
Online Business Quotes

There are 775 quotes

"Entrepreneurship... became my passion for a long time. I wanted to make online income to escape the full-time rat race."
"Coming up with a winning business idea is one of the most important parts to building a successful online business."
"It can be done right, so you can start a business in the UK, whatever, in this world online, and it can become a unicorn in under 10 years."
"The company was built for the sole purpose of helping online businesses run more efficiently and basically reach their goals."
"Imagine running multiple different niche channels all bringing you in predictable income every single month."
"You can create a new opportunity for yourself online with virtually no barrier to entry."
"Having a website for your business is so helpful for attracting customers, standing out, and overall succeeding as an entrepreneur online."
"The reason digital products are such a perfect passive income idea is because, unlike physical products, digital products don't require any of that."
"Using the home-selling platform Etsy, apparently some spiritually crafty people have started businesses where they can create for you a drawing of your future soulmate just by answering a few questions online."
"I love when you guys just do your thing, and I love just selling online, so go nuts."
"Most beginners fail to make $10,000 a month online not because of what they don't do but because of what they do."
"The days are gone where you could go and basically sell BS on Amazon. Reviews are everything."
"Making easy money online, it's like those cringy ads from 10 years ago, but it's true now."
"When it comes to selling online, where competition is more fierce now than ever, personalization is definitely the way to go."
"The most difficult part of creating a business on the internet is to kind of get people's initial interest."
"Online business and the internet have opened up a world of opportunities to people all around the world."
"Love for his adopted puppy has turned into a 22 million dollar year online business."
"I guarantee, this will be the most complete guide to selling on Amazon, that you will find on YouTube."
"Entrepreneurship is for everyone...you are an entrepreneur right now; you have value to provide and you provide it to some people, all you need to do is put that value on the internet or in front of people with a price tag on it and boom, you're an entrepreneur."
"Now the website... is a site where people can start, promote, and grow their businesses."
"You can literally pay people to write the scripts, do the voiceovers, edit the videos, make the thumbnails, and all you have to do in that process is come up with video ideas and upload and optimize the finished videos."
"Too many people think oh I'm going to spend an hour a day and then make thousands of dollars a month. That's not how it works."
"If you look at the trends of what's happening with online business... there are so many entrepreneurs out there who need good virtual assistants."
"Don't underestimate the power of Etsy because my friend Hanna has grossed a hundred thousand dollars per month with this store using Etsy."
"Because that's the beauty about drop shipping."
"Create a service-based business while you build your online business."
"From copywriting to sales and affiliates, I was making money. I've never seen so much money in my life."
"Creating e-commerce stores, you know, doing Etsy, Amazon, Shopify, doing print on demand, any of this type of thing and then you can use AI to create the website and create the merchandise."
"The more people click onto this, the more money you are going to make."
"If you're into fashion or beauty and you want to help women online, there are different websites that you can apply to be a stylist online over the phone or even just like through email and through the website."
"The number one best way to make money online as I've seen this year is e-commerce."
"I'm working extremely hard to put these out for you guys and show you a bunch of new ways to actually start making it money online."
"It seemed like you could have a winning model one day and you could disappear the next." - The precariousness of online businesses after the dot-com crash.
"As of right now, your site is live and ready to start taking payments."
"There's a lot of ways on how you can make money with drop shipping."
"You're going to have your drop shipping website up and running in about two hours."
"Affiliate programs are a popular way to earn passive income."
"I teach personal trainers how to build their online Fitness business... That's what's up now, that's what we do."
"Good luck out there. Selling stuff online is still a very viable business."
"You don't have to sell anything. You can have zero subscribers, zero views on YouTube and still make tons of money."
"You can do this from your bedroom, your car, your couch, even your toilet."
"Every piece of this video is dedicated to making sure that you have a beautiful affiliate marketing website."
"Another place you can get great affiliate products is by going over to ClickBank."
"YouTube channel... one of the best assets you can have online."
"There are a lot of ways to make money on the internet, especially when you have an audience."
"Starting your own online business can definitely be overwhelming with all the different steps and all the different strategies that are all out there in the internet."
"The only real way to make real money online is by selling your own product."
"That's it, you guys have now set up your classified ads websites and allowed people to accept payments on your website. Congrats!"
"If you guys wanna learn how to resell, make some money online selling things, let's cover Squarespace."
"If you need to ship things and you have an online business, you should be using ShipStation."
"For the price of essentially a Big Mac at McDonald's, you can build an online business with affiliate marketing."
"Starting with that free entry-level lead magnet is the key to wealth creation online."
"If you can learn anything on the internet, you can make a business out of anything."
"If you're running your business through the internet and you don't have direct access to your audience, then you don't own your business."
"People are earning financial freedom through their online businesses."
"Dropshipping is about finding the right product to sell, but it's all about how you sell it, how you market it."
"Affiliate marketing is a way for you to make money just by recommending a product or getting a sale on another person's offer."
"It's nice because they don't have to worry about shipping their product out, they don't have to worry about starting a business, but they just made money just by talking about that product."
"Even affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, so just like any other online business model, it requires patience."
"There's no excuse not to make money with faceless YouTube in 2024."
"You'll be able to connect your own domain name and have a full affiliate marketing website."
"Now it's the best time to start your ClickBank and affiliate marketing journey. You will not find a better time to do that."
"Creating and selling something online is pretty straightforward."
"Every single business needs a lawyer; they need someone who writes their legal documents, somebody who does all that legal, logistical work."
"Online based businesses are on the rise in the next several years, especially with quarantine."
"Can you make money on Pinterest? I guess you could maybe sell stuff."
"Even if you aren't able to monetize, you can still make a ridiculous amount of money in affiliate commissions."
"Don't just put your affiliate link on Quora, direct the traffic to a bridge page and then from that bridge page send people to your affiliate link."
"It's hard to beat web-based businesses. Look at the Forbes list now, populated by online entrepreneurs."
"I'm really spending a lot of time opening up those hips and groin area increasing that range of motion."
"This is a great way that you can actually use to start building money that you can then invest into a more scalable full-time source of online income."
"Making money on the internet is to provide value at scale because ultimately money is just an exchange of value."
"Set up this easy side online hassle for yourself."
"Building online businesses that can work for you."
"Freelancing is definitely one of the highest paying online businesses."
"I literally went from being totally broke on government welfare to making my first few thousand dollars per month online."
"Welcome to the channel my name is Greg and I'd like to talk about online entrepreneurship."
"I promise you I'm going to be continuing to give you the absolute best content anywhere on how to make money online and leave your corporate job behind."
"I run an online business where I teach English online to students around the world. It's really my dream job."
"It's an amazing platform to use if you want to get started to sell a product online and make money from it."
"It's an amazing business it's an amazing opportunity for anybody to get started making money online and building an online business."
"Shopify: It's a tool that allows you to sell online, simple as that."
"These services are incredibly convenient and allow you to set up your online t-shirt store without any risk."
"Starting an online course education-based business... extremely profitable because you just need what's inside your head to be able to record it, package it up, teach, and then help others and sell that course to other people."
"Starting your own online niche t-shirt business for free is possible, and I'm going to show you how."
"So yes, it turns out that with some clever use of tools and apps, anyone can go out there and start an online hustle with a t-shirt business for free."
"If you're working on increasing your self-employed income, I actually really recommend YouTube as a potential way to do that."
"If you guys want to go to Squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch, go to Squarespace.com/fool to save 10% off your first purchase of a website domain."
"It's a new way to buy domains and analytics that are going to help you grow in real time, which is what I love."
"This is the real way of doing this and I can tell you from experience this is the best way to make money online."
"Building a second website is key to project 24. Diversification is crucial for long-term success."
"It's so easy, so simple that anybody can do this to make money with DigiStore24."
"Sky's the limit. We've had affiliates that have made $50,000 in a month promoting my course, and we've paid out well over a million dollars to all of our affiliates, so I'm gonna give that a 10 out of 10."
"Nike is built for this. Their online game is crazy, and they're recession-proof."
"Approach YouTube like a real business from day one. You don't have to wait for a silver or gold play button to make real money."
"You should never rely exclusively on sites like Etsy and Amazon for your customers. Your own website should always be the core of your business."
"Get a Shopify store for just $3 for three months with an exclusive deal."
"The biggest reason that I did want to make this video is I just think it's so important especially for people who are claiming to teach people how to make money online to be open and transparent with their books."
"It is our mission to help everyone start and grow their own online business."
"Making money online by selling your services."
"Selling info products is a much easier way to make money online."
"If the jewelry actually sold itself, there would just be a website."
"YouTube can be the backbone of your business beyond just the AdSense revenue."
"There's more unique innovative ways that you can morph this whole thing into a thriving online business."
"Selling digital products like I showed you today is a very simple and efficient way for you to make money online."
"A content-based lead gen website with strategic partnerships with businesses can be an amazing business opportunity that leads to passive income."
"Shopify runs a blog that offers free education, tips and inspiration."
"Earning passive income selling digital products absolutely is a real thing and is totally doable for you."
"Membership sites are probably one of the easiest forms of recurring income."
"Listing my first products for sale on Etsy was one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"I've built up 12 income streams in the past year entirely online."
"Almost nobody's doing in the music industry and the way he's been able to make money selling beats online is really like a practical formula I think almost anybody can use."
"Parasite SEO: paying another website with high domain authority to host your affiliate links."
"He's doing more than you do, like multiple seven figures a month off of excellent just views, you know."
"Online business owners... should focus on sales over metrics like follower count."
"The second thing you can do is you can sell products online thanks to the internet more people are connected than ever."
"Digital products are one of the easiest ways to make money. Nearly everyone can make some sort of digital product."
"The best thing about Amazon is they do every part for you."
"Now let's talk about one of the most important things which is how you are going to market this online store."
"Dropshipping is great for those that are just starting out selling online."
"The beauty of an online market is it's a great equalizer. If everybody is selling online and all they're selling is the product, everybody is just doing the same thing."
"I've now met literally hundreds... close to a thousand people that have made a profit online."
"I know I can sell a physical product or something, you know, some ebook or some eCourse."
"If you know how to market your products... you will be able to make money on the internet."
"This video teaches you how to start a business selling products on Amazon FBA."
"Making money online gives you absolute freedom of your own geography."
"Selling digital products is going to be the ultimate in passive income because Etsy is going to automatically send them that download link when they make their purchase."
"The key to success in e-commerce is product, a successful high converting store, and the right traffic." - AJ Joma
"This is probably gonna be one of the best videos you can watch online to start an e-commerce business."
"Print on demand is basically putting whatever you want on any type of canvas and selling that particular item with your design to a certain customer."
"Remember you also get a 30 day money back guarantee so you're really not risking anything at all in this."
"Almost every niche has got some affiliate programs."
"This is how you do refunds with stripe: very easy, super convenient."
"So now you can see that the vendors have now created products on our websites and they're visible."
"Following your passion and building an online store according to that isn't the most successful way to address things."
"They even have e-commerce options so you can run your own business through the website selling stuff online."
"When seeking success on Amazon, remember: Low competition, solid margins, and steady demand are key."
"Hopefully you guys got some insight from this video... how an online Creator or YouTuber actually makes money."
"Make shipping the easiest part of having an online store."
"Affiliate marketing is the process of you promoting someone else's product through an affiliate link."
"I know how to make money online but it's time to give back... giving away over ten thousand dollars worth of my online day trading and entrepreneur courses for absolutely free."
"You can make millions of dollars doing anything on this hell-stricken website."
"I am one of the biggest fans and one of the biggest believers in creating an online course business."
"There's a wonderful website called patreon... allowing online producers to actually make a living doing what they do."
"You create your own happy ending. Right? And you write your own story."
"You gotta believe that you can make money online right now."
"If you do get stuck, they got 24/7 award-winning customer support right there to help you out."
"Once again, this video was sponsored by Squarespace. Head to squarespace.com/nothing for 10% off your website today!"
"We're probably sat on a goldmine if you actually looked at our channel."
"E-commerce niche, business niche, Shopify tutorials have twenty-five to forty-five dollar CPM rates."
"Custom products are probably the easiest way for beginners to make money online."
"This is a great way to start an online business."
"Imagine making a thousand dollars this week from your internet business."
"You can do this all part-time in just literally four hours a week from anywhere in the world."
"It's basically not difficult to make money online from affiliate marketing."
"Etsy is just gonna bring you a lot more traffic. You're gonna get higher dollar values and you don't have to worry about all the headaches of dealing with a payment processor and designing your own Shopify store."
"I've tried Amazon, I've tried eBay, I've tried YouTubing, I've tried affiliate marketing..."
"I've made hundreds of thousands on eBay now, I've helped hundreds of hundreds of people make online success on this."
"It has never been easier to launch a brand new store with a brand new product and start seeing profits in as little as 24 hours."
"YouTube is the best place to build a business online."
"No one right way to build a successful affiliate marketing website."
"Big shout outs to anyone who took the time to stop by our online store to pick up merch. This is a lot from our most recent sale. So thank you guys!"
"You can start a dating site with next to no money."
"Your most valuable possession is locked away in your brain; your knowledge is something that can be packaged into some kind of online product and sold many, many, many times over."
"Building an affiliate marketing website on a specific niche can bring mailbox money every quarter."
"It always struck me that this was not just you deciding okay I'm going to figure out how to make money off this interwebs thing."
"Before you waste any time or make any catastrophic mistakes trying to start selling on Amazon, watch this video, use these strategies, and start your Amazon FBA Empire!"
"I would like to retire early at 62 and just do this Etsy and Facebook Marketplace full time."
"Setting up a Fiverr shop is integrating into a system that people are already used to."
"Start selling these free images to make money online."
"We're talking about Amazon, we're talking about Drop Shipping, we're talking about YouTube. I'm literally giving you the gems to be a boss."
"Making money online comes down to two basic things: traffic and offer."
"There's never been a better environment to create income streams online."
"Determining what you will sell on eBay is extremely easy."
"If you're brand new to making money online, drop servicing can definitely be a viable option."
"I could be doing this myself... but again I want to help you make money online."
"All you have to do is create the design, upload it, and start making money."
"Free money and to be fair, Teespring does indeed earn people free money."
"It's the simplest way to start making money online."
"Passive businesses generate money while you're online."
"I have made over forty-three thousand dollars with affiliate marketing on this one platform in just this month alone."
"Etsy actually has the ability to attract organic customers... all you have to do is actually take advantage and find trending interesting products."
"Affiliate marketing: one of the easiest ways to make money online."
"You can start making even 95 to 99% of sales."
"I love Prime, I love the two-day shipping, I love the prime video."
"Before I go any further I want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor Squarespace."
"Be consistent and patient, especially in making money online."
"Starting your own online business will be the most rewarding."
"I think it's a fantastic example of how to make a ton of money online."
"This website will teach you literally anything about making money."
"When you've got hundreds of thousands of visitors to this website, that money really adds up."
"Affiliate marketing is the bulk of their income."
"The more website traffic you have, the better because this means more sales."
"Affiliate marketing is simply promoting someone else's product for commission."
"Selling digital products on Etsy is the Holy Grail everyone wants to sell digital products because there's nothing to really fulfill other than you have to give them a digital download."
"I think the absolute best opportunity for making money online is to start creating content."
"I've been saying this for the past year to start something online, just start something."
"Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to generate traffic in the long term for your website."
"A kind of admission: I've been running a webcam studio for nearly a decade."
"Online businesses are low risk and low or no cost to start."