attack people that have an opinion overseas that doesn't match the Chinese government's opinion."
"The Biden administration's unprecedented and abusive raid on Trump's home has created a rule of law crisis."
"For one party-controlled administration to target the head of another party using such protective and abusive tactics is destabilizing."
"President Putin is finding out that his soldiers don't want to fight because they don't believe in the cause."
"The GOP right now is having their own little civil war... some of the more prominent members... are coming out against President Trump."
"The fight for freedom is being waged right now in Ukraine... it's our fight."
"A battle between democracy and autocracy, between liberty and repression."
"It's a struggle on the global stage between democracy and autocracy."
"The indictment of Trump threatens to launch cycles of recrimination and politically motivated prosecutions that will plague our nation for decades to come."
"Every time politicians try and oppose the crypto cyber hornets they'll think twice because the internet doesn't forget."
"The whole conflict was always about regime changing Putin."
"If we could call anything an attack on democracy, this is it."
"If the senators do not respect people's vote, they will march to the street once again."
"If it's a fight between the populism of the left and the populism of the right, the right will win."
"There can be no agreement... the radicals in the Democratic Party are now trying to eat their own."
"James O'Keefe is very brave because he's got the most powerful people in the world mad at him."
"When you get down to it, the heroes were often just fighting one authoritarian regime in order to prop up a different authoritarian regime."
"Palestinians are being erased. Please educate yourselves. The internet is free and ignorance is a luxury that you may be able to afford but Palestinians cannot."
"An unfolding assault taking place in America today."
"He said well Kevin these are my people. You know these are these are antifa and Kevin responded and said no they're your people you need to call them off."
"The evidence that the inspectors collected on the ground in Douma did not support the narrative that the Syrian government was guilty of a chemical weapons attack."
"The radical left, the radical right, and in the meantime, you just keep winning."
"Even if he doesn't end up taking over Twitter, exposing the left for the anti-free speech force it is is totally worthwhile."
"The fight for Ukraine is the fight for democracy itself."
"I believe that this is an attack on the First Amendment and the press in general by people who politically disagree with us and we will be victorious."
"I really hope Ukraine manages to defend itself against Putin's imperialist fucking aggression."
"It's liberalism versus nationalism, that's the real story of modernity."
"The deep state goes to war with the elected president."
"We're seeing a civil war in the Democratic Party, moderate Democrats feuding with progressive Democrats."
"We will not be drawn into Putin's war of choice."
"Welcome to the second Civil War, 2014 - now."
"As long as the persecution of the Palestinian people continues, lasting peace and stability in the Middle East is not possible."
"This attack... really designed to bankrupt the firearms industry and prevent you from exercising your right to acquire arms that you can keep and bear."
"There's no problem at all with the legal process and then the a group of elites in our society want to like engage in a coup d'etat do we not have a right to defend ourselves against that?"
"When you see the Empire attacking and sliming somebody, you know he's doing something right."
"The fight against socialism is just beginning."
"We need to take back our country. They're going after Tucker Carlson, calling him a traitor."
"It's a messy situation but I hope it ends peacefully it certainly isn't right now because there's violence being done against his cohorts and he might need to seek asylum somewhere."
"The raid of Mar-a-Lago is another escalation in the weaponizing of federal agencies against political opponents."
"This infighting over the future of the republican party... all eyes are on the Fulton County courthouse in Atlanta today."
"What real peace can be brought from the public sacrifice of even a despised man." - John Adams and the Boston Massacre
"Hunter just refused to show up for the Congressional testimony that he was subpoenaed to be there for."
"Donald Trump has fired the top cyber security official over the fact that this official had the audacity to say that we had an election that was totally safe."
"I firmly believe that one of the reasons I was treated in this fashion was because I was the biggest enemy of Donald Trump."
"They're lying to you." - Russian state TV employee arrested after interrupting live broadcast in protest against the war.
"Impeachment is bad for the country when it's only partisan politics; there is simply no way you can argue that this is not partisan politics."
"This conflict, this defeat of Ukraine, is going to change the world. The world will never be the same after this."
"They are declaring war on the Second Amendment, period. They are coming after our Second Amendment."
"The corporate state-run media calls anybody that questions the official propaganda... conspiracy theorists, and that's just a way to demonize your opposition."
"The battle brewing with Texas is playing a massive part in how voters are leaning on the immigration issue."
"The horrifying truth is that President Trump and the Republicans in Congress are fighting to take healthcare away from the American people in the middle of a pandemic."
"Judge Brett Kavanaugh crush Dianne Feinstein's assault on gun ban arguments."
"This is absolute proof... we were attacked... an attack against our election process."
"Our win involves gulags dragging people off a whole bunch of nasty."
"Trump is basically declaring war on the Republican establishment."
"What an attack in an outrage on our body politic, a vindication for the president but a condemnation of the way our government was run by the deep state."
"Sometimes if you really don't like someone and they're really politically powerful and you know hurting you, you have to put a condom on their house."
"It's heartbreaking. You don't have a voice, you're not even registered. You're just like a floating nomad in this world because of Zionists."
"This is a way to shut you up. They're trying to drive you from office."
"Determining what is an acceptable sacrifice has historically led to some of the most contentious, perennial political issues in history."
"The Deep State war on Democracy... If this crime is upheld, we don't have a constitutional democracy anymore."
"They are so determined that sex offenders get the right to vote they're willing to blow up the rules of the Senate."
"My Democratic colleagues are saying if you don't support that I will blow up the Senate."
"You're basically trying to tee up a constitutional crisis."
"White conservatives hunting non-white progressives."
"Any threat, any challenge can never be considered loyal opposition."
"Politicians are weaponizing the judicial system to hurt their opponents... it's a bad thing in democracy."
"The occupier and colonizer is losing the war on narratives."
"It's a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in America." - Spokesperson for Trump's legal team
"Not a civil war, a revolution, a second revolution."
"Their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us."
"The hatred for people who oppose them politically, it's unbelievable."
"She thought that she was going to save Ukraine."
"The assault really is on all three branches of government and it's pretty severe at all levels."
"Rand Paul seeks criminal investigation of Dr. Fauci after Senate tussle."
"How is it that we're supposed to get Liberation through another people's disenfranchisement and expulsion?"
"DeSantis tried to use the power of the government to strip a private company of their rights."
"Rachel Maddow is responsible for dead soldiers."
"You deserve it. It's yours. And the Republicans are going to try to take that away from you."
"People are standing up to this, it's blowing up in the governor's face."
"Marie Yovanovitch had an entire campaign waged against her because she stood in the way, she says because of this corrupt abuse of power coming into light."
"The great majority of Crimean inhabitants support Ukraine, opposing the invading Russian army by organizing resistance groups among themselves."
"Anybody who's against the Make America Great Again agenda, anybody who publicly criticizes Trump within the party itself, they are pushing those individuals out."
"Yeah, you are weirdly calm despite being a politician in a city that is currently under attack from a foreign army while your husband's killer is free."
"Revolution knows no compromise and destroys."
"The United States is in the state of war undeclared total war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system."
"The impeachment Clause provides the president with critical structural protections from attacks from his political enemies."
"Bustani reveals new details of how he was targeted when he stood in the way of the Iraq war."
"These are the people that tried to end the American experiment because their guy didn't win."
"I can't allow this and he was basically destroyed he's pretty much been kicked out of the labor party it's true of other organizers recently."
"The biggest political fight in a hundred years is happening right now."
"Look, they escalated a document dispute into a literal constitutional crisis."
"We have been lying about what's happening in Ukraine."
"The net is closing, the net is closing, the plug is pulled from the bottom of the swamp."
"This is a war against the values of which Europe and the free world are built."
"A split like that could only mean one thing: Civil War."
"It was a mob that was there to overturn the result of a democratic election."
"When federal law enforcement is not upholding the law and only upholding it against their political opponents, you're in a civil war, baby."
"The Trump era will be marked by potentially violent conflict over cultural issues."
"Look, here's our face: it's gonna be the red wedding, right? Where the Democrats show up and they all kill each other and they're fighting."
"We're playing with the livelihoods of millions just so the GOP can turn the screws against hungry Americans."
"National sovereignty everywhere around the world is under attack by these amendments put forward by the USA."
"The left is being surprised by the right's tenacity."
"Kevin McCarthy was so outraged by Donald Trump's behavior on January 6 that he wanted him to resign."
"If he's under siege, if this guy gets indicted because of... it's under Biden, nobody's going to defend them."
"It's very troubling that you've got Vladimir Putin now not only marching into Ukraine and smashing up a democracy there and destabilizing elections around the world but actually putting nuclear technology into space."
"Musk and Biden's Feud dates back more than a year it appears to have Arisen as a result of Biden's support for trade unions and the further unionization of automakers."
"Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history."
"The attack by the Soviet Union against 269 innocent men, women, and children aboard an unarmed Korean passenger plane."
"Watching the desperation of Trump world try to discredit the brave Cassidy Hutchinson reminds me of everything Trump does when he is busted and cornered."
"You imagine the chaos if the French president said, 'Only one passport booth is to be manned until the UK government issues a full, frank public apology for the insult of their MPs.'"
"The main problem... is the persistent Palestinian refusal to recognize a Jewish state."
"Our American democracy itself is in the crosshairs."
"It would be the end of Iran and Tehran would be obliterated." - President Trump
"I hate the fact that this war has been going on for ages because the US doesn't want to surrender or something weird."
"You squash fascist movements by winning the violent clashes."
"The land of the Palestinians was taken... through violence and force."
"The sheer volume of left on left fighting politically should probably be an indication that descent is allowed."
"It will come to this in the very near future, but the longer-term war will be longer, but a diplomatic war, a political war, through the brakes and through economic measures as well."
"It breaks my heart to see innocent civilians lose their lives over political leaders' problems."
"Stop supporting Ukraine means to just agree to let Russia destroy it."
"I think it's a war back and forth and we're losing just because you know the left's a minority but they're in power."