
Adversaries Quotes

There are 333 quotes

"Whether he's right or wrong or whether what he's saying is true or not, you do need to know what your adversaries are thinking."
"It's always important to have enemies, so to speak. They help you be aware of your blind spots."
"The enemy is more subtle than we realize, much more deceptive than we realize."
"Always let your success be the poison to your haters."
"We really all just want health and prosperity and freedom, we're all after the same objectives and the ones that are trying to to pitch you against each other they're the enemies realize that they're the dividers."
"For the ones who were against you and now you're the victor, they're the losers."
"I wouldn't wish none of that on my worst enemy."
"The collective action side of things is intriguing to me, the enemies are perfect."
"We must see them as the enemies of decency that they are and deal with them unsparingly. They deserve neither respect nor compromise."
"You can always judge a man by the quality of its enemies."
"Goku's newfound power made even the mightiest adversaries tremble."
"Our political adversaries are not our political enemies."
"Keep your enemies close - it's still gonna be worth it."
"If you don't have any enemies you're doing something wrong. You should have certain enemies and you should have the right enemies."
"There's a possibility for you to turn an open adversary and an open enemy into a collaborator."
"There's so much more we need to do; our enemies are well-equipped."
"The greatest blessings in your life sometimes are going to come from your enemies."
"I have learned more from my enemies than my friends."
"It's almost like all my enemies are either dead or in prison for the rest of their lives, and it just worked out that way."
"You are protected against deceit and enemies."
"Ultimately, your identity is defined for you at some point by your adversary."
"Your enemies are about to see how the tables have turned."
"Trump and I had something fundamental in common... a shared adversary."
"Your enemy don't care if you have money, weapons, jewelry, they don't care about that. What they fear is you tapping into yourself."
"We need to respect and defeat any adversary."
"I got enemies, got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people trying to drain me of this energy."
"Old enemies from the past come back and unite... to fight a much more powerful foe."
"There will be Rebirth of your career, workplace, and enemies."
"Bernie won, so it doesn't [ __ ] matter with enemies like that."
"God is preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies."
"Some people need an enemy to be fueled. Some people get distracted by an enemy."
"God is about to make your enemy's financial future."
"Life will kick you in the mouth sometimes. You're not living if you're not making enemies."
"Christ is the only one that can save us from our enemies."
"We should have simple clarity that these people are our enemy."
"With success in life comes more haters, use them for fuel."
"This is a table in the presence of my enemies."
"He was trying to short out the barrier. Remember who the real enemy is."
"You don't chase a caged bird; when you break free, the enemy will pursue."
"We need to fund defense based upon the conditions, and the conditions are we have two big adversaries: China and Russia."
"Our enemies assume the only explanation is we are awful, and they're glad that they're about to have proof."
"They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their arch enemy, the Shredder."
"When your true foes reveal themselves, will you do everything in your power to conquer them?"
"Thou through thy commandments has made me wiser than my enemies."
"It's such a simple thing but I really love it when there's a collection of baddies that's shown to us at the start of a story and our heroes have to fight them all off one by one over the course of the adventure."
"Batman and Nightwing have the ultimate team up against the Armada of Talons."
"Someone that seeks to destroy you is not useful; you'd be a fool to prioritize their opinion."
"You know you're doing something right when some adversary invents a weapon just for you."
"The accounting department. Yeah, the last of our main baddies is Hanzi Dent."
"To me, it's the villains...terrifying, unique foes for the Doctor to have a bit of a rumba with."
"...what the various superheroes are going through and fighting against, you know, these guys."
"Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him and join his enemies together."
"Do you think it's possible that our adversaries might employ unconventional warfare?"
"Tano acknowledged the danger posed by El Beth's Army including HK 87 assassin droids Scout guards and the skilled gunfighter Lang."
"They could not afford to fight the Monstrous Bunch on this fifth floor."
"At every point of the way, there's a push and a pull, and it's very complicated because there are plenty of bad guys hanging around."
"We've beaten Darkseid, the Anti-Monitor, multiversal threats, evil versions of Batman, evil versions of Superman. We've beaten the Sinestro Corps, we've beaten Doomsday."
"There’s really no other villain line-up like it."
"But instead of White, James Bond comes face to face once again with his arch enemy Ernst Stavro Blofeld."
"They want to bring you down, they don't want you to meet your soul mate, they don't want you to land that dream job."
"As agents finally put the pieces together, a frightening portrait emerged of two formidable adversaries."
"As long as there are foes to fight, the orcs will keep fighting them."
"We never had a moment where we had such a perfect enemy because they were powerful, they were impressive. We wouldn't have gotten to the moon without them."
"He's not an enemy I chose, he chose to be my enemy."
"Bitcoin's exemplary haters include fiat governments, fiat economists, and monopoly banks."
"If you're an alien society up to no good, the worst thing in the universe is the Doctor."
"To our allies and partners, know that you have no more trusted friend than us. To our competitors, know that you will have no more determined adversary than us."
"The higher your mission is, the bigger your dream is, the more disposable these enemies are."
"The old one has stirred our adversaries against us."
"The X-Men don't just get one villain shelf they get two."
"These are like the monsters in Lord of the Rings or the empire in Star Wars, these are the obstacles."
"You always have to be aware. You don't know who your enemy is. They wear many faces."
"You're going to see your enemies lose. That's coming out really, really strong."
"You must realize that your success has made you some bitter enemies."
"Players want interesting enemies, they want enemies to halfway through the battle reveal that they have some cool reaction or bonus action they've not used up until now."
"All your enemies, all the Decepticons, they have to watch you be blessed through a window."
"It's really a question of trust. Do we trust ourselves or do we distrust ourselves more than we fear our adversaries?"
"Nothing can stop me from taking the East Blue and every other sea after that. Luffy can."
"The Human Torch is my foe to be dispatched as I see fit, and I like that because it's also a callback to the first Marvel Comics of all time."
"The villains have been sick, and this guy, Dracula, is the best."
"Enemies lie, adversaries don't know the story so they repeat what they hear."
"You're the only Warrior to ever defeat the evil one, Dark Vegan."
"For my next trick, the demise of Inspector Gadget!"
"We all have our own personal Joker to contend with in our lives."
"It's not even a Chrollo in their leader, but it's the fact that one of the main characters in the series, Kurapika, was willing to set an end condition specifically for them. That's when we knew how formidable they were."
"The 12 Demon Moons have their rank engraved on their eyes."
"Enemies of Islam sometimes inadvertently serve the religion by bringing their corruption."
"The Christian has three enemies: the world, the flesh, the devil. The Christian has three champions: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit."
"Any foe can be dangerous, but some Warriors have earned a reputation as enemies you would just not want to face off against."
"I think the fact that Batman keeps defeating the Alguls makes them want him even more. It just proves that he's the only person capable of fulfilling their mission."
"The more important the person is, the bigger the enemies there will be."
"So the doctor's not your enemy. The psychiatrist may not be your enemy. The devil may be your enemy."
"The only other real villains I remember them fighting are Dr. Light, Jinx, and Gizmo."
"Your war is not with people; it's against evil rulers, authorities, and spirits in the heavenly places."
"It's because we are all in a cage match, mixed martial arts battle royale with agents of hubris, apathy, intolerance, and braying incompetence, the malevolent equals to imperial storm troopers, Lex Luthor and Loki, and we could all use a superhero right now."
"Saitama didn't peak or plateau but his enemies did."
"Thanos his foes continue to come one after another."
"That's what they do. They come in with their jaws toxin and square chins and ready to get it out, and they do just that."
"Not everybody that knows you is rocking with you, oh yeah, that's them trolls for real."
"Watch your enemy's expression. He'll always give away something."
"You can judge what kind of a man you are by the enemies and haters you have."
"Is he the strongest villain the series has ever seen outside of Aizen and Yhwach?"
"Might see some enemies, almost like a Sam's quench."
"Stranger will inevitably deal with his rogues gallery."
"But you know you get him against like the you know Behemoth or uh you know silo or the mutos or hell even the Kong like I have no doubt he could kill Kong because Kong's not invincible."
"Ichabod, on the contrary, had to encounter a host of fearful adversaries of real flesh and blood, the numerous rustic admirers who beset every portal to Katrina's heart."
"At the end of the day, our villains aren't the demons Wendell and Wild."
"Red was an experienced Sith hunter who regularly contended with more powerful opponents through grit and determination."
"Your enemies will watch you be blessed."
"Having enemies is even better because you can identify them, so you can know how to fight them."
"Having internal battles against the Z Fighters is the most appropriate thing Cell would want."
"The enemy has a greater view of your destiny than you have. While you're still struggling, your enemy already sees you as potentially possessing the promises of God."
"The child of God has to always remember two things: a loving savior and a wily enemy."
"We must not put out the smoking flax. It would give our adversaries too much cause to triumph over us."
"For a great door an effectual door is open unto me and there are many adversaries."
"Many times believers don't really know who their real enemy is."
"The battlefield is full of slippery, pervasive, and clever warriors."
"Identify them and you'll suddenly have room to maneuver."
"Monsters you'll face are lizardmen: workers, scouts, hunters, warriors, champions, chieftains, and warlocks."
"The living tribunal has fought beings known as nebulous."
"Don't play basketball against bad guys. They're bad."
"An EVEN STRONGER force is much, much closer, and that is of course the Red Hair Pirates."
"Your opposite number is not always your number one opponent."
"We are taking security extremely seriously – and Australia’s adversaries know it."
"Our adversaries might not like us, but they fear us – and they definitely respect us."
"And thus perished all enemies of the Queen."
"Pray against the spirit of assassination of the annihilation of your enemies."
"I reserve my most evil side for my enemies, the people who I hate the most."
"The most terrifying enemies love the chase."
"The Lord is able to make a liar out of your enemies."
"If there's one thing I've learned over the years, Number One, it's never underestimate a Klingon."
"Mr. Kenobi, you are a worthy adversary."
"Armageddon means the gathering of the crowd, what crowd was it talking about? The enemies of Christ."
"The Persians are the Uber adversary, the arch nemesis, right of the Greeks from the you know classical era and after a while you know you become a little curious about these people."
"Love your enemies. You've got to have some."
"Fear and lethargy are always with us. Any given day, they're the enemies of life."
"You are rising into your success, being lifted up in front of your enemies."
"Dido was someone who was able to coexist just as well with his friends as he was his most sworn evolutionary enemies."
"Mr. Wilton was a successful man, and every successful man, you know that yourself, has a world of enemies."
"In my previous encounters with the pointy-eared bastards, they had shown themselves to be cunning and resourceful, ruthless even, bloodthirsty."
Jonathan made a covenant with the House of David saying, "Let the Lord require it at the hand of David's enemies."
"We need to make peace exactly with our bitter enemies, with people we can't stand."
"Your star shall arise and shine and disgrace your enemies in the name of Jesus."
"Our enemies don't want us to prosper, but regardless of whatever thing it is they try and do or say, today we will open the trading floor to prosperity."
"They will come from every part of the globe so that they may face their greatest adversaries: each other."
"Of how his enemies conspired against him and of that final war in the snow-blind wastes beneath northern lights."
"Let your prayer not only be 'God, expose my haters,' but 'Show me how to handle my haters.'"
"They say that a hero is defined by the strength of his villains."
"Though they made quick work of Qui, Goldo, Zarbon, and Dodoria, they knew Frieza would be a much harder enemy to battle against."
"In the end, God will take care of your enemies."
"Sometimes even the people you hate can be right."
"Fate draws us back together. Now your enemy is my enemy."
"When God is sending you into a new place, there will be many adversaries, but God will give you strategy, He'll give you wisdom, and He will protect you."
"Love thine enemies; pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you."
"You don't live a long life as a wizard without making a few enemies."
"He collected enemies like souvenirs."
"Rise up, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee from before you."
"Humanity has but three great enemies: fever, famine, and war. Of these, by far the greatest, by far the most terrible, is fever."
"It just goes to show that even the worst of enemies can sometimes work together for a worthy cause."
"Vampires cannot be rid of their great adversaries, for the sun is beyond their reckoning, and humanity vital to their survival."
"God is preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies."
"He's never going to allow your enemies to have their way with you."
"We need critics, we need adversaries to keep us smart, and worthy adversaries are the best kind."
"Know your place in reality, know your enemy."
"You have no enemies, you say? Alas, my friend, the boast is poor; he who has mingled in the fray of duty, that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done."
"Even enemies see each other once every 10 years."
"Blessed are You, O Lord, who cast down the enemies and humbles the arrogant."
"When you get your next blessing, it's going to blow your enemies' head."
"Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you."
"Your enemies believe in you more than your friends."
"You gauge a God by his adversaries."
"Let God arise, and the enemies be scattered."
"When you walk in your truth, you really don't worry about your enemies."
"The Dragon intervened, cautioning him to exercise caution as their adversaries possessed a blessing and their power was nearly on par with the Saints."
"He spreads a table before him in the presence of his enemies."
"Never underestimate a dangerous adversary."
"Who are farming's biggest bad guys? Some say the government, others say the supermarkets, right now we reckon it's the crows."
"The Lord prepares a table in the presence of my enemies."
"You're going to triumph over your enemy."
"Transnational repression is part of the range of tactics that our adversaries employ to try to undermine our democracy, our economy, and our institutions."
"Protect me, Lord, protect me from my friends; I can handle my enemies."
"I learned about my adversaries. I don't just sit back and hate on them."
"Well, the war has changed, but the enemy is still the same, isn't it?"
"Therefore declares the Lord God of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, 'Ah, I will be comforted from my enemies.'"
"The important thing is to learn from your enemies and better yourself over time."
"For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist."
"So now it's the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the beautifully named Torchwood, all out to get the Doctor."
"God has prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies."
"They are revered by our adversaries and for good reason."
"The worst kind of enemy you can have is the one you don't know exists."
"Forgive your enemies but never forget their names."
"Once you take it to your enemy, you will stop having permanent enemies."
"Superman finally has some worthy adversaries to fight."
"When I am for you, no one can come against you, demon or man."
"There's nothing more dangerous than an enemy who has nothing to lose."
"Fire will come forth from their mouth and will devour their enemies."
"The issue with weakness is that all of your adversaries and competitors start coming out of the woodwork."
"God will prepare a table before you in the presence of people that don't like you."
"I think it all in all the show did represent the Indians and even our foes on the show, our enemies, were rather intelligent and capable people."
"You prepare a banquet for me in front of my enemies."